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Break (Lakefield Book 3)

Page 15

by Jennifer Vester

  I nodded and relaxed a little more.

  “I took a pill on the way home. Mixed with alcohol it’s very potent. Then I got home and you had packed up. I felt like I had been ripped in half. I literally felt shredded. It was done and it was because of my idiotic choices. I wish I had been a better man with you. To be honest, you leaving that morning was probably the best thing. I was really fucked up and I probably would have hurt you again.”

  A tear slid down my cheek and he wiped it away with his thumb.

  “Please don’t cry Kaitlyn. You did the right thing for both of us.”

  I took a shaky breath. “Holden punched you?”

  He smirked. “Uh, yeah. Cade called Holden. Holden did the honor after he figured out what happened. Then Brock showed up, then Aiden. It was a fucking family reunion from hell. It’s not important really, but Cade helped me see some things. He’s a good guy. So, I put myself in rehab with the understanding that Brock would keep an eye on you. When I got out and he couldn’t find you I freaked and went to live with Cade for a while so I wouldn’t slip back. I just wanted to be numb again when you disappeared. So, Cade offered some help. That man knows how to hurt the body. I don’t think I’ve done that much strength training in my life. He’s all about it.”

  He ran his hand over my cheek. “Please don’t cry. It happened and it’s over.”

  I nodded and turned back in my seat. It didn’t make me happy hearing what he had to say but it eased my mind in a lot of ways. It made sense.

  Life was good. Just strange.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Liddie’s Diner was one of those places much like any other in the way that it was set up.

  There were several sets of high-top tables running down the middle with stools for seating, then red comfortable booths along the wall to the right when you walked in. To the left it had a wrap-around bar of sorts that started serving beer at noon but you could sit at and be served anything on the menu as well. They had good pie, exceptional shakes and an assortment of food. Including the meatloaf, which was terrible, they offered anything from sandwiches to steaks.

  For Hope Colorado, with its small number of population, it was perfect in the sense that you could get a lot of things for a cheap price and good service. It was extremely popular because, according to Becca, it was also one of the last places to eat for several miles on the highway.

  Next door was a gas station that also did well and next to that was a cheap motel. All of which were owned by the same family, none of which spoke to each other, citing some old family quarrel dating back to the sixties. All according to Becca.

  There were more people spread out in the diner than I had thought initially. The parking lot had been sparse but it looked like Liddie’s was doing well with the locals. There were a few faces I didn’t recognize at all as they glanced to the door. Then there were the few I did, that looked shocked as Logan loomed incredibly close behind me.

  I really wasn’t shocked. Logan was striking in his looks, or at least I thought so. Compared to half the patrons he was both larger and taller than most. I wondered briefly what they would think if Aiden, Cade, Holden and Brock walked in. They were all over six-foot-tall and looked like they were in the NFL. It would be an eye feast for most of the women.

  I fidgeted until Logan put his large hand in the small of my back and directed me to the nearest seats at the bar. Walking over I noticed that Becca and her friends were seated at a booth at the back. All four of them were looking at Logan like he was their next fantasy come true.

  As long as they don’t mention the pregnancy, I’m good.

  Of course, knowing them, they had spread word already. I was going to ignore that for now and try to get through lunch.

  One of the girls behind the bar passed us, then turned back to hand us our menus. I tried to remember her name but was drawing a blank. If she hadn’t come through the doctor’s office yet then I wasn’t likely to know her.

  Logan opened his menu and started scanning it. I knew what I wanted so I waited on him to decide.

  When the waitress came back, Logan ordered a burger with fries, everything on it, then a bowl of chili and a beer. I ordered a small BLT with chips and a water.

  When she left, I looked over at him. “Is that all you’re ordering? I thought maybe you would have a side of everything on the appetizer menu as well.”

  He chuckled and looked around. “I like to eat. I’m a big guy, it takes a lot to keep this body moving.”

