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Earning Her Love (Sweet Somethings Book 2)

Page 5

by Rory Reynolds

  I let myself into his house this time, knowing that someone who is married to the homeowner wouldn’t feel the need to knock. Trudy seems genuinely excited to see me and throws her arms around me in one of those perfect mom hugs that I’ve missed so badly since my parents moved.

  Alan is the next to hug me. Then it’s Amos. I feel like I collapse into his embrace. Not my body, but my heart. He gives me a gentle smile and a sweet kiss that he deepens until it’s barely appropriate to be seen by his parents.

  “I’ve missed you,” he says for my ears only.

  “Me too,” I confess. It’s true. I did miss him. I miss him every time we’re apart for any length of time.

  During dinner, it becomes apparent that Alan is completely himself. A small piece of me is disappointed. My friends’ encouragement at the whole ‘Amos wouldn’t do anything unless he really wanted to’ thing is screwing with my mind.

  “So, tell me, Margo, do you want children?”

  I nearly choke on my water at the question. “I… uh… someday, yes.” I look at Amos with wide eyes, always shocked by the things that come out of Alan’s mouth. Though tonight he’s completely lucid. “I would have to find the right man and be married before even thinking about that.”

  Trudy purses her lips and looks between Amos and me in one of those meaningful kind of ways. Like she sees everything and knows that our relationship is much more than it is.

  “Hopefully, Amos will settle down soon. I’d like to meet my grandchildren before…” he trails off.

  We all know what before he’s talking about. The entire mood shifts to a somber one. He wants grandkids before he loses the ability to know them. Even if he won’t remember them once he loses himself to his disease completely.

  I’m getting ready to leave for the night when Amos asks me to stay. He uses the excuse that he wants me here in case his father wakes up confused again, but I can read him better than that. He’s feeling insecure in the same way that I am and wants to keep me close. I don’t put up even the pretense of an argument.

  The next morning Alan seems to be himself but also seems sad. Trudy says he gets that way sometimes, but that he’s fine. We end up having dinner at the diner so his dad can check that off the list of things he wants to do during their week-long vacation.

  The diner is busy like it always is on Sunday night, and we quickly claim the only table left. I’m happy to see it’s in Ana’s section. Her smile is strained when she greets us and asks what we’d like to eat. Alan and Trudy order burgers, and I get my usual—chicken-fried steak and baked potato. Amos gets the special.

  I want to ask my friend what’s wrong but now isn’t the time. It doesn’t take long to figure out the problem: Carson Moore. He’s got a serious thing for Ana. He’s constantly flirting in this way over the top way that makes sweet, innocent Ana uncomfortable. I make a note to mention it to Amos and see if there’s anything he can do.

  “Margo, where is your ring?” Alan asks, seeming panicked. “You didn’t lose it, did you?”

  I cover my left hand, feeling guilty because he’s obviously slipped back into his delusions. I can’t hide my panic because there is no ring. How do I explain this one away? Turns out, I don’t have to because Amos produces a gorgeous ring from his pocket.

  “I almost forgot, sweetness. You left this beside the sink this morning.” I’m completely gobsmacked with the fact that he’s carrying around a wedding ring. A freakin’ beautiful one at that. It’s classic and simple, but the diamond is enormous. I try to figure out if the ring is a fake that he got in case his dad needs it.

  It has to be a fake, right?

  “Oh goodness! I’m so glad you found it,” I say, once again playing along with Alan’s delusion even though I hate the lie.

  When Ana comes to collect the plates, she notices the ring, and her eyes go wide. I nod towards the bathroom, and she gives her own imperceptible nod.

  “Excuse me.” I get up from the table and bolt—slowly and with dignity—to the bathroom.

  Ana is already there. She grabs my hand first thing and looks between the rock on my finger and me. “What is that?!”

  I shake my head, letting her know without words that it’s fake. “His dad is confused again… he asked where my ring is like it’s something important, and then Amos pulled this out of his pocket. Next thing I know, I’m wearing this wedding ring!”


