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Rise of the Citadel (The Search for the Brights Book 2)

Page 56

by Aaron Thomas

  The group silenced as a popping sound came from behind them. The water’s surface had begun to turn to ice.

  Twilix’s bright blue shining eyes found Kilen’s, “We can travel over the water.”

  Slowly, the ice froze straight out from the shore leading into the dark surface of the lake.

  Brent shook his head, “We won’t be able to maintain this to travel to the docks, even with your new found strength.”

  Joahna, still perched on Kilen’s shoulder, flew out over the lake and dove into the water. A moment later an icy man with giant eagle wings emerged, climbing out as if on a submerged staircase. The ice grew faster than Twilix had managed so Kilen knew Joahna had taken over.

  Kilen faced Brent, “It will be able to hold all of us. As soon as you are ready, follow my elemental.”

  Bowie and Auburn began carefully walking out on top of the ice. Max and Twilix helped Kilen put on his armor.

  Twilix smiled as she worked, “You still amaze me of the things that you can do. Two elementals at once. You will have to teach me.”

  Kilen smiled, “I’m the student, remember? Besides, it’s three elementals.”

  Twilix raised an eyebrow of what Kilen could only think was intriuge. He gave her a wink in return.

  Slowly, everyone followed Joahna out onto the icy surface of the water in a line waiting for the person in front of them to plunge into the dark depths of the water.

  Max walked out after those that had taken to the lake. His stone foot caused the ice to crack as he stepped on it. He recoiled and stood still on the bank of the shore. Twilix repaired the ice as she started to walk out on to it, strengthening its surface.

  Kilen let go of Twilix’s hand as she walked out on to ice. She turned back confused.

  Kilen motioned her to keep moving, “I will only be a moment. I will catch up soon.”

  She gathered her skirt revealing her soft soled shoes, “You had better not keep me waiting or I will come back for you. I will not be run out on just before my wedding.”

  Watching her move along the ice Kilen turned to Max, “Hold this spot and let no one on the ice. When the city is out of the water, come to meet us.”

  Max gave a nod and grew two wings out of his back and kneeled facing away from the lake like an ominous statue warning intruders.


  Once again Max was alone. He sat on the shore line, stone swords crossed in front of his chest, waiting for an army to charge towards him. He was growing tired of hiding behind Kilen. Hiding behind a face that was not his. He knew on this shoreline, he could be himself. He was a warrior and member of the Crimson. Only now, he served a new king.

  The fire light grew in size as the hundreds of horse’s hoofs could be heard thundering along the shore. Lighting cracked over the water, but Max could do nothing to stop the wind. He had only one mission: protect the ice bridge his brother made and not kill anyone in doing so. He reached out his control of earth magic along the beach from the way they would approach. The land that his magic touched became his body.

  As the horses approached, he could see them clearer looking through the eyes of the land. His stone body still resting far down the beach at the mouth of the ice bridge. He could hear voices amongst the riders as they rode across the top of him.

  The lieutenant spoke, “Captain Lorusk, we may be walking into a trap.”

  The captain was smart and strong, Max had watched him training the so-called Champion. Lorusk’s sword was deadly, Kilen would not stand a chance in a straight out fight against the Captain.

  “What makes you think we are riding into a trap?” Lorusk asked.

  “A moment ago I lost the ability to control the earth. Someone is already controlling it,” the Lieutenant said.

  Max felt a push on his magical control, but his body were the elements now; he was pure magic.

  “Whoever is controlling it is very strong,” The Lieutenant said.

  Lorusk nodded his head and turned his horse. “Fire and water wielders to the front, bowmen to the front. Light our path.” The captain dismounted as flaming arrows and fireballs streaked out into the sky over Max. They had a ways to go before they found his stone body and the bridge. The soldiers followed their leader's example, leaving their horses behind to walk along the shoreline. They pulled their swords and weapons of death from their body readying to fight.

