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Rise of the Citadel (The Search for the Brights Book 2)

Page 39

by Aaron Thomas

  They ran on through the trees for more than an hour before slowing. The lieutenant rode down the line of men as they gathered into one location.

  Lieutenant Borgen whispered, “I want three ranks formed and we will advance until I give the command to stop. We will attack on the king’s order. When we attack, let no one live. The wielders here will protect you if the enemy comes close.”

  Some of the men on horses had dismounted and now walked the line of men giving energy to those that needed it most. Bowie followed their lead and started walking down the line replenishing energy.

  John spotted Bowie and came to him. He tried to walk through the men but they refused to let John through. Bowie placed a hand on their shoulder and reluctantly, they stepped to the side.

  John spoke so those near him could hear but Borgen’s men could not. “They follow you, Sargeant Crescent. They refuse to follow me.” John stood in between the rows of men and let Bowie pass by to continue his work. John moved between the second and third row of men and took Auburn’s place replenishing energy.

  Bowie slowed and looked at each man as he passed them. Some nodded, some smiled, others simply stood straighter. Bowie stopped when he reached Andrew standing in the front row. Bowie took a step to stand behind him and spoke loud enough that everyone could hear.

  “If you want to have a chance at survival. If you want to live. You WILL follow Sergeant Curtain, and that is an order. Pass my words down the line. I will follow Sergeant Curtain and so should you until the moment I lead you again,” Bowie said looking into the eyes of all those that would meet his.

  Andrew lifted his bow to the sky and let out a yell, “YAH!” He lifted his bow back to his shoulder and let out another yell, this time joined by the surrounding men.

  Lieutenant Borgen pulled his horse up, threatening to crash into the men and stopped what would have been a third cheer.

  Instead of berating the men he spoke loud, “We have an hour walk to the south to where the battle will commence. If you continue to shout, you will alert the enemy of our presence by scaring the game. Move silently and keep your eyes open for scouts.”

  Horses were tied to trees and the knights pulled their blades free as they lead the way through the thick trees. Bowie noticed the wind stir in an unnatural way. He looked to see Mica floating down from between the trees.

  “Status, Borgen,” Mica said, demanding an answer.

  “Councilmen, we will be in position within the hour.”

  “Very well. I will move on ahead and scout the trees. I have found no scouts directly to your south. You should be clear to advance to the treeline. If I find any I will let you know.”

  Borgan nodded and waved the advance.

  The soldiers stepped silently through the green knee length grass. Bowie was reminded of the days when he lead his men on hunts through the woods for scouts. He cursed Alexander under his breath for not teaching him how to use his magic. If he’d been taught, less of his men would be injured or die.

  Just as Borgen had said, an hour’s march brought them within view of the enemy's camp. The men stayed behind tree lines and were given only a couple seconds to look at the defenses that were visible through the trunks. Bowie saw wood walls with openings that soldiers could pass through. Spikes jutting out of the ground would prevent any horses from running up to the walls. They had not brought the horses for a reason.

  They were given the order to rest by arm signal. With every breath, Bowie tried to calm himself. His breathing was loud in his ears and his heart felt as if it would beat out of his chest. He wondered if everyone felt as he did at that exact moment.

  When he turned he could see Auburn with her eyes closed and a hand on her chest. Her cheeks were flushed and she licked her lips in anticipation for what was about to happen. He offered her his water skin. Troops all around him began to share their water and help each other prepare for battle. Empty skins were tossed on the ground and Bowie started to check his arrows.

  He watched as every man within sight began doing what he was doing to prepare. Bowie finally realized that he truly was their leader. The thought came to him a little late for his liking, but he tried to calm himself for the people that followed him.

  Bowie checked his bowstring, his boot laces, then straps on his quiver. He checked his dagger to make sure it was in position to employ quickly. When he had done all he could do to prepare, he grabbed some of the dirt and rubbed his hands with it to improve his grip. The others followed and he nodded in his satisfaction.

  He turned and found Borgon looking at him. The lieutenant nodded his approval and wiped the sweat from his brow. Bowie kept his eye on the old lieutenant who diligently watched the sky.


  Kilen was glad he arrived early that morning. He even had to extinguish his fire earlier than he thought he would have to. King Atmos arrived in viewing distance almost two hours before the meeting was to take place. He stayed at the ridgeline, but Kilen could make out each and every one of the Earth Realm soldiers in the trees.

  Three of the four council members sat on mounted horses behind Atmos. He watched as they smiled and laughed amongst each other. As he thought about them laughing, he realized it truly was a cause for celebration. Two realms were combining forces against a great evil. Although, something in the back of his mind would not relax. He did not know if it was the man that threatened to overcome his thoughts with internal sobbing or his distrust for King Atmos.

  Mary never smiled, but she nodded to the others engaging the others in their conversation. Kilen figured that was as close as it would get with her to being happy. They shared some bread and cheese as they awaited the proper time to come to meet the Fire Realm.

  The Fire Realm on his other side looked all too serious. They squatted and propped their large weapons on their shoulders or over their knees. The Crimson had brought out fresh strips of red cloth to tie to their arms. Each strip of cloth fluttered in the warm breeze that had somehow made it to the bottom of the valley.

