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The Brood's Sweet Song (The Many-Legged Harem Book 1)

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by Trinity Dare

  The Brood's Sweet Song

  The Many-Legged Harem: Book 1

  Trinity Dare

  Copyright 2015 Trinity Dare

  All Rights Reserved

  Note: This is a work of fiction. All characters in this story are 18 years of age or older.

  It was late at night and the janitor was almost finished with his duties at the Center for Biological Research and Development. As usual, he cleaned the containment room last because that place gave him the creeps. There were hundreds of glass containers with all kinds of small creatures that he had never seen anywhere else. Some of them looked like rodents, some others looked kind of like strange insects.

  When the janitor was half way across the room, he saw that one of the containers was open. Hesitantly he moved closer, lifting his mop as an improvised weapon. The container was empty.

  Good, one less ugly creature, he thought and continued to finish up for the night.


  Not far from there, a strange looking insect was climbing a wall, getting closer to an open window. The bug was easily the size of a rat, with a pale green exoskeleton, four thin legs, a scorpion-like tail, and a couple of flexible antennas that resembled small tentacles.

  The creature used his sensitive antennas to follow a thin trail of CO2. With a little luck, this would lead the bug to a suitable target.

  A few minutes later, the intruder was climbing silently on Jenny’s bed.

  Jenny was a slender brunette with tanned, silky skin that contrasted perfectly with her beautiful green eyes. She was tired from a stressful day at the office and she didn’t feel anything when the creeping insect skittered over the pillow, getting closer to her.

  The bug touched her head slightly, testing, ready to run away in case it was necessary. Jenny shifted her position but didn’t wake up.

  The creature moved one of its tentacle-like antennas closer to Jenny’s head. Then, with almost imperceptible movements, the proboscis entered her ear, careful not to disturb her.

  When everything was ready, the bug emitted strange microwaves that dispersed within Jenny’s skull. The electrical signals that normally traveled through Jenny’s brain began to change. New neuronal connections replaced the old ones, creating new patterns of behavioral control that would fit perfectly to the insect’s requirements.

  Jenny dreamed of herself. She was lying on her bed very still. It felt good to stay immobile for a while. From time to time, she heard a sweet lullaby song that her mom sang to her when she was little.

  As the dim light of dawn filtered through the window, the bug retrieved its antenna from the woman’s ear and slowly moved away, searching for a safe place to hide during the day.


  One hour later, Jenny woke up feeling rested and energetic. She sat on her bed and for a second she felt a little dizzy. This odd feeling quickly went away.

  Underneath the bed, the bug detected movement and started signaling.

  Jenny heard some sort of cricket singing. For a moment she thought it came from outside, but it was too loud, it sounded too close.

  The cricket must be inside the room, she thought.

  It didn’t sound like anything she had heard before. The singing echoed inside her head in a disturbing way, raising goose bumps all over her skin. She felt dizzy again and decided to search for whatever was making the noise and get rid of it.

  After a while of looking around the room, Jenny gave up trying to find the bug. She sat on the dresser, admiring on the mirror her new sexy underwear. She fixed her bra, briefly touching her nipple with her finger. Jenny let out a soft gasp from the blissful feeling that radiated from her breast. She hadn’t realized until now how aroused she was.

  Jenny massaged her breast for a moment while her quiet moans mixed with the sound of the bug singing in the background.

  The young woman moved her hand down; sliding beneath her panties and reaching her sensitive clitoris. Just the slightest touch sent a jolt of bliss that rippled across her entire body.

  She rubbed her middle finger up and down along her soaked vaginal lips as her arousal increased with every passing second. The bug’s song resounded louder in her head, almost in sync with her sighs of pleasure.

  Jenny’s fingers moved faster and faster until her excitement reached the point of no return. There was nothing else that mattered in the world but the delightful feeling radiating from her pussy and the alluring sound of the bug echoing in her head. Her orgasm was so close now… she rubbed her clitoris one last time and…


  Jenny shuddered in mindless rapture, climaxing harder and more intensely than ever before. Her legs trembled out of control as her pussy twitched over and over with overwhelming intensity. The woman tried in vain to grab on to something, preventing her fall.

  Moments later, she sat on the ground with a grin of satisfaction. It had been the best orgasm of her life and she hadn't even really had to try for it.

  After she recovered, she walked into the bathroom to take a shower. The bedroom was silent now.


  Late in the afternoon, Jenny came back from work and began to undress. It was very strange that even out of the house; she thought she heard the cricket singing around her, as if it was inside of her head.

  After a light snack, Jenny got ready for bed. She remembered the great orgasm she had in the morning and smiled. Maybe she could do it again tomorrow.

  Not even five minutes after Jenny fell asleep, the bug climbed on her bed, approaching her body silently like the night before.