  A constant barrage of fire filled the sky to illuminate the ground below. Max watched, patiently waiting for the advance. Lorusk organized rows of ten men in an almost unending column. The most heavily armored and strongest wielders to the front. They marched forward pointing their swords in the direction they walked. Still, Max waited for the right moment to make his presence known.

  The storm grew and the water’s waves slapped the stone body from behind. He did not waver or move a pebble. The advance covered ground quickly, as if they could not wait to meet their deaths. Max let out a smile as a fireball streaked over his rock body and the men at the front of the line called out his shape. When they did, his smile grew and he began his assault.

  Roots grew amongst the ranks of men, causing them to stumble into one another. The trained army looked like fools scrambling to their feet, struggling against their heavy armor trying to right themselves. Many of the soldiers cried out in pain as arms or legs snapped from being thrown to the ground. Cutting each other free of vines and thorns, they waved the uninjured men forward. The soldiers spread out and slowed their advance.

  Finally, Max used his stone body and stood on the bank, extending his blades outward at an angle to the ground. He held them wide for all to see. He drew the soldiers attention and smiled when they let out a battle cry before starting their attack. A few more succumbed to the fate of broken limbs when more roots reached up and the surface shifted, leaving men to fall ten feet only to collide with the ground rising just as rapidly as it had fallen.

  Soldiers screamed in pain as they were bounced into unconsciousness, but Max watched as Lorusk walked slowly, with his sword held casually before him.

  He stepped over the broken bodies as the last few hundred of his small army advanced nervously. “Kilen,” The Captain said confidently.

  Max stepped forward. He did not respond to the Captain but stood only a couple horse lengths away waiting for what the man had to say.

  When Lorusk received no response he spoke casually again, “You seek to raise the Water Realm’s castle? Who will follow you?” Still no answer came from Max’s stony glare, “I have to say, if you really wanted to defeat a soul wizard, this is no way to go about it, boy. You have no army.”

  A root snatched a man from behind Lorusk, pulling him to the ground.

  “I could say the same about you and your king, Captain.” Max said.

  “None the less, I do as my king commands. You should have done the same. He would’ve dealt with the soul wizard as he did the Fire Realm.”

  Max grew angry behind his stone exterior, the man was goading him. “He would kill more innocents after seeking peace with the soul wizard. Soon, the Water Realm will be restored and your army will not be welcome here.”

  With his free hand, Lorusk removed his helmet and tucked it under his arm. He reached up and scratched his head before speaking, “Kilen, my boy. Do you think for one moment that I will ever be able to stop pursuing you? Either you must kill King Atmos or he will see to it that someone kills you. I am not threatening you. I’m telling you that you will never be free of his pursuit.”

  Max saw Lorusks eyes just before a smile came to the captain’s face. When Max turned he saw two men sliding along the ice bridge. The captain's speech was a distraction.

  The captain turned away, “Wielders, now!”

  Wielders of every type jumped from the trees and started their assault. Those wielding earth had no effect on him, but fire caused him to melt on the exterior as they threw white flames on the ground and everything he controlled. His stone wings dripped of molten rock until a wave cra
shed over him snapping stone swords, limbs, and wings away from Max’s control as it was swallowed by water.

  Max tried to attack the wielders with roots but they were burnt away as soon as he attempted, again he lost precious earth materials in his fight. His statue-like body became superheated and was splashed with water to make him solid. The ice cool water that chilled him cracked his body and caused him to collapse into pieces. Earth wielders snatched the shards that fell away out of his control so he could not rebuild.

  As a small stone, he turned himself along the shore deeper into the water. The saying, “The tides have turned” crossed his mind as the wielders now controlled the land he had prepared for his assault. His small stone body tumbled deeper into the lake, trying to find earth that he could control.

  Angry with himself more than the captain, he started to change his form, pulling in the sand around him into one giant stone. He took the form of the largest creature he could picture. He hoped that Joahna saw the two Fire Realm men now giving chase along the ice bridge. Through the water he could see where the bridge started and jumped to break away any reminate that other soldiers may attempt to get to. His head crashed into the bridge shattering it and sending the floating structure out onto the lake.

