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10 FEISTY FILLIES - Romance Collection Short Stories Bundle: (TABOO EROTICA) (Candy Girl Series)

Page 32

by Lucy Lixx

  “What's this?” I asked, sniffles still shaking my body.

  “I've come to clean you because I want you to know how much I care about you,” he responded while dipping the wash cloth in the bowl. “Just because you share my love doesn't mean you have less of it.”

  Daddy's words were so comforting that I relaxed back into my pillows and allowed him to run the warm cloth all over my body. He started with my face and made sure to scrub away all the cum and tears while gently rubbing my stomach with his free hand. A contented sigh left my lips and I smiled. It was so relaxing to be sponge-bathed which I found to be surprisingly arousing as well. The warm water soaked my skin down to my bones, putting me into such a pleasant mood that I couldn't help but moan while Daddy scrubbed every inch of my shining skin.

  “Does that feel good, baby girl?” He asked while sliding the cloth over my legs.

  “Yes, Daddy. It feels amazing.” I responded.

  I relaxed further into my cushions and didn't worry about anything else except the gentle feeling of his hands working to massage every muscle of my body. I hadn't realized I had so many knots, especially since I had quit working the convenience store. I used to have all manner of wild knots in my shoulders, but Daddy was working them all out and I didn't have to worry about being sore like that again. When he was finished, he patted me dry with a towel and kissed my forehead.

  “Now, you change and get some sleep, okay?” He said while gathering the bowl and cloth.

  “May I watch TV after I change?” I asked in my sweetest voice.

  Daddy smiled and leaned down to kiss me again before saying, “Yes, but only for an hour or so. I don't want you to lose sleep tonight and miss class in the morning.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Another kiss landed on my lips and I lovingly pressed into his mouth, savoring every bit of his sweet taste before he had to leave for the evening. I knew he was about to go shower and climb into bed where my mother would meet him and I would likely have to listen to them bang again. My stomach twisted into a knot. I didn't want him to go, but keeping him would surely blow our cover and this wasn't something I was prepared to lose. I was too attached at this point.

  Daddy left and I stood to change, stretching briefly to get my blood flowing through my muscles again. As I went through my drawers to find a comfortable nightie, I heard some muffled conversation through the wall to my parent's room. I stepped quietly across the carpet and pressed my ear to the wall, careful not to bang against any furniture to give away my snooping position. It sounded like Daddy and my mother were arguing rather passionately about something that I couldn't figure out. I prayed hard that it had nothing to do with me.

  As their voices grew, I became incredibly upset and began to think of ways I could possibly steal Daddy away from this mess. Maybe he could leave my mother, take me with him, and we could move across town closer to the university I attended. I didn't want him being treated like this, especially not on my behalf. How dare she talk to my Daddy that way, I thought. I should show her what it really feels like to be betrayed. If I could show her how it feels, maybe it would make me feel better. My mother had to pay, but how could I go about punishing her?

  My brain abuzz with ideas, I climbed into my bed and turned on the TV to drown out the sound of them yelling. It was getting to a point where it was drawing tears from my eyes, tears that had been so beautifully wiped away an hour before. I tried to concentrate on the pictures in front of me to no avail.

  Sooner or later, she would have to pay and I would be the one to make her pay.

  After planning my revenge for a good twenty minutes, I felt satisfied enough to start drifting to sleep when I heard the sounds of squeaking coming from next door.

  No way.

  There was no way they were making up after such a vigorous fight, especially with the amazing plan I had set in place. Upset, I tossed my teddy bear across the room – a very fluffy one that Daddy had brought home the other day – and crossed my arms over my chest in contempt. How could I make Daddy want to leave her when he's already made up with her? I tried to remind myself of what Daddy had said earlier: “Just because you share my love doesn't mean you have less of it.” I suppose it was true, but I still didn't fully comprehend what that meant. I knew he loved me, but how did he also love her?

  Sick of my cycling thoughts running amuck on my emotions, I curled up hard into my pillows and tried to push the sound of them banging out of my head. I pictured Daddy and imagined him pushing himself into my pussy in the middle of the night as I slept like he had so many times before. I focused on his hands and his cock and pretended those squeaking noises were coming from me. I knew he was thinking about me, too. I knew because he had told me so. That particular thought provided temporary relief and I slipped into a state of temporary slumber.

  Chapter Six

  The next day, I tried to think of a million ways I could possibly steal Daddy away from my mother in order to make her pay for being so rude and selfish. Every plan failed to meet expectations and I knew I wouldn't be able to bribe him. In this situation he had every bit of power and sway. There wasn't a damn thing I could do to make him want to leave other than being better at everything including sex and obedience. I would be so good that he wouldn't be able to say no.

