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Cecilia's Secret

Page 3

by Patricia Gallinetti

  Cecilia was asked to dance by numerous partners and she accepted every dance but she wished to be in Liam’s arms again, at last she was once again dancing with Liam when she noticed him glancing around.

  “Who are you looking for?” she asked him.

  With a grin, he answered.

  “Just checking on your Mother, I see she is talking to some of the guests - come on.” He whispered, pulling her hand, Liam slipped through the dancers. They ran up the stairs and reaching the next floor they silently tiptoed to the darkened terrace, he swung her around into his arms and bent his head to kiss her, this was a serious, passionate embrace, his tongue explored her mouth deliciously, he moved his head and nibbled her ear and placed small kisses down her arched neck and again claimed her mouth. She touched his tongue with hers. It was an exciting sensation. Her legs felt as if they were melting away, his hand slipped up to cup her breast and she sighed, she could feel the heat of his fingers through the thin material. His other hand was straying down her leg to bunch up her dress. He said thickly

  “God, you are so beautiful.”

  “Cecilia” Agnes’ cold voice sliced into their passion, Cecilia swung her head around guiltily. Liam whispered close to her ear.

  “Damn woman - go, quickly, my Darling,” he said, pushing Cecilia towards the door.

  “I’ll follow as soon as I can.” He grinned in the darkness.

  Agnes sniffed and taking Cecilia’s arm rather roughly turned to walk downstairs.

  “Cecilia,” She hissed. “I do not like what I just witnessed. I don’t want you acting like this. That is precisely the reason I have not left you alone with that - that man.” Agnes did not want to let Cecilia dance with Liam again that night, but she defied her mother and at last she was on the floor dancing the last waltz of the evening with Liam.

  Cecilia had just woken up, she was thinking of the ball and she looked across the room to where she had hung her beautiful dress on the wardrobe door and she noticed her Tiara gleaming in the shaft of sunlight that peeked through the slightly open curtains. She closed her eyes and thought of the night before, of Liam dancing with her, whispering endearments in her ear, kissing her outside on the terrace. Blushing to think about what Mama had seen, she shivered with desire. He was so good-looking and he wanted to marry her, he hadn’t said as much yet, but she knew it was coming. With a sigh, she turned on her back experiencing again the passion Liam had aroused in her. Her thoughts flying to when they would make love, she grew breathless and jumped guiltily when there was a knock on her door.

  “Cecilia” called Agnes. “We are due at the Cabaret at 1 o’clock.”

  Cecilia leaped out of bed excitedly, she would be seeing Liam again today, Mother had invited him to join them for Christmas lunch - of course before she had caught them kissing on the terrace. Cecilia giggled. Slowly pulling a pair of pure silk stocking up her legs, she imagined Liam touching her, his hands sliding sensuously up to where the top of the stockings ended to where her suspenders held them up, moving his warm hand to caress the inside of her bare thigh. She slid into a silk emerald dress, her little pumps were almost the same colour and she threaded a green ribbon in her dark hair, grabbed her pocket- book and raced downstairs.

  When Cecilia and the family arrived, Liam came towards them and took Cecilia’s arm, drawing her close to his side. The Christmas tree in the corner was so tall it almost touched the top of the roof and the lights on the tree flashed as the family walked into the room. When they came to the end of the meal, Archie stood up at the head of the table and tapped the side of his glass with a fork.

  “Does everybody have champagne?” he asked as they all quietened down to listen. “I have an important announcement to make,” He cleared his throat nervously and said. “I have asked Agnes to marry me, and she has accepted.” He looked around at all the guests, with a delighted grin.

  Everybody stood up and raised their glasses towards the couple. “Congratulations.” They all shouted. smiling and talking. Cecilia turned to Liam with a pleased smile.

  “Oh” she said, “I am so pleas---” she stopped mid-sentence.

  Liam was staring towards the door with a horrified expression, as Cecilia swung around to see what had caught his attention, she saw a chic, blonde woman gliding towards the table, the woman came up to Liam and kissed him and ruffled his hair.