  The bug extended its flexible limb, reaching Jenny’s head and probed into her ear. The transformation continued…

  Jenny started to dream again. She saw herself lying on bed. The room was dark and something was moving around her. She could hear fingertips tapping on the floor. She began to feel uneasy but she couldn’t move. She shouldn’t move. It was imperative to stay still. Suddenly, with no apparent reason, Jenny’s pussy twitched, sending a pleasurable wave across her body. She began to relax. She started humming a song; the cricket’s song. Jenny lay peacefully for the rest of the night.


  The slim woman woke up the next morning to hear the bug already singing. But this time she wasn’t going to waste time trying to find it. She moved her hand down to her crotch and pushed a finger into her pussy.

  Ten minutes later she arched her back while her eyes rolled back just an instant before she exploded in another mind-blowing climax. She grabbed the sheets tightly with one hand while the other continued to pump three fingers in and out her pussy until she completely lost control of herself. Her body bucked and shivered on the bed with spastic contractions as her head bobbed with the rhythm of the music played for her by the unseen bug.

  Two minutes later Jenny was still unable to think clearly. Her body jolted softly every few seconds from the aftermath of her earth-shattering orgasm.

  Only after she took a long shower did the dizziness fade away and she was able to go to work. This time, she almost couldn’t wait to come back home and lay on her bed again.


  One morning, after several days of following the same routine, Jenny was sitting on her dresser, listening attentively to the beautiful song of the bug. It had been two hours since she woke up and she was still deciding if she should go to work or stay here, in her room, enjoying the sound that made her feel so good.

  Suddenly the song changed, a loud sound with a different pitch reverberated in the room, in her head, everywhere!

  Jenny opened her eyes wide as her mind blanked out completely. She entered a deep trance.
She couldn’t move. She couldn’t think. She just sat limply on the stool, waiting for something to fill the void in her head.

  Slowly, the bug appeared from behind a pillow, moving to the center of the bed. Jenny couldn’t see it. She was staring forward with unblinking eyes.

  The bug lifted its head and made a finely tuned sound that traveled in the air and entered Jenny’s head. A thought formed in her subjugated mind…

  “Stand up!”

  Jenny stood up rigidly, like a robot, her wide open eyes still staring into nothing.

  The bug made another sound that was instantly translated in the woman’s brain… “Move near me!”

  Jenny walked closer to the bed.

  Another command… “Sit down and lie back!”

  Jenny sat down and laid back.

  Within the haziness or her enthralled mind, the tanned woman felt the bug’s tendrils touching her head, but far from feeling frightened, she enjoyed an unconscious anticipation.

  The insect moved its agile antennas to each side of Jenny’s head and pierced both her ears. Immediately, the relentless microwaves reverberated from left and right, colliding in the middle of her brain and its accelerating mind-bending process.

  The void in her empty mind was suddenly filled with three words that made her nipples swell from elation. “You are host"

  Jenny’s pussy twitched.

  The words repeated over and over, resounding in her skull, down her breasts and ending at her twitching pussy.

  “You are host”, twitch…

  “You are host”, twitch…

  Despite her expressionless face, Jenny’s whole body was shivering with a growing fire that followed the rhythm of the bug’s impulses.

  It didn’t take long before Jenny reached her peak and exploded in climax. Her eyelids closed a little while her eyes rolled up completely. The rest of her body remained completely immobile, riding the forceful orgasm with rigid euphoria.

  During this moment of bliss, any barrier that lingered in the woman’s mind was destroyed and the subduing process was completed. Now Jenny was at the absolute mercy of the bug.

  With a sound that made perfect sense, the new slave was ordered to spread her legs.

  She did.

  The greenish insect climbed slowly onto her abdomen and walked backwards until it reached Jenny’s pelvis. Then it curved its scorpion-like tail, the ovipositor, aiming to the woman’s pussy, barely touching her warm outer labia. Jenny’s hips jolted involuntarily. The bug slid the appendage along her pussy, finding her tight vaginal cavity and penetrating her.

  “Ahh!”, Jenny moaned.

  The ovipositor entered the female’s body as deep as possible, pushing past her cervix and without any hurry, started placing small, round, eggs directly into her womb.

  When the impregnating process was completed, Jenny climaxed again. Her body shuddered spasmodically while the contractions in her pussy suctioned the last eggs further inside.


  The days passed and the bond between the bug and the woman grew stronger every day, just as her belly grew bigger with the embryos developing inside of her.

  Several times a day, the insect climbed Jenny’s body to reinforce the connection. The woman’s pussy was already jolting even before the bug pushed its antenna into her ear.

  Finally, the gestation period was completed. Jenny could feel the unborn insects moving inside of her, pushing their way down her uterus and sliding along her vaginal cavity, stretching so delightfully that she wished they could stay inside of her forever.

  But the newly developed bugs were eager to get out. A slimy substance leaked from Jenny’s pussy while the first creature revolved between her outer labia, increasing the woman’s arousal even more.

  When the first bug glided down to the floor, Jenny was already shivering from her first orgasm. The second unborn insect rubbed her inner walls urgently, following his brother. This prolonged Jenny’s climax that would not end until the last bug was out of her contorting body.


  A few days later, Jenny was in her living room having a cheerful conversation with her best friend Erin, a cute blond that work with her at the office.

