Living Dead 2.0
Page 67
He took her chin in his hand, “I won't. Now, you get the kids inside the truck. Start it up, and get ready to go.” She said, “Okay. Let's do this.” She turned around, “Come on, Kids. Up in the truck.” Jimmy walked to the large garage door, and waited for Rose and the children to climb into the large military truck. After everyone was ready, Jimmy pulled the long chain that he had connected to the door pulley. The door went up, and the zombie herd swarmed inside. Jimmy ran to the tank, and climbed on the top, then down inside. Before closing the hatch, he turned to see Rose and the children inside the truck. He gestured for Rose to move out. Then, he closed the hatch.
Back at the Orchard, Renee was already at the wall, where the cameras had picked up the man moving behind the zombie mob. She climbed up on the wall. She saw scattered dead wandering all over the field. She scanned the area through the field glasses. She saw another small mob of dead. They were moving around on the highway. She studied the trees. Someone was moving around out there. She spoke into the radio, “Kyle, Scott, anyone listening?” After a few minutes, Scott came on, “Yeah, Renee.” She replied, “I am watching Charlie's guy. He is still out there. It looks like he is watching us.” Scott said, “Stay there! Don't let him see you. Just talked to Will. Kyle and I, are on our way.” Renee said, “Okay.” Then, she saw someone else. It was a woman. She said, “There are two of them.” She watched, as the two moved around behind the trees. After Scott and Kyle showed up, Renee showed them where the two people were hiding. She said, “There is a woman, too.” She handed the field glasses to Kyle. He took a look, then passed the field glasses to Scott. Scott spoke while watching them. “When did you first see them?” Renee answered, “Just now. Charlie alerted everyone, earlier. I didn't hear anyone respond. So, I came out here.” Kyle asked, “You think they are with the Raiders?” Scott said, “Probably. And, they are definitely watching our walls. They just made us.” Kyle said, “Maybe we could try to lure them out.” Scott said, “They won't come out, now. They know that we see them.” Kyle replied, “ What if they go back, and get more of their people? We need to stop them.” Scott said, “ They aren't leaving. It looks like they are talking about us.” He kept watching them. Kyle repeated, “Talking about us?” Scott continued to watch,” Maybe, they are trying to lure us out.” Renee said, “It makes sense. If they aren't leaving, they also are not attacking us. Something is going on.” Kyle asked, “What do you think that we should do?” Scott said, “Wait them out. Alert everyone.” Kyle spoke into the radio, “Charlie?” After a minute, Charlie responded,” Yeah, Kyle.”
“You still see the guy out side the wall?” Charlie answered, “Yes. I see you, Renee, and Scott, too. Been watching them. The woman just popped up. It looks like, she is carrying a baby.” Scott cut in, “A baby? We have to be careful.” They heard Imogen come onto the radio, “Jessie can you get over here?” Jessie said, “I am on the wall. What is it?” Imogen answered, “ Mary is having the baby. You should get back here. She still has a while. But, try to get back here within the hour, if you can.” Scott said, “Go on Jessie. We'll get someone there to stay with Matt.” Renee asked by radio, “Anyone willing to stay with Matt, while Jessie goes to be with Mary? She is having the baby.” Ruby came on, “I'll go. Give me a few minutes.” Jessie came on, “Thank you, Ruby.” She came back, “No problem. Pepper and I will be there in a few minutes.” Scott spoke into the radio, “Okay, People. We have a couple of visitors outside the walls. Right now, we see them on the north wall. If you are on guard, pay attention to the treeline. And, the dead. These two are traveling behind the dead ones. And, it appears that, there may be a child.”
Everyone sounded off and agreed. Kyle said, “I need to check on our guest.” Scott asked, “Is he talking?” Kyle said, “Yeah. If you consider talking smack talking. I just wanted to let you all know that we're all going to pay.” Scott said, “We have to figure out what to do with him.” Kyle said, “We should kick his ass, and send him back to Daddy with a message. Come back and we'll kill you.” Scott said, “Something tells me that, Daddy won't get the message. People like him, usually, have to learn the hard way.” Kyle asked, “What do you want to do with him?” Scott said, “We need to weaken him. And then, break him. Then, after we can get more info out of him, we decide what to do. Either way, someone else is going to die. I would rather, it not be any more of us.” Kyle turned towards the two people outside. he said, “Then, I already know what needs to be done.” Scott said nothing. He did not want to speak the words, “Me too.” Kyle said, “We need to call a meeting. No one has heard from Jimmy, Rose, or Aidan.” Scott said, “Aidan said, he'll keep looking. He and Jimmy go back a ways. But, he has not checked in today. Hope he didn't run into trouble.” Kyle said, “We need to go talk to Will.” Scott said, “Good idea. But, we can't do anything, until we know who else is out there.”