  “I know! I’m kind of freaking out here, Ana. A ring doesn’t feel like we are fake married. It feels like we’ve upped the ante or something.”

  Ana hugs me. “It’s okay. Don’t panic. I’m sure he was just carrying it to be prepared for if his dad ever asked. If he meant it to be more than that, he would’ve proposed for real. Amos doesn’t do anything half-assed.”

  I nod, trying to calm my racing heart. “You’re right. This is just a ring. A piece of the illusion we are providing for Alan.”

  “See, no need to panic. At least, not until you have a chance to talk to Amos.”

  I find myself nodding again—I’m doing that a lot lately. “I saw you talking to Carson…”

  Ana blows a loose hair out of her face, a look of consternation on her face. “He’s impossible. One minute he’s a jerk telling me my skirt is too short, the next he’s flirting like crazy, then he’s back to being a jerk. I hate him.”

  “I think he likes you. Why else would he constantly sit in your section, and even when he can’t demand that you serve his table?”

  She snorts, “If he liked me, he wouldn’t be such a dick to me. I think he just likes to screw with me.”

  “Amos was all gruff and growly with me for months before we started dating…”

  She gives me a dirty look that I know she doesn’t really mean. “That was different. Amos is just gruff and overprotective growly, and he was constantly looking for ways to be around you.”

  I raise my brow. “Exactly.”

  Ana huffs. “Not the same.”

  “Whatever you say,” I laugh. “We better get back out there before someone comes looking for us.”

  Once I’m back at the table, Amos asks if everything is okay. I give him the brightest, fakest smile I can muster because I have zero idea how to answer that question without a mild freak out. Definitely not something I want to do in public and especially not in front of his parents.

  Amos and I are getting ready for bed when he pulls me into his arms. “Sweetness, are you okay?”

  I close my eyes and relax into his arms. “I don’t know,” I say honestly. “I know all this is fake,” I wiggle my fingers, so he knows what I’m talking about, “but sometimes it… I don’t know.”

  “Feels real?” he finishes.

  I bury my face in his chest and nod my head. I am so ashamed of my feelings, especially since I know this isn’t real. This is all part of keeping Alan happy and letting him believe that Amos is married and happy.

  “It’s just ridiculous, isn’t it?” I feel vulnerable as I ask.

  He shakes his head. “No… not at all, love. There are moments like this one that everything feels right and real.”

  Tell me you want it to be real, my heart silently begs.

  “But it’s not. Just like this ring.”

  Amos tugs me down onto his lap as he sits on the bed. “This ring is very real. My dad brought it to give to me before his mind completely betrays him. This was my great-great-grandmother's wedding ring.

  “Wait, what?! You gave me a family heirloom to wear?” I start pulling the ring off my finger to give it back to him. Only the woman he plans to marry in truth should ever wear anything as special as this.

  He grabs my hand, preventing me from taking it off, and kisses my finger above the ring. “It looks good on you.”

  My heart leaps. This moment feels very real. It is fraught with emotions that I didn’t realize I was ready for. I want to marry Amos. It’s official, I’m insane. I’ve flown right over the cuckoo’s nest.

es, you need to keep it in case my dad asks again.”

  And then I’m knocked straight off of cloud nine, and I’m brought straight back to reality.



  Seeing my grandmother’s ring on Margo’s finger is like a punch in the gut. I wasn’t lying when I said it looks good on her. I love how it looks, but the panicked look on her face when I told her it was a family heirloom was enough to have me holding back, telling her my true feelings.

  The reality is that I love Margo Schultz, and I want to make her mine forever. The only problem is I don’t want her to think I’m telling her this because of my father. He’s told her how much he wants me happy and with kids before he’s completely gone… I don’t want to make her feel pressured or like she’s just the convenient option.

  That’s not it at all.