  While I was at school, I thought about how I could truly seduce my Daddy. I knew I already had him by his loins because of how hard I made him, but what would make him shake to the core and want to give me everything? As I pictured a few scenes in my head, one struck me as incredibly steamy and daring. It would prove how much I was willing to sacrifice and he would just have to say yes. There was no way this plan could fail. I was sure of it.

  I arrived home later in the afternoon and quickly ran upstairs to change into one of the dresses Daddy had bought for me. It was a purple sun dress with bright yellow bows and a large rose design on the skirt. He wouldn't be able to resist me in this gorgeous outfit, especially since it didn't require a bra. I opted out of panties and put on a little make-up while dinner was being prepared. After pulling my image together, I sat and waited at my desk like a good girl to be called for dinner.

  Even though I was aching to have my thighs pounded, I composed myself and sat through the boring conversation my parents were having at the table. We were eating spaghetti with chicken and garlic bread, one of my favorite meals, and I found it easy to get lost in the delicious taste of my food. I even felt confident enough to compliment my mother's cooking which made my stomach turn a bit as she smiled. I didn't want to be that nice to her, but I had to if my plan was going to work. If I gave an attitude in any way, she would surely pull Daddy upstairs to screw her frustration away. I couldn't let that happen.

  I carefully chewed my food and swallowed without much difficulty, nodding and smiling at the conversation as if I was paying attention. My parents stood to clear the table and I dutifully followed to wash dishes, my heart picking up a beat as my Daddy stood next to me to help me clean.

  “I'm so glad you two are getting along,” my mother commented. “Why don't you finish up while I work upstairs? I have to get these things done before midnight and I can't be disturbed.”

  It was perfect. Daddy and I agreed with my mother and assured her we wouldn't bother her. I hoped she didn't need to come down for anything and I watched to make sure that she completely closed the office door. Once she was tucked away in her little nook, I turned and pushed Daddy down into his usual seat at the table. Shock and delight filled his face and he craned his neck to look out into the hall. Satisfied to see confirmation that my mother was out of sight, he turned back to me with a huge grin.

  “To what do I owe this pleasure?” He asked.

  “I'm showing you how good I can really be,” I said, climbing on top of him.

  “And how much better I can please you than her.”

  Before he could protest my statement, I pressed my lips to his and started grinding immediately, eliciting his cock to
stand with the simple roll of my hips. Filled with utter desire, Daddy wrapped his arms around my waist and dipped his tongue into my mouth to duel with mine. His hands started to wander, but I stopped them and forced him to feel me grind for as long as he could stand. I was going to tease him like crazy for being so soft on my mother.

  I stood when I felt him tense to keep him from cumming through his jeans and then pulled up my dress. When he reached for my soaked lips, I swatted his hand and tucked two fingers up inside me to show him how horny I was. He groaned, his face twisting with pain at the sight of me touching myself. I knew he wanted to taste my fingers. I was going to make him want it so much that he would just have to take it.

  “Baby girl, why are you teasing me?” He asked, undoing the buttons of his jeans.

  “I want you to want me more than ever,” I replied. “So much that it hurts.”

  He groaned and nodded. I could see his desire intensifying, the lust building steadily as I stepped over to the chair and pulled his cock out of his boxers in one swift motion. I held it steadily for a moment, waiting for him to twitch a few times before stroking it with a sly smile on my face. Once Daddy was fully erect, I mounted him and gradually pushed him between my lips that quivered at the touch of his head against them. Slowly, I started to bounce on his lap while carefully balancing myself with his shoulders. He held my waist to keep me from falling and to help me slide up and down.

  “We could get caught...” he whispered.

  “That's the point.”

  Daddy groaned in response to my statement and buried his face into my bosom, his cock rock hard inside my juicy pussy. As his body surged into mine, I continued to roll my hips and to plant sweet kisses on his lips, daring him with whispers to make a sound any louder than what we were already making. As his face started to contort again, I bounced harder and bit into his lip to make him moan. I almost wanted us to get caught. It might cause a divorce and then Daddy would have to choose me.

  I smiled as Daddy uncontrollably groaned into my neck, his hot breath making me sweat. After a few hard pumps, he slumped with relief into his chair and drunkenly opened his eyes. I had him. I just showed him I could be a big girl by taking him in the middle of the kitchen while my mother was upstairs. We could have been caught, but I didn't care. I knew it was incredibly hot for my Daddy to feel so pleased in a space we had never had sex before, especially with the potential to be seen.

  Satisfied, Daddy kissed me deeply and pulled me in close. His body was still shaking beneath me and I was beside myself with pleasure. After another kiss, I dismounted and bent over in front of him which prompted a gentle spank from Daddy's hand. I turned and smiled, knowing I had him right where I wanted him. He's mine now and I wouldn't ever let him go.


  Safe. Word.

