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Nemesis mtg-2

Page 28

by Paul B. Thompson

  "Excellency! Stay where you are! I am to bring you back to the coronation!" Nasser shouted above the crackling beam.

  "I'll come back once Ertai is safe!"

  "My orders are to bring you back immediately. Let the boy go!"


  He drew his sword. "You must. It is the will of Crovax."

  Belbe slid her feet along to avoid stepping on the flowstone globules. She struck a fighting pose.

  "You cannot compel me!"

  Nasser saw the flowstone droplets and plainly understood the danger. He imitated Belbe's foot-sliding and inched close. The Rathi sergeant jabbed tentatively with his sword tip. Belbe swatted the flat of the blade away with her bare hands.

  "This is senseless!" Nasser declared. "Come back with me and complete the ceremony. You can save the boy afterward!"

  "I do not jump to Crovax's bidding! Go back and tell him I'll return when I choose!"

  Belbe slid closer and unleashed a kick that caught Nasser at the waist. He was a strong man, and though the blow drove the wind from his chest, he kept his feet. He sheathed his sword and swung a mailed fist. Belbe blocked one punch, but the other hit her solidly on the cheek. She staggered back, slipping on bright silver pellets of flowstone. Only the weight of the cube behind her kept her from falling backward into the furnace.

  "Had enough?" Nasser asked, lowering his hands.

  From a sitting position she sprang three feet in the air, driven upward by the power of her fingers and toes alone. She spun, using the centrifugal force of her turn to make her feet into lethal weapons. Her left foot clipped the tip of Nasser's nose. Her right met his jaw, which shattered under the impact. His hands flew up, and he reeled away. Flowstone greased his tread, and he fell face down on the platform, on top of more silver globules. With a single deep scream, he slid feet first into the furnace.

  Belbe wasn't much better off. Completely out of control, she too landed face down, but because she was astride the platform, she was able to grip the edges with her hands and feet, avoiding Nasser's fate. Even so, her right hand, forearm, leg, and calf were singed by the energy beam.

  Pain was nothing. She carefully got up, brushing away the deadly droplets beneath her.


  "You won," he said, vastly relieved. "Can you get me out of here?"

  "I'll try."

  She crouched beside the cube and blew on the scattered silver pellets. One by one the frictionless spheres skittered into the furnace. When the platform was clean, she put her shoulder against the cube and pushed it back from the edge. It was enormously heavy, but she shifted it back far enough that it wouldn't easily topple over the ledge.

  Belbe rattled down the steps to the control dome. There were all sorts of implements there, and she found a cabinet of heavy tools meant for dealing with accidental spills or accretion problems. Belbe grabbed an ax, a wedge, and a sledgehammer with special flowstone cutting heads. She tucked these under her arm and ran back up the steps to Ertai.

  Belbe put down the hammer and wedge and attacked the cube with the ax. Using both hands, she swung the heavy ax in a wide arc from behind her head. It struck the cube with a loud clang, cutting an inch deep gouge in the surface. Belbe swung again, and without realizing it, let out a hoarse, angry yell. The cube shifted slightly from the blow. She hit it again, and again. After eight terrific hits, the ax fell from her hands.

  Her shoulders were dislocated. Wincing from the unsuppressed pain, Belbe climbed atop the cube. She crawled to Ertai, now resting his chin on the metal.

  "I can't do it," she gasped. "Not with these tools. I'm sorry, Ertai."

  "It's all right. I'm about gone anyway," he whispered.

  "Don't you dare leave me," she said, grasping his cheeks in her hands. "You're my friend-my only friend! I won't let you go."

  When he didn't answer, Belbe tried clawing the stone around his neck. He'd loosened it a bit with his own magic before fatigue had claimed him, so there was just enough room for her to hook her fingers inside and pull. Her shoulders burned, and her nervous system sent out insistent warnings for her to stop.

  "Need help?"

  She jerked around and spied Crovax on the furnace cone. A halo of residual energy was fading around him. He'd teleported from the coronation ceremony. The intense blue glare of the energy beam made his dark skin look gray, and his white garments glowed with reflected radiation.