  The open area that separated the two forces was chosen for the sparseness of the tree’s. The slightly sloping area was thick with grass only a couple finger lengths high. The foliage was so low that no one would be able to hid within the area for a n ambush. Each troop would have a specific tree line that would provide cover for their approach and their retreat if it did not go as planned. The best thing of all was that the area was a quarter of a day’s ride from either camp.

  Kilen knew his elemental friends were around and doing their best to control the outcome of this meeting, but he still felt very alone. He leaned down and pretended to tighten the laces on his boots so others could not see his lips moving.

  “Are you sure you are in control?” Kilen asked.

  The stone man with wings did not move, but a sandy voice ground out sounds that resembled words, “We are in control as much as we can be. No one will be able to use magic except the fire wizards. Remember Kilen, if something does happen, you will be unable to depend on magic to save you. You will need to run.”

  Kilen nodded and stood. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. Concentrating he looked at the world through the unseen colors of magic. Green emanated from Max’s strong form as well as Blue coated the every surface with a mist from the fog. Kilen even saw the normally chaotic wind was formed into the shape of a man as Jace walked invisible amongst his friends.

  Mica dropped out of the sky and landed amongst the fifty wielders the king had brought with him. He tied up his sash and climbed atop a mount set aside for him. Once he had his robes straightened, the mass of wielders rode forward following King Atmos.

  Trying to give each side as much equality as he could, Kilen waved King Rekkan towards the meeting grounds. They jumped up from their squatted positions and cantered to the small hill Kilen had chosen. The Fire Realm men looked very different than those from the Earth Realm; they came to the meeting unarmored and without horses. The Earth Realm was covered from head to t
oe in metal and rode on horses with lances and flags. Kilen knew each side would be particularly deadly in their own way.

  A large arc of men stretched out to either side of Kilen and five men rode up from each side to the center. King Atmos had his wizard’s council in their robes, still chatting about the heat of the day. The Fire Realm’s king had chosen warriors instead of wizards. Rekkan’s chosen men came hefting weapons to suit their personality. Each of them, including King Rekkan, had red strips of cloth hanging from their biceps that seemed to have been soaked in blood sometime during the morning.

  King Rekkan stepped forward, the only items setting him apart for recognition was his large amount of jewelry. Kilen knew each piece was imbued. He had several different imbuements of each element and Kilen had found out that Elric truly knew how to use them. He also knew how to use the two imbued short swords that now stuck up over his shoulders.

  On his other side, King Atmos wore his crown and a full set of gleaming armor. He had no sword on his side or back. His horse however, carried a highly polished longsword. Each piece of his outfit was shined to perfection, even the golden rivets in his belt.

  Kilen was unsure what he was supposed to do so he stood still, waiting for either of the kings to move. Atmos smiled while Rekkan wore a face of stone, much like his brother behind Kilen.

  King Atmos pulled the sword from its sheath and walked halfway to where Kilen was and pushed the blade into the ground. Rekkan pulled the two blades from his back and crisscrossed them in the dirt before him. He then pulled a dagger from behind his back and with a flick of the wrist it sunk into the ground. The two men came together and stared for a moment into eachothers eyes.

  King Atmos gave a small smile, “Elric Rekkan, it is a pleasure to meet you. I have heard of your ability to control magic. You are probably not as skilled as this young weapon bearer though.”

  Elric gave a glance at Kilen, “He is skilled, indeed. The weapon bearer is the only reason I have agreed to this meeting.”

  “Getting right to it then?” Atmos pulled off one of his gauntlets and tucked it into his belt. “Do you even have the authority to send this army after this supposed soul wizard?”

  Elric grunted, “My queen gave me this army with the intent of discussing the canal. If stopping this soul wizard helps improve our standing, then I will use every man to find the wizard.”

  “I don’t believe that she would let you out of the realm with this many men and not give you specific instructions.” Atmos waited for a reply but none came.

  Elric stared back into Atmos’ eyes. He offered no paper or excuses. He did not try to argue with Atmos whether he did or did not have permission.

  “How to do you suppose we go about finding the soul wizard?” Atmos asked.

  “Surely as king of this land you would know where to start, Atmos. I will allow your men to escort mine through the land and we can determine the best way from there.”

  Atmos crossed his arms, “So you are giving me an order to allow you to cross my lands now?”

  “I am merely suggesting a way. You could let my men run ahead if they are too fast for you and your men to keep up.” Elric said watching the line of wielders behind Atmos.

  Atmos laughed at his response.

  Elric’s face still looked as if chiseled from stone. “I think the best way would be to combine our groups. Allow our men to learn from one another. I mean you have already mingled among my townships. You have caused a revolution in my own land. Why not allow you to turn my own army against me?”

  “You are the one that turned your people against yourself,” Elric retorted.

  Elric turned to Kilen. “Thank you, Weapon Bearer. It seems that this meeting was a farce” Elric collected his weapons and backed away.

