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Cecilia's Secret

Page 11

by Patricia Gallinetti

  Cecilia thought.

  How could I notice all that? Oh God poor Bridget.

  “Cecilia, Cecilia?” Ida shook her by the shoulder gently. “The Police Inspector is here, he wants a word with you. Are you able to answer a few questions?” Cecilia nodded and looked up. She saw a tall man with slicked back black hair, he had a small moustache and very piercing almost black eyes, he was holding a hat, she also noted his shoes before she looked at his face, they were immaculately clean and shiny, how could he have such clean shoes? He had been standing in the rain.

  “Detective Inspector Holland” he introduced himself. “Miss Skye, can you tell me what you saw?”

  She hesitated a moment. “I didn’t see anything really,” She answered shakily. “I heard Mrs. Dannaher scream, and when I ran out to the terrace, Liam, Mr. Dannaher, said she had slipped on the tiles and went over.”

  “Miss Skye, I just want to know what you saw, if anything, not what Mr. Dannaher told you.” He spoke not unkindly. “What did you do then?”

  “Well I-I think I walked to the railing and looked down and saw Bridget lying on the roof of the car.” Tears once again gathered in her eyes.

  “Did you walk or run Miss Skye?”

  “No -uh walked. Bridget had slipped on the wet tiles, I didn’t want to do the same thing.”

  Holland was quiet for a second and then said

  “Mr. Dannaher spoke to you, he said his wife had slipped on the wet tiles?” He paused “Were the tiles slippery?” Cecilia nodded. “What did you do then?”

  “Liam and I ran down the stairs and around the corner into the lane and – and.” she sobbed and couldn’t go on.

  She heard Holland say to Ida

  “Alright Miss Poole, can you take Miss Skye home? I will pay her a visit tomorrow, for more questioning.”

  Over the next few weeks, the newspapers sensationalized the accident. Speculating if it was an accident or a deliberate push. A reporter snooped around and it was revealed that Cecilia and Liam were seeing a lot of each other before Bridget arrived from Ireland. The police performed tests to see if it was possible to fall over the railings by slipping and they concluded that it was minutely possible, but not probable and arrested and charged Liam with murder. They investigated Cecilia’s involvement, thinking that maybe she was an accessory, but thank God, they eventually dismissed the idea. Cecilia may have had the time to go upstairs and help to push Bridget over the railing, but Ida testified that Cecilia had just left her and she heard Cecilia’s footsteps racing across the room towards the terrace after she – Ida, heard Bridget scream. The police speculated that maybe Cecilia conspired with Liam to murder Bridget and conveniently arrived on the scene after the deed. But thankfully they also dismissed the idea because they could not find any evidence that Cecilia and Liam had seen each other when Cecilia returned from South Africa and only met again that same night at the ball.

  The trial went on for months with many witnesses and character witnesses. Some guests testified that Bridget was drinking heavily and was very intoxicated. In giving evidence, the police revealed that Liam had left Ireland years before under a cloud of suspicion, a young woman was found brutally murdered, Liam was seen in her company a few times, but his involvement in the murder couldn’t be established. Cecilia gave her evidence and the prosecutor, a ruthless clever man, tried to implicate her. But as she was innocent and she knew she was innocent he couldn’t make her change her story and she also believed that Liam was innocent, it was an accident, he couldn’t do that. She knew him too well. The months dragged on and Cecilia felt that the nightmare would never end; she was the only one in the family who believed it was a bizarre, tragic accident. Agnes felt all along from the first day she set eyes on the man that he was not trustworthy, but Cecilia was still in love with him and couldn’t believe that he was capable of murder.

