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10 FEISTY FILLIES - Romance Collection Short Stories Bundle: (TABOO EROTICA) (Candy Girl Series)

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by Lucy Lixx

  What if we weren't like this when we returned home? What if the magic stayed behind?

  This thought made me gag with worry, causing me to sit up and cover my mouth. I prayed hard that nothing would change, but I knew he had a wife waiting for him upon his return. She couldn't possibly please him like I do. There was no one else that could do these things while taking the pain. I'm special to him.

  "I'm his little kitten." I said to myself, attempting to console my anguish.

  The plane ride back to Chicago was uneventful and filled with Norman's lists and demands. Had I been treated the same way I had in the mansion, I might have been more apt to pay attention to his needs, but he was droning on about something largely unimportant dealing with his family. I didn't want to hear about that, not now when I was inches away from his beautiful lips. While staring into the distance and pretending to write down some of his notes, he turned suddenly and took my face between his hands. The motion caused me to gasp and my eyes widened as his nose pressed to mine.

  “You belong to me now. Whatever connections you might have in Chicago should be broken off as soon as we land. I will not share my little kitten,” he commanded.

  “I'm single, sir,” I responded weakly, my eyes completely locked on to his.

  The honey gold sparkled in the dim light of the plane, the swirls of color creating a universe in each eye that captivated my soul. It was like another dimension where we existed, where our attachment was socially acceptable and absolutely permissible. He could have his wife and have me as well. Her and I would chat over mimosas and maybe watch movies, or the three of us would get together for lunch and make passionate love in the parking garage. Anything could happen in the world between us that spoke of liberation and pleasure.

  But it wouldn't happen.

  “And so it should remain,” he said. “We have another meeting in two weeks for which I will train you. Stay alert.”

  As my blonde hair fell over my face, I perked my red lips to kiss him, but he shoved me off as his phone rang the familiar tone of his wife. Why did she have to interrupt our moment? Feeling slighted, I sat back in my chair as he wandered off to answer to his ridiculous spouse who was likely spouting out some nonsense about finances and other unimportant things. She wasn't simple like me. I appreciated Norman for more than his money. In fact, I considered it a perk of being part of his life, but not a requirement. She seemed to always need his money for something or other and I watched as his shoulders sank down in his office when she visited. They would then go have lunch and he would return fuming, an argument having inspired his rotten mood.

  I welcomed him to take those things out on me. He just needed to be relieved of that stress. My body would be his relief from the everyday stresses of this world. But when could I ever truly have him? Our worlds intertwined this way for a specific purpose, something we were supposed to be doing but simply couldn't because of some ridiculous societal expectation about monogamy and decency. It was such a burden living in a world that didn't accept these sort of things.

  As Norman came back towards his seat, I perked up and sat with my notebook open as if nothing had happened. I listened to him collapse into the chair and sigh heavily, likely having just verbally jousted with the woman he married. I knew any side comment about her would bring punishment, and I nearly dared myself to do it. His touch would relieve my tension, even if it was a slap. But instead, I sat patiently while scribbling and looked through some papers. After a moment of silence, Norman laid his hand upon mine and whispered to me, “You are a lovely woman.”

  This prompted me to look up, eyes heavy with a mixture of sorrow and hope. Was there really some feeling in that broad chest for me? Had he just expressed that?

  “I want to keep you because you are so good to me, but you must understand that I cannot leave her,” he explained.

  “But why?” I asked, no longer caring about punishment.

  “Because she'll take everything I have,” he replied.

  “How could you love someone who just harms you like that all the time? I see what she does to you. As soon as she's in the building, your mood sours. How can you go on lying?” I asked, my eyes imploring him to simply break down and take me into his arms forever.

  “It's a double-edged sword, my little kitten. You'll come to understand someday,” he said.

