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Shadow's Soul

Page 38

by Jami Gray

  Shadow’s Moon

  Kyn Kronicles Book 3

  Even wild hearts can be broken—will Xander’s survive Warrick’s choices?

  “How many deaths will it take?” The distorted voice circled through the well-appointed home office, creating a pervasive menace that curled around the warm woods and plush leather, leaving behind an unsettling chill. “A real alpha protects the pack. Who are you protecting, Vidis?”

  Warrick Vidis, the Northwest Kyn’s most powerful shifter and alpha of the Motoki Pack, leaned forward and jabbed the disconnect button on the phone, silencing the taunting voicemail. He quashed the impulse to throw the phone across the room. It would do nothing to alleviate the anger and frustration roiling in his stomach. Instead, he sat back, his movements ruthlessly controlled.

  Across the desk his pack’s Second, Ryuu Kern, watched with a frown. “I don’t recognize the voice.”

  “Neither do I,” Warrick answered. “I’m assuming they’re using a voice modifier.”

  “It’s a threat.” Ryuu tapped his fingers on the arm of his chair. “Even you can’t deny it this time.”

  “It’s a challenge,” Warrick corrected. “Someone wants to let the humans know we’re here.” Restless, he rose to his feet and strode around the large desk to the huge bank of windows.

  Oregon’s trademark rain misted the winter-bare branches of the surrounding forest. His home, unlike his office at Taliesin Security, was an oasis of privacy. Something both he and his inner wolf craved, especially now, when someone was threatening their territory.

  “Revealing our existence to the masses isn’t a smart move,” Ryuu muttered.

  Warrick’s lips tightened at the comment. No, there was no possible scenario where the humans would welcome his kind with open arms. His kept his back to Ryuu as he said, “I think Neil Eilers is tied in somehow.”

  “Eilers is a maverick, Vidis. He chose to remain outside of the pack.”

  Warrick tilted his head in acknowledgement, never turning from his view. “Yet he said nearly the same thing, word for word, when he threatened me.”

  Ryuu snorted. “He’s a barely controlled pup. He challenges you and he might as well dig his own grave.”

  Under his skin, Warrick’s wolf agreed, his low, barely suppressed growl rumbling in his chest. “If he was truly working alone, perhaps.”

  “You think someone’s using the mavericks to create problems for the pack?” Ryuu wasn’t really asking as he could follow a trail as well as his alpha.

  Warrick watched a doe step delicately between the trees lining the edge of the forest. She caught scent of his territory markers, her head jerking before she froze, leaving only her tail to twitch. As the deer bounded back into the foliage, he answered, “I think someone is using any tool they can find to damage us.”

  “Including the two Bitten wolves Xander had to kill in the last couple of weeks?”

  Warrick was glad his back was to Ryuu, in case some reaction escaped at the mention of her name. Xander Cade. His lover and now reluctant mate. The one woman guaranteed to drive him and his wolf insane. Ever since their return from Arizona a few weeks ago, he found it harder than ever to sit back and let her continue her job as the pack’s Tracker. The position kept her front and center on the firing line, something the man respected, but his wolf had a hell of a time accepting.

  “Highly probable.” Warrick pushed his personal issues aside to focus on the immediate threat. “The full moon’s already passed, yet both of them managed a partial shift when confronted.” It was an anomaly that triggered all his warning bells.

  “The Bitten aren’t supposed to be capable of holding a partial shift.” Puzzled disbelief sharpened Ryuu’s words. “Hell, for that matter, I’ve never heard of one shifting when it wasn’t a full moon.”

  “Neither have I,” Warrick confirmed.

  “To mess with a wolf’s ability to shift would require some serious magic.” There was an underlying thread of worry in Ryuu’s voice.

  Warrick turned to face his Second, one of the few men he trusted, and shared his growing suspicion. “Or some serious science.”

  “You think the humans are behind this?”

  “I don’t think we should discount them.” Warrick knew for a fact that humans had managed to alter the very nature of some Kyn. “We need to find out where the threat is coming from, and to do that we need Neil Eilers alive.”

  Ryuu stood, his face grim. “I’ll call Xander.”

  Ignoring his wolf’s internal howl of protest for putting Xander in danger yet again, Warrick nodded, his movement stiff. “As soon as you have a starting point, call me.”

  Something perilously close to sympathy flashed across Ryuu’s face. “I’ll watch over her.” He didn’t wait for Warrick’s answer, but slipped out of the office.

