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Roomies: A Hotwife Novel

Page 11

by Lexi Archer

  Her tits pressing against me were exquisite as my mouth moved down over hers once more. As our lips opened to one another and we started another forbidden exploration. Her taste was so intoxicating that I went weak in the knees feeling her against me. Feeling her tongue darting into my mouth which was something Reese almost never did. She could be weird about kissing sometimes, but I’d long since learned to get used to it.

  One of Angela’s hands started running down my side. Down between our legs. She pulled back slightly which had me groaning in frustration because I was so loving feeling her pussy grinding against my cock, even through our respective pants, but I didn’t have to be in frustration for too terribly long as her hand found its goal. She started running it up and down my cock which twitched in kind. That resulted in a delighted giggle from Angela as we moved into a forbidden feedback loop of pleasure.

  Unfortunately that forbidden feedback loop wasn’t to last. I groaned in frustration once more as Angela pulled away from me. As she took a step back and then she was looking at me, but there was none of the lust that had been there earlier in the evening. No, now there seemed to be nothing but pity in her eyes. Talk about a confusing flip of emotions! What the hell was going on here?

  “What’s wrong?” I asked. Things had been going so well. I’d never had a girl flip the script on me like this before. Usually when it was obvious that all engines were go things proceeded quite nicely to blastoff, thank you very much, but not today.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t do this,” she said.

  I took a step forward and reflected on how odd it was that I was suddenly the one doing the pursuing. I was suddenly the one who was wondering what the hell had gone wrong that her coming on so strong had disappeared in an instant.

  “Angela? Is something wrong?”

  “It’s her! I might want this, but I’m not doing it because of her,” she said.

  I felt a chill. I also felt some warmth at the same time. Angela did want this. I at least had that much as cold comfort. There was still the matter of “her,” though. That could only mean Reese. I had a sneaking suspicion that meant this was all part of one of Reese’s plans to get out of something, but I wanted to be sure before I flew off the handle.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I was supposed to be a peace offering. She told me all about what’s happened. How she came clean about everything that happened this year. Of course I jumped at the opportunity because, well, I think that should be fucking obvious to you by now, but I’m not going to cover for her again, even if I do get something I want out of it.”

  I had to stop for a moment to think about everything she’d just said. There was a hell of a lot to process in that statement. A lot of information to work through, and the implications were making my head swirl.

  I knew a few things for certain though. I knew Angela was standing in the middle of my room looking oh-so inviting and sexy. I knew my cock was positively straining at the opportunity to get near her. I knew that she’d just all but admitted she had feelings for me, though that still seemed impossible given the confrontational nature of our relationship up until this point.

  And so I took action. I moved across the room and swept her off her feet, noting that her eyes seemed a little moist as I did so. Was she really on the verge of tears? It seemed impossible that she’d be feeling something so strongly in this moment, but so many other impossible things had happened to me over the past couple of weeks that I decided to just roll with it. I carried her over to the bed and then sat down first, pulling her down over me as I fell back onto my pillow.

  It was definitely an interesting way to have a conversation. I’m sure Reese wouldn’t necessarily appreciate it that I was having a talk with her roommate while her roommate was on top of me pressing her exquisite body into mine and not-so-subtly grinding her pussy against my cock which was threatening to blow under that pleasure. Then again it’s not like I much cared what Reese thought about this situation considering everything else she’d done to me recently. She had apparently signed up for a different version of this fantasy than what I was interested in, and that changed things as far as I was concerned.

  Not to mention that it just felt so fucking good feeling Angela on top of me like that. Feeling her tits pressing against mine. Looking down and seeing her cleavage below her gorgeous face. Talk about the sort of view a guy could get used to!

  “Right, so there was a lot you said there, and I think we need to clear a few things up.”

  Angela sighed. I wasn’t sure if that was a sigh of frustration or if it was a sigh of pleasure, but either way it seemed she was willing to play ball given what she said next.

  “I guess you’re right. What do you want to know?”

  What did I want to know? There was so much running through my mind that I wasn’t sure what question to ask first. Ultimately I decided it would be a good idea to start with Reese, more particularly what Reese was up to this evening that necessitated her sending Angela over here as a distraction, and then we could move on from there and see where the night and the conversation took us.

  “How about the peace offering and what’s happened? What exactly did she tell you about us?”

  “That you got turned on by the idea of her cheating on you?”

  I sighed and put my hand over my eyes. I rubbed them for a moment with a slow massaging movement that I desperately hoped would get rid of the urge to scream, but unfortunately it wasn’t helping. At all.

  It was possible that there was just a bad game of telephone going on here where Angela didn’t hear Reese correctly and she was passing the bad information on to me, but something told me the game of telephone started the night Reese and I had the rules discussion. Something about the way Angela phrased that made me think she’d completely misunderstood what I told her when I explained what this fantasy was about. Either that or she was deliberately misinterpreting my meaning.

  I wasn’t sure which one was worse.

  “That’s not what I told her at all,” I said.