  In his now giant form, he trudged his way up the bank and into view. Water slid off his stone back as he formed the teeth, claws, and scales. Tucking in his wings, he stood in his giant form for the army to recover and give another wave of attacks.

  Instead, he watched as captain Lorusk walked casually amongst the downed soldiers and healed them with his imbuements. When those soldiers rose, they assisted in healing others. Not one of the soldiers made any attempt to fight Max, or even look in his direction. He was embarrassed and ashamed that he had fallen for the captains ploy.


  The ice would not be easy to traverse even with Kilen’s normal leather boots. His heavy armored foot made it easy to slide on the slick surface splashed with water. When he caught up with Twilix, they took each others hand. He wasn’t sure if it was more for balance or because they had pronounced their love for eachother. Either way Kilen, enjoyed having a flesh hand to hold after being alone with his voices for so long.

  Twilix and Kilen passed some of the fire wizards, one still complaining about being stuck out on the ice and drowning if they fell through. Kilen noticed the ice would steam a bit where ever he placed his foot.

  Twilix spoke in a calm voice as she passed the man in straps of leather clothing, “Do not sit in one place for long or you will melt through. Call out if you need us and we will come to you.”

  They did not wait long, as a violent storm stirred above their heads. Lightning lit the icy paths in an almost continuous flash. Thunder echoed on the lake’s surface, ushering them along. Bowie stood watching the sky when they reached him.

  “It’s Mica, isn’t it?” Bowie asked.

  Twilix and Kilen slid to a stop, looking upwards into the deadly light show that raged above their heads. A wind wielder could be seen flailing and trying to avoid the bolts of power streaking through the clouds. Jace was surely watching the skies and keeping away any wielder from above.

  Kilen tugged Twilix along the path, “I don’t know who it is, but as long as they stay up there, I feel safer.”

  Bowie nodded and continued to glance up every few steps as if he could jump out of the way if a streak of lightning came down.

  Jaohna could be seen ahead, casually walking on the ice as the rest of the group bunched up behind him. Kilen looked back to see the bank fading behind them in the night. He could no longer make out the shape of his earth elemental friend guarding their path.

  Once the group got closer together Joahna could concentrate on a small area. Joahna began speeding his walk. The group tried to move together, but Kara was busy ushering along the fire wizards still causing the ice to steam with every step. The storm’s torrent had no direct effect on Kilen and his group below, but it did cause small waves of water to splash over the surface of the ice. Joahna had to compensate by making short walls of ice to either side so they group wouldn’t fall off. The extra time needed to form the walls slowed them as they approached the center of the lake.

  Kara called out to Kilen, “Look. Along the bank.”

  Kilen turned around and saw fireballs streaking towards the sky, and underneath were hundreds of soldiers on horseback galloping down the shoreline. Kilen had seen the pirates use this trick before so they could see Kilen in the night.

  “They’re searching for us. They don’t know where we are. Keep moving,” Kilen said over the claps of thunder.

  Kara nodded and continued to prod the one fire wizard as he grumbled his way down the icy path. Sparks would pop off of his shoulders and flames would trickle off his arms; the more he slipped on the ice the louder his complaints became.

  “I will not fight a war for you!” A fireball rushed towards the line and was blocked by a piece of ice, resulting in the pathway shifting and throwing all of them to their backs. Brent quickly stood and held his open hands out to the lake on both sides of the path. Tendrils twice the thickness of a horse rose up out of the water on both sides of the path at his command. The fire wizard’s body was engulfed in flames, sinking into the ice under his feet just before the two tendrils smashed together, resulting in a cloud of steam. When the water cleared, the unconscious wielder lay flat on the ice.

  Brent continued on to the front of the line taking up Ria’s hand, “We haven’t time to keep him in check. We must do this here,” Brent said helping form the platform of ice.

  Bowie let go of Kara’s arm and picked up the limp wizard.

  Kara’s eyes went wide when she saw how easily he picked up the man. “When did you become an earth wielder?”

  “The moment your brother brought us on this crazy adventure,” He snapped back.

