The Nysian Prophecy

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The Nysian Prophecy Page 12

by M. K. Dawn

  “I’m sorry, I could have sworn you just ordered me to recon?” The anger in Brady’s voice is undeniable.

  Eric must have heard it too. “No, brother. More like a suggestion. One coming from Henry, not me.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Leave the recon to the military personnel we have here. The warriors’ main purpose is to protect the royal family. Alaina is all that is left of that royal family. Her safety is always mission number one. Neither you nor Henry has the authority to tell us what to do.”

  “As Henry is her fiancé, he does have the right to assign whom he wishes to guard her. You know that. He wants his guards looking out for her. With so much activity going on, he is under the suspicion that one of yours may be the traitor. I tend to agree with him.”

  If looks could kill. “Fuck you, Eric!”

  “Don’t blame me. I grew up with all of you too. I didn’t mean your warriors, but in general, I do believe we have a spy amongst us.”

  “Well, maybe we should look at the men who came into camp last when all of this shit started,” Brady spats, disgusted at the conversation.

  Eric steps forward, inches from Brady, not in the least bit intimidated by the massive man. He may not be a warrior, but he’s built pretty damn close to one. “You want to accuse Henry’s men - our future king’s men - of being corrupt, you go right ahead brother. You’ll find your head stuck on a post for high treason.”

  This is getting us nowhere. “Okay, boys, put them away.” Neither moves. Stupid, stubborn boys. “Brady? Please?” Brady steps back and runs his hands through his hair. “That’s better. Now let’s get one thing straight, no one is having their head stuck on a post. My Gods, everyone needs to get a grip. Aren’t I the one that’s supposed to be freaking out? I’ve been kidnapped and taken to some crazy place.” I give Brady my best I’m looking at you face. “I’ve been dragged around the countryside, chased, captured and almost killed and it’s only been two days!” Yep, I’m having a breakdown. “I’m done! Do you all hear me, d-o-n-e, done! So, everyone needs to chill the hell out! You all keep saying I’m the damn princess. I don’t buy it, but whatever. That’s not the point. If that’s how you’re going to treat me, then fine! But if I’m going to play princess, then I at least get all the power that she has. And from what I understand, if I’m the princess, then the warriors are mine to command, correct?”

  “Yes, of course, my lady.” Eric nods. I fight the urge to roll my eyes at his decorum.

  I visualize how Gina would handle this situation and with my best authoritative voice, I tell them exactly how things are going to go. “Well, I have spent enough time with Brady to know, if he trusts the warriors, then I can trust them too. Henry’s guards, however, I have not met. So, for the time being, my warriors will be my primary bodyguards.”

  With wide eyes, Eric bows. “As you wish, my lady. I suggest Nick stands guard as you are trained. As for who actually performs the lessons, you will have to take that up with Henry. But as I said before, Brady and the rest of the warriors are needed.” The look Brady gives him says they are not done with their little disagreement. “Whether Brady believes me or not, they’re the only ones I trust with recon. If he truly wants to ensure you are safe, he would agree.”

  Brady takes a very aggressive step towards Eric. Awesome, here we go again. I do the only thing I can think of - step in between them. With my back toward Eric, I place my hand on Brady’s chest. Heat courses through my body. “Please, Brady. It’s okay, I will get this all figured out. But for now, I don’t need you to babysit me. Nick will be there, along with Henry’s warriors, to ensure I’m safe. If Wright’s men are out there, then maybe it’s best for you to be out there too, keeping them away from camp and away from me.” Of course, that’s a load of bullshit. What I really need is a break from him, so I don’t jump him and finish what we started in the woods.

  He flinches at the sting of my betrayal. “If that’s what you command, Your Highness.” His words are clipped and laced with anger. Every nerve in my body screams to wrap my arms around him. Just being close to him is killing me. I can’t take a chance at Henry’s men seeing how strong my feelings are for him. Later, I’ll find a way to get him alone and clear up this little misunderstanding.

  “Eric, can you please take me to where I’m going to be staying? I really want to lie down and sleep for like a week.”

