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Rise of the Citadel (The Search for the Brights Book 2)

Page 46

by Aaron Thomas

  “I came here so I could get some advice,” Kilen had always been taught to value the opinions of his elders. Roedan just happened to be the eldest person he had ever met.

  “You know that we cannot give you advice,” Roedan said as Kilen nodded his head. “I can however, answer any question you have. If you have a request in line with our desires, we may aid you.” He smiled at Kilen.

  Kilen tried to remember his last encounter with the wizard. It had ended badly with Kilen pressing for answers the wizard did not want to give. He would have to try and not anger him this time.

  “I failed to prevent the war.” It wasn’t a question, but the statement spoke a lot of the answers he sought.

  “My boy, I have already said you did well. You prevented a many deaths. Eventually Atmos’ army would have arrived and many men on both sides would have died. You may have not received the outcome you wanted, but it is preferable to one alternative.”

  Kilen nodded his head. “I am now a wanted man in the Earth Realm I assume?”

  “Some of the contacts we have within the realm have been put on alert to your presence. You are to be killed on sight for being a traitor.”

  “Being wanted will make it more difficult to right the injustice done by King Atmos.” Kilen let out a little anger when he spoke of King Atmos. At least one man in his head felt the same way. The other crawled into the deep part of his mind and sobbed at the mention of the king.

  “How do you think you should handle his injustice?”

  “He has captured a king by deception. I think that he should be taken from his throne,” Kilen responded with ease as he had already thought of the way to deliver justice many times over.

  Roedan took a large pipe from his pocket and began packing it with tobacco. “We now have three realms without a king on the throne and you want to make it a forth. No, I do not think it wise to dethrone a king while a soul wizard is still at large.”

  Kilen had not thought of King Atmos being the only one left to be able to call men to fight a war. “Atmos should be brought to justice. His actions still bring us closer to defeat. He is working into the hands of the soul wizard by destroying an army.”

  “Believe me Kilen, I agree. The day will come when the army of the Earth Realm may yet save this land. To have an army, it must have someone on the throne to lead it.” Roedan held the pipe up in front of his face, “Do you mind?”

  Kilen concentrated heat on the tobacco and soon the old wizard was puffing away at the long stem. Large plumes of smoke obscured his face.

  “If we are going to stop this soul wizard, we will need a large army,” Kilen said.

  The Elder nodded in agreeance.

  “Who else is there that can summon nobles and men to an army?” Kilen asked.

  Roedan removed the pipe from his mouth and spoke with puffs of smoke, “Nobles can summon men to their aid but not enough to make a difference. Perhaps a nation of them could summon enough, but therein lies a new problem.”

  “Finding enough of them willing to take up arms?”

  Roedan laughed, “I forget you have not had to deal with many royal houses. They are usually the kind of men that do nothing without getting something in return. Also, they rarely work together.”

  “Surely we could convince them to join forces. All of the realms should be gathering to end this threat.” Kilen said as if trying to convince the elder.

  Roedan nodded and took a couple more puffs on his pipe. A bird flew overhead and squaked. They watched the bird flutter on through the deep forest. It was a good sign they were alone if animals still wandered in their area.

  “We could convince them to join, maybe even lend us their men. The task would take time and time is something that we do not have. Besides, if we did gather their men, who would lead them? Surely you don’t suggest we make King Atmos more powerful by recruiting a new army for him?” Roedan asked.

  Kilen ignored the question as he was sure it was supposed to be, “So we need a leader as well as an army. Perhaps we can free Rekkan and have him gather the army.”

  “Rekkan’s army is already scattered. It is doubtful that many nobles would follow a king with no army of his own and that’s already been defeated,” Roedan corrected.

  Kilen thought it over, “He would not be able to gather an army anyway. King Atmos would chase him in any direction deterring any chance of gathering men.”