  “Hmpff,” I responded. He was such an incredibly heavy eater.

  “No beer for you?” he inquired, giving me a sideways glance.

  No beer for me for a long time, I was pregnant. I didn’t say it out loud although that’s what I wanted to respond with.

  “Uhm, no. I’m not much of a drinker,” I said instead.

  He tilted his head and looked at me. “So, those little rebellious moments back in Lakefield were a fluke and you just happen to be drinking heavily each time I saw you?”

  I frowned at him, “I wasn’t drinking heavily. I was just having a few drinks out with the girls. I haven’t had more than a beer in the last month.”

  His eyes pierced mine. “Hot dinner date?”

  I rolled my eyes. “No, football game. You know very well that I haven’t dated anyone.”

  His eyes scanned the room again. “Hmm, why?”

  “Why what?”

  The look he gave me was inquisitive. “Why haven’t you been out on dates with anyone?”

  “Have you?”

  He answered immediately, “No, I was busy getting my ass kicked in the gym with Cade and being pissed off that I couldn’t find you.”

  I took a sip of my water that the waitress dropped off in front of me.

  “That’s not exactly saying that you didn’t want to. That’s just saying you were busy.”

  He smirked. “That’s me saying that you’ve been the only woman on my mind since you left in October. I didn’t want to see any other woman than you Kaitlyn. I think you have a jealous streak.”

  “I do not have a jealous streak. Or anything to be jealous about. Nothing.”

  He took a long drink of his beer then said, “Right, just like you weren’t jealous when Becca was eye fucking me in the office. Or jealous when that girl in the bookstore was falling over her desk to look at me. You think I don’t notice but I saw it.”

  The stools at the bar were becoming uncomfortable suddenly. It was probably because he was putting me in the hot seat, wanting me to admit that I was.

  “Logan, you’re being ridiculous. So, what if they were ogling you. They’re slutty cows, I could care less. They probably do that with everyone. In Becca’s case, I’m nearly certain she does.”

  He chuckled and got a devious look in his eyes. “I like that you get jealous. Just tells me you know what’s yours.”

  I let out a sigh and shook my head but didn’t respond.

  A tall man wearing a Yankee baseball cap walked in the door behind Logan. His alert brown eyes scanned the diner then fell on the seat beside mine. He was wearing a large blue coat that said FBI on the chest.

  The waitress delivered our food and addressed the man beside me.

  “Hey Mick, what would you like today?”

  “Not the meatloaf. How about something deep fried? Chicken strips or something. To go.”

  “You got it,” she responded, then left.

  Logan leaned in to kiss me on the cheek and I elbowed him when he did.

  “Holy shit. Dr. Matthews?” the deep voice of the man beside me said.

  Logan peered over at the man beside me and stood up smiling.

  “Mick Galloway. Dear God, it’s been a while,” he said while shaking the man’s hand.

  I looked at them both standing beside each other. They were clearly old friends or acquaintances by the look on each other’s faces.

  Mick responded. “Did they call you out here for this shit?”

  Logan looked surpr
ised. “What shit? How’s the FBI treating you? You know there’s a lot more money in the private sector. You should call Aiden.”

  Mick shrugged. “I love my job. We get way more action out here than being a glorified bodyguard to his ass. Although I hear he’s been getting into a little trouble here and there too. Holden off the radar for a day puckered quite a few asses in New Mexico a few months back. Gotta tell ya, I still wouldn’t mess with him.”

  Logan laughed. “Yeah, he had a bit of trouble with his wife.”

  “Heard about that. Not going to comment. How’s our favorite computer genius?”

  “Does anyone truly know how Brock is doing? He comes out very rarely and I just don’t want to know what he’s up to half the time.”

  Mick pursed his lips together then said, “Oh, so then he’s up to his regular business of using government property for his own needs in other words. That guy is a nuisance.”

  Logan just smirked. “He is that. So, what brings you here?”

