Kitty Valentine Dates a Best Man
Page 15
I’m glad this didn’t work out. Grandmother was right. This isn’t a matter of him having no concept of work-life balance or being hung up on an ex. Kellen Briggs is in no position to be in a relationship.
Which is a shame because I can’t help but think back on his best-man’s speech and remember how charming and witty he was.
And how he made me feel when we were together.
He’s not the last man on earth though. Not even close.
There’s the one across the hall, for instance, who knocks on my door before taking Phoebe out for a walk. I open my door with a flourish and bend down to give Phoebe attention.
“Wanna come out? It’s a beautiful day. You can’t spend it inside.”
“I have to finish up my edits,” I sigh while petting Phoebe.
She soaks up my adoration like a sponge, which only makes me want to give her more and more of it. Funny how that works.
“You can finish them up when you come back. You know you have to get fresh air every once in a while.”
Yes, and I remember how much better my brain worked when I was outside, sitting on the beach, listening to the water lapping at the shore. I might or might not have found a recording of that very sound to play while I’m working in hopes of re-creating that atmosphere.
It hasn’t worked quite so well.
“I’ll take a walk with you tomorrow. I promise.”
“What if I don’t want you to take a walk tomorrow?” Matt looks down at Phoebe, who stares up at him in delight. And maybe a little bit of impatience since all she wants to do right now is get outside. Once the leash is on, all bets are off.
“Then, I’ll cry myself to sleep. Go on before she pees all over the hallway. Besides, I’m waiting on a call from Hayley. She’s supposed to find out if she got a promotion.”
“She’s a well-trained girl, and you can bring your cell phone with you,” he reminds me as my phone rings.
“Hang on,” I say, running to grab it.
“Kitty?” It’s a squeak. Barely more than the sound a tiny little mouse would make.
“You have any plans tonight?”
“You know I don’t. I’ve been waiting to hear from you.” I exchange a look with Matt, who’s clearly as impatient as I am. And not only because he has a dog who needs to get outside.
When she shrieks, I shriek right along with her because I know she got the news I knew she’d get, but there’s nothing like knowing for sure.
“We’re going out,” she announces, laughing and crying all at once.
“Damn right we are.” I exchange a look with Matt, who pumps his fist in the air. “We all are.”
“Let me get this straight.” Matt leans against the bar, arms folded, looking my way from the corner of his eye. “You didn’t have the time to come out for a walk with me and Phoebe, but you had the time to get ready to come out to this place.”
“This is different. This is a celebration. You were just as happy as I was when Hayley called with the good news.”
We both turn to look for her. She’s at the center of a group of friends and colleagues who’ve all come out to celebrate her promotion.
“I’ve never seen her this happy,” I tell him, smiling at the way she’s holding court.
Even with so many people in the bar, she shines like a pure beam of light.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy,” Matt counters. “Except for that one time when the Chinese place accidentally sent you an extra egg roll.”
“That was a good day.”
“I’m serious though.”
“Me too. You know I love me some egg rolls.” When he doesn’t laugh, I clear my throat. “Of course I’m happy. I’m so happy for her. She’s worked so hard.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever known anybody who gets so genuinely happy for the people they care about.”
I have to eye the whiskey he’s holding in one hand. “How many of those have you had?”
“This is my first one. But one or ten, what I’m saying wouldn’t change. You’re so intensely happy when people you care about get a win. I don’t know anybody else who’s so supportive.”
“Remember that the next time I annoy you.”
“That probably won’t be difficult since you average an annoyance every five minutes or so.”
“Whiskey makes you so funny.”
There’s a commotion over by the high-top where Hayley’s seated. I recognize Brandon right away. Kylie and Zack are behind him.
“Oh, I’m so glad,” I breathe with a hand over my chest.
“They’ve gotta be the brother and sister, right?” Matt asks.
“Gee, how could you tell? They could be triplets.”
“Seriously. The genes are strong in that family.” He lets out a low whistle. “Thank God for genetics, huh?”
“Hey.” That earns him a sharp elbow to the ribs.
“Are you drooling over my best friend?”
He looks down at his shirt like he’s searching for drool. “Shit. Is it that obvious?”