  It’s all about loving her and wanting to spend my life with her in my arms. Now to just find a way to keep her…

  “I think you should move in.” I find myself saying without actually thinking it through.

  Margo looks at me with a furrowed brow and an almost hopeful light in her eyes. The first sign that she might actually want the same things I want. “You mean until your parents leave?”

  I shrug, “That’s a start.” I’ll have to do whatever I can to convince her to stay long after this fake marriage for my dad’s sake is over… like forever. I want that ring on her finger in truth, not just this farce.

  I hate that I have to spend the day at work when my parents are here. Thankfully, Margo has Leanne covering for her at the bakery, so she’s taking my parents to Clearwater to visit with my father’s sister for the day.

  There’s a brisk knock on the door before it swings open and a very flustered Ana storms into my office. “I can’t do this anymore!” she shouts, throwing her arms in the air. “That man is impossible. He’s a jackass, and I just can’t.”

  “Carson?” I ask even though I know exactly who she’s talking about. Carson owns Sweet Rides, the only repair shop in town, though he specializes in customizing Harleys. And he is utterly obsessed with Analise, the sweetest person in all of Sugarhill. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. The fact that she is in here yelling and cursing say she’s finally fed up with him.

  “Of course,” she flails her arms again, “Can you ban him from coming here? He refuses to leave me alone.”

  “Has he touched you?” I ask with a low growl.

  “No, nothing like that. He just won’t let anyone else serve him and then acts like a jerk to me. Tells me my skirts are too short or my jeans are too tight. Today he doesn’t like my shirt!”

  “Then I can’t exactly ban him.”

  “But it’s harassment! Can you at least make him sit in someone else’s section? Please, Amos. I can’t take this anymore.” Ana’s eyes become glassy, and I swear she might cry. That is unacceptable. I didn’t realize how much Carson actually upset her.

  “Okay. I’ll talk to him.” Not that it will do a bit of good. I know exactly what it looks like when a man has staked his claim on a woman, and Carson has most definitely staked his claim. Ana doesn’t realize it, but he’s acting out of jealousy and protectiveness. It’s only a matter of time until he makes his move.

  Ana lets out a relieved sigh. “Thank you, Amos.”


  It’s late when I get home. My parents are in bed already, and Margo is asleep on the couch. I pick her up and carry her to our room. She sleepily nuzzles my chest. “You’re home.”

  I kiss the top of her head. “I am. Sorry I’m so late.”

  “Missed you,” she murmurs.

  I put her in bed then strip so I can crawl in beside her. She turns and curls up against me, her head on my chest. With a sleepy sigh, she falls right back asleep.



  Trudy and Alan are leaving today. They are cutting their trip short because Alan has had several bad days in a row, and Trudy is worried it’s because he’s not around familiar things. Being at home can help remind him of who he is and who she is when he sees the pictures on the wall and the notes they have all over their condo to remind him of other things he might forget.

  Amos is upset but understands their reasoning for leaving. I’m disappointed myself. Not just because that means the fake marriage and temporary living situation is changing. I genuinely love his parents. Trudy and Alan have welcomed me into the family like I’ve been a part of them forever. It’s been nice, but it makes me miss my own parents. It’s a stark reminder that I need to make more of an effort to talk to them… maybe even take the time to meet them on one of their many adventures.

  It's late by the time we get home from driving them to the city so they can catch their flight. I can’t stop yawning, and at one point, doze off. We get back to Amos’ house, and the sadness of leaving and heading back to my house hits me.

  “I guess I’ll head home. I need to get some sleep. I’ll come get my stuff tomorrow if that’s okay?” I say, taking off his great-great-grandmother’s ring and handing it back.

  Amos hesitates to take the ring back. For a split second, I think he’s going to protest and put the ring right back on my finger, but he pockets it instead. “Why don’t you stay tonight? You’re tired, you shouldn’t be driving even if it is only a few minutes away.”