  Before I could say anything else, the pilot instructed us to buckle up, effectively breaking the bond that linked us. Our eyes turned to face forward, and we did as instructed. The realization that there was some part of him that cared deeply that he had considered leaving his wife...for me. Such thoughts only made me more attached, filling my head with daydreams, in anticipation of the amazing moments that were to come.

  I think he loves me.

  Chapter Six

  Getting home was mildly depressing. My apartment seemed so empty without Norman nearby to bark orders. All that time spent together had spoiled me of his presence and now I seemed to require it more often, something I hadn't thought about until we had parted ways. Left to my own devices, I felt practically useless, looking around my kitchen as if I had forgotten how to cook or breathe. I wasn't sure how I'd occupy my time while Norman was with his wife and I didn't even want to think about what they might be doing. He had looked so forlorn when he dropped me off, the edges of his face drooping downward to create such a sorrowful expression that it nearly broke my heart to leave the car. I stroked his cheek gently and left. Walking toward my door, I felt the all too familiar pangs of melancholy and regret welling up in my heart. Yet, I tried my best to keep at bay the sting of tears that threatened to spill with each sorrowful breath of loneliness that settled within my belly the very moment we parted ways.

  “Wait, wait a minute,” I heard Norman’s voice calling after me, just as I was about to unlock the door. My heart sprang back to life at the sound of his voice beckoning after me. I practically skipped back to him, all the while wondering curiously just what exactly he could be cooking up in that gorgeous head of his…

  * * *

  As I started preparing myself a small meal, my phone rang from my bag. I looked over at the luggage sitting near the door and frowned. Unpacking was going to be a chore, especially whenever I find those torn pantyhose. I considered finding them now and rubbing them against my sore tulip, hoping to perhaps rub the bliss from that moment back into my body. My phone continued to ring even as I wished it away. I pulled it from the new leather purse Norman had gifted me and instantly smiled when I saw the name displayed.


  But, the smile left as soon as it came, recalling what Norman had said to me on the plane earlier in the afternoon. A combination of the jet lag and recalling the finality in the tone Norman’s last statement made my head reel a bit. Shaking the dizziness away, I answered the call.

  “Hey, Randy,” I said while sitting myself on the couch. “How's it going?”

  “Pretty well. And yourself? How was the trip?” he asked.

  “It was exciting. We had a pretty productive two days,” I replied.

  “Did you get to see the town at all? Go exploring?” he asked eagerly.

  “No, we were too wrapped up with the account,” I responded while twirling a lock of blonde hair.

  More like Norman was too wrapped up in me, I thought.

  Randy clicked his tongue before saying, “That's a shame. We should go sometime in the future if you're up for it. I don't make as much as your boss, but I've been saving for a while.”

  I smiled.

  “That sounds really lovely,” I said while standing to retrieve a quick meal from the fridge.

  As we chatted, I cradled the phone between my shoulder and chin while moving around the kitchen to throw together a salad. We laughed between bites and I felt a sort of happiness growing in my belly, something I felt whenever Norman was in the vicinity. It was rare to feel that with anyone else since I didn't typically talk to anyone else, but Randy was kind and considerate. He knew
how to make me smile and how to get a good laugh going. I regretted not being able to spend more time with him since I had started this job, the majority of my life being sucked into this massive black hole that was my boss.

  I didn't mind that Norman was taking over, but now I felt the weight of my regret sitting against the back of my neck. When Randy and I had finished talking, I got off the phone and put it on the night stand in my room to charge. An hour had passed since getting off the phone with Randy. My belly filled with food and the lingering laughter of our talk left me glowing and prepared for the long night ahead. I wasn't sure when Norman had this so called surprise planned, but it likely wouldn't be any time soon, as nights spent with his wife were typically extensive. Most of the time, it was me that booked their dinner dates and they were always located at the more expensive restaurants in Chicago. I seethed with jealously until I remembered how he’d expressed his care for me earlier. The saddens in his eyes could only mean that he didn’t love her, or at least not anymore. The way he had hungrily saddled my body, and took me over and over again, proved he wasn’t being satisfied properly at home. Consoling myself with these thoughts, I just felt bad for her.