“Oh, shut up.”
His laughter is derisive. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were jealous.”
“Of what? Why would I be jealous?”
“I don’t know. Why would you elbow me hard enough to practically break my ribs, all because I made an observation? Hayley’s got a beautiful family.”
“You think she’s hot.”
“No, I was talking about her brother.” It’s his turn to elbow me. “Yes, she’s objectively hot.”
He then looks around, gesturing with the hand holding his whiskey. “So is she. And her, and her, and the bartender. So what?”
So what? I have no clue.
“Just don’t go around, getting ideas about Hayley. She’s way too important to me to let her get involved with somebody like you.”
“You say the nicest things sometimes. Really, I don’t know why we don’t spend more time together.”
I’m in the middle of rolling my eyes at him when Brandon sneaks up behind me.
“Hey you!”
I’m in a reverse bear hug before I know what to do with myself.
“Hey! Long time no see! We have to stop meeting like this.”
“I’m just glad to see you’ve ventured out of your writing cave.” He winks, kissing my cheek from behind. “My sister will have to have celebratory drinks more often.”
I expect to find Matt laughing when I look at him, prepared to make introductions.
Only he isn’t laughing. In fact, his brows are drawn together in a way that makes me think he’s more than a little unhappy at the moment.
“Um, Brandon, this is my neighbor Matt. Hayley puts up with him for my sake. And I put up with him because it’s easier to be friends with a neighbor than enemies.”
“Good to meet you.” Matt shakes his hand with an easy smile. I guess I imagined him frowning; the light in here is pretty low. “Your sister will make a great junior associate. Maybe I’ll hire her to defend me when I murder this one.” He jerks his chin in my direction.
“Wow. You two have a super-healthy friendship. I’m going to get a drink, and besides, Hayley does corporate law.” Brandon squeezes me one more time before heading closer to the bar.
“Why do you always have to say things like that?” I ask Matt. “It’s weird. Like, if Brandon thinks it’s weird, you know you have problems.”
“I was only telling the truth.” Matt shrugs.
“Whatever. Shut up. Hayley wouldn’t defend you if you killed me.”
“Eh, you’ve probably annoyed her enough times that she could relate.”
“Hey!” Kylie grabs me in passing. “How’ve you been?”
“Oh, just fine.” I do the whole introduction thing with Matt while hoping and praying she won’t mention Kellen in his presence. Why? I don’t think I could c
ome up with a concrete reason if I tried for the rest of the night. Somehow, it feels wrong. It would be weird to talk about the whole mess in front of him, is all.
“I’ll be right back,” he promises with a smile to both of us before disappearing into the crowd.
I can’t help but watch as he weaves his way in and out, reminding me of a shark cutting through water.
Though sharks don’t usually look as good as he does.
I mean, they never do. They’re sharks. I might’ve already had too much to drink.
“Boy, stupid me.” Kylie gives me a wink and a smirk.
“Uh, I would never call you stupid. You’re, like, a genius.”
She rolls her eyes with a snort. “I didn’t mean it that way.”
Then, she nods in the direction Matt just disappeared in. “Here I was, thinking you’d be mopey and sad over Briggs, but you’re already moving on. Between you and me, as much as I love Briggs, this one’s a step up.”
Oh no.
“Matt?” I blurt out before laughing. “No way! He’s just my neighbor from across the hall. I told him Hayley was waiting to hear about the promotion, and he came out to celebrate with us.”
“Really?” She cocks her head to the side, lowering her brow in a way that’s painfully familiar.
Once again, the genes in the family are strong.
“What are you trying to say?”
“Don’t play dumb. I know how smart you are, though I thought you were a little more insightful after our talk before the wedding.”
“Nah. We’re just friends, believe me. I don’t know many things, but I know that much for sure.”
“Okay, whatever. You know better than I do.” She looks after Matt one more time with a whistle that reminds me of the way he whistled a few minutes ago. “What a shame. Having all that across the hall, and you’re only friends.”
Now, I’m starting to get uncomfortable, right down to the flush creeping up the back of my neck. It could be the wine though. Wine makes me flushed and warm too. “Uh, that’s nice, coming from a newlywed,” I tease. Anything to change the subject.
