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Tarnished Persuasion (Justified Treason, Book 2): Endless Horizon Pirate Stories

Page 6

by Cristi Taijeron

  Wrapping his hands around my backside, he pulled me closer to him. “Oh, the stories that could be told about the retrieval.” He chuckled. Though the gleam of his grin was altered by the awful bruise on his face, his light eyes were as warm as the sun shining on the world around us.

  His smile quickly faded as he observed the cuts and gashes that I had acquired during that terrible invasion, but the greatest disdain washed across his face as he focused on the bruise that Paul Redding had left on my cheek when he attacked me. It was nothing more than a faint purple mark, but I saw the aching in his eyes as he rubbed under the wound with the back of his hand. Looking ashamed, he muttered, “I’m sorry I couldn’t help you that night, Charlie.”

  My nerves grew taut with that treacherous memory. I hardly wanted to speak of it. “You shot him, Sterling. He might have caught me if you didn’t. You saved me, don’t forget that.”

  He shrugged his shoulders in a way that stated that a mere gunshot to the leg was hardly enough. Then his saucy lips lifted in a wicked grin. “I saw that rat bastard yesterday…” I gasped in suspense before he continued,“I nearly choked the life out of him with my cuff chain, but then the guards gave me this.” Pointing to the gnashing welt around his temple, he laughed.

  “Oh, my love, thank you, but I hardly find your injury amusing. It looks terribly painful.”

  “Would it help if I told you I still smashed his face against the table after they attacked me? He looks far worse than I do.”

  Shaking my head, I laughed, “If this is the way the buccaneer gives gifts to his lover, then I suppose I shall consider that sweet of you.”

  I thanked him before kissing him on the cheek, his smoothly shaven cheek. One kiss was not enough. Keeping my lips pressed against his skin, I moved my mouth along the rim of his jaw as he rubbed on my back. Pulling me close, he smothered me with a slow and adoring kiss. I felt his hands move down my back, across my hips and around my thighs. As he grabbed at me I felt his hand brush across the skin of my leg. I was quickly aroused by the sensation, but he backed up and gave me a silly look as he questioned, “What the hell is this, Charlie? What happened to your dress?”

  Lifting my hand up, he twisted me around and shook his head as he took in the sight of me. I started to explain the way the stupid thing got snagged on a nail, but noticing how the front was torn open, showing far too much cleavage beneath the ragged chemise top, I shrieked with embarrassment.

  Slipping out of his long blue coat, he wrapped it around my shoulders. “I like getting to see this much of you, but I don’t want anyone else looking at you that way.” He then put his hat on my head. “And I don’t want your pretty face to get sunburned, either.”

  I felt silly all bundled up in his gigantic clothing, but he nodded his head in approval before he bit his lower lip and growled at me. Oh, that face! Every time he did that I swooned like a love-struck fool.

  Sitting down, he reached into my tattered dress, gripped onto my upper thighs and pulled me down on his lap. I was still in my worthless state of admiration as he pulled me against his chest, but the feel of his hand rubbing on my bare thigh roused my senses as we talked. Having endured so much since we’d last seen each other, we both had a great deal to say. He told me about his talk with the governor and his sail on Vera Rose, while I told him about the fight I’d had with my father and the reason he had sent me away. When I explained the details in my brother Isaiah’s letter to me, Sterling promised to teach me how to swim. I looked forward to being in the warm ocean water with him.

  As we talked on, I realized it didn’t matter what the topic was, our conversations were as interesting as they were entertaining. His facial expressions were ever so amusing, and his ridiculous humor made his stories all the more vibrant. He was just as amused by the way I told my tales, and there was even one point in our conversation where we laughed so hard my side hurt and my eyes were full of tears. I could definitely spend the rest of my life with this man.

  Putting my hands on his cheeks, I told him how much I loved him. He pretended that he was going to bite my fingers but ended up nibbling on my palm instead. How could he take me from laughing till my stomach hurt to lusting till my heart burned all within a matter of minutes?