  While getting myself settled in for a movie, I heard a noise up the hall that caught my attention. It didn't sound like my phone was buzzing, but I went to check on it anyway in case I had missed a call. The walk up the miniature hall was eerie, reminding me of when I had curiously checked on the noise at Theo's mansion. My footsteps repeated the same ones from the previous day, each bare foot cushioned by the plush carpet beneath me. I walked quietly into my room and peered about the space between my bed and the walls.

  There wasn't much occupying the space of my room save for the mattress and a dresser along with a lone nightstand. I didn't keep too many personal items except a drawer full of old pictures and a few yearbooks I had collected in college. I walked to the nightstand. The screen of my phone didn't reveal the culprit and my curiosity was mostly satiated, thinking the noise might have come from the neighbors upstairs shuffling about. As I turned to leave my room, I came face to face with a masked figure who held a hefty coil of rope in one hand and what appeared to be a handkerchief in the other.

  A scream began to erupt from my gut, but the masked stranger covered my mouth and flipped me around. My cheek hit the white wall and I grunted loudly, my screams for help muffled against the gag. Hot breath hit the back of my neck and a hand came around to remove the barrier of my skirt, yanking it down to the floor to reveal a plump bottom that was still sore from my punishment the previous day. He pulled my wrists behind my back and expertly tied the rope around them, removing his hand and pressing his face into my cheek while warning me not to scream. When he was finished, he ran his fingers over my bottom, taking delight in my hissing noises from the pain. My braised skin twitched in response to touch, his rough hand gripping a portion of my derriere, his fingers diving beneath the folds of my flower.

  I tried to scream, I writhed, fought to break free from his grasp. My heart raced, beating ferociously in my chest, my neck tight and tense with each failed attempt at a scream. I was wrought with terror. All I could do was plead with the assailant in my mind, unable to utter an audible sound. This is not happening, I kept crying out in my mind. Why is this happening! Somebody help me! I pleaded, as if the walls could somehow hear and rescue me. But even the walls themselves stood silent, watching, stricken with horror. All I wanted to do was plead with the man, to tell him that I belonged to someone very important. That I had already been claimed, that the raw skin his fingers were now violating was engorged from my master owning it the entire weekend, and not from the vial affection he was forcing upon me. But I couldn't seem to get a word past the gag in my mouth. I tried to throw my weight back against him, but his body pressed into mine in order to keep me still. Flailing did nothing and I was ready to give in until I heard him speak.

  “I told you that you belong to me,” he growled into my ear as he pressed his hard rod to my aching rose petals. “Who was that on the phone?”

  I froze in disbelief. My heart still pounding in my chest, a flood of anxiety ridden relief washed over me. My body went limp, my tightened muscles relaxing in the recognition of my captor. Gasping, I tried to turn to see my sweet Norman, my wonderful master who was ever merciful and understanding. Though still relieved, I felt a flash of irritation at his questioning of me, since I was the one whom had just been taken unawares, and so violently. But, I instantly chided myself for feeling anything but reverence for this man whom I practically worshipped. A knowing smile crept up the corner of my lips, as I drank in the obvious jealousy in the meaning behind his words. I'm sure if I explained who it was that he wouldn't be angry with me, that maybe he would just take off the mask and tuck me into bed.

  My bud was so sore that I wasn't sure how much more I could take as he pressed himself between my petals and deep into the garden I so aggressively tried to guard just moments ago, from anyone that wasn’t him.

  “Tell me!” he demanded as he removed the gag.

  “A friend!” I squealed, accepting his cock as deep as I possibly could. “His name is Randy and he's just a friend!”

  “Swear it,” he growled while shoving his fingers into my mouth. “Swear it right now, little kitten.”

  “I...swear...” I croaked as I choked on his fingers.