  Mick looked at me for the first time. Assessing and possibly wondering who I was.

  Logan slipped his arm around my shoulders. “Sorry, Mick, this is my girlfriend Kaitlyn. She lives up here and I’m moving to the area.”

  My eyes swung up to Logan and narrowed.

  Mick stuck out his hand and I took it. “Nice to meet you Kaitlyn. How do you put up with this guy?”

  “One day at a time,” I said politely. “I’m going to be running him over later.”

  Mick laughed. “About like everyone else does then. I didn’t hear that, but I’ll give you a two-day head start if we find the body later.”

  I smiled at him sweetly.

  He blinked down at me, looking a little mesmerized, then turned to Logan. “You’re a lucky bastard. Always were.”

  Logan squeezed my shoulder and ignored his comment. “So, what are you working on?”

  Mick gave me another glance. “Homicide. Pretty gruesome.”

  “I’m assuming this is a part of an ongoing thing?”

  Mick looked around. I couldn’t blame him. Half the town was probably listening to them.

  “Eh, give me a call, we could use your help, maybe a thought or two. Since you’ve worked with me before on consulting, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.”

  Logan inclined his head. “Tomorrow morning.”

  I stood up, wondering if the agent was just being polite in not sharing details in front of me specifically.

  “Logan, I think I’ll use the bathroom. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”

  He gave me a quick smile and nodded

  Heading to the bathroom I noticed Becca’s eyes following me in a curious way. I gave her a smile and waved but didn’t stop until I reached a stall.

  I did my thing, trying to take some time so that Logan and mick could catch up in private for a minute.

  As I came out of the bathroom I heard giggling coming from the bar area. Becca and one of her other friends had taken it upon themselves to keep Mick and Logan occupied while I had been gone. Logan had his arms crossed over his chest and looked mildly bored with whatever Becca was telling him. Mick on the other hand had a grin on his face listening to Becca’s friend Amy.

  A jealous feeling crept over me as I looked at Logan and I quickly squashed it. He may have said I was his girlfriend for appearances but we weren’t. We weren’t anything yet and he could technically talk to anyone he pleased. Even if we were dating, he could still talk to anyone he wanted for that matter.

  Stop being an idiot and just deal with it.

  He looked over at me and smiled then said something to Becca. She looked like she jerked for a moment then turned to leave with Amy in tow.

  He stood up and walked over to me. “Bathroom. You should finish your food babe.”

  I nodded and walked past the booths on my way back.

  A scruffy looking blonde man, with stubble on his jaw sat in one of the booths that I was approaching. His coveralls seemed to suggest he was working one of the plows locally but he could have also worked at the mechanic shop. He looked up and I saw pale blue eyes skim over me. He looked like he was about my age or a little older and had a scar on the left side of his mouth that pinched his skin slightly.

  “Excuse me,” he said as I got closer.

  I stopped at his table. “Yes?”

  “Are you Dr. Fuller’s assistant?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I am,” I replied, a little confused by who he was.

  He reached out to shake my hand. “Sorry, my name is James. Becca sent me by your house this morning to plow the driveway but I met your neighbor and he said he was getting it.”

  “Oh, yes James,” I smiled at him. Becca’s plow driver that she was swooning over must be this guy.

  He smiled. “Let me know if you need me, I’d be glad to come over. I was going to walk up to the house but Sam told me you were busy.”

  I had been kind of busy. Busy fuming at Logan and dealing with morning sickness.

  “Yeah, you know James, Sam’s plow broke down shortly after you left. If you’d like to come over tomorrow some time I sure would appreciate it. Or the next day, whatever’s convenient. I’m not sure Sam is going to get out in this weather to work on his plow and get it going again. I’ll pay you something on the side for your trouble.”

  “It’s no trouble ma’am. She said you might need some help and I can grab it on my way in between jobs. Not sure where I’ll be tomorrow but I can catch it the next day for sure.”