  His sensual bites moved down my arm, and amongst the thrilling sensation I suddenly remembered something terribly important…


  My improper behavior was so driven by animal instinct of heart throbbing love that I had forgotten Lawrence had boarded Wind of Glory behind me. While Sterling’s fiery kisses singed across my arm and up to my shoulder, my heart ached with an awful sensation of guilt. What a selfish little wretch I was to run off and leave Lawrence without introduction.


  Sink my soul at sea! How the hell did this happen? The two men who loved me most would soon be face to face. Having never fathomed that day would come, I began to fret over the unseen possibilities. I adored them both in entirely different ways and hoped they would be able to get along, but how could they? Why would they? Lawrence had to have seen Sterling carry me away. Oh, bloody hell. I must be the worst person in the world. That man left his home to see me safely across the sea and I repaid him by hardly looking back at him as I ran away from the burning shipwreck to kiss on my forbidden lover.

  Returning to reality, I realized Sterling had been ravishing my neck with open-mouthed kisses. The feel of his lips and tongue caressing my skin seemed to clear my mind of worry for a moment, but the pleasure was short lived. I had to tell him.

  I was nervous as hell, and had no idea how to relay the spiral of thoughts whirling in my mind. Sterling had already shown hints of jealousy, but he had to know I loved him more than anything. As I struggled to convince myself that he would understand, I teased his ponytail with my fingers and slowly pulled his head back. His mystic green eyes reflected the turquoise ocean behind me. I could clearly see there was not a care in his world. But I was about to ruin his day… just like I was sure I had ruined Lawrence’s.

  Opening my mouth to speak, I froze with a nervous fear.

  Smiling warmly, Sterling asked, ‘What’s on your mind, love?”

  “I have something to tell you,” I sloppily spit out.

  He squinted with a funny face, gesturing for me to go on.

  “There is…well…” Warded off by the look of confusion on his face, I dreaded finishing my sentence. “Lawrence Braddock is here with me. I would like to introduce you to him.”

  Feeling the passion and peace in his body deflate, I watched his expression change from jolly to ornery. “I forgot about that. And no, I have no interest in being introduced to the rich son of a bitch that wants to take you from me.”

  He sat up so quickly I flopped off his lap and landed on the floor. Coming to his feet, he looked down at me with a scowl then walked to the taffrail and stared towards the flaming Royal Anthem. It suddenly felt as if he was an ocean away from me again.

  Knowing how ferocious he could be, I fretted over what could come from him being mad at me. Not sure what to say next, I wondered if I should say anything at all, but I braved the nerve to walk a few steps in his direction. Speaking sweetly, I reminded him, “You know I love you more than anything in the world. I don’t understand what you are so upset about.”

  Exhaling in dismay, he shrugged his shoulders with irritation. “Did you think I would be happy about this? Perhaps sit for tea with him and discuss the current events?”

  Baffled by his smart mouth response, I shook my head in dismay then tried to assure him. “If you give Lawrence a chance you will see that he is a wonderful man. He kept me safe while we were apart, and you could at least respect him for that.”

  Looking me over with a dirty gaze, signifying that I wasn’t that well cared for, Sterling jabbed, “Well, isn’t it nice to know you were all warm and loved on while we were apart.”

  Entirely shocked and offended by his response, I reciprocated with hurt ringing in my voice
. “How dare you say that. I have never been loved on by anyone but you.” The more I thought about his comment the more it upset me. Resisting the urge to cry, I straightened my shoulders and affirmed, “He is my friend and I will not allow your childish fit to change that.”

  With his eyes locked on the burning shipwreck, Sterling coldly added, “You don’t have to change a thing for me.”

  “I don’t have to change a thing for you?” I threw my arms out to my sides. “Well bloody awful hell, Sterling Bentley! It’s far too late for that.”

  He didn’t respond. His silence enraged me. His stone cold demeanor made me feel like I never meant a thing to him. The tormenting sense of betrayal ignited my heart with an unfamiliar flame of animosity. “Why aren’t you saying anything? You don’t care about me? Why did you even bother coming back? You could have just left me to sink in that wreckage if this is what you had planned for me.”