  Angela grinned. “I thought she was crazy. What kind of guy gets turned on by the idea of his girl getting with another guy?”

  Her tone of voice said she thought it was ridiculous. Well, she was about to get one hell of a surprise.

  “Actually I do get turned on by that,” I said.

  Angela blinked. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah, seriously. Is it really crazier than some of the other fucked stuff that turns people on?”

  Angela seemed to think about that for a moment, and I suddenly found myself far more worried about what her reaction would be even than what Reese’s reaction was. I’m not sure why I was more worried about her reaction, but there it was. Weird.

  “I suppose not,” Angela said. “It’s a hell of a lucky break for whatever girl is lucky enough to get with you.”

  I sighed. At least Angela seemed to appreciate what was on offer here even if Reese seemed oblivious to taking advantage of the incredible opportunity this fantasy offered. Why did it have to be Angela? Why couldn’t it be Reese?

  “Yeah, but I get turned on by watching her with another guy while I get to watch. I definitely don’t get turned on by her running of with whatever guy she wants to and cheating on me. I suppose there are guys somewhere out there who are into that, but I’m not one of’em.”

  Angela shook her head in sympathy, but it was difficult for me to focus on that sympathy because she chose that moment to slide down my body in a very distracting way that pulled me out of the immediate concerns of the moment and into a world of forbidden pleasure where I was just moments away from fucking the brains out of my girlfriend’s roommate.

  “Well she’s certainly not sticking to that script tonight,” she muttered.

  I stopped. “What are you talking about? Is that the distraction you were talking about?”

  Angela bit her lip. She looked away and I could see a blush coming to her cheeks. She looked almost like s
he was ashamed, as crazy as that seemed. I decided to take a chance though. I decided to try something and see if it would work while also answering one hell of an outstanding question that I was thinking.

  I reached out and brushed her cheek with my fingers. I also pulled her back so she was facing me. So we were looking directly into each other’s eyes. I felt an electric shock running through me as we made eye contact that was even more intense than what I felt from her pussy grinding against me. Interesting. Very interesting.

  “She said she was going to have some fun tonight, and if she was going to have fun then she wanted to make sure you had the same fun she was having. She seemed to think I’d come running over here at the opportunity,” she said, and then she muttered the next part. “She was right about that part, at least.”

  “Why would she be right about that part? I thought you hated me!”

  Angela blinked. “Why on earth would you think that?”

  I laughed. I couldn’t help myself. It was just such a ridiculous question. “Oh I don’t know. The way you were always refusing to leave the room letting Reese and I have some time to ourselves? The way you never said anything to me and always seemed to be staring at me like you hated me? The way you refused to even let me into the room unless I mentioned that Reese would be pissed off?”

  Angela let out a laugh of her own and shook her head. “You really are dense, aren’t you?”

  “Well it seems my girlfriend is out cheating on me again which is kinda hot, but not really what I’m interested in, and on top of that there’s something going on with you that I’ve apparently completely missed, so I guess I am dense.”

  “I always stayed in the room over the weekend because I couldn’t stand the idea of the two of you getting it on in my room when I wanted to be the one who was doing that. I wasn’t staring at you because I hated you. I was staring at you because I thought you were so hot and I hated that Reese had you when she was cheating on you. I didn’t want to let you in the room because being near you knowing you were with Reese was fucking torture.”

  I blinked. Well now that was a hell of a mouthful. It made sense, but it was insane. No more insane than anything else that had happened in the past two weeks, but still.

  I was overwhelmed. I couldn’t help it. I moved my hand around to her head and pulled her against me. Our lips pressed together and then we were making out in earnest. We were grinding against one another and my hands were running up and down her body as she was doing some exploring of her own. I melted into her and it was so fucking hot. I didn’t think I could get that hot with a girl other than Reese, but damn was this fucking hot.

  Except there was one thing that was sticking in the back of my mind. Something that was keeping me from enjoying this moment as much as I might’ve otherwise. Something that was bothering me about what she just said. Reluctantly, I pulled away.

  “What’s wrong?” Angela asked.

  “You said she’s been doing this for a few months?” I asked.

  “Well yeah…”

  “Not just the past couple of weeks?”

  “You didn’t know?”

  “And she’s going to be having more of that fun tonight?”

  “Well I thought so. At least she was hinting pretty strongly that she wanted me to distract you as well as be an apology.”

  “That pisses me off,” I said. “She’s been lying to me this entire time!”

  Angela sighed and rolled off, but she was still smiling. “So what are you going to do about it?”

  I thought about that. This was pretty fucking hot here in my room having the kind of fun I thought I’d be having with Reese, but that obsession was starting to take hold again. I’d like to say that I wanted to go out and look for Reese because I wanted to catch her in the act and confront her on her bullshit, but that wasn’t the main reason. No, I needed to see her with another man. I needed to see it to completion even if it didn’t seem like she was going to be my girlfriend for very much longer.

  “How would you feel about going for a little walk?” I asked.

