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Page 2

by Laura Avery

  “Oh, all of a sudden you’re the morality police, Caden?” Carl offered up from behind Jason. “You draw the line at hitting girls? All the shit you get away with and that’s what you have a problem with?”

  I growled, picking up another chair and tossing it as his head.

  Winter gasped behind me.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Jason spat at his brother. “I should kill you myself.” He turned back to me “Caden, I didn’t know, you know I wouldn’t have allowed it if I did.” The look on his face told me all that I needed to know. He really didn’t know what had been going on. He was still my brother, still loyal to a fault.

  “Doesn’t change the fact that you’re still standing between me and them,” I seethed down at him, cracking my knuckles back and forth behind my back.

  He took a step closer to me, lowering his voice. “You think I’m protecting them? Take a look at yourself, I know that look, I know that presence, you’re two seconds away from taking a baseball bat and bashing their heads in.” He sighed. “I’m not protecting them, bro, I’m protecting you. If you stay you’re going to end up right back in jail and I’m not going to let that happen. You can’t be here, not when you’re this worked up.”

  I could see my chest rising and falling heavily on me, my heart racing so fast that I felt like if I didn’t get my aggression out I might explode. I knew Jason was right, he was always right. I didn’t know my limits. If he had been there that night he would have stopped me before I took it too far, just like he was trying to stop me now.

  I sighed. “They have to pay.”

  “They will,” he assured me.

  I looked over his shoulder at their bloody presence. They were in pain, that much was clear, but it wasn’t close to enough for everything they had put my girl through. My girl, my property, I owned her. They had disrespected her so they had disrespected me. I wasn’t sure anything I could ever do to them would be enough justice but I was going to spend endless hours finding out but tonight? Tonight I was done.

  As long as…

  I turned around, taking in Winter’s scared and small body as she watched us in anticipation. She was trying to play it cool but I could tell she was hoping Jason was going to be able to break through my wall and get me to leave without further hurting anyone.

  I closed the distance between the two of us and grabbed her neck, making her focus those big doe eyes on me. I took in the paleness of her skin and her plump pink lips. Ugh, the things I wanted to do to those and another set of lips on her should be a fucking sin.

  “Did they ever touch you?”

  Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

  I tightened my grip on her skin in anticipation. “Did they ever touch the parts of you made only for me, Winter? Did they ever make you suck their tiny cocks or shove any part of them inside of you?”

  Carl huffed at me but I kept my eyes locked on my pet.

  Her eyes widened in shock and she shook her head. “No. Never.”

  I kept my eyes sternly on her for a few beats, trying to gather if she was lying or not. “Are you sure?” Any trace of a yes on her features was going to result in their deaths, jail or not.

  “I’m sure! Never!” She averted her eyes. “I’ve never…”

  I groaned and leaned in so that only she could hear me. “I guess I’ll see, won’t I?” I ran a finger over her lower lip and then turned back around. “Fine, I’ll leave for now but this is nowhere near over.”

  “Understood,” Jason agreed, he glanced at Winter, looking suddenly uncomfortable. “I guess we should…” He shook his head. “I’m at a loss at what to say here.”

  “Join the fucking club.” I swung around and grabbed Winter again. “Let’s go.” I started dragging her body after me toward the bottom of the stairs. “We should get some of your things now.”

  “My things?”

  I stopped and looked at her. “Yeah, your things. You didn’t think I was going to leave you here with them, did you?” I shook my head. “No, you’re coming home with me, where I can keep an eye on you.”

  Winter’s mouth hung open. “Coming home with you? As in living with you?” She shook her head, answering her own question. “Oh, no, I couldn’t possibly…”

  “You can and you will,” I informed her. I could feel Jason’s eyes on me, judging, but I didn’t give a fuck. He would have to think I was batshit crazy to leave her in a house with his douchebag brothers after everything they had put her through.

  No, she had to come with me. Stay under my roof where I could keep an eye on her twenty-four hours a day. Clearly, her family wasn’t interested in keeping her safe so I would have to. I may have hated her for what she did to me but she still belonged to me and that meant no one else got to give her a hard time besides me.

  “My father isn’t going to like that,” Carl mumbled off in the distance.

  “Yeah? Tell him to come see me anytime,” I snapped back at him. As far as I was concerned the only thing keeping that whole family from a shallow grave was Jason. I headed up the stairs again.

  And this time Winter followed me.

  Just like a good pet should.


  “It’s time to get wet.”


  The blood kept replaying in and out of my mind, my stepbrothers on the ground in pain while Caden looked on in anger. It had taken me back to the night everything changed, the night that Caden had been pushed so far over the edge that he hadn’t returned even when the cops showed up. And tonight he had almost slipped back into my place and it was all because of me, he had almost ruined his future for me.

  Still, I couldn’t deny it had been rewarding seeing my stepbrothers as the ones in pain for a change. After all the times they had held me down and used me to let out their demons, the fact that they had gotten a fraction of what was coming to them had made me feel things I didn’t think I would. I had always thought any person in pain would make me feel empathetic, now I realized how false that was.

  As screwed up as it made me, some people had it coming.

