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10 FEISTY FILLIES - Romance Collection Short Stories Bundle: (TABOO EROTICA) (Candy Girl Series)

Page 29

by Lucy Lixx

  Oh, Colin…

  How strange it was that the sound of him alone could elicit my juices to gush from my delicate flower, her petals opening to the familiar tones. The conversation was mostly inaudible, but I could still hear it. What was going on? What did he have in store for me? My wrists were bound behind me, but my legs were free to swing. The motion of my legs kept me from falling into a complete panic attack. It also helped to have a little alcohol in my system to take off some of the edge, my nerves not as bad as they would be if I was sober. Footsteps approached the table upon which I sat and I remained perfectly still as to not elicit any sort of harm.

  “You used to be my little girl,” said the familiar voice in front of me. “And now look at you. What a waste of potential.”

  Tears came to my eyes while listening to Colin speak, his usually loving voice now directed at making me hurt. I would have preferred a slap or a spanking, but I was sure he knew that would bring me some form of pleasure that he didn't want to deliver. It would be pain now. From here to infinity, I would suffer the consequences of my awful decision to betray him. I mentally prepared myself for what might come.

  “Transport her,” instructed Colin to some unknown bystanders. “Make sure she's ready for the ritual.”

  Hands grabbed for my unresisting body that was already ready for any pain this ritual might bring. My heart, however, would not be prepared for the pain to come and it completely slipped my mind to possibly put up a metaphorical wall to shield myself from the hurt. I was carried some ways to an unknown location, the entire building overwhelming my body with its cold temperature. Nothing was warmer until we crossed a threshold that made my ears pop with the roar of crickets, steam filling the hood from the sudden change in humidity.

  We were outside. I could tell that much. The two people carried me some distance further and then sat me on a slab of cement, hooking my bound wrists up to a restraint. I could hear the shuffle of clothing, likely the robed figures from the last orgy I had attended, and waited for the hood to be pulled from my head. I was ready to face them. My frown turned to a scowl and my attitude plummeted, preparing to bite and kick in response to whatever punishment I would receive. As the fabric around my face moved, I readied my vision for the group and waited patiently as the scene revealed itself.

  The great group of black and red robes filled an entire field, dark patches of grass decorating the empty spaces between figures. Colin stood to my left and a red robe stood to my right, each of them holding their hands up in the reverent silence. A round of gasps trickled through the crowd and a few whispers erupted in the back as someone explained my presence. Everyone pointed at me.

  “Traitor,” they chanted.

  Colin held his hands higher to quiet the accusations and then walked towards my naked form.

  “We are here to see off this disgraceful and disobedient pet who I no longer call mine. She is to be given to this man to be taught the proper ways of obedience so that she may one-day return and join our feast of flesh renewed,” explained Colin while gesturing towards me. He raised a white collar in the air. “This collar represents her new possession. It has his name. It will be locked around her throat until she has proven her worth.”

  As Colin handed the collar over to the man in the red robe, the people in the crowd shook their heads in response, some of them vocalizing their disappointment. It made me upset to be the example of poor obedience, to be so frowned upon. As much as I wanted to break down, I didn't allow their judgment to affect me and held my head up high. The red robed figure held the collar above his head and then slowly wrapped it around my neck, leaning into my ear to whisper something he didn't want anyone else to hear.

  “You are beautiful. Don't think that them shaming you will have any effect on how I see you from here on out,” he said.

  The compliment took me by surprise. Although I was being given away unwillingly, I looked towards this robed man with a hint of hope. His lips pressed to my neck as his hands untied the knots of my restraints, freeing my body to be positioned for his entry. As Colin announced commencement, a small group of people walked towards the altar to hold me in place as the robed man discarded his covering and revealed his face. A serpent was tattooed on his left side that ran the length of his torso, muscles glistening with sweat from the humidity in the air making the serpent appear to be alive. His muscles flexed as he positioned himself between my legs and made the snake appear to move around, its scales rising and falling with the flow of his body.

  The man rubbed the head of his erect member directly into my rose bud, fluid trickling all over his shaft with each stroke to lubricate his passage. While he parted my sweet petals for his tool, I opened my mouth to welcome his fingers that pressed for my tongue. His eyes were black pools waiting to encapsulate me, staring straight through my own and sparkling with mischief. Hands kept a firm grip on my arms and shoulders as he plowed deep inside of me with a great force to transform my body into something spectacularly new, something that would belong to him.

  A bay erupted from my unsuspecting lips, muffled by the fingers occupying my mouth. I looked up at the faces around me as they all moaned in unison with our grinding bodies and felt a sort of community with them. As my eyes bounced from face to face, I recognized one in particular that was wearing a sinister smile, cradling my head as it bobbed to the rhythm of the man between my legs.

  It was Dan.