  I don’t put up much of a fight because staying is exactly what I want to do. I don’t ever want to go home to an empty house again. I want to stay here. As soon as we get into bed with each other, all of my tiredness flees at the feel of his skin on mine.

  I roll so that I’m draped over his chest. In less than a blink of an eye, Amos has his lips on mine in a drugging kiss. He grabs my ass and lifts me until I’m straddling his waist, my panties, and his boxers the only barriers between us. He lifts my shirt over my head and tosses it away. His hands run down my body, caressing my back, my ass, then up my sides to my breasts. I moan as he lightly pinches my nipples.

  His hands go back to my hips, and he pulls me down tighter against him, pushing me up and back across his cock. We both groan at the movement. His cock drags across my clit, and my core clenches. I gasp when he rolls us, so I’m flat on my back.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Margo,” he says, kissing his way down my body. “I love these curves of yours.” He gently nips the underside of my breast before kissing the small hurt better. He circles my nipple with his tongue, teasing it into a stiff peak. Then does the same to the other. I thread my fingers through his hair, holding him to me, begging him not to stop the delicious torture.

  His fingers trail down to the apex of my thighs. He grips my lacy panties and pulls them tight. The next thing I hear is the sound of rendering fabric and a low growl as Amos’ fingers find my soaking slit. My hips jerk when he zeroes in on my clit, circling it in quick, sure strokes. My orgasm comes hard and fast, completely stealing the breath from my lungs.

  He gives me no time to catch my breath before he’s got his face buried in my pussy, licking up my release. He fucks me with his tongue then moves up to lick my sensitive clit. I nearly jump off the bed when he thrusts two thick fingers into me, hitting my g-spot over and over until I’m coming completely undone.

  “Amos! Oh, God… fuck…”

  “That’s it, sweetness, come all over my mouth.”

  The vibrations of his words against my pussy pushes me over the edge into oblivion. Stars explode behind my eyes, and I nearly faint from the force of the orgasm. I’ve barely caught my breath when Amos pushes inside me. I expect him to fuck me hard and fast after that, but he doesn’t.

  He pushes into me one inch at a time, dragging it out into one slow, smooth motion. He moves with such slow precision as he looks into my eyes. His look is so intense and screams of untold emotions. I wonder if he can see the love echoed back at him in mine?

  We find our releases together, coming as we look into each other’s eyes. Tears form in mine at the intimacy. I’ve never experienced s
omething so overwhelming and perfect in my life.

  “Move in with me, Margo. I don’t want you here temporarily. That will never be enough.”

  My heart screams ‘yes, yes, yes!’ but my mind says I should think about it at least a little… my heart wins, and I practically shout my yes. I’m so excited and happy that he wants me and not just as a temporary thing to appease his father.

  We make love for the rest of the night. He takes me over and over again, making sweet love to me each time. Several times I nearly tell him how much I love him, but I bite my tongue. Moving in together has to be enough… for now.



  “How do you have so much shit?” Prue complains as she carries another box from the moving truck into Amos’ garage… well, my garage. A little thrill shoots through me at the reminder that I’m moving in with him—today!

  “Lani, put that fucking box down right now!” Torin yells from across the yard.

  She gives him the finger over her back as she carries the small box of yarn from my failed attempts at learning to crochet. “I mean, that man would bitch about me lifting a pillow right now.”

  “I think it’s sweet,” Ana says with a sigh. She’s always been a romantic. I’ve seen the way she looks at Torin and Lani… even me and Amos… she gets this dreamy, almost sad expression.

  It takes an hour to unload the truck full of boxes. Most of my furniture was donated to Goodwill. The garage is full, and it’s a little overwhelming, but I look forward to merging my things with Amos’.

  I hug the girls, and they all head off to Lani’s bookstore for “book club.” I opted out of today’s club because I want to get a head start on unpacking. I’m just getting ready to grab the first box when I hear Amos and Torin talking just outside.

  “It’s insane… the whole marriage thing. All of this is crazy,” Amos says. “I must be insane…”


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