  After nearly a year Liam was acquitted. He walked out of court a free man. Cecilia was immensely relieved that it was over at last. The police had closed the Cabaret while investigations were in progress and when it opened for business it surprised the family how many people were once again attending the balls and numerous cabaret artists were clamouring to get their acts booked. Christmas 1937 and New Year’s Eve arrived. Cecilia said she couldn’t face the people’s stares and Agnes and Ida decided to resume the responsibilities until Cecilia felt she was able to return to her hostess duties. She was spending a great deal of time at home; she often wondered what had happened to Liam and quietly admitted to herself that she still cared for him and hoped to hear from him. He did not call however and Cecilia gave up waiting, she started to go out with other partners, dances, films. Parties, she was becoming known as a social butterfly. She was preparing to go to a party, a very social affair, with many well-known names. Kevin, her partner that evening, had taken Cecilia out a few times and she regarded him as just a good friend although she knew he would have liked to have a closer relationship. She decided to wear a black sequined dress. It had a high neckline in the front, with a deep plunging back almost to her waist, rows of lace ruffles beginning mid-thigh, black pointed sequined shoes and a small bag to match. She flung a bright red ostrich feather boa around her shoulders and she applied red lipstick to match the feather boa. When Kevin arrived to pick her up he gazed in admiration.

  “God Cecilia” he managed to gasp out “You look absolutely stunning, I will be the envy of every man there tonight.” She chuckled taking his arm affectionately and they walked to the car.

  “Kevin, you are so sweet,” she laughed, “I am sure there will be other women more beautiful than me at the party.”

  After about an hour at the party, Kevin left her side to get them another drink, she felt somebody come up very close behind her and whisper in her ear.

  “Cecilia.” She gave a gasp and swung around, he was so close that he had to put his arms around her to prevent her from stumbling.

  “Liam,” she smiled, her heart thumping wildly “What are you doing here?”

  “Hello, sweetheart, the hosts are old friends of mine and they told me you would be here tonight.” With his arms still around her, his gaze dropped to her lips. She felt that old charisma and longed for his kiss, she had missed Liam and after the nightmare of Bridget’s death and the trial they had all endured, she thought he had left Australia.

  “Liam, it is so good to see you, where have you been?”

  “Let’s go outside into the garden and we can talk,” He said quietly and putting his hot hand on her bare back, guided her through the open patio doors, and down the steps, into the garden.

  It was a warm night, the bushes tinged silver from the bright moon which was hovering above, the moonlight formed a halo around Cecilia’s head, Liam thought she looked like an angel. Cecilia felt her heart soar, she was with Liam again. They moved towards a bench in the shade of a bush, hidden from the house, she heard the soothing tinkle of a fountain, Cicadas were chirping loudly, but as Cecilia and Liam walked towards the bench the chirping stopped immediately and quiet settled around them. He explained that he had spent a few months in Sydney but decided to return. The handsome devil spoke softly as he gazed into her eyes.

  “I couldn’t stay away any longer Cecilia, I have missed you so much, I love you my darling. I hope you still love me,” He touched her face tenderly, his thumb running along her lips. “I am so sorry for what I have put you through, please forgive me.”

  She put her finger up to his mouth and whispered

  “Hush Darling,” she then dropped her head on his shoulder. “Oh, Liam, I love you, you have always been the only one. I thought I would never see you again,” She said quietly “I never believed for one moment that you threw Bridget over the balcony - it was a horrendous, terrible accident.”

  Cecilia failed to see his triumphant devilish smile as he looked down, gently kissing the top of her head and he thought

  Got her, she is mine. He moved to gather her into his arms, but she heard Kevin callin
g. She jumped up putting her hand out with a halting gesture.

  “Stay here Liam, don’t let him see you,” She whispered, “Call me tomorrow, I will be the only one at home and maybe we can see each other in the city somewhere.” Blowing him a kiss she turned and walked swiftly towards the house calling out.

  “Coming Kevin, I was just getting a bit of fresh air; I seem to have developed a headache.”

  Liam remained on the bench staring into space, he was reliving the night Bridget died…...

  He had wondered how to get rid of his wife; she was getting on his nerves and in his way. He hadn’t planned her murder, but it had worked out perfectly. She was adamant that she would not divorce him, her excuse was, she was catholic and she loved him. His lips curled, she didn’t love him - loved what he could give her maybe. That night he walked out to the terrace while he waited for Bridget to come from the powder room before they left for home. The rain had stopped and he was standing looking down at the cars pulling in and picking up passengers. Bridget as usual had too much to drink, she came onto the balcony stumbling and weaving slightly, her lipstick was smeared and her lip lifted in an unbecoming sneer,

  “I hope you enjoyed dancing with Cecilia tonight, I am sure if I hadn’t been watching, you would have done much more than dance.” She slurred. She hiccupped, putting her hand up to her mouth and giggled. He had grabbed her by the arm.