  His lips were curled up in a huge Cheshire grin and his eyes were lit with desire, absorbing every detail of my nude frame. A wave of shock sent shivers down my spine and I shook hard in between the hands holding me. He leaned down to kiss my forehead and whispered, “Good girl,” as confusion mixed with elation took hold of my brain. What was he doing here?! Had he purposely misguided my emotions, manipulating me to believe that I could have had him and have been happy? It dawned on me that the professor had used him as his inside eyes and ears in order to test my fidelity. I felt deceived and upset, wrought with the same fear that my new master might do the same if I didn't improve my behavior.

  As Dan continued to hold my head and massage my shoulders, my new master dove deep within the folds of my beautiful opening and rubbed his fingers against my clit, the engorged skin twitching under the weight of pressure. The sensation transported me to another dimension where I felt no shame, but only pleasure. His touch alone was capable of doing that and I remained steady in that dimension until I felt it begin to crumble in the wake of my climax. Bouncing back into reality, I shuddered suddenly from the stimulation and my breathing came in rapid waves, alerting the surrounding bodies of my impending outburst.

  My shaking form beckoned my sweet master to explode within my garden, showering my fields with his creamy seed that filled me to the brim. My flower blossomed as it was watered and my orgasm pulsed through my veins, taking me out into the layers of space where I looked down upon our grinding bodies with elation. I studied the group of forms moving like trees swaying in the breeze, their branches rising high over the crowd in rapturous celebration of indulgence. The touch of my master brought me back to the scene where he cupped my bottom with shivering hands as his hips rocked forward with one final blow.

  Panting, I was laid upon the cement slab where the tattooed man rubbed his hands over every bit of bare flesh, massaging the muscles that were heated with my fulfillment. Colin had disappeared during our mating display, the unspoken words between us eating away at the back of my mind. And where had Dan gone? The two seemed to be the only ones who had vanished upon my climax with my new master. For Colin, it might have been too painful to watch. I didn't blame him for walking away, but I was curious as to why Dan left when he did. Perhaps he had merged into the sea of people and was watching from afar, a sign of a true voyeur.

  “If you're looking for my assistant, he is likely out partaking in the ritual of flesh,” said the man rubbing my arms. “Call me Trey. I will be your new master and you will come live with me to be trained.”

sp; Trey smoothed his hands over my stomach and then wrapped an arm around my shoulder to hoist me in the air. Overwhelmed by his dark eyes, I stared deep into them until I realized the sounds of the orgy had faded off into the distance. He had carried me out into the woods near the field where the trees enveloped us, their comforting hug hiding us away from the dreadfully sharp judgment of the ritual participants. It felt much better putting dirt between myself and that group. While I had considered it an honor to be part of their rituals, I felt their expectations of me had been too high. Perhaps Colin thought molding me into a pet would work, but it seemed I wanted to bite the hand that fed me.

  “Your sexuality and prowess interest me, little one,” explained Trey as he set me on the ground. “I've been watching you for some time. Your professor thought you would be fit for a human sexuality study and I was quite impassioned by your drive to serve and obey. However, you bit back once you were in a place of complete submission. Why did you do that?”

  The entire speech took me by surprise. It seemed my professor had an ulterior motive the entire time he was “training” me and I felt somewhat slighted. Did that mean he wasn't really angry at me? I felt woozy with confusion and Trey caught my failing body, setting me on the ground near a backpack which he opened and procured a water bottle from. Carefully, he poured the refreshing liquid into my mouth and smoothed my hair from my face.

  “You must be worn, my little girl. I will feed you on the way to my home. It's a little ways away from here out in the country. I think you'll enjoy it,” he explained as he traced my chin with a finger. “You'll be so wonderful to play with. I know you won't displease me. I'll send you to an amazing university where you'll study the human mind and then we'll explore the wonderful darkness lying underneath the ravenous psyche of desire.”

  “But why me?” I asked through drunken lips. “Why hadn't you taken me before?”

  “Because of your dedication to being obedient and your curious behavior with my assistant. I want to know everything about you. I want to teach you and hold you and love you. Let me take care of you and you will never be without,” explained Trey while holding my face. “I hadn't taken you prior to tonight because I didn't want to frighten you. You're precious to me...”

  His lips came down to devour mine, a plush tongue poking through my broken barrier and comforting the questions of my soul. I had no reason to be worried. I was being promised all the care and comfort I could ever need with some luxuries added. In time, I could earn my degree as I had always wanted and set out to discover the hidden desires of the body and mind. It sounded like a worthy adventure, especially under such a knowledgeable and open teacher. Maybe this would be amazing. It would finally provide a place where I belong, where I could be at peace with my own desires instead of in constant question.

  I think I'll like this.


  Sugar Baby

  Chapter One

  My mother is a pig.

  She has been cheating on my father for months. When they got separated last year, I listened to them argue for hours about their relationship and about me. Her selfish desires to climb the corporate ladder had led to having an affair with her boss – with her own boss – and had shattered the family she built. Any girl would be lucky to have my father, so I was incredibly lucky when he pulled me aside and told me he would do whatever he could to appease my mother just to be able to keep in touch with me. I love my father and I hate that she's hurt him.