  “Of course, my lady.” He bows again.

  “And would you cut the ‘my lady’ shit out. We know each other, we were friends. Stop being so gods damned formal.”

  “You’re the princess, Alaina. About to be crowned queen. Formality is an absolute must.”

  “Whatever. Fine. Do it in front of other people, but not in private.” I turn to look at the rest of them. “That goes for the warriors as well. Unless there are prying ears, you will address me as Alaina. You’ve all made a vow to lay down your life for mine, the least we can do is be on a first-name basis.”

  Then it dawns on me, Eric suggested Nick as my guard. “Has Nick come back?”

  “Yes, he got back not too long ago, with a little extra baggage in tow. Come with me. I’ll take you to him and our new guests.”

  As Eric leads us through the large camp, Brady hovers close by my side. He’s angry, which is understandable, but still, I wish he would see things from my point-of-view.

  “Will you at least let me explain?”

  “What’s there to explain? You trust Eric over me. It’s cool.”

  No way am I going to put up with this jealous, pouting bullshit. I pull Brady aside, out of earshot from the already curious onlookers. He turns his head, careful not to look me in the eyes. “You don’t get to be mad at me, Brady. You come into my life, bring me to this place against my will, and tell me I’m a long-lost princess - a long-lost princess that’s betrothed, for Gods sake. We’ve been chased, captured, and you died. On top of that, you flirt with me, push me away, kiss me, then push me away again. So, I’m sorry if I can’t have you hanging around me right now. The close proximity is driving me insane.”

  Brady lowers his chin to his chest and walks away without a word. My heart splinters at his sudden absence.

  “Alaina?” Eric comes up from behind. How long has he been there? How much has he heard? “You coming?”


  The sight of Charlotte and her family eating dinner, healthy and happy, eases some of the anxiety in my heart. Nick is with them, between little Alaina and a gorgeous woman. The way his eyes light up when he looks her way leaves little doubt in my mind that this is his soulmate, Shae. With her blond hair and fair skin, she is a sharp contrast to Nick’s jet-black hair and mocha skin.

  Charlotte glances up from her plate and beams. “We were so worried.” She pulls me into a tight embrace.

  “So was I.”

  “Oh, Gods!” She releases me and takes a knee. “Your Highness, I apologize for being so informal.”

  “Please, Charlotte, get up.” She hesitates. “You saved our lives and put your whole family at risk to do so. We’re alive because of all of you. I’m the one who owes you an apology. We should have never gone there.”

  Carl stands and bows. “It was our greatest honor housing the princess and her warrior for the night. Your father was always so good to us, there was not a chance we would have turned you away.”

  “But you didn’t know I was the princess. Hell, I just found out I was the princess and still don’t believe it.”

  He gives a great, soul-warming laugh. “Didn’t we? You’re a terrible liar and look so much like your father.” His smile widens. “Though we were all pretty convinced that you and Brad were in love.” He gives me a little wink, and I blush all shades of red.

  “Well, I hope that’s just a sign of your great acting abilities.” Everyone around me falls to their knee. “I would hate to think that my betrothed is in love with another man.”

  My muscles become rigid. It’s not hard to figure out who the unfamiliar voice belong
s to. I take a moment before turning around, not ready to face the man I must marry.

  “Prince Henry, please let me introduce you to Princess Alaina.” The voice sends a combination of pleasure and pain surging through my heart. How dare he? Hours ago, he’d been all over me and now he is casually introducing me to another man.

  I whip around, ready to confront the man who has stolen my heart, but the pain in his eyes stops me in my tracks. “Your Highness, I ran into Prince Henry on my way to my tent. He insisted on meeting you at once. If there is nothing else, I will retire to my quarters.”

  “Of course, Warrior.” I understand all too well his need to escape.

  “My tent is directly across from yours. If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate.”

  Before I can respond, Henry waves his hand in dismissal. “Yes, thank you, Brady. We’ll be fine. I, along with my guards, will escort the princess from now on. You have done your sworn duty by bringing her home, now go get some rest.”

  Brady bows and stalks towards the other side of camp.