  Chapter One

  It was 2:00 AM in the morning and I had nowhere else to go but home. I knew my parents would be upset, but it wasn't something that really concerned me. I had been chasing this high all night and I didn't want it to end, especially not since I had sobered up from the liquor. As soon as I walked through the door, I got a hard scolding from Billy, my mother's husband who she had met while she was on vacation away from my biological father during their separation. I wasn't exactly ecstatic about their divorce, but it did make it easier to live with my mother. Their incessant fighting had annoyed me to the point of leaving the house to seek a different world, a peaceful one filled with green smoke and maybe some pain killers.

  I hadn't always been like this. At one point, I was an all-star cheerleader and a well-regarded student who always completed her studies before her games and who always completed her chores before her studies. I was well on my way to a great scholarship that would potentially pay for my entire college experience. Part of me was ready for this to happen and part of me still wanted to be a little girl. Still, I knew I couldn't have both and that realization came cold and hard the night of my eighteenth birthday.

  Most of the time, I didn't deliberately push my mother and her husband on edge, but I felt somewhat satisfied knowing she was worried. It was like I was punishing her for hurting my biological dad. Every guy I screwed was a jab at her image, enough to make her question her appearance for only being able to attract one man. I could attract many. I had to be of more value than her. I'm not sure how this made me better, but it made me feel better, so I just went with that.

  This particular night had started off with a text from my friend Jake who invited me to a party nearby. I sneaked out of my bedroom window and headed off towards his house that wasn't more than a few blocks from mine. House parties were great for just scoring whatever you wanted whether it was sex, drugs, or alcohol. Most of the time, I opted for weed and sex. There was nothing more satisfied than an orgasm while high and it was so much more intense than sober sex.

  As I walked through the front door, my outfit elicited a chorus of hoots and hollers from all over, the glittering halter and black spandex shorts certainly worth the amount of attention I was now receiving. Jake approached me and immediately handed me a red plastic cup filled with something that smelled strong. I took a sip.

  “What's up, sexy?” he asked while looking me up and down.

  “Not much. Thanks for the invite. What do you guys got going on?” I asked while looking over the room.

  “Beer pong is in the kitchen and we're smoking on the back porch,” he replied.

  “I'd rather just chill out on the porch,” I said while walking towards the back of the house. “It's been a rough day.”

  When we settled at the table behind the house, we each took turns smoking the joint being passed around. The high settled in my chest and made me feel as if I were about to drop down from the top of a roller coaster. It made me giggle to think of flying and Jake patted my shoulder.

  “Are you alright, Anna?” he asked sweetly.

  “Yeah, dude. I'm great.” I responded with an ear-to-ear grin.

  I couldn't focus on what the group was talking about, but I tried to nod and smile as if I knew what was going on. Sometimes that's all it took to make your way through social situations and I was pretty much a professional at this point. I noticed a guy across the table eying me and looked him over, deciding whether or not he might be fun to play with. There were about four piercings in his face, mostly around the lips, and his hair covered part of his eye. He smiled through the dim light from the porch as I admired him.

  Part of becoming more adventurous meant I was branching out to different people. This guy was likely part of the alternative scene, a bad boy in physical form straight down to his black boots. There was something hot about wanting to experience people so different than me and it was beautiful discovering what made them twitch and moan. When our eyes met again, I nodded off towards the house and stood to go inside, ignoring pleas from friends to stick around. I kept walking and didn't turn around to see if the guy was following because I knew he was. The curve of my bottom rolled with the motion of my hips, each step accentuating my most accessible feature. As soon as I located the garage, I walked in and kept the door cracked for him to follow, leaning against the wall in preparation for him to ravish me all over the concrete.

  I love playing games.

  The cement of the wall was cool against my mostly bare back, the halter hardly covering much of my upper body. My heart began to race as the door creaked open and the guy stepped over the threshold. He looked around, found me, and shut the door behind him with a smirk fixed on his face. He brought his cigarette up to his lips as he approached me, squinting through the smoke whispering around his nose.

  “What's your name?” I asked.

  “Riley. What's yours?” he replied while exhaling.

  “Anna.” I said.

  “What would you like to do, Anna?” Riley asked before dragging his cigarette again. “You look like a girl who could use a pounding.”

  I shrugged and kept his gaze, making sure he knew I was still in control
here. I was the one who initiated everything and I had led him into this room, so I would call the shots. Though I had quite a wild streak, I also had a dominating personality that seemed to attract a variety of men to my corner. Even women occasionally approached me. I took them, too. People were just so fascinating between the sheets and I didn't want to miss a beat. There was a point where I thought I might be a nymphomaniac, that maybe I had an incurable addiction to my orgasm, but I've long since given up diagnosing myself. It wasn't like I could talk to my mother about it and Billy would probably just think I'm weird.

  “I could use a lot of things, but most importantly a pounding.” My candid response caught Riley's attention and he stubbed out his cigarette on the wall next to my shoulder.


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