  Far more concerned with my own outrage than with the intimidation of his cold posture, I stormed over to him. Yanking on his arm, I turned him to face me. Looking in his eyes, I pointed at his chest and shouted, “What have I done but risk all I have to be with you, yet you stand there like a statue blurting hurtful accusations at me. If you do not know that you mean the world to me then you are the treasonous one.”

  He fanned his hand at me. “Aye, aye, woman. Go on over there with your husband-to-be and leave me the hell alone.”

  The fiery anger boiling in my heart erupted with explosive rage. With no words to express the violent surge of anger, I screamed in frustration as I yanked his coat off my shoulders and threw it at him. I couldn’t believe how much I wanted to shove him. To ensure that I wouldn’t, I stormed down the gangway.

  As I hurried across the deck, Mary grabbed me by the arm and pulled me aside. “What is going on, Charlotte?”

  The sight of her pretty face momentarily caused my rage to deviate. “Mary Daley! Oh, my best friend in the world! ” I wrapped my arms around her. “I am thankful to find you alive and well.”

  “Well enough,” she huffed, then she glanced towards Sterling. “What in the world happened up there?”

  “You can ask Sterling if you want to know how terribly he treated me. As for me, I need to find a change of clothes and some rum. I can’t wait to sail again.”

  Mary winced. “Uh, I don’t think you’ll be sailing this time, Charlotte.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Well, because…because you are a woman. That’s why.”

  “And what the hell does that matter? These men know I can sail and they should damn well remember that I can fight.”

  “Yes, but that was when you were disguised as a man and held the key to their cell.” By the look on her face, I could tell she didn’t agree with that hogwash, but noticing the way Faron Flynn was watching her from afar, I was certain it was her assigned job to inform me of this shitty news.

  “So, what the hell will I be doing here? What have you been doing while on board?”

  “I’ve been cooking for everyone. I suppose you could help me in the galley.”

  “No. That’s stupid. This is all stupid. I just want to be drunk.”

  Pulling a flask out of her coat pocket, she grinned. “Now, that is an issue I can help you with.”

  Chapter 3


  As Told By Sterling Bentley

  The sky was blue and the clouds were white, but all I could see was the fire raging on the shipwreck fading in the distance. Flames reaching as high as the mainmast had begun eating the sails alive, and soon enough the weakened wood of the foremast began toppling over. Eyeing the fiery destruction, I realized the scene seemed to represent my own flaming animosity. That little woman had a way of setting my mind ablaze like no one ever had before her. As the billowing smoke spiraled into the air, I thought about how shipwrecked my mind had been since I’d met that little piratess.

  As if it wasn’t bad enough that I had her to worry about, now the son of a bitch who wanted to marry her was on my ship. Having never imagined I’d have to meet him, I hadn’t thought about what I’d do when I did, but figuring I’d have his throat afore the day was over, I let the rum chase away my current resentments as I watched Royal Anthem burn.

  Finishing off my bottle, I decided to get to work. While making my way to the helm I realized just how drunk I’d gotten. Stumbling down the gangway, I laughed at my sloppy steps, but my momentum was blocked when Captain Flynn stepped in the way of my path. Startled by his agitated expression, I backed up and chuckled, “Damn, Flynn. You popped up like a viper in the jungle.”

  Without mind for my humor, he pointed towards the bow and hollered, “What the bloody hell is this, Bentley?”

  Looking over to see Charlotte in her tattered dress laughing and drinking with Mary, I remembered the fight I’d just had with that woman. Shuddering with animated irritation, I chuckled, “Aye, what the hell is that?”

  “I’m not laughing, Bentley. Did you honestly make me rush across the ocean to rescue your bonny lass so she could curse you for a fool and storm across my deck looking like a shipwrecked trollop?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at the truth in his statement. “Well, I sure sound like a donkey’s arse when you put it that way. But you ought to remember, you got loot and a bunch of sailors to add to your collection now, too.” I waved my hand over to the row of men Kasey and Shark were forcing up the gangway.

  Flynn stood with his arms crossed over his bare chest. “Are you drunk?”