  Atmos took another step forward, “It was nice to meet you.” He held out his hand for Elric to shake, “One of us will die on the battlefield so I thought I would shake your hand while there is still blood pumping through it.”

  Elric eyed the ungloved hand held out before him. King Atmos held the other hand to his side with an empty palm facing forward. Elric took a step forward to meet Atmos’ grip. A devilish smile lit up Atmos’ face.

  Atmos took a step back and Elric raised his empty hand to prepare himself for what was coming. Elric’s hand lit into flame just before Atmos’ unfathomable strength yanked the unsuspecting Fire Realm King into himself. The two collided with a crash of flesh on metal.

  Kilen felt like a statue at the rate for which he reacted. He clawed in his mind for an idea of what he was supposed to do. King Atmos stood between two opposing forces still holding a limp and bleeding king in his grip. The ground shifted and Atmos fell to a knee as the ground trembled and split in front of him. Kilen turned to see Mary jumping from her horse and unleashing a flame upon the men of the Earth Realm. Brent held up his hands in an effort to stop her but no magic came. Luckily, Joahna was just as fast at stopping the flames from reaching the men by building a wall of ice before them. The flames were deflected over the council’s heads.

  With the wielders distracted, Mary ran towards King Atmos, her whole body now engulfed in flame. Atmos held out his hands but no magic formed. Atmos dragged a limp Elric towards his long sword sticking from the ground. He reached his hand out and almost touched the blade before the swords disappeared into the dirt, a hole opening in the ground below it.

  A blast of wind buffeted the ground sending Kilen to his knees, even with his strength enhanced. He watched as the blast continued in all directions, scattering the two forces.

  Jace’s moaning ghost-like voice spoke just as the wind stopped, “Run, we will do what we can to save Elric!”

  Kilen escaped into the direction of the Fire Realm who had no one to protect them, “Run!” He shouted at the Crimson as they regained their footholds.

  They looked for their scattered comrades and their weapons as fireballs started to streak from side to side between the lines of wielders.

  Mary ran to defend the Fire Realm as King Atmos stood and ordered his armored men to attack. Only the council of the Earth Realm was able to stand because of the armor that each of the King’s fifty wielder's had weighing them down. Kilen watched as vines now reached out of the ground and grabbed each armored man as he started to right himself. The ones that did reach their feet were thrown by Jace into the trees or sent rolling along the ground.

  Kilen coughed as smoke filled the air from the burning trees. He was searching for anyone he could help escape. He made certain that all the men had risen from the ground. He picked up a battle axe that he had seen one of the Crimson wielding and saw Atmos with fury on his face, standing on the small hill still holding the limp and broken King Rekkan in his grip.

  Kilen thought if he could fight him, maybe he would at least drop the unconscious king and allow Joahna or Max collect him. He started to walk back up the hill to face Atmos. The all too familiar concussion of another spirit entering his mind caused him to drop to his knees. The trees wavered in the smoke and Kilen’s vision went into a haze. No voice, no cries followed the concussion, only the feeling of someone unfamiliar and very, very angry inside his head.

  A hand touched his shoulder. When his eyes followed what seemed to be a wavering arm he saw Mary attached the other end.

  “Kilen, do not lose control of the magic or we will all die. Fight their wielder’s attempts and I will get us out of here. The rest of the Fire Realm is running,” Mary said as she pulled him to his feet.

  He closed his burning eyes and let Mary lead him through the smoke filled forest. He used each of the elemental magics to view the area in colorful waves. A red streak passed overhead directed at no one. It disappeared far into the sky and he wondered who had unleashed that fury. At least it was not directed at him.

  Chapter 23 - A Handshake

  The flies were probably the most annoying thing about waiting for war to start. Bowie wondered if the insects knew that war was close; the persistent creatu
res biting in anticipation of the impending feast. Bowie supposed their biting could be intended to speed along the death so they could reap the benefits from thousands of dead men to gnaw upon. He could hear the muffled curses of men down the line fighting their own personal war against the bugs.

  Bowie managed to crush one by slapping his hand to his other forearm. He looked up to see Borgen turn his head slightly at the sound. The man seemed unbothered by the torture the flies issued. He had one solitary mission, or at least what Bowie surmised his mission was: to stare continuously at the sky.

  He wondered if Borgen had ever been in a real battle before. He knew that Borgen certainly looked like he could have been old enough to fight in the last battle of the Water and Earth Realms. Bowie looked for any scars but the man had none. Still, Borgen stared at the sky only stopping to check with his second in command to make sure the line was being held.

  The former sergeant began to think about the battles he had been in. He laughed at the thought of the short fight in the woods when Auburn saved him as being a battle. It was grossly outnumbered in Bowie’s favor, but a skirmish it had been. He hoped that his men, or formally his men, would do as well today as they did then.

  A red ball of fire streaked through the sky, blazing a trail of smoke behind it. The flames must have been what Borgen was waiting for because he slowly stood where he was and gave the command to advance. He made no attempt to disguise his footing as he trampled the leaves and sticks below his armored feet. It wasn’t a wonder that alarm horns were sounding in the Fire Realm’s camp to alert their men; they were being attacked.


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