  “Shut up Bridget, I’m so tired of you and your drinking and nagging.” He remembered saying. She turned around trying to shake his hand off, he was unaware of anything around him except his hatred for her, his need to shut her up. forever. The bitch turned her head to squint up at him, then her eyes had widened with pure terror, as intoxicated as she was he noticed she realized that he intended to kill her. He felt exhilarated. She opened her mouth to scream and slapping his hand over her mouth he pushed her towards the railings. She struggled violently but he was stronger than her.

  Grabbing her around the waist, before she could react, he had swiftly flung her over the side, he remembered he had to use both hands to lift her resistant, squirming body and as he took his hand from her mouth she screamed. She tried desperately to grab the railing and scrabbling to clutch his hand but it was too late, she was already falling. Liam remembered that as he was flinging his wife over, his foot slipped on the wet tiles leaving a mark and he grabbed the barrier, looking down he saw a car had just pulled into the parking below. The car door opened; there was a dull thud and Bridget’s body landed on the roof. Liam swung around as he heard footsteps and was afraid that his actions had been witnessed but when Cecilia dashed onto the terrace it was obvious she had not seen anything. He had rapidly changed his expression from evil triumph to horror and fright.

  Liam smiled. Well once again he had been lucky and got away with murder. It was a spur of the moment decision and had worked in his favour. That car pulling in below at the right moment was perfect timing. Now he was going to get Cecilia, his patience had paid off and circumstances were on his side. Not only was she very desirable and beautiful, but he also suspected she would be a rich woman one day when she inherited Archie’s fortune. Liam’s source of income was drying up, his family sent him regular payments from Ireland to keep him away, but they had finally informed him not to expect any more handouts. He had to do something.

  As she walked inside to join Kevin, Cecilia put her hand up to her head, pleading a headache and asked if he would take her home early. When he dropped her outside the house, he looked at her curiously and said.

  “Cecilia, I thought I saw you with Liam at the party tonight. I was walking towards you when you walked outside with him. Is everything alright? Did he upset you?”

  “He just wanted to talk Kevin.” She said irritably. Kevin opened her door and prepared to escort her to the front door, Cecilia kissed him on the cheek and thanked him for the evening and told him she would call him.

  The next morning Agnes, Helena and Cecilia planned to visit friends. Cecilia pleaded a headache again and said she would rather have a peaceful day at home. Liam phoned her and they agreed to meet in town, she had to keep their meeting a secret from her family, none of them liked or trusted Liam, especially Mother and they would be very disappointed if they knew she had met up with him. They all still believed he had murdered his wife and was lucky to have got off scot-free, she knew they were wrong, Liam couldn’t have done it. He wasn’t capable of murder.


  Italy - Present Day

  A nnie, Vincenzo and Denise left early the next morning to drive through to Rome.

  They all boarded the tourist bus which travelled around the city. Reaching the stop for the Trevi fountain and alighting from the bus they excitedly followed Vincenzo through a few narrow streets, at last arriving at the fountain, which was already crowded, Vincenzo turned his back and threw a coin into the fountain and remarked. “If you throw a coin in, whatever you wish for will come true and you will return to Rome.” He looked at Annie and his gaze made her blush. The three friends had a wonderful day in Rome and when it was time to leave, the two girls decided they would return one day - there was still so much to see. Annie and Denise thanked Vincenzo for a truly unique day. They arrived home late in the afternoon and Vincenzo said he was busy the next day. When he had left, Annie and Denise changed and sat out on their patio with long cool drinks discussing the day. They heard the cry of an owl overhead, on its nightly quest to find food. Annie turned to her friend and again asked Denise if she was satisfied to remain at the farm a while longer.