  “Hello Liam Darling. Pleased to see me?” she lisped. He had turned very pale. The woman smiled around at all the guests, her eyes lingering triumphantly on Cecilia.

  “Hello everyone, I am Liam’s wife, Bridget.”

  Cecilia turned to look at Liam her eyes wide in shock, she couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Liam’s wife? There was a buzzing in her ears and almost passing out, she managed to smile weakly and sit down slowly, she noticed Mama looking at her, worriedly. Agnes turned to Liam and said icily.

  “Well, Mr. Dannaher” Giving Liam a disdainful look. “I am sure you and your wife have a lot to catch up on. We won’t be displeased if you both leave.” She inclined her head haughtily towards the door. Liam was looking at Cecilia, but she refused to meet his gaze, he hesitated for a moment and then turning on his heel abruptly, walked out, his wife following him, the woman was glancing back at Cecilia with an evil smirk.


  South Africa - 1931

  T he remainder of the time they were at the party, passed in a mist for Cecilia. Arriving home, the distraught girl raced upstairs, slamming her bedroom door and after tearing off her beautiful dress, threw herself on the bed, she couldn’t cry. Her throat was hurting with pent-up emotions. Agnes knocked on the door a few times, but when there was no answer she turned away sadly. After another hour, she once more went upstairs to Cecilia’s bedroom. Knocking loudly and rattling the doorknob.

  “Cecilia” she said, “Open this door immediately, we must talk.”

  To her relief she heard the key turn and Cecilia opened the door slowly. Agnes walked in, Cecilia threw herself back on the crumpled bed, her eyes red and swollen from crying.

  “Cecilia, I am so sorry, I wish I could change all this, but I can’t and you will have to accept that he has deceived you,” Agnes sighed “Cecilia, has he actually asked you to marry him?” There was silence, she thought Cecilia would not reply, at last she answered Agnes.

  “No, but we have discussed it, we were waiting until you knew him better, because he knows you don’t approve of him.”

  “Yes “said Agnes grimly “And it looks like my intuitions were correct,” Then Agnes looked at Cecilia and said.

  “Cecilia, do you remember what I told you and Helena about men and women?”

  Cecilia hung her head and Agnes felt a chill up her spine,

  “Cecilia, you haven’t been foolish, I hope, I have always taught you and your sister to save yourselves until you marry.”

  Cecilia answered sulkily.

  “No Mama, I haven’t done anything, you have never left Liam and I on our own anyway, so how could I do anything,” She felt she was blushing. She whispered.

  “I don’t think for a moment it’s true Mama, that bitch is just trying to trick Liam and come between us.”

  “Cecilia,” Agnes gasped “I don’t want to hear such language from you again, there is no need. Now, I want you to get dressed and join us for tea,” she said, “Archie should be back soon, he has gone into town on a little business,” Agnes moved towards the door. Turning around she looked at Cecilia

  “Time for decisions then.” She said kindly. When Archie arrived home, he was furious, he told them it was all true, Liam was married, he had disappeared from Ireland approximately two years before. Archie later spoke to Agnes alone.

  “He left Ireland because he was questioned by the police about the murder of a woman, they apparently cleared him but you know mud sticks,” he hesitated and then continued. “There is also a suspicion that he was a member of the IRA.”

  Cecilia was quiet and subdued, her heart was breaki
ng, she missed Liam’s company and thought back remembering the wonderful time they used to have together, the laughter and fun, she still loved Liam, he had declared his love for her numerous times and she shuddered to think of him saying the same things to his wife. Agnes noticed that Liam had not been to the Cabaret and she hoped he and his wife had decided to return to Ireland. Eventually Agnes made the hard decision to send Cecilia to her sister in South Africa, she hoped the change would be good for the poor girl.

  “Cecilia love, do you want to take a trip to see Aunt Eloise?” she asked one day.

  Cecilia shrugged.

  “Anything Mama, I don’t really care.”