  Angela grinned. “I think that sounds like a good time.”

  14: Spy Games

  It’s funny how quickly things could change. A couple of weeks ago I didn’t have this obsession taking control of my imagination and making me do things that I never would’ve considered before. A couple of weeks ago I thought I was in a happy relationship with my girlfriend, and the idea that she was stepping out on me would’ve been enough to send me flying into a rage or breaking down in tears rather than making my cock harder than it’d ever been before in my life.

  Earlier in the week I thought I’d come to an understanding about this fantasy with Reese. I thought we’d laid down some ground rules that would allow us to explore this fantasy and also maintain the primacy of our relationship, but after what Angela told me it seemed that Reese was going to go ahead and use this as an excuse to do whatever the hell she wanted and fuck what I thought or any ground rules that might preserve our relationship.

  And then there was Angela and all the crazy shit going on there. A couple of days ago I thought Angela hated me. I thought the reason she was always scowling at me and trying to keep me from getting into their room was because she’d rather spit at me than look at me. She never wanted me in the room and yet we’d just spent a good chunk of the night making out and grinding against each other.

  I definitely didn’t think I’d be going out and actually spying on Reese and finding something. Hell, ever since we left the dorm I found myself wondering how Reese had found the time to step out on me considering that I’d made this walk out to the pizza shop on a couple of occasions and she was always there. I suppose I might never know the answer to that question though. Some mysteries were never solved.

  I did know that it felt good walking next to Angela. I was holding her hand which felt like it was a bit of a betrayal, but I was pretty damn close to being over feelings that I was the one betraying Reese.

  Still, there was a part of me that was reluctant to completely give up on Reese. Not yet, at least. I worried that it might turn out I was wrong or that Angela was lying or something. There were so many scenarios running through my head where Reese would be redeemed, but there was also a pretty loud voice screaming in the back of my head that none of those scenarios were going to turn out to be true.

  Damn it.

  I just couldn’t believe that she would actually do this to me. I couldn’t believe after we had a conversation where I basically gave her permission to do what she wanted with a guy, as long as I got to watch of course, that she would turn around and break that one very important rule. It was so out of character for her, for everything that I thought our relationship was.

  Then again I guess I didn’t really know what our relationship was. Here I thought she’d been faithful to me up until at least the last couple of weeks and now Angela was telling me that wasn’t the case. Not entirely, at least.

  Damn it. I didn’t know what to think. There was what I knew of my girlfriend up against what Angela was saying which made a hell of a lot of sense given things I’d learned about Reese recently.

  “So do you do this often?” Angela asked. She sounded a little too casual, and I wondered why she’d get that idea. Then I realized that I’d been walking with my head down, deep in thought, and yet I hadn’t missed a turn. As though this was a well worn path I’d traveled down on more than one occasion. Which was the truth.

  I muttered something that was noncommittal until we rounded the corner to party central on campus. Well, technically it was party central slightly off campus. The university wouldn’t condone the sort of behavior that went on down here actually happening on university property. As long as it was off campus, though, it was a problem for local PD.

  It was pretty packed tonight. The weather was pretty warm given the time of year, and there were probably a lot of people who were trying to make the most of the warm weather before it got too cold to go o
ut in party clothes comfortably. Not that it ever stopped people from going out wearing practically nothing, particularly the girls, but when it got cold the streets were usually deserted because everyone was inside.

  The crowds included a pretty good-sized line that was running out from the pizza place. I started to wonder if the real reason why she hadn’t called me so far was simply that the pizza place was packed and this was one of those nights when she couldn’t get away. There was only one way to tell for sure.

  “We’re going to walk past the pizza place all casual like on the other side of the street. You keep your head down and just glance in there to see if she’s there. She always works the front, so if you don’t see her at the desk that means something’s up,” I said.

  “Damn. You really have this down to a science. Creep on your girlfriend often?”

  She sounded like she was more amused than anything else, but it didn’t help my mood that she was just reminding me how ridiculous this was. I was mad that I was doing it in the first place. I was pissed off that it got to the point that I had to check up on my girlfriend and make sure she wasn’t out cheating on me somewhere.

  I glanced up and into the window of the pizza place. It was just that girl. I couldn’t see a sign of Reese, so I immediately turned and walked across the street. There was no worry about a car running into us on this street, it was already so packed with people, so I didn’t even look. Angela turned to follow and in a moment we were walking down the alley.

  “This is a little creepy,” Angela said. “Like in the creepy sense of the word. Not the stalkery sort of creepy.”

  “Right, but the last time I saw her she was back behind the pizza place with that Aiden guy. I figure if something’s going down they might be back there.”

  It was a big if. They could be back there, or they could be off on the secluded parking area they went to whenever they were having fun. It could be anywhere on campus. For that matter they could be back at his apartment, wherever the hell it was, doing God knows what and there wasn’t any chance I’d be able to figure out where he lived. Not that it would do any good even if I did know where he lived. Maybe he was up on the tenth floor of some dorm or the third floor of some apartment complex or something.


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