Kyle said, “Will knows this land like the back of his hand. He might know a way to get around them.” He pointed to the people they were watching. Scott agreed, “Okay. Why don't you go see Will? I'll stay here and watch those two. Then, we try to figure something out. Hopefully, we'll get some good news from Aidan and the others.” Kyle said, “I'll be back a little later.” He left knowing that they had to do something soon. Scott spoke over the radio, again. “Everyone. Again, watch the tree line. We don't know how many more people are outside the walls. Or, where?” Ruby said, “It looks quiet over here. We'll keep our eyes open.” Just then, Kyle came over the radio, “The Raider told me that his group is planning to set up another ambush on the highway. Only, this time, they were going to take hostages, and try to use them to get inside the walls. Everyone, be on the look out for any movement outside our walls.” Renee said, “I am going to make some rounds. Check out the rest of the perimeter. See if I can see anything anywhere else.” Scott replied, “Take someone with you.” She said, “Alright.” She walked away, wondering if they were going to have to intercept the Raiders trying to get over the wall, again.
He had stopped to pick up a few tools, before reaching the area where he thought he would find Jimmy and Rose. After driving around to the back of the large facility, he pulled over, and parked the truck in a rear service road. He looked for a way in. The dead followed him, but were still a few hundred feet behind. He exited the truck, and walked ten feet, to the fence. He saw see a very large, inner area. He could see the herd on the other end of the huge complex. “They have to be there. Hold on, Jimmy- Boy, I'm coming. He took out some wire cutters, and cut a section of fencing. Now, he went to the other side, through the cut fencing. He started to walk towards the herd, staying close to the building. Every now and then, he would try to open a door. They were all locked. He saw outside stairs, up ahead. The stairs were very close to the end of the herd. He crept along the wall, and to the stairs. Then, up the stairs, with only a few zombies noticing. They followed, but could not catch up. He made it to the top. He stopped and took out his field glasses. He scanned the area. He could not see any sign of people, anywhere. He continued walking. When he made it to the end of the large facility, he saw another building connected by a walkway. It was held up by large steel girders. He ran across the walkway. After he made it to the other side, he could see an open area, leading to more of the paved ground. He immediately saw the truck. It was the truck that Jimmy, and Rose had left in.
He ran to where the truck was left. Still on the roof, he stood directly over the truck. He thought the worst, at first. The drivers-side door was standing open. “They must have run away. But, where? Which way would you have gone, Jimmy?” He looked through his field glasses, again. He scanned every part of the area. Then, where the open grounds turned, and ran behind another building, he saw a mob of the dead. They were clawing at a door. “ He walked along the top of the building. As he came to the end, he could not walk any longer. He had to climb down to the ground, and cross the pavement to get to the door. He studied the m
ob of zombies. There were too many for him to fight off. He needed to create a distraction, and get those zombies walking away from that door. If he could get to the door, and get inside, it may give him a clue as to where Jimmy and Rose were at. He looked around for something to use to get the attention of the dead ones. He saw a natural gas tank at the other corner. He had thought about not wanting to be too loud. But then, he realized that he didn't have a whole lot of time left. If all of the herd turned, and came towards him, he would be swarmed within minutes. So, he took a chance. He fired a shot into the tank. It set off an explosion, and small fire. All of the dead turned towards the blazing tank. They stumbled, and staggered towards the fire. As they moved away from the door Aidan climbed down off of the roof top. He rushed across the pavement. He made it to the door. Before he could get inside the door, he glanced around the corner and saw an open, garage door. Some of the zombie herd had wandered inside. They saw him and headed straight for him.