  As soon as he heard what he wanted to hear, he removed his fingers and pounded into my sweet flower, leaving no room for me to wiggle between him and the wall. I took every slam like a good little girl, swearing to myself to never make my darling Norman question my fidelity ever again. Whatever I had to do, I would do it – anything to please him and to keep him around.

  “Anything,” I whispered as he continued to pump his hips into my bottom. “I'll do anything for you, Daddy.”

  The comment prompted Norman to pull out and grab my arm, dragging me down to the ground. My petals were sopping wet from the intense stimulation and my thighs were sore, most of my body retaining a sense of exhaustion from how vigorous the weekend had been. He pulled me down to the carpet where I remained and waited for his instruction, hoping for something truly exhilarating that would make me gush, wetter than I now was. But nothing happened. I felt his presence hovering over my body, but he did nothing to pleasure or punish me. When I turned to see what he was doing, he leaned down without pulling off his mask, without ever giving a hint of who was behind the mask even though I knew. Never once did his power over me waiver.

  “You will wait for me until morning, kitten,” said Norman flatly. “And if I don't return, you better figure out how to get those ropes undone before work.”

  With that, he headed for the door as panic filled my chest, wiggling around on the ground while trying to pry the rope apart by sheer force.

  “No!” I cried as he shut the door. “Don't leave me!”

  My worst fear had just come to fruition, the great weight of old regrets falling from my shoulders and being replaced with the horrible situation at hand. Everything else didn't matter now for my one true master had just left me on the floor of my room bound and crying, not to mention, without being brought to orgasm. I felt shameful, tears rolling down my face, pooling in the shallow valley of my collar bone, while my lips pathetically attempted to call out to Norman who had likely already left the apartment. My blubbering wouldn't make a difference. My sweet master has left me and there was a possibility that he wouldn't return. It would break me if he didn't. It would break me to pieces.

  Chapter Seven

  I wasn't sure how long I had been lying there. The clock in the kitchen ticked away minutes, but how many was impossible to tell. Where had my master gone? There was nothing between now and the stretch of eternity save for the feeling of absolute madness because there was no telling how I would escape my binding and make it to work. In the same regard, it determined whether or not I'd have a job the next morning which made this entire mess all the more upsetting. Him taking awa
y my job would also rob me of him, my beautiful boss who has given me so much in this short weekend. I didn't want to lose what we had just formed. Who knows how long he's been attracted to me? I wanted to make up for every lost second that we’d neglected to share with one another, neither having been aware of the lust we mutually shared all this time.

  The darkness of my room enveloped me in Norman's absence, a true comfort in this wretched situation. Crying was useless at this point as I knew he had long since left the apartment, but a few rogue tears trickled down my wet face and pelted the carpet. I rolled over to attempt to get the rope loosened. If I could slip my finger under the knot, I'd be able to untangle this entire thing. My stomach growled as I struggled with the rope and I told it to hush as I tried to concentrate. I thought I might have had a good loop to pull, but it only made the ropes tighten and I groaned with defeat.

  Slamming my head down, I began to silently weep into the fibers of the carpet.

  He doesn't love me, I thought. He never really loved me and he never actually said it. You're such a fool, Samantha. How could you fall for something like this? Are you so deprived of love and affection that you must allow yourself to be twisted and used by a powerful man? Perhaps his plan the entire time was to sabotage your job so he could replace you with new meat. Maybe the chase and the thrill got him off and this was the end of the line. You're simply meant to be a toy and nothing else. You're a cute kitten everyone wants to touch and embrace until it's time to feed you. You’ll never be wanted.

  I knew beating myself up wasn't going to do much good, but I couldn't help falling into that mindset. How else was I supposed to feel? Everything around me seemed to be crumbling just as soon as it had been built up, like I had been systematically deprived of food and then fed the tiniest crumbs intermittently. It was just enough to make me want more and to keep me coming back because I wasn't sure when the reward would come. Part of me hoped that perhaps he would return to rescue me, but I knew that was a false hope. He wasn't going to help me along because he wanted to see what I would do just to see him at work.


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