  Xander Cade crept through the shadows of the wooden pavilion perched next to the tranquil, lotus-strewn lake. She followed the erratic path of her prey, one Neil Eilers, a dangerously enraged shifter, whose scent wound under the swaying willows. Drawing in a deep breath, she automatically catalogued the smells—wet earth, with a jarring hint of fish, and the spicy bite of moisture-laden fir and pine from the structure next to her. Quivering under it all, like a shy rabbit, was something not quite right.

  Between the wispy clouds and the dancing branches, the light of the half-moon played along her skin, calling to the wolf crouched within. She tilted her head back, taking a moment to bask in the ethereal call. The faint tang of copper teased her nose, the familiar scent of spilt blood made her stomach clench, even as her wolf struggled to rise.

  Not yet, she soothed the wild half of her soul. Work now, play later.

  Dropping her head, she scanned her night-shrouded surroundings. Portland’s Classical Chinese Gardens were quiet. Much like her natural wolf counterparts, she could detect the smallest nuances in the various shades of gray. A helpful skill as she slipped among the heavy greenery.

  Light didn’t stick around long during Northwest winters, which meant the popular tourist attraction closed at five. A small blessing. In a couple more months, spring would take center stage, bringing in meandering crowds, which would’ve made tracking the rogue shifter a nightmare, not to mention offering him an all-he-could-eat-buffet.

  The longer it took to track Neil down, the more her hope of stopping him before he killed again whimpered into oblivion. She followed his subtle scent trail, gliding deeper into the forty-thousand-square-foot garden.

  Her footsteps were light, nearly silent, as she crept over a small bridge leading into the darkened interior of stone and trees that made up the northwest corner of the Gardens. Bamboo posts connected by thick ropes herded visitors on set paths. Xander ignored them. Skirting small pools of water, she scaled the rocky outcroppings. Working her way around, she stopped just outside three small caverns created by the craggy structures. The muted thunder of falling water from inside help mask her movements.

  Large, flat stepping-stones lay in a shallow pool, offering a dry path to the grotto. Her booted foot slid off the first one and water beaded over the cuff of her leather pants with a soft splash. She reached out to steady herself, her fingers brushing against the stone etched with Chinese characters. Yet the crisp combination of moisture from the merrily tumbling mini-waterfall and the dense greenery couldn’t drown out the bitter scent scraping across her senses.

  She was close.

  Crouching, she traced a visible smudge on one of the stones, the residue transferring to her fingertips, leaving a dark smear behind. She brought it to her nose, inhaling the pungent odor and matched it the sharp stench of shifter blood. Blood that belonged to her prey. Her quarry must be injured.

  Perched on the stone, she sank her hand into the icy water, letting it wash away the stain. She straightened, shaking the moisture from her skin, and eyed the three adjoining niches in front of her.

  Enie, menie, minie, moe.

  Deep shadows wrapped around the left one, mak
ing it the perfect place to hide a kill. Anticipation hummed under her skin, setting the fur of her inner wolf on end. Carefully, she made her way closer, until she stood on the last stepping-stone.

  Want to go hunting with Warrick and Xander?

  Click here for book three, SHADOW’S MOON



  One of four Kyn races, delight in chaos, half-demon and half-human or Kyn. Six bloodlines—War, Earth, Secrets, Enticement, Death and Inequity—referred to as ‘Blood of’. For example: Natasha is Blood of Secrets.


  The second realm between the mortal and magical worlds, accessible by the Kyn.


  Humans transformed to shifters through vicious attack. Magic needs human to be on brink of death to complete conversion. They are lower in the pack’s structure as the control of wolf is tenuous at best. Tend not to live long.


  A biotech lab in Hillsboro, OR where Brant Sutler, a human geneticist worked creating drug to turn Kyn wolves feral.

  Blood ward:

  A magical construct based on a castor’s blood to defend or protect a place or person.


  Rare metaphysical tie between Kyn, generally shifters, that connects two individuals at soul level. A step above mated. Partners generally don’t survive the passing of the other.


  Kyn Shifters who are born, some are Pure Bloods—rare few bloodlines.


  An Amanusa, caught in a casted circle by a summoner who uses all their names, to enslave—body and soul—to do the summoner’s bidding. If a name is missed, they become half-Bound.


  Vengeful spirits of the dead, raised by witches, however can be done by anyone with the ability, controlled by their summoner. Torment victims and rip them apart psychically. Generally are spirits of those who died violently or before their time. Once vengeance is taken, they’ll rest.

  Cinar International:

  European based corporation.

  The Council:

  The ruling eleven members of the Kyn, chosen from around the world and headquartered in Turkey.