Jimmy had come to a brick wall. He stopped the tank and opened the hatch. Rose drove the big truck up behind him, and waited for him to realize that they needed to turn back, and head back the way they'd come. The herd was following them. The children were starting to get nervous. Rose saw the hatch open. Jimmy popped up from inside it. He yelled, “I have to back up! Back it up as far as you can. You get turned around, and I'll follow you out. Then, we'll switch.” Zombies had gathered all around the tank. They were clawing at the sides of the huge war machine, but could not reach up high enough to get to Jimmy. Rose shook her head up and down. “Yes.” She turned to the children, Okay. Kids. We we'll be out of here in a few minutes.” Brian blurted out, in a panic, “We are stuck! They are surrounding us!” She put the truck in reverse, and it started move backwards with zombies trying to claw at the large vehicle. Izzy cried, “Meg!” Brian comforted his sister, “It's okay, Izzy. We are going to run them over.” But, Rose could see that the boy was terrified. He was trying to be brave for his little sister. Meg reached back, and held onto the hands two children. “We're getting away. We 'll be okay. Just stay calm. Just, a few more minutes.” The children could not see the dead clawing at their vehicle. But, they could all hear the sea of snarling-growls outside, while watching them swarm the tank.
With the two large vehicles, they backed right through the mob of dead. Once Rose was far enough back, she turned the large truck around. Jimmy followed her. After they were both turned around, Jimmy drove the large tank up in front of Rose. Meg turned, and comforted the two children, again. “See. They are behind us. We getting out of here.” The two children looked relieved, but still, they were on edge. Aidan was surrounded by the dead. They had come out of nowhere. They swarmed him. He kicked one to the ground, and stabbed it in the temple. Then, two more grabbed him. He shoved one to the ground. The other had Aidan in it's grip. The snarling, leathery-faced zombie chomped, as it tried to get closer to Aidans' face. Aidan stabbed it up through the throat and into it's brain. Then, another came. It was huge. He swung around, and kicked it's knee from behind it. It fell to the ground. He stabbed it in the temple. Now, the zombie he'd thrown to the ground was on him, again. He grabbed him from behind. Aidan struggled with the dead thing. Just before the snapping zombie took a bite out of his shoulder,
Aidan flung him to the ground. He heard loud vehicles, but grabbed the zombie by the hair, stabbing it in the temple. He looked around for more dead. He stood, bent over, with his hands on his knees, still holding the knife in one hand. Suddenly, two armored vehicles came to a stop, to his side. Around fifty feet behind, were a herd of zombies. He stood straight up, and clutched the rifle strapped to his side. Rose blurted out from the truck, “Aidan?” The top of the tank flipped open. Out popped Jimmy. “What are you doing here, Aidan?” he yelled. Aidan tried to catch his breath. He answered, “Coming to save you, and Rose.” Jimmy looked back at the herd that, was coming closer by the minute, “Better get up here, then.” Aidan smiled, and rushed to the tank, then climbed inside. Rose and the children, watched Aidan stand in the hatch, while Jimmy drove away. Now, they were going home. After they got going, Jimmy asked, “How did you know we'd be here?” Aidan answered, “Followed the dead, and saw that truck you ran up by the wall. I figured you two were here somewhere.” Jimmy held his hand out, Aidan grabbed it. They shook sideways. “I was not going to leave you out here, Buddy. Besides, Rose's Grandma is worried. She'll be happy you two are back home. What's the story with the kids in the truck?” Jimmy said, “They were supposed to meet family here. It was their emergency plan. Dad worked here. Had a stash, just in case. But, the parents never showed up.” Aidan asked, “You mean, the kids have been here alone all of this time?” Jimmy said, “Yep. The older one has been looking out for the two younger ones. She's just a teenager. We now have a place that we can come to, and get supplies and weapons.” Aidan looked at Jimmy with a raised eyebrow. Then asked, “What do you mean?” Jimmy said, “Apparently, the military had come in, and stored a boat load of supplies here.” Aidan said, “Then, we need to close the gate in front. We'll have to bring an extra person to lure out the dead, before we go back in.” Jimmy added, “That's what I was thinking. I figure, we can find an alternative route here. The Raiders won't know what we are doing. We get the loot, and bring it all back through the back side of the Orchard. If they attack us again, we will have some of the manned trucks. Their road blocks won't work, if we have armored rigs to drive.” Aidan shook his head up and down, in approval. I think you're right. But, we have to bring this plan to the rest of the group. They should be in on it.” Jimmy said, “Sure they should. But, we can be transporting stuff, including weapons. We grabbed a bunch, put them in the truck. But, there is more.” Jimmy stopped the tank outside the gate. Rose drove the large military vehicle around the tank, parked to wait for Jimmy and Aidan. Jimmy said, “I'll have to lock the gate up.” He climbed out, ran to the gate, and chained it closed. Then, climbed back inside the tank. Aidan asked, “Do those kids know what you found? The weapons?” Jimmy said, “I don't think so. Rose, and I loaded it all up. Then, we went back for the children. I brought the manual. Complete, with blueprints to the place.” He pointed down. Aidan looked down, and saw a large, plastic, notebook laying on the floor. Aidan said, “We need to keep this between us and a few others, Jimmy. I don't think that the whole group should know about what is back there.” Jimmy said, “You read my mind, Aidan. I thought of that, too. I think Scott and his wife, Renee, Nina, the Pastor, Rose, Will, and Stella. She has a good head on her shoulders. Those are the only people, from the group, that we need to clue in. This way, we can keep too much info from getting out, if one of us gets caught by those psychopaths. They cannot torture information out of those that don't have it. We'll have to make sure that, Renee and Nina are on watch when we bring everything inside the walls.” Aidan agreed, “Yes. How much do you have, now?” Jimmy said, “ Alot. But, we need to get more before the Raiders find it. We need to destroy, or hide, the tanks. They need just one to blast through our walls.” Aidan said, “ You are right. This needs to be a priority.”