  "Don't taunt me, Crovax!" Belbe said. "I disposed of your man, and I can dispose of you!"

  "Threats, Excellency? And here I came to offer my help."

  She slid off the cube. Her arms were almost useless, hanging at her sides like dead weights.

  "Release Ertai," she demanded.

  "I will, on one condition."

  "No conditions! Release him!"

  Crovax folded his arms. "You know I can command the cube to squeeze him to jelly from where I stand," he said. "Or I can have it throw itself into the furnace."

  Breathing hard, fighting the pain, Belbe glared hatefully at Crovax. She was beaten. As long as she cared what happened to Ertai, he had her.

  "All right. Name your condition."

  "I'll dissolve the cube and leave the boy here, if you return with me to the ceremony directly and do what you promised to do."

  It was too simple.

  "Is that all?" asked Belbe.

  "That's all. Of course, whether or not the boy survives his close exposure to the energy beam is a matter out of my hands."

  Belbe made two fists. The effort made her shiver. "I'll bring him with us!"

  "No," said Crovax. "You must leave him here. That's my condition. Say yes now, or the offer will be withdrawn."

  She lurched toward him and was gratified to see him step back.

  "Why do you need me so much?" she said. "You have the power to rule Rath. Why are you so set on me proclaiming you evincar?"

  "Stupid question. You're the emissary of the overlords. What I am, I owe to them, and I need their stamp of approval. I can rule Rath as I am now, but there are factions within the Stronghold that will not recognize me as evincar without your declaration.

  "Time is short, Excellency. Our conjunction with Dominaria is just days away. I don't have time to suppress rebels, woo support from the local population, and prepare for the invasion of Dominaria all at the same time. Your announcement that I am the true evincar will save me much effort. Now come. There's no more time for banter. My crown awaits." "Free Ertai."

  Crovax nodded. The cube promptly began to melt, like a pat of butter on a hot griddle. Silver rivulets of flowstone spilled off the edge into the furnace. In seconds, Ertai's shoulders were visible. Belbe held onto him as the liquefied flowstone sluiced away.

  She kissed him lightly on the forehead. He cracked his swollen eyes.

  Ertai's voice was a hoarse whisper. "I heard what he said. Go. I'll be all right."

  "I'll come back for you."

  His head lolled to her shoulder. Ertai whispered in her ear, "Let's use your portal and escape."

  Belbe lowered him carefully to the platform. "That may not be possible," she said.

  "We must."

  Strong arms pulled her away. Crovax put an arm around her waist and held her close. With her injured arms Belbe did not fight.

  "I hate you, Crovax."

  He smiled quite pleasantly. "Good. A strong ruler should be hated and feared. Now that I've achieved the one, I'll see what I can do about the other."

  Before Belbe could respond, he teleported. Everything was blanked out in a fierce white flash-vision, hearing, all her senses. Even Belbe's hatred was extinguished for the duration of the trip.


  The rebels reentered the Citadel easily enough, but fifty yards inside the palace they ran smack into a cordon manned by a large contingent of Rathi soldiers. Takara dropped back from her lead position to walk beside Eladamri.

  "What are you going to do?" she asked.

  "Bluff. What else can we do?" He whisp
ered to the others. "I'm your captain-say nothing, but follow my lead."

  A breastwork of boxes had been erected across the circular junction, and at least a hundred soldiers milled around behind the barrier. At the rebels' approach, the commander of the cordon came out and ordered them to stop.

  "Identify yourselves!"

  Eladamri stepped out from the ranks of his band.

  "We were called to the prison a few hours ago," he said. "Something about a breakout. We caught this one walking around loose." He took Takara roughly by the arm and shoved her forward. "Some of Lord Volrath's creatures are free in there, too, so we had to clear out."

  "There are rebels at large, disguised as royal army soldiers," said the commander. "See anyone suspicious?"

  "Not a soul. There was some kind of trouble in the mogg warrens, though. We got as far as the Map Tower, and we heard a commotion from there."

  The commander laughed harshly. "Ha! If the damned rebels went to Mogg Town, that's the end of them!" He braced a scrap of parchment against his knee and made some notes using a charcoal stick.

  "What's your name, soldier?" he asked.