  Preternatural Crimes Division, a group of talented and/or psychic humans who work for US Government and assist the Kyn on supernatural crimes.


  Wolves whose animal nature has taken control. Tend to attack humans and those closest to them. Nothing of the thinking man is left behind.


  One of four Kyn races, Sidhe descendants.


  The entire preternatural community, composed of all four houses: Fey, Lycos, Amanusa, and Magi.


  One of four Kyn races, shape shifters, generally predator animals.


  One of four Kyn races, made of witches and wizards.


  Emotional bond created when two shifters commit.


  Lone wolves who have chosen to leave packs and roam on own. Can be Born or Bitten.


  Ability to send part of yourself into another by merging two magics, can add strength, but only as passenger. Empathic magic, deep level merger gives access to individual’s mind/heart. Witches can mirror.

  Sarielian Order:

  The ultimate group of Wraiths, made of nine of the most dangerous Kyn of the world.

  Shadowed Paths:

  The walkways in Between, used when Shadow Walking.

  Shadow Walking:

  Ability to travel in the realm that exists between the waking world and the magical one.


  A realm accessible to the Amanusa, not easily borne by other Kyn, completely unbearable by humans. A third plane of existence.


  Sanskrit demon slur, lewd version of tailed demon or phallus-worshipper.

  Soul Stealer:

  Nomâhtsé’ héõo’ Adanta Eater of Souls, a psychic being created by black magic from the remains of a soul, tied to summoner. Gains strength eating the souls of others.

  Taliesin Security:

  The public security company housing the Northwest Kyn.


  Gaelic word for “light”, Raine uses it for light spell.

  Three-fold Law:

  Witches follow concept: What you do, will come back to you three-fold.


  Shifters who are outside Pack hierarchy, their duty is to hunt/execute rogue shifters and threats (internal/external) to Pack.


  Practitioners of natural magic/white magic who follow the Three Fold law.


  Practitioners of spells, potions, tend toward dark magic, use science and rituals.


  Twelve member highly skilled collection of North American Kyn who serve as the ultimate police for the Kyn and human monsters. They are not publicly acknowledged, basis of Boogieman stories for Kyn, even human not sure if they exist.

  88 Ivories:

  Music/dance club in downtown Portland

  Cast of Kyn

  Northwest Kyn

  Ryan Mulcahy

  Head of Fey House,

  Captain of the Wraiths,

  Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Taliesin

  Natasha Bertoi

  Head of Amanusa House,

  Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of Taliesin

  Warrick Vidis

  Head of Lycan House,

  Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Taliesin


  Head of Magi House,

  Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Taliesin

  Carys Iver

  Chief Legal Council for Taliesin

  Northwest Wraiths

  Raine McCord

  Gavin Durand

  Xander Cade

  Jamie Ryder

  Axel Kayser






  Kevin Sullivan


  Southwest Kyn

  Rio Castle

  Head of Amanusa House

  Tala Whiteriver

  Head of Magi House

  Tomás Chavez

  Head of Lycan House

  Kyn Council so far…

  Leopold DiMarcco

  Zayn Aimeric



  Sarielian Order so far…

  Darius Abazi

  Also by Jami Gray


  Shadow’s Edge

  Shadow’s Soul

  Shadow’s Moon

  Shadow’s Curse

  Shadow’s Dream

  PSY-IV Teams

  Hunted by the Past

  Touched by Fate

  Marked by Obsession

  Fate’s Vultures

  Lying in Ruins

  Beg for Mercy

  Caught in the Aftermath (coming Feb. 2019)

  What Readers Say…

  About the Kyn Kronicles:

  “…a fantastic paranormal action novel is quite possibly the best book I’ve read this year. I could not put it down, and had to exercise serious self-control to keep from staying up all night to finish it.” —The Romance Reviews

  About PSY-IV Team:

  “This story is an emotional roller coaster, from betrayal, anger, fear, love…” —InD’tale Magazine

  About Fate’s Vultures:

  “…if you like your characters with a bit more bite, with secrets, with hidden agendas, and all those sorts of things, and your worlds are a far more deadlier place, then this is for you.” —Archaeolibrarian

  About the Author

  Jami Gray is the coffee addicted, music junkie, Queen Nerd of her personal Geek Squad, Alpha Mom of the Fur Minxes, and award winning author of the Urban Fantasy series, The Kyn Kronicles, the Paranormal Romanti
c Suspense series, PSY-IV Teams, and her latest Romantic Suspense series, Fate’s Vultures. She writes to soothe the voices in her head.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, or events, is coincidental and not intended by the author.


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