Scott watched the people outside the walls. They looked like they were in a heated argument. The woman looked very upset. The man seemed to be trying to console her. Scott asked out loud, “What are these two doing?” He scanned the treeline. He could not see anyone else around. Kyle walked up. “We can keep Jr. a while, but I really don't like him.” Scott asked, “ Do you think that you can get anymore out of him?” Kyle said, “ Maybe, he thinks I'll come back and kill him if he has lied about the ambush points. So, I need to check it out. See if he is telling the truth.” Scott said, “Kyle, it's too dangerous for you to go out there.” Cover the radio, Charlie yelled, “ There is a truck speeding towards Will's gate!” Just then, they heard a loud, BOOM! Scott yelled into the radio, “Everyone! Get the children to the school! Hurry up!” Renee yelled back, “It's at Will's place! Everyone, get to Wills!” Scott said, “We need everyo
ne to stay on their post! They could attack in more than one area! Charlie, do you see anything on the cameras?” He blurted out, “ They hit the gate!” They could hear distant gunfire. Stella yelled into the radio, “They drove a truck into the gate! It's burning! Scarlett, get the kids to the school! Hurry!” Scott yelled into the radio, “Ben, Jose! You need to get here, and cover me! Where is Will? Has anyone heard from Will.?” Ben said, “We're coming!” Charlie yelled, “They are trying to climb the gate!” Stella yelled, “Dad's shooting at them!” Kyle blurted out, “I'm going over there! You come wen the kids relieve you!” He rushed down the steps, before Scott could say anything. He ran to he, and Imogens' room. He picked up his duffel from the corner of the room, he took out three guns. One of them, a fully-automatic rifle. He pulled out several stocked magazines from a box under his bed, and put them into the duffel. He grabbed the duffel,then ran out the door. Some of the women were rushing past him with the children. He went to the infirmary. Jessie met him inside the door, “What is going on?” Kyle said, “Jessie. We are under attack.” Imogen rushed out of the delivery room. “Kyle, what is happening? Is everyone alright?” Kyle grabbed Imogen, “How is she? Did she have the baby, yet?” Imogen looked worried, “She will, any minute. Kyle, did they get inside?” Kyle said, “You lock the door.” He handed her a gun. She took the gun, and stared down at it, for several seconds. Kyle turned to Jessie, “Buddy, I know this is your child, but we are under attack. We need you at Will's place. They aren't over the walls, yet. But they are trying.” Jessie turned to look at the door. He did not want to leave Mary. But, he knew that they all had to fight these Raiders. He could hear distant gunfire. He walked into the room. Mary lay on the bed. She said, “I know that you have to go. I love you. Just, come back here, as soon as you can.” She tensed up, and started to pant to get air in, while she started to have a contraction. He kissed her, and said,” I love you. I'll be back soon. You stay here and breath.“He smiled down at her. He turned to Imogen, “Please, don't leave her alone. Take care of her.” Mary relaxed, again. Imogen said, “We'll be here when you get back.” She turned to Kyle, “Be careful.” He kissed her. “You stay here. Lock the door behind us.” He turned around, and the two of them rushed out into the hallway. Imogen locked the door, then went to Mary's side.