  She's a pig and she decided to marry her piggish boss.

  My mother's boss was Pat Langdon, a tall, olive skinned man who would scrape any opportunity presented to him. I was sure he knew my mother was marrying him for the benefits, but he didn't seem to care. When he moved in, I made sure I wasn't around much and often tried to escape the disgusting sound of them humping every night by staying out as long as possible with my girls. They had parental issues too, and I wanted to make sure they stayed out of trouble. Though we were all pretty snug in our suburban neighborhoods, there was still a present danger to little girls like us who were just trying to escape. I was well aware of how men could take advantage of little ladies on the run from home issues.

  Growing up looking different in our upper-middle class city was hard. My mom had always wanted the best for me and her, and her fighting to make her way into upper management in the corporate arena translated into greater housing and surroundings for our little family. Since there were not many other chocolate girls in my neighborhood or school, we needed to stay together. It was rough out in the real world if you didn't really have money. I'm sure that's why my mother did what she did, but we still had a loving and honest family. Our beautiful roots ran deep and our souls sang as one. We could have succeeded without all that bullshit, but she got greedy which made me despise her.

  I guess if I had a guy to dote on me like Pat, I would milk it too. College wasn't exactly free and the job I had at the convenient store wasn't enough to pay those bills. My mother isn't me though, and she's not struggling to pay bills. I was the one who needed that sort of opportunity.

  Just as I was getting the wheels turning in my head, Pat sat at the table across from me. I sipped my coffee as if I didn't see him there.

  “Hello, Viola,” Pat said as he twirled his spoon in his coffee.

  “Hello, Pat.”

  I allowed the words to flatly leave my lips, significant of how much an impression he had made on me since he moved in.

  “How are your studies? You've hardly been home since the semester began.”

  “Like that really concerns you.” I sniped.

  “Of course it does. A young woman such as yourself should have an excellent education considering how many opportunities that diploma could provide.”

  Part of me agreed with his point, but I was too stubborn to respond much after that. My mother came to my rescue by entering the kitchen and planting a kiss firmly on his cheek. It made my stomach turn.

  “Good morning, babies. Are we ready for the day?” She came over to kiss me and I accepted it even though I was feeling salty. “Vi, don't forget to help Pat with redecorating the office.”

  “But I have a test at two.” I said.

  “And it's only nine o'clock in the morning. You have plenty of time.” My mother responded.

  Before I could protest, she quickly grabbed her to-go coffee on the counter that Pat had made and jetted from the room to head to her job. It wasn't like she couldn't take the day off to help Pat. He was still her boss and she could basically do whatever she wanted. She had married into the job. There was no way he would say no to her, especially not with whatever she was giving him in the bedroom. I scoffed.

  “I can help you for two hours and then I have to study for my test,” I said blankly, standing to rinse my cup. “And I'm only doing so to please my mama.”

  “She's such a fine woman. I can only imagine you'll grow to be as beautiful and strong. You're already budding beautifully.” Pat regarded my figure with consideration. “You know, I wouldn't mind helping you pay for tuition as long as you behave.”

  “I don't understand. I already have a job.” I sarcastically retorted.

  “Quit your job. Don't worry about those bills. Just help me redecorate and then study for your test. I'll take care of everything else.” Pat said, effectively ending the debate.

  I was at a loss for words. Here I was being offered financial packaging from my new step-daddy who had, for the most part, been nothing but a nuisance to me. Perhaps I could give him a chance. Mama had warned me that things would be different and she wanted me to feel comfortable asking them for things. Still, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was so used to taking care of myself that my burdens seemed too much to weigh on someone else.

  “How would you do that?” I asked, still curious about this sudden offer.

  “And how do I behave?”

  A smile crept slowly along Pat's lips as he sipped his coffee, deliberately inserting a pause before sp

  “Your mother and I have made quite a fortune from this company. Soon, she'll be able to start her own business under my guidance and you'll have more opportunities than you ever dreamed.” He sipped his coffee again before continuing. “Your job, should you choose to accept, would be to please me. Love me as you would your daddy and do my bidding.”

  It didn't sound absolutely terrible, but the smile on his face was absolutely disturbing. I could tell he had some rather non-traditional favors in mind that might be crossing into territory I wasn't sure I could handle.

  But I needed the money.

  “Whatever you say. Let's start on that room.”

  I placed my cup in the sink, determined to forget the conversation had ever occurred. The sooner we got the room done, the sooner I could leave.

  Satisfied by my response, Pat put his cup in the sink and we walked into the large hall in the front where the stairs began for the second floor. White tile lined the entirety of the house save for the bedrooms where lush, cream carpet decorated the floor. We climbed the expansive staircase line with gold trim and walked down the hall to the second door where my mother's office was located. There were swatches of color all over her desk with random bits of art scattered all over the floor. It was a mess.


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