  Agnes worried for her daughter. Cecilia lost weight and wasn’t eating well. The girl became deeply depressed and Agnes’ heart ached to see her suffering. Liam was an unscrupulous wolf, and she thought she could gladly kill him.

  Agnes applied for the emigration permit and passport for Cecilia and Archie heard that friends of his were returning to Johannesburg in February. Archie contacted them and they were willing to chaperone the young girl until she reached her destination. Cecilia was eager to leave Australia, she wanted to get away from all the places she and Liam had visited. She was in town one day with Helena and Mama and they noticed Liam strolling towards them with his wife clinging to his arm. Cecilia held her head high, she turned away not looking at the couple and brushed past, her heart thumping. Agnes and Helena glanced Cecilia’s way and she bravely hid her feelings.

  She was looking forward to meeting her aunt and uncle and Mama said her sister Eloise had told her that South Africa was a beautiful country. Cecilia hoped that she would never see Liam again although the thought saddened her.

  Cecilia was to sail on the ship called Themistocles in February, due to arrive in Durban about three weeks later. Agnes ordered a few ball gowns for the girl and a travelling outfit of blue with a little cloche hat to match and Archie gave her a crocodile skin bag and shoes to complete her ensemble. They were all dreading the parting, especially little Helena, she adored her sister and would miss her, they had grown very close as they got older and Cecilia regretted all the times she had been horrible to Helena. Cecilia thought about Mama and Archie and dear Ida and all her close friends, she would not see any of them for a long time. She thought she could gladly kill Liam for what he had done, how could he be so deceitful?

  At last Mama and Archie set the date for their marriage, it was a small ceremony and they were to have a brief honeymoon at a quiet resort outside Melbourne. The couple planned to be away two weeks and be home before Cecilia left for South Africa.

  The day of the wedding turned out to be beautiful and sunny and Ida declared the sun was smiling on the bride and groom. Cecilia knew that Archie would make her mother happy. Agnes looked charming in her wedding outfit and the bridegroom was beaming all through the ceremony. After the vows and speeches, the party was in full swing and when it was time to leave, the couple walked out to cheers and shouts of congratulations. There was a gleaming, sleek car standing at the kerb and Archie led Agnes over to the vehicle, taking Agnes’ hand he dropped a key into her palm, she looked down at the key and over to the car She was speechless.

  Archie explained. “It’s an Isotta Fraschini, an Italian car, there are a very few of these cars in Australia, I ordered this beauty from Italy for you my Love.”

  The car sported beige leather seats and was a convertible, with a brass horn on the driver’s side, at the back was a round-top trunk for the luggage and the spare wheel was on the left side of the car next to the running board. The white wall tyres caught the eye. All the guests gaped, they had never seen such an elegant car. Agnes turned to Archie with tears of love and happiness streaming down her cheeks.

  “I didn’t need this to know how much you love me Darling, it’s a beautiful present.” she kissed him on both cheeks and the big man blushed. As their luggage was already in the car, the couple prepared to leave and with a honk on the horn the car glided away leaving their guests to enjoy the party.

  Cecilia, Helena and Ida were sitting on the patio having tea and scones, Agnes had asked Ida to chaperone the girls until she and Archie returned. Cecilia was gradually coming to terms with the situation and had begun to take an interest in life once more and she was excited at the prospect of the sea journey to South Africa - suddenly Liam appeared around the side of the house. Liam Dannaher was a dangerously handsome man, his hair was a burnished copper shade and women longed to run their fingers through it, his eyes were an unusual green. He had a captivating personality which drew people, especially women, towards him like bees to honey but, under that charming exterior there was a streak of cruelty. As he strutted towards the girls, he was struggling to keep his violent temper under control. Cecilia saw him first and jumped up.

  “How dare you come here.” she shouted. “You knew Mama and Archie were away so you thought you would come around. Get out, get out.” She shrieked hysterically. Ida standing up, walked towards him saying quietly.

  “You are not welcome here Mr. Dannaher, please, leave or I shall be forced to call the police,” Ida then noticed Liam had been drinking and she grew afraid.