  Fanning my hand at him, I blustered, “No, no, no. I’m sober as a preacher on Sunday morning. Honest as one, too.”

  Resisting a chuckle, Faron patted me on the back. “I may be annoyed with your drunk arse for bringing another woman aboard, but I am happy about the loot. There’s a lot of it, and not just money. We got clothes and medicine, and some more food, too. So, thanks for the lead to the easy treat.”

  “You’re welcome,” I said, but looking at Charlie, I scratched my head in confusion. Wondering just what the hell I had gotten myself into, I mumbled, “Easy is good, for now.”

  “Aye. And for now I am happy to have just enough of what we need, but if I can keep these dogs fed and paid, we may soon enough have a whole horde of what we want. You know I need your sharp mind to do this right, so get your wits about your drunk self and help me to welcome these new sailors to our crew.”

  More than happy to be a part of his guiding power, I sloppily saluted my captain.

  Faron shoved my shoulder. “But before we do a damn thing, cover your bonny’s pretty little arse up or I’ll be throwing you both overboard.”

  I agreed with a slapdash smile.

  Staggering over to where Charlotte and Mary stood, I sloppily yanked off my coat. It was hot as hell in the beating sun so I was happy to be free of the heavy fabric. Tossing it at her, I slurred my order. “The captain demanded you put this on.”

  Still wearing my hat, that sassy little wench opened her mouth to dispute me. Pointing at her with one eye closed, I said, “You’ve done enough running of that pretty little mouth today, lassie. Don’t argue with me or your captain.”

  While walking away I heard her growl to Mary, “Oh, how dare he act like he’s done nothing wrong.”

  Humored by her irritation, I was tempted to bicker at her some more, but I had more important things to do. I did laugh out loud when Mary told her to put the damn coat on, though.

  Faron hadn’t made it to the gunnel yet either, and while I walked with him he grumbled about the hell of having women aboard. It was easy for me to agree as he threw his hands up in the air and blustered, “My whole ship will be doomed by the bewitching power of all this femininity.”

  Laughing along, I concurred with his raging dramatics, but we both pulled ourselves together as we reached the row of men Oliver was addressing. Kasey and Shark had already confiscated their weapons, so all I had to do was stand alongside the captain as he explained to the
m their options. Even as drunk as I was, this simple feat sounded easy enough, but everything changed for me and Flynn when we laid eyes on the terrified woman standing among the lineup of able-bodied men.

  Wafting his hand in her direction, Faron nearly shrieked, “What in God’s name is this holy rotten damnation of Hell?”

  Gasping in fear, the lady hid behind the man she stood next to as Faron stomped towards her.

  Pulling the captain by his shoulder, Oliver shouted, “Good heavens, Captain. Would you rather have left her on that burning ship? I don’t think so. Now, if you can’t mind your manners I will carry on without you.”

  Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I joked, “Should I cover her pretty little arse up, too, Captain?”

  Oliver’s jaw dropped. The man the woman hid behind shrewdly responded, “I believe you have corrupted your share of fine young ladies as it is, navigator.”

  Realizing who he was, I felt a hateful fire raise up in my soul. Brandishing my cutlass, I stormed in his direction. The new recruits gasped in horror. Kasey and Shark drew their blades to keep the stirring men in line. I pointed my sword at the man’s throat as I snarled, “I take it you’re the bastard who’s after my woman.”

  “If after her you mean keeping her out of your filthy hands then yes, I am that bastard.”

  I cocked back to run him through, but Flynn grabbed my arm.

  Oliver’s skinny arms flew out from his sides. “Good grief, Mister Bentley, put that sword away.”

  Yanking me back, Flynn warned, “There will be no fighting on my deck, Bentley.”

  While I jolted out of the captain’s grip, I heard that woman of mine scream across the deck. “Sterling Bentley, put that damn sword down. Why must you be so volatile?”

  Stepping back with a stumble, I kept my blade messily aimed at Lawrence as I grumbled at Charlie, “I haven’t survived this long by being a sweetheart, sweetheart.”


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