  "Drannik. Captain Drannik," said Eladamri.

  The commander, who was only a lieutenant, stiffened and threw a salute. "Sorry, sir! I didn't recognize your rank!"

  "That's understandable. If you're through, Lieutenant, we have to take this wandering prisoner to Lord Greven."

  "Let 'em through!" the officer shouted, and the barricade was opened for the rebels.

  Takara regarded Eladamri sourly, but she allowed herself to be guided through the cordon. The rebels crossed the junction to the main corridor. Crates used to create the bulwark on the other side were pulled apart for them.

  "Just a moment," called the lieutenant. "For my report, Captain Drannik-what company are you with?"

  Gaman flashed the elf four fingers. Eladamri shook his head. They'd been claiming to be from the Fourth Company all along, and the Rathi troops were on to that ruse.

  "We're from the Tenth Company."

  The soldiers taking down the barrier for them suddenly stopped. The lieutenant's charcoal stick snapped and fell to the floor. His smudged hand went to his sword hilt.

  "We are the Tenth Company… I've never seen you before. They're the rebels! Take them!"

  Sivi and the men tore at their weapons. Eladamri pushed the bandage back from his eyes and snatched the Rathi sword from his hip. The way was open, but a hundred Rathi soldiers surrounded them.

  Sivi parried a sword thrust with her stolen blade. The toten-vec was hidden behind her breastplate, and she needed a few free seconds to get it out. Medd dashed in font of her to ward off any fresh attacks.

  Garnan, Shamus, and Kireno formed a triangle in front of Eladamri. With his injured hands, the elf was in no shape to fence with the enemy. The rebels held their own for several seconds, then Sivi got her toten-vec unleashed. In short order she struck down three Rathi soldiers, clearing a way to escape. Takara, unarmed and not fighting, took Eladamri's arm and drew him to the unguarded opening in the wall of crates. Once he was through, the other rebels slowly retreated. Sivi whipped her weapon back and forth, forcing the soldiers to maintain their distance. When they got too bold, the whistling blade of the toten-vec caught them in the face, throat, or leg. Sivi was the last rebel to leave the cordon. Medd shouted for her to hurry.

  "I'll be there," she replied.

  One of the crates used to block the way was poised atop another. Sivi retreated through the gap and buried the tip of her blade in the top of the crate. With a two handed pull, she toppled the box from its place, blocking the way.

  "Yes!" Sivi flicked her wrist to recover the toten-vec. She tugged in vain. The iron blade was hopelessly pinned underneath the heavy crate.

  Soldiers were scrambling over the barricade. Sivi glanced over her shoulder. Her friends were almost out of sight. She threw down the handle of the toten-vec and drew the less familiar sword. Four soldiers dropped to the floor and came at her. She parried the first, dodged the second man's attack, ran through the third man as he lowered his guard prematurely, and received the fourth soldier's sword point directly in the chest. It slid off her cuirass but got snagged in her belt, piercing her side just above her left hipbone. Sivi backhanded the man who'd wounded her, turned, and tried to run.

  More men poured over the barricade. Bleeding profusely and limping, Sivi managed to make it only a few feet before she was overtaken. She cut savagely at her attackers, but the sword was wrenched from her hand. The iron hilt of another connected solidly with her head, and she went down.

  Takara and Kireno hastened Eladamri along. They'd changed direction twice to throw off pursuit, doubling back to a corridor running upward through the Citadel into the palace area. As they huddled beneath an archway shaped like a monstrous animal's ribcage, it became plain Liin Sivi was not going to catch up with them.

  "We should go back," Medd said, moving away from the others.

  "Stop!" Eladamri said. "You'll be taken as well."

  "But Sivi-"

  "He's right," said Takara. "She's already dead."

  Silence ensued. Medd slammed a fist against the skeletal arch. "She stayed behind so we could escape!"

  "It was her choice," Garnan said, putting a hand on his comrade's shoulder. "We should honor her sacrifice by staying together."

  "It's my fault," said Eladamri. "I thought I was being clever by changing what regiment we came from. I didn't know we were in the midst of the Tenth Company."