  “Now, my lady, where were we? Ah, yes. I was going to ask you to join me for dinner.” I look at Eric and he nods discreetly.

  “Thank you, Prince Henry. I would love to join you.”

  “Excellent. This way, the royal dining room awaits.”

  I glance back at Charlotte and her family, all who are still on one knee. “I’ll see you later, then?”

  “As you wish, Your Highness,” Charlotte says, her eyes still focused on the ground.

  “Prince Henry, the people?” I ask.

  “Yes, of course.” He waves his hand as he did to Brady. “Get up, get up. Finish your dinner.”

  “My lady.” He offers me his arm.

  I feign a smile and walk arm-in-arm with my prince to dinner.


  On the far side of camp, I follow Henry into the largest tent I’ve ever seen. Not only is there a dining room with a table big enough to hold sixteen, there is also a separate bedroom and bathroom.

  Henry holds out my chair at the far end of the table before taking his own seat at the opposite end. An arrangement of flowers and candles are set down the middle of the table, set as to not interfere with the diners’ view. The whole set-up is awkward. Too formal for my liking. I practically have to shout so he can hear me.

  “Do you mind if I freshen up before we eat. I’ve been trekking through the woods most of the day.”

  “Where are my manners?” Henry stands and gestures towards the bathroom. “Right behind that curtain, there are fresh towels and soap. If you need anything, Anastasia will be right outside to help you.” As Henry speaks a beautiful, blue-eyed, girl steps through the front curtain and bows.

  “Right this way, Your Highness.” Anastasia holds open the washroom curtain. The room is huge, complete with a sink, toilet, and a claw-foot tub. How is this even possible in the middle of the woods? Who carries this stuff around?

  This can’t be real. The room spins and blurs. My chest contracts, and I can’t catch my breath.

  “Deep breaths,” a small voice whispers. “Focus on my voice.” The room comes into focus. “There you go. Everything is going to be okay.”

  I shake my head and try to remain calm. If she only knew all that has happened in the past few days.

  “Alaina?” The sound of my name - just my name - not princess, not my lady, not your highness, just Alaina, soothes me. That’s who I am, that’s who I know, not this other person everyone wants me to be. “Alaina, look at me. You need to calm down. Don’t think of anything else.”

  I slowly turn my head towards the voice.

  “There you go. Can you breathe?” I nod. “Think you can stand?”

  Stand? I didn’t even realize I sat down?

  “Alaina? Focus on me. Can you stand?” I nod again and she grabs me under my arms, gently lifting me off the floor. “I can’t imagine what you are going through.”

  My heart clenches. “I can’t do this.”

  “I know it feels that way. Brady told me everything.”

  At the sound of his name, I turn from her and try to shove away the jealousy building inside me. “So, you know Brady?”

  “For more years than I care to mention.” She shoots me a wicked grin. I’m not surprised. With her long brown hair and stunning blue eyes, she could be a model, if there was such a thing in Nysa.

  “So, you two are close?”

  She pushes a few fallen strands of hair away from her face. “This isn’t good. You two need to be careful.”

  “What exactly did he tell you?” I snap.

  “Oh Alaina, it’s not what he told me, it’s what he didn’t say. The look in his eyes is one I haven’t seen in a very long time.”

  “Wait a minute? Is Brady your brother?”

  “Yes. Who did you think I was? He came to me after introducing you to Henry and explained everything. Asked if I could help you out. He must have known you would flip out. As soon as he started to talk about you, I knew something happened. He can’t hide anything from me. My first reaction was how stupid can he be, falling for a princess. But it’s way worse than I thought, isn’t it? You have fallen right back for him, haven’t you? This is bad, you know that, right? I don’t want to see him hurt again. Worse yet, if you two are caught, he could be hung for treason.”

  I lay my hand over her mouth. “Anastasia, please stop talking. I know this is bad, Brady knows it’s bad. He and I agreed in the woods that we would keep our relationship status as friends. Whatever initial attraction we both felt, we will just have to fight through it until it passes. Now, can we not talk about this here?” She nods