  Erin was drinking a special drink that Jenny had prepared for her and she wondered why there were so many crickets singing so loud nearby, as if they were inside the house.

  Moments after she finished her drink, the drugs kicked in and everything became blurry.


  Now Erin was lying on Jenny’s bed. Her blue eyes stared into the ceiling, unblinking, empty. Her receding mind was struggling to understand what was happening to her. She could feel the tiny tendrils plugged into her ears and she could hear a persistent echo that seemed to seduce her.

  Erin’s nipples were about to burst from the excitement. She wasn’t sure if this overwhelming blissful feeling was originated by the beautiful sounds that reverberated in her head or by the fact that Jenny was attached to her pussy, licking her clitoris like a true expert.

  In any case, it didn’t matter. By the end of the day, Erin’s only source of pleasure would be to mindlessly obey the bugs.

  She would be host.

  Erin climaxed.


  Dr. Nicole Keller was carefully retrieving a bug from the container. There were still a few specimens alive since she brought them back from Jenny’s apartment. The doctor could still remember the night she received the call. “You have to come over and see this!” her boss said over the phone. Since then, five blocks around Jenny’s building still remained in quarantine. The former leading scientist had been fired after the incident, and they had reinforced security in the research facility.

  “Come here, big boy. Let’s try to find out how you do what you do,” Nicole said, while grabbing the bug with her bare hands. One thing she knew for sure, was that they were absolutely non aggressive.

  The origin of this bug species was still unknown, other than the single specimen that was found frozen in the antarctic. It had been amazing to discover that these creatures could take control of other creatures, including humans, and use them for reproduction purposes. Nicole was in charge of deciphering this incredible capability. The potential was limitless and this task had become a priority for the powers that be.

  So far, the bugs didn’t seem very good at solving problems. This made it hard to explain how they managed to manipulate complex brains. The doctor had no choice but to experiment with human subjects.

  “I’ll put you over here with your… mate, and get out of your way.”

  Nicole placed the bug next to a woman lying on a table. She was Laura, one of Jenny’s co-workers. She was still reported as missing in the police files and she would remain that way until they could fix her mind, which according to Nicole, was not very likely. She believed the victims were “too far gone”.

  Laura was awake but unresponsive, yet her nipples swelled when she sensed the proximity of the bug.

  She is already getting excited. How does he do it?! Nicole thought.

  The bug got close to her head and delicately pushed a tentacle into Laura’s ear. The woman let out a soft gasp and the doctor watched as her pupils dilated.

  A moment later, Laura moved a hand to her crotch and started rubbing her clitoris. Nicole had seen the same behavior every time and she knew what was going to happen next. Laura would masturbate until reaching climax. Then she would do it again, experiencing one orgasm after another until the tentacles were removed from her ears.

  Her hand moves always the same way. I wonder if the bug is controlling her motility as well.

  The sensors detected vibrations within the woman’s skull and tiny electrical discharges emanated from the bug’s tentacle but they were too complex to show a decipherable pattern.

  Nicole looked at the CAT scan and marveled at the changes inside the woman’s head. The pleasure center within her brain lit up like a Christmas tree.

bsp; “Wow! You are experiencing true ecstasy, aren’t you?” Nicole said out loud.

  But there was still not enough information to understand what was causing the precise changes in Laura’s mind. This research method was going nowhere.

  The enthralled woman arched her back and moaned loudly as she reached climax ten minutes later. Nicole always felt a bit voyeuristic to watch such an intimate activity. To make things worse, her own pussy was moistening and she felt ashamed of it.

  I am not making any progress and now I am getting horny? What is wrong with me?!

  After Laura climaxed for a second time, and all her brain activity was recorded, the Doctor decided to let her rest and pulled the bug away from her head.

  “Let’s get you in your container while I design a more efficient test.”

  The other bugs were carefully locked down in individual containers but their singing could still be heard in the background.

  As the doctor walked with the bug in her hand, she had an idea. “Wait a minute, before I put you back in your home, let me try something else.” It was definitely crazy and reckless but it would provide her with a much better understanding of the bug’s interaction with a human brain.

  Nicole knelt on the floor, placed the bug on a table and pulled one of the bug’s tentacles close to her ear. She grabbed it firmly with her thumb and index finger, ready to yank it out in case she felt something dangerous.

  “Okay, little friend, show me your tricks.”

  The tip of the tentacle entered her ear and at first she felt nothing, except a barely audible noise, like a mosquito that is flying a bit too close. Suddenly, the doctor felt as if a bomb exploded behind her eyes. She let out a loud gasp and her eyes opened wide. It was exhilarating and scary at the same time…

  Within the shock, she lost her balance and fell sideways on the floor, unplugging the tentacle from her ear. It had been the strangest sensation. Like an electric shock directly into her brain that resonated all the way to her crotch. In fact, a tingling sensation lingered in her pussy, like the aftermath of an orgasm. She could feel a drop of her own juices sliding down her thigh.


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