  “Go into the house you two,” she called to Cecilia and Helena. “I will follow you shortly, when I have escorted Mr. Dannaher off the premises.”

  Helena took Cecilia by the arm and they both turned to walk inside whereupon Liam lurched forward knocking Ida violently aside.

  “I will have you one day my girl, or nobody will have you, you are mine.” He slurred. He started to walk towards Cecilia, but very bravely, Ida gave him a huge push and skirting around him, raced into the house slamming and locking the glass patio doors. The three women gazed fearfully out at the scene, Liam had fallen into the flower bed at the side of the porch and was struggling to get up, using profane language Ida turned and ran for the phone, she called the police telling the officer who answered about the predicament they were in and gave him the address. Liam was so intoxicated that he passed out in the flower bed, eventually the police arrived and dragged him away.

  There was no more sign of Liam before Cecilia’s departure. Agnes and Archie arrived back from honeymoon looking relaxed and healthy and very happy. Ida told them quietly about the incident, Archie was fuming.

  “I am going to have to teach that laddie a good lesson, one he will never forget.”

  Agnes took his arm and spoke calmly.

  “No Dear, he is not worth it. The police are handling it,” she told him “It’s nearly time for Cecilia to leave and until then we must be careful, after that he is helpless and can’t reach her,” she went on. “Even if the cad finds out, he won’t be able to do anything about it, I doubt if he has the fare to go to South Africa to find her.” Thank God, she had made the decision to send Cecilia away, she thought.

  Liam hadn’t been seen at the Cabaret or his usual haunts. Some of the gentlemen at the club had informed Archie that Liam and his wife were planning to return to Ireland.

  At last it was time for Cecilia to leave, she was dressed in her lovely blue outfit and Helena was standing at the door crying, Agnes patted Cecilia on the shoulder, they were all trying not to show how devastated they were. Cecilia then noticed a shadowy figure standing in the corner observing her and she knew who it was. Annie.

  As Archie walked into the room the apparition vanished.

  “Come on now, it’s not as bad as all that,” He consoled the women and laughed heartily “ This is going to be an adventure for you Cecilia my girl, not many young girls get the opportunity to travel so far away.”

  When the family alighted from the car a couple came up to them and greeted Archie and Agnes. They were introduced to Cecilia as Mr. and Mrs. McLeod and their daughter Winsome, who was about the same age as Cecilia. Agnes instantly liked these people and she was sure that Winsome and Cecilia would be good companions on the trip and she trusted Mrs. McLeod to keep a strict eye on the girls.

  Soon it was time to emb
ark and Cecilia’s eyes flooded with tears as she kissed Archie and Helena goodbye. When it was time to wish her mother farewell, Cecilia thought she had made the wrong decision to leave, Agnes hugged her tightly, they both didn’t want to let go.

  “Just remember my darling, when you want to return home, after a reasonable time that is,” she said with a watery smile. “We will be waiting and I will miss you every day you are away,” she hiccupped emotionally. “I love you my beautiful girl and everything I have done is for your good.” She patted Cecilia on the back gave her another fond hug and stepped away as Cecilia turned to walk up the gangplank.

  They all stood on the wharf as the ship prepared to leave and the song that was playing “Wish Me Luck as you Wave Me Goodbye” brought many tears to most people on land and to the passengers on the departing vessel. There was a blast on the horn, warning visitors the vessel was about to set sail.

  The crew were shouting instructions to the men on the wharf and the gangplank slowly swung into the side of the vessel. The ship crawled away from the dock taking forever to clear the harbour and Agnes refused to leave until it was out of sight. She knew she would have no news from Cecilia for at least a month, Eloise promised to send a telegram when Cecilia finally arrived. This would be the first time Agnes was parted from one of her children and she thought how they would all miss the girl. Cecilia was leaning over the rail trying to catch her last glimpse of mother and Helena, she glanced over their heads and thought she saw Liam standing watching among the crowd of people who were waving farewell. She gasped, then she shook her head, no, it was surely just her imagination, hoping to see him again.


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