  “You liked it, didn’t you?” Caden asked me, snapping me out of my own thoughts as we walked down the hall of his house. “You liked seeing them like that after everything they did to you?”

  I hated the way he was all over me. Even my thoughts weren’t safe.

  “I don’t know,” I lied.

  He smirked and stopped my body, turning me so that I faced him and pushing my back up against the wall. “Say it, Winter.” He put his large arms on either side of me and pressed his face on top of mine, boxing me in. “Admit that you enjoyed it.”

  I gulped deeply and took in his face. It was more relaxed now but still tense, as if everything that had happened earlier was bubbling just below the surface and would come rushing back at any moment. I opened my mouth but could barely form words.

  Why did he have to be so beautiful?

  “I enjoyed it,” I admitted.

  “I know.” He chuckled and leaned in, kissing me hard and fast. “That’s good, you should have enjoyed it.” He pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. “There’s nothing wrong with letting a little bit of evilness through the cracks of your pure shell, Winter. Some people deserve the devil.” He sighed. “Besides, I’m sure to rub off on you sooner or later.”

  The only thing I wanted him to rub off was between my legs.

  “Especially now that you’re living with me,” he pointed out.

  My stomach fluttered. I still wasn’t sure how I felt about the fact that I had ended up going home with him. A part of me was relieved that I wouldn’t have to deal with my stepbrothers anymore but living with Caden came with a whole other set of problems.

  “So, will I… will I sleep in your room?” I tried not to blush.

  He raised his eyebrows and then pushed off the wall, leaving me feeling cold. He shook his head and started walking again. “No, you’ll have your own room. You aren’t my girlfriend, Winter. You’re my proper
ty. This arrangement will have boundaries.”

  I hated the part of me that was disappointed by the statement. I shouldn’t want to sleep in his bed with him, I should want my own room, I should feel relieved.

  Only I didn’t.

  I felt like I was being punished.

  “What kind of boundaries?’

  “The kind that involves us not cuddling all night and you not asking so many damn questions.” He stopped in front of a door and threw it open, revealing a huge guest room that was on the other side of the house from where he slept. “This will be your room.”

  Jesus, could he of put any more space between us?

  “Cool.” I entered the room and set the bag I had brought with me down on the bed, trying to make it out like I could have cared less where I did or didn’t sleep. It was a really nice room, huge and filled with the latest trends of furniture; a huge plasma screen even covered one side of the wall. It was way better than my bedroom at home. It just wasn’t with him.

  Caden tossed another suitcase onto the ground and leaned against the frame of the doorway, slowly tracing his eyes up and down my body. “It’s been a long night, pet.”

  “Uh-huh,” I gulped, feeling him undress me with his eyes.

  For a second I thought he was going to suggest that we should head to bed but the glisten in his eyes told me something different. “You’re probably really dirty,” he supplied. “Been a while since you showered.”

  I flushed. “Since yesterday morning.”

  “Oh, yeah, you’re filthy, pet.” He glanced to the other side of the room where a large wooden door was. “There’s a shower right on the other side of that door.” He smirked devilishly. “It’s time to get wet.”

  My thighs started to tingle at the play on words. “Um, thanks.”

  He nodded. “Oh, no problem.” He took a step inside and shut the door behind him, clicking over the lock and leaning his muscular frame onto the wall before crossing his arms over his chest. “Now strip.”

  A thrill shot through my stomach along with a surge of shyness. He wanted me to strip in front of him? I had never taken my clothes off in front of anyone before. I may have been dressing differently for work since the last time he saw me but it didn’t mean I was suddenly some experienced sex kitten. I was still just as unsure of my body as ever. Especially when it was compared to the multiple other women I had seen in this house over the years. Caden Dean had a thing for perfect women and I was nowhere near that.

  “I’m making you nervous,” he announced, satisfied. He took another large step toward me. “Come on, pet, don’t make me ask again.” He pulled out a chair that was tucked into the built-in desk on the sidewall and took a seat, leaning back before biting down on his lip. “Take those clothes off nice and slow while I sit here and enjoy the view.”

  I pushed my fingers into the fabric of my sweatshirt carefully and turned it back and forth between my touch. It had slipped my mind with everything else going on that I was still wearing the clothes I had taken of his. I chanced a look at him, taking in his blood-stained shirt and bruised knuckles. He hadn’t even showered yet and he still wanted a show.

  He leaned forward impatiently.

  I slowly lifted the sweatshirt over my head and let it fall to the ground, revealing the tank top I had on underneath it before letting his baggy sweatpants join the growing pile of clothing on the floor. He groaned in annoyance when he realized I was still wearing the original clothes I had shown up in last night underneath the clothes of his I had borrowed. I half smiled and looked down at the ground.

  “Cute,” he mumbled. “Take off those shorts. Now.”

  I pushed my hand up my thighs slowly, still unsure, before slipping my fingertips into the waistband and slowly letting them shimmer down my legs and fall to the floor. I stood there for a few seconds as his eyes took in every inch of my revealed skin.

  “Turn around,” he whispered huskily. “Slowly.”