  "If you're all through taking blame, I suggest we move on," Takara scolded. "There are a lot of passages to cover, and now that we've been discovered, they'll flood the corridors with troops hunting for us."

  Eladamri agreed. The direct route-around the factory and out the grand causeway-was likely to be thick with alert enemy soldiers. Takara suggested they ascend into the palace and go around the factory at a higher level.

  "There are flowstone pipes and braces branching out from the factory to the crater wall," Takara said. "We can follow those."

  "Are there openings to the outside?" asked Shamus.

  "Oh, yes," she said. "There's all sorts of vents, blowholes, and exhaust channels perforating the crater."

  With heavy hearts, the four rebels went on, climbing the circular ramp into the palace quarter.

  Taking up the rear, Eladamri turned to Takara. "What do you think our chances are?"

  She avoided his eyes. "Few or none. Frankly, it's astonishing we've gotten this far. There must be something else going on here, something vital and diverting."

  Eladamri explained what he knew about Crovax and his claim to the throne. Takara actually smiled when she heard this.

  "What's amusing?" he said.

  "You speak of this Crovax as if his elevation were a foregone conclusion," she replied. "Nothing is certain, especially in the Stronghold."

  Above and ahead, a clash of steel meant the rebels had encountered another hostile patrol.

  Eladamri hurried as hard as his battered legs would take him. One whole turn of the ramp revealed the rebels hotly engaged with six palace guards. Takara hung back, flattening herself against the wall. Eladamri drew his sword and entered the fray.

  Slipping in beside Shamus and Garnan, he awkwardly traded cuts with a heavily armored guardsmen. Shamus landed a telling blow to the man's shoulder, who dropped his spear. While stooping to retrieve it, Eladamri rapped him smartly on the face with his sword hilt. The guard rolled down the ramp, out cold. He slid to a stop near Takara. She tugged the ornate dagger from the guard's belt and with both hands shoved it through the unconscious man's throat. Eladamri saw her do it, and when she stood up, their eyes met. Takara shrugged.

  Another guard fell, the victim of a stop thrust by Kireno. The remaining four began to withdraw, but the rebels kept the pressure on them. One man tried to run. Garnan sprang after him, but in his haste he forgot the guard's nearest compatriot. The Rathi guard swung his heavy spear
sideways, the shaft taking Garnan in the gut. The Dal warrior doubled over, shocked by his sudden reverse, and the fleeing guard turned and speared him through the back. His triumph was as short lived as he was, for in the next instant Medd drove his sword through the guard's chin. The other guards were boxed in against the wall and cut down by the hard-fighting rebels.

  Sweat pouring down his face, Eladamri knelt with Medd beside Garnan. Medd tried to find a pulse, and failing to find one, shook his head. Eladamri gently pulled his hand away.

  "He was a gallant comrade," said the elf. "Now we must hide his body."

  "Why?" said the anguished Medd.

  "We can't let the Rathi know we're losing numbers. We couldn't help them taking Sivi, but we must disguise our losses so they don't know how few we are."

  They dragged Garnan to the top of the ramp and pushed him into a small oval opening Takara identified as a warmair duct from the flowstone factory. Kireno and Shamus carefully wiped away all traces of blood between the duct and the place where Garnan had fallen.

  "Where are we?" Eladamri asked.

  "Below the courtiers' apartments," Takara said. "Over there are the Dream Halls."

  Reduced to just four, the rebels hurried on. The passages already echoed with the sound of massed soldiers. The sweat on Eladamri's neck began to go cold. This was the sort of end he feared most-hunted, dying by inches, like a beast at bay. Compared to this, even the torture chamber was preferable. He'd resigned himself to death the moment Greven and his moggs had chained him to the wall. That he survived was a great victory, and for a while he allowed himself to hope they might escape. Now the coils of Rathi power were slowly enveloping them. His brave fighters were dying one by one, and the end seemed inevitable.

  Like an animate hedge of spears, a wall of guards blocked the passage in front of them. Refusing several calls to surrender, the rebels retraced their steps to the top of the spiral ramp. Even as they reached the landing, they could see a stream of armed men surging up the ramp from below.

  "Not good, not good," Medd kept repeating.

  "We need another place to go-now," said Kireno.


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