  “Yea, Yea, Annie, I love it here, don’t worry, if I want to move on I’ll tell you.” She grinned “Now, there’s too much happening. You may also need my help besides Vincenzo’s, to clear up this mystery surrounding Cecilia.”

  “Well,” said Annie. “The first thing to do is see if we can locate Cecilia’s son, I think I have to mail the folks and tell them about him. Annie mailed her mum telling her all she had discovered.

  ‘Mum, I have found out that Cecilia had another child before Nana, and I think he is still living.’ Louisa must have received the mail immediately. Annie’s phone rang and she smiled as she picked up the phone. It was her Mother calling.

  “Annie, this is such astounding news, how did you figure this out, are you certain?” asked Louisa.

  “Well.” said Annie “I don’t think I am too far off the track, everything is pointing that way. I have found out that Cecilia was here and that she had a little boy, according to what I have heard he was about 5 years old in 1944,” she paused “What I can’t work out is, what was Cecilia doing in Italy with this child, how did she get here?” Annie went on “It must have been just as the war started.”

  “Yes, but…” Louisa said, “What makes you think he is still alive and why would Cecilia return to South Africa leaving her boy behind?” Annie heard Louisa sigh “And then not tell a soul about it, I know my Mum never knew she had a brother or even that her mother was married before, if she had married.”

  “Well, Mum, that’s just what I have to still find out and I think the child is still alive because….” She paused. Now Mum is going to think I have really gone over the edge,

  “Because I have seen Cecilia and she has asked me to find him.”

  “Annie, you are kidding, I can’t see where this is all heading, you are really not making any sense,” Louisa sounded exasperated. “Cecilia has been gone for over 40 years and nothing like this has ever come to light.”

  Annie said, “And Mum, there is another thing, I still have to find out when Cecilia went to South Africa from here, was it after the war? She continued “If we can dig out what the child’s name was, maybe we can find the birth certificate here.” She sighed. “Presuming she was here in Tavarnelle when the child was born, but I don’t think any papers survived.”

  “Annie “said Louisa “If you can find his name, that may help you.” she paused once more “Now I have to decide if I am going to tell Nana all this, or wa
it until we have some definite information.” Louisa said “Annie, email and tell me all you know so far, and you go on delving for his name.” She still sounded dubious. “Meanwhile, I’ll decide what to tell my Mother, this will be a bit of a shock for her, she knew there was something in Cecilia’s past but never anything this astounding. Bye Love.”

  “Tomorrow,” Annie told Denise determinedly. “I am going to go online and see if I can trace the Raimondi’s, even if I have to look up every one of them and contact them wherever in Italy they are, surely I must find some clue as to what happened to this mysterious great-uncle of mine.”

  The next morning Annie and Denise set up their laptops after they had breakfast and looked up the name Raimondi in Tuscany first. They wrote down all the contact details, there were quite a few and the girls started to call all the numbers, but they were unsuccessful, mainly because most of the people they spoke to couldn’t understand English, so the girls decided to leave that to Vincenzo, when he had the time. Annie went around to Riccardo’s office to see if he would give her the lawyer’s name who had handled the sale of the farm and armed with the information she contacted the firm and made an appointment to see Signore Bandinelli the next day, in Florence. Annie and Denise decided to do more sightseeing to visit a town called Certaldo, it was about a half hour drive from Tavarnelle, Riccardo had told them there was a little cable car up to an ancient town. The old town overlooked a magnificent valley and in the distance, they saw the spires of San Gimignano, the historic place where in medieval times there was a competition to see which family could build the highest tower. “Didn’t Vincenzo mention a region called the Maremma?” Asked Denise. “Maybe we should ask him about it, it’s on the coast and I hear the cliffs overlook the beach.” “Yes,” Annie replied. “Vincenzo did talk about it, I’ll ask him when we see him again, maybe we should visit the area next little trip we make. There are quite a few villages to visit, we can book into a small family hotel and hire horses and go for a ride up into the hills.” She swung into the road leading to the farm and they pulled in through the gates, Annie glanced in her rear-view mirror and noticed Ilana’s car pulling in behind.


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