  Roedan nodded but said nothing. Kilen thought intently ignoring the sounds of the forest as he tried to think of the possibilities. “We need a new king,” he finally said.

  Roedan stopped puffing on his pipe but said nothing. His hand went to the satchel hanging off his shoulder. Quickly, he pushed it to rest on his lap. “A new king is a possibility. Which realm would you give this new king so that he could gather his army? Surely not the Fire Realm, it is too far to travel and gather the remnant army. Besides, their queen surely will name a new king with the news that Rekkan has been captured.”

  “The Water Realm,” as soon as the words left Kilen’s lips he knew it was the best choice.

  “Why the Water Realm, Kilen?”

  The answers came quickly, “They are ready for a new king. There are already those loyal at Keepers ready to aid him. I am sure Master Bradley would also know some of the nobles personally, which would help the new king’s rise. They already border the Wind Realm, making it quick to search for the soul wizard.”

  “Yes, very well. What direction should you be going then?”

  “I guess I should travel east towards the Water Realm. How will I find the next king? I do not know any weapon bearers in the Water Realm.”

  Wizard Roedan smiled, “There will be those willing to help if you can make it to Keepers.”

  Kilen finally turned towards Roedan, “That sounded like you want me to go to Keepers and find a new king for the Water Realm.”

  “Kilen, I cannot tell you what to do. However, if your will is in line with our desires, we could offer to help one another. I wish to help you but only if your task is in line with ours. Now that your will is, I can offer you our aid.”

  Kilen smiled, he knew when he had been had. The old wizard had talked him into his desire without so much as lifting a finger. “Well, I do still have a task. I want to make sure my sister stays safe.”

  “Your sister is safe for the time being. We have someone watching out for her. We also will be arranging for her escape from Deuterium.”

  Kilen stood from the rock, “You’re getting her out of Deuterium?”

  Roedan laughed out a couple puffs of smoke, “Of course, my boy. You did as you said you would do and so we will as well. Alexander just left to aid Wizard Parker and Ria, an old acquaintance of mine, to do just that. Your friend, the red haired boy, is with them as well. They were within a half day’s ride of Deuterium the last Alexander saw them. If everything goes well they will meet you in Keepers in about three weeks.”

  “Are you sure they do not need my help?”

  Roedan thought for a moment before speaking, “I am not sure how to word this, Kilen.” The wrinkled gray-haired wizard took a long drag off his pipe and finally spoke, “Have you found a weapon bearer to take up the mantle of king?”

  “No,” Kilen answer quickly.

  “What is more important to your sister’s life? You being there to rescue her, or finding a king to save us all?”

  “Right, I will get to Keepers as fast as I can.” Kilen stood and took a couple steps.

  “Wait, I have something for you.” Roedan pulled the satchel off and carefully handed it to Kilen. “You must not let this out of your sight. Inside is something you will need to give the new king. Do not look inside until you have found the right man. Then you, and only you, may open it.”

  “How will I know I have found the right man to be king?”

  Roedan nodded as Max formed a horse behind him, “This is something that I cannot answer. You must trust in yourself to choose the right man. He must meet the re
quirements; having a three element blade. He must be a man that you trust, that has already shown King Atmos he will stand for what is right. You, go and find this man and we will rescue your sister. After this soul wizard has been dealt with, perhaps this new king will help you serve justice to King Atmos.”

  Kilen smiled. A king to the Water Realm could easily recruit the Fire Realm and his own people to fall against King Atmos. The king could restore order between the two realms and dethrone Atmos from his tyrannous reign.

  He clasped his fist to his chest, saluting the elder in farewell and Max lept forward racing west through the trees. Kilen was sure that Max would make it to Keepers as quickly as possible to start their search for a new king.


  Bowie took a long drink of the ale he had carefully bought with a copper piece in his back pocket. Most of what he had was gold coins and would have bought the whole inn a room and a drink. The hot ale was something he had wanted for close to a month and he finally had his mug filled to the brim. He needed it more now than ever.