“I’m married. Not blind.”
We laugh together—a little tight on my part maybe.
Matt? We’d kill each other the first day. By noon. It’s amazing we haven’t killed each other before now, honestly.
“How is everything going for you? These first few weeks of married bliss?”
She smiles over at Zack, who’s now doing shots with Hayley. The poor girl’s going to be in more than a little pain tomorrow morning, but certain things are worth suffering a hell of a hangover for. Still, I make a mental note to grab her a bottle of water.
I’m sort of her wingwoman tonight, though I’m not trying to hook her up with anybody. Making sure she doesn’t end up with alcohol poisoning or with her dress over her head is pretty much the extent of my duties.
I can tell from the way Kylie’s face glows that she’s just as goofily in love with her husband as she was when they kissed in the middle of a tropical storm, soaked to the skin in ruined wedding attire. Granted, I would hope so. It hasn’t been that long.
But just like it did that day, the sight of their obvious, open, over-the-top love makes me a little sad. Jealous? Who knows? Just because I don’t want to think of myself that way doesn’t mean I’m beyond feeling a little envious.
“It’s going well,” she admits, turning back to me with that goofy grin still playing at the corners of her mouth. “I guess there’s nowhere to go but up after a ceremony like that, huh?”
I have to clamp my mouth shut for a second since I might laugh if I’m not careful. I’ve heard of people changing as completely as she seems to have done, but hypnosis or a head injury is usually the reason for it.
“I guess so,” I agree. “I’m so happy for you two. You make a beautiful couple.”
“I only wish things could’ve worked out for you,” she confesses. “I mean, so many amazing things came from that week. I’m closer with Hayley. I finally woke up and figured out I don’t have too much in common with the girls from college.”
“Really?” That’s a new one. Hayley didn’t tell me about that.
“Yes, it was well past time. I’m not that girl anymore. We aren’t enemies, but I wouldn’t call them my best friends.” She shrugs at my surprise. “Live and learn.”
“I guess so.”
“And of course, at the end of it all, I wound up with a wedding ring and a binding, legal contract with the man I love. It doesn’t get much better than that.”
“I can’t imagine it being any better.”
She squeezes my arm with a little smile. “And I’m happy I got to know you. I hope we see more of each other now. You’re always welcome for dinner. The door’s open.”
I wish I could offer the same, but I’ve never been the world’s greatest cook. “If you like takeout, I’m your girl. You should come up to my neck of the woods sometime.”
“Careful. We might take you up on it.”
Something on the other side of the room catches her eye, and she looks so interested in whatever it is that I have to see what’s up.
And when I do, the funniest thing happens.
I suddenly feel the urge to tear a girl’s hair out.
Because she’s hanging all over Matt like a cheap suit.
It’s none of my business, and I know it. He’d laugh himself sick if I went over there and so much as tried to break in on their conversation.
So, where’s this impulse coming from? Why are my teeth grinding together hard enough that I’m afraid they might crack?
“You know what?” Kylie leans in a little, speaking straight into my ear. “You were sweet enough to give me some good advice. I’m glad I have the chance now to repay you for that.”
“Repay me?” I’d look at her, but I can’t take my eyes off the redhead who must’ve mistaken Matt for a tree since she’s trying to climb him.
“I’m only going to say this once, and then we’re going to go over and have fun with my sister since this is her night.” Kylie points to Matt. “You need to lock that down, girl. Because when I walked in here and saw the two of you together, I would’ve sworn on a stack of Bibles that you were a couple. And it made all the sense in the world. You looked natural together.”
“He’s like a brother to me.”
“No. Brandon is a brother to me. Matt is not a brother to you, no matter how much you might want him to be.” Then, she nudges me. “If you really do want him to be, which I doubt.”
The girl has no idea what she’s talking about. Even a genius gets it wrong sometimes, I guess.
“Come on.” I link arms with her, deliberately turning my back on Matt and the redhead he might need to have surgically removed by the end of the night if she gets any closer to him. “Let’s go celebrate with our favorite lawyer. She’s the reason we’re here after all.”
Read Kitty’s next dating adventure in Kitty Valentine dates a Cowboy.
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