  I did a small swirl, letting him see my ass and pussy through my panties. When I spun around again I was startled to see his cock out of his pants, resting in his hands as he slowly stroked. How had he gotten it out so quick? And how had it gotten that hard so fast?

  He chuckled, enjoying my shock. “It’s big, huh, baby?” He just grinned widely when I nodded and then pushed his hand harder into his rapidly growing member. “And it’s only going to get bigger.”

  I wasn’t sure that was possible.

  “Now the shirt, pet,” he ordered.

  I forced my eyes from his intimidatingly large member and yanked my tank top over my head. My hands went to my stomach off impulse, covering my body. He may have wanted to see every inch of me but that didn’t mean I was comfortable with it.

  “Don’t do that.” He shook his head. “Don’t cover yourself up.” His vision was traced on the spot between my legs. “You have nothing to be ashamed about, trust me.”

  It was easy to say that when you looked like him. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t awful looking or anything, but there were levels. And Caden? Well, Caden was on a whole different one.

  I hadn’t realized that he had stood up until he was right in front of me, running his hand back and over my cheek. He leaned into me, inhaling before he groaned. “Pet.”

  I closed my eyes and inhaled back, trying to remember everything about him, if I could have taken a screenshot of the moment and saved it I would have. I could feel his huge cock pressing up against my stomach, eager to take every inch of me. He smelled like whiskey, espresso, and blood all swirled into one.

  Maybe the blood should have freaked me out but it didn’t. It was the opposite, actually. Something about it was exciting. He was covered in my stepbrother’s blood. He had done that for me, defended me when no one else had. Maybe he had done it for reasons I would never understand but he had still done it, that was a show of how dirty he was willing to get for me. I didn’t want him to hurt anyone over me but the fact that he even would, the knowledge that he wanted to take it that far…

  Well, it was hot.

  “Pet,” he said again. “Get on your fucking knees.”

  I dropped in front of him without even thinking about it, knowing better than to make him wait. There were certain things Caden didn’t like to be questioned about, certain things that if he had to wait for would piss him off more than normal.

  Me kneeling in front of him like a good pet was one of them.

  He exhaled and pushed my hair behind my ears before he leaned down and unhooked my bra, snatching it off of me so that my breasts were exposed and shinning off the lights of the guest room. He reached down slowly, cupping one of them in his large hands as he keep his eyes locked on mine. “Nice handful, huh, Winter?”

  I gasped when his fingers brushed the bottom of my nipple. “Uh huh.”

  “Uh huh?” he questioned, yanking on it harder. “Is that how you answer me?” He shook his head and leaned down, pressing his lips to my ear. “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten your manners already, pet.”

  I shook my head. “No, no, of course not. I’m sorry.”

  “Then how do you address me?” he questioned.

  “Yes, master, they’re a handful,” I breathed.

  “That’s better, my little pet.” He continued to massage my breasts, rotating his hands back and forth. “It’s a shame you hid these from me all those years under those baggy clothes, pet.” He pulled on the right one roughly. “Of course, I would have flipped the fuck out if you started dressing like a little whore like you did the second I left.”

  “That… that was for work.” I tried my best to concentrate but it was growing more challenging by the second thanks to his aggressive and strong hands.

  He huffed and grabbed my nipple again, yanking on it so hard that I let out a loud moan. “Well,” he said, looking satisfied off my reaction. “That won’t be a problem anymore, now will it?” He leaned down and kissed me hard and fast. “That job wasn’t for you, Winter.”

rap, my job.

  I had been so caught up in all the drama since the parking lot that I hadn’t even had time to think about the fact that I no longer had a job thanks to Caden. A job I very much needed. I knew I had to get it back, aware I had to deal with the fact that Caden didn’t want me anywhere near that place. And I would, just maybe not right that second. My body was a little too wrapped up in… other things to think logically.

  Caden stood over me with authority, studying every inch of me all over again. The feeling was mutual, I wasn’t sure I would ever get used to how good his body looked, how beautiful his facial features were, or how big his cock was.

  I moved my hands to my stomach again, feeling self-conscious in general but especially about the bruises that rested there. I wasn’t sure how sexy a person could look when they had marks they didn’t want unwillingly put on their body.

  Caden leaned his large body down so that his massive arm muscles were resting on his knees for a few seconds before he reached out and gently traced the skin over the discolored parts. He let his green eyes rest on mine as he continued to explore the dark spots.

  They were surprisingly soft for a second, almost as pure as his brothers.


  “I’m going to take good care of this body,” he told me smoothly. “I’m going to watch it daily.” His hand drifted lower slowly. “I’m going to make it feel good daily.” Small circles were being massaged below my bellybutton. “I’m going to inspect it daily, pet, and watch every single one of those marks disappear.”

  I gasped as the juices between my legs fully woke.

  “Then I’m going to finish what I started tonight with those assholes, Winter, and make sure no one ever puts their hands on you again.” He moved his hand up to my face suddenly and grabbed the bottom of my chin, dragging my lips to his for a quick kiss. “No one touches my body.” He ran his tongue over my bottom lip before he pulled back from me and my body felt like it was going to orgasm right then and there.


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