  His face looked genuinely pleased to do it. I felt bad for him in a way. Being a plow driver was a seasonal job. After the snow was gone most of these guys moved on to other hard labor jobs elsewhere, according to Sam. He said there were no two people the same each year unless they were locals.

  “Thank you, James. Oh! My name is Kate.”

  “Yeah, I know. I just didn’t want to creep you out by using your name. Looks a little stalker-ish.”

  I laughed. “I guess so. Well, you at least know where to go if you need medical assistance.”

  He had a small smirk on his face. “I sure do. Although I’m assuming you mean the doc’s office.”

  “Yes, Dr. Fuller’s office. At least you’ll know a friendly face if you come in.”

  I excused myself from his table and went back to the bar. Logan was already seated again and playing with his phone.

  He looked irritated when he turned to watch me sit down. His eyes locked with mine and he looked irritated.

  I took a bite of my sandwich and arched a brow at him.

  “So, what did you think about Becca’s plow driver crush?”

  “Was that him?” I asked between the bite of food in my mouth.

  He huffed at me. “Yes, the waitress told me she’s been circling around like a hawk for days.”

  Taking a drink of my water, I swallowed. “So, who’s getting jealous now? He came by this morning to plow the driveway on Becca’s orders and Sam sent him off. He said he would plow the driveway the day after tomorrow if Sam still didn’t have his up and working.”

  He sighed and put his phone on the counter. “Kaitlyn, I’m a very possessive man when it comes to you. I’m sure you’ve figured that over the last few months.”

  I shook my head. “Not really. All I’ve seen is you being grumpy and acting like you hate me. With the exception of the couple of days I was in your house.”

  “As I said, things were fucked up. Believe me when I say that when it comes to you, I’m more and more convinced I should lock you in the house and never let you leave. You have this uncanny way about you that draws people in. It’s charming and sweet. It even worked on Mick.”

  “I didn’t mean to do anything to Mick.”

  He reached out and ran his hand over my hip. “I know, and yet it’s there. So, people like the dopey plow driver are always going to hit on you.”

  “Logan, he was not hitting on me. Besides, what happened with Becca over here? When I came out of the bathroom, you two looke
d cozy.”

  He laughed. “Cozy? I told her there wasn’t a chance in hell that I was ever going to be interested in her. She offered a couple of times.”

  I blanched at his information regarding their conversation. Becca truly was a bitch.

  He leaned in until his lips were against my ear. “Cozy is being between your thighs and in that tight body of yours making you come Kaitlyn.”

  I shivered and my cheeks started burning.

  He sat back on his stool again and grinned like a maniac at my reaction.

  “Just look at your text messages if you have any doubt as to how you make me feel Kaitlyn. And I never get any in return,” he pouted.

  I scowled at him. “You’re a devious man Logan. Just because I don’t send them back doesn’t mean I don’t like you.”

  “Ah-ha! You’ve finally admitted it.”

  “Whatever, you’re just playing a game.”

  He chuckled, “Do you think I would risk Brock seeing those pictures if I didn’t like you? Want to see another one?”

  I licked my lips and his eyes wandered to my mouth.

  “Don’t introduce me as your girlfriend when I’m not.”

  “You are. Look at your text message.”

  “No,” my eyes flashed at him.

  He picked up his phone and thumbed through it. “Fine, look at mine.”

  He held it up beside me and I saw a picture of us smiling together the day we went to see the arena football game. He flipped to the next picture and I saw me blushing at him at the game. He flipped to another one and I saw me sitting at a table in the breakroom talking with Andi. He kept flipping them until I had seen about twenty or so pictures, all of which had me in them. Most of them I wasn’t even aware that he had taken.

  My eyebrow arched at him as he shut the screen off.

  “You’re mine Kaitlyn. Always have been.”

  He looked down at my plate. “Ready to go?”

  I nodded.

  He kept our pictures and had apparently taken more over the months prior. Maybe this wasn’t a game this time.


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