  Two weeks ago he had been a superior in the king’s army. Now he looked like a beggar, so close to a beggar he would have been thrown out of the bar had he not presented his copper coins first. The barmaid waited for more money to be placed on the counter before putting the bowl of mutton stew down.

  Ria had insisted that he changed the way he looked, so they traded his nice jacket, pants and shoes with those of a traveling man. He wiggled his big toe out of the hole in his boot; it was a habit he had made since acquiring them. The thick wool jacket irritated his skin and made him sweat at all hours. Wherever it hung loosely, it caused him to itch. He only wore it when they came near a town, but since he could actually see Deuterium, Ria insisted that he wear the jacket all the times.

  He planned to take it off as soon as he was in the stable when he was done eating so he started to spoon some of the mutton into his mouth. His attention was snatched by Auburn coming down the stairs from her room. She had taken to wearing the purple dress that the greedy merchant had given her. The contrast between her red hair and the color of the dress drew every head as she entered the room. She touched his shoulder before sitting down. He was playing the part of her manservant until they could find a way to get Kara out of the dungeon.

  From across the room she sat down at a table; servants rarely ate at the same table as their noble owners. She pushed the long red braid of hair from behind her back to rest on her shoulder. She smiled while doing it. Bowie’s hair was only shoulder length now. Ria had also cut his hair to obscure any description the king’s men had given of him. Auburn had taken to teasing him about it every moment of the day. It now fell loosely around his face in greasy strands, obscuring it from view.

  A plate of chicken and buttered potatoes with a basket of rolls was set beside Bowie’s bowl. The barmaid glanced at him and stuck her hand out in Auburn’s direction. Bowie let out a grunt before getting up from his half finished stew to serve Auburn’s dinner to her. She took a roll from the basket and handed it to him before he left the table. Then handed him her mug to have filled. She smiled and ostantagesly batted her eyes.

  Bowie grumbled under his breath as he went back to the barmaid to have the mug filled.

  She gave Bowie an unpleasant look before sliding back the mug, “It’s a wonder she keeps you around with all your complaining.”

  Bowie retorted the storyline he had been given; “I’m an old family friend. She’s helping me get back on my feet.”

  She started cleaning out a mug behind the counter, “She is doing more than she should then. I would start treating her nicer if you wanted to keep getting help.”

  Bowie wanted to tell her who he was really a master craftsmen but instead walked on to serve Auburn her drink. She handed him another roll wrapped in a handkerchief.

  He mumbled, “Thanks.”

  When he turned around, Brent was showing a chair to Ria. They paid no attention to him as they sat down at a table near the front door. The barmaid went directly to their table to serve them.

  They had traveled separately into town, playing the part of mother and son. Ria’s dress had stayed mostly the same but Brent had changed to wearing pants and a linen shirt with a vest instead of his blue wizard robes. He had a hat made out of straw to cover his head while traveling and give him the look of a farmer. They were supposedly in town to pick up some supplies for their livestock.

  Bowie did his best to stay quiet like a manservant should. He sat down and bent over his bowl to take a bite when a piece of his hair drooped down to dangle in his bowl. He hated being dirty and unkempt, but if it kept him alive he would tolerate it a little while longer. He listened to conversations talking about Deuterium and how there were loud noises coming from the training grounds during the early hours of the morning. Most speculated something was being built. Bowie couldn’t think of anything that needed building and he didn't want to draw attention by asking about it. He simply listened and hoped there would be others to chat with in the stables about it.

  Brent and Ria both ordered mutton stew and biscuits. As he listened, they laughed over someone named Ben they had managed to get kicked by one of their horses. Bowie was still unsure if Ben was real or made up. He took one of the rolls from his pocket and wiped up the rest of the stew left in the bottom of his bowl. He carefully fished another copper out of his coin purse. He soon would have to find a way to make change for the gold inside. Bowie mulled over the idea of having Auburn do it since she looked the part of a noble’s daughter or wife.