  Joahna stood at the mouth of the ice bridge and they all watched as the path widened at his feet. Kilen joined him and soon after Brent and Twilix added their magic as well. The tiny island grew in size, it was now so large, a house could sit on top. Brent moved to the bridge, watching fireballs and arrows consumed in flame flare across the sky. The battle that erupted along the beach caught his attention for only a moment. With a wave of his hand, the ice snapped and broke free. Two men running along its length fell over at the jolt.

  Brent went to the center of the island that now floated freely on top of the lake. He waved Kilen and Twilix forward. “I’m sorry, this will have to be done quickly. Perhaps when things have calmed down we will be able to do this more ceremoniously.” He spoke to both of them but looked more at Twilix. “Twilix Havensmith, do you take this man to be your husband?”

  She smiled at Kilen with wet eyes, “Yes, I do.”

  Brent turned to Kilen, “Do you, Kilen Everheart, take his woman to be your wife?”

  “Yes,” Kilen answered as he swallowed.

  Twilix held up a hand to Brent as he opened his mouth, “Are you sure you want to marry me?”

  “Yes,” Kilen answered with confidence.

  “And give me a child?” Twilix said raising an eyebrow.

  Kilen’s mouth hung open a bit but nothing came out.

  “I know it’s a lot to ask, and you have had already many big decisions to make today. Having a child is something that I cannot live without,” Twilix said.

  Kilen snapped his mouth shut and nodded his head, “Yes, of course.”

  Twilix smiled lowered her hand so that Brent could continue.

  “By the power invested in me by wizard law, I pronounce you husband and wife. The crown, boy, give me the crown,” Brent said as he closed the book. He waved his hands, urging the ceremony along and noticed everyone watching him, “Yes, of course congratulations. Come now, the crown.”

  The others clapped as Kilen pulled the crown out of his satchel. Before Brent started talking, Twilix pulled Kilen in for a brief kiss. He dropped the crown, lucky Brent managed to snatch it
out of the air.

  “Your blade boy, let me see it,” Brent said reopening the book.

  Kilen pulled the three elemental blade from its leather home and held it up in front of him.

  “Kilen Everheart, being a holder of a three element blade given freely of your father and imbued as testimony of your skills, I stand before you. Do you vow to uphold the laws of the Water Realm and the Law of the Wizards as set forth by Lord Heathmos and Afrindoel? Do you vow to always protect the people of this realm? Do you give your oath to give your life in service of the elemental realms seeking peace, truth, and knowledge? If you agree and accept these conditions, kneel and repeat after me: I, Kilen Everheart, give my oath on pain of death that I do solemnly swear to protect this land and everyone in it.”

  Kilen knelt and spoke with a shaking voice the words that had been declared. Brent raised the crown far into the air and slowly laid the smooth circlet upon Kilen’s head. Repeating the process, he carefully placed the second crown on Twilix’s head.

  When Twilix stood Brent laid a hand on her cheek, “I am sorry that Jace and your parents could not be here to witness this moment. They all would be proud, and I know you will make a great queen.”

  While Brent spoke Kilen watched her face adorned by the jeweled circlet, thinking that the crown was a perfect fit for her. Brent then hugged Twilix and resumed his hurried pace flipping through the Elder Wizard’s book.

  “Now then, we have all the parts for the recipe. Let’s get you two a city,” Brent announced.

  The leather bound book was old and its pages looked as if any touch would rip them to pieces. Brent carefully turned through them to find the exact words that needed to be spoken.

  “In the ancient language you say, ‘the king has come.” You must put your sword in the water and say ‘Doel eh t’shadria.”

  Except for the occasional clap of thunder from above, the night seemed to be quiet as Kilen traversed the small, icy island. He knelt down near the island’s edge and extended the sword into the water. He looked around as the bystanders watched Kilen intently, waiting for a magical city to raise out of the murky lake. A flaming arrow flew out from the frozen path towards the party, luckily it was blown off course and sizzled into the water. Two of the Earth Realm’s troops had managed to slip past Max. Bowie and Auburn began returning arrows.


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