  With the presentation of the copper, the barmaid made her appearance to scoop it up and bring him another ale. He raised the mug and felt the frothy foam stick to the hairs on his unshaven face. Yet another inconvenience of having to play the part of a poor manservant. A finger slid across his shoulder. He nearly choked at the unexpected touch. He coughed as he turned around.

  Auburn’s new lacquered nails went back to her waist. “Do not drink anymore. I have some boots that need cleaned and I don’t want you to sick up all over them this time.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” he said in response.

  His response also admitted that the manservant version of himself couldn’t hold his drink. He had wanted to get really drunk but now he couldn’t. The barmaid eyed him from behind the counter and nodded to Auburn that she would regulate his drinking. Bowie knew getting good and drunk was probably the only way he was going to fall asleep in the straw. He would have to drink it after he cleaned Auburn’s boots, or whatever she wanted with him for in the room. He knew it was unlikely that she actually wanted him to polish her boots. She had to know he wouldn’t, even if she tried to make him.

  He drank the last couple gulps and wiped his scruff dry on his sleeve. He hoped she did not keep him long, he wanted to have another couple mugs before finding a spot between their horses.

  He winked at the barmaid as he stood and she frowned at him, “Not a chance.”

  Bowie wished he had his hat; girls always fell for the hat.

  Brent and Ria finished their stew as he made his way to the stairs. A few more people came to sit down at one of the empty tables and a man with a lute sat down in the corner and plopped his hat upside down on the floor. Perhaps he would be able to get a dance later before retiring to the stables. Then he remembered what he looked like and knew he stood no chance at getting a dance.

  Four different doors were closed on the second floor. He started to knock at one before the one behind him opened.

  Auburn poked her head out and looked both ways, “Get in here. I want to get to bed and you are standing around in the hallway.”

  Bowie grumbled and walked into the room.

  She promptly shut the door behind him. She let out a whisper of a squeak and patted her hands together, “This is so much fun! I get to pretend like I’m a different person. All this sneaking around, acting like we don’t know each other, and finally getting to wear this dress!”

  Bowie sat d
own on the bed, “You do realize this is all to keep us alive and isn’t a game?”

  Auburn was pacing and glancing out a crack in the door, “Of course. It won’t last as long if you don’t embrace it.”

  “Oh believe me, I have embraced the fact I have to sleep with the horses tonight. I have also embraced the fact that I get to fetch everything for you and be at your beckon call.”

  She stood at the door with her back to him.

  “It’s only for a little while, then you can go back to your fancy coats.”

  “You think we will be done hiding as soon as we rescue Kara? We will be chased more when we do. We won’t be done hiding and running until King Atmos no longer sits on his throne or we grow wings and fly away. I haven't been able to grow any feathers yet, so I don’t see that happening any time soon.”

  “If you get any better with that wind magic, you will be able to fly without feathers and wings,” She still had her back turned on him, looking through the door.

  “What are you looking for?” Just as he said it she turned and grabbed him by the arm.

  She started pulling him towards the door, “Come on.”

  She opened the door and he saw the door across the hall open as well. Brent and Ria stood inside and waved them across. Quickly, Bowie and Auburn crossed the hallway into the room.

  Brent quickly closed the door, “Has anyone seen any guards?” He spoke in a whisper as he crossed the room to look out the dirty window.

  Bowie sat down on the bed to one side of the room.

  Auburn took a seat on the other and started kicking her feet, still excited about the secrecy. “Why are we whispering? You should just do some of that magic stuff to prevent others from hearing us.”

  The water wizard backed away from the window, “Using magic might alert any watching wielder to our presence. The kingdom’s wielders already search for us relentlessly. Every use of magic will be investigated. Now, answer my question.”

  “I have not seen any guards in town. None on the walls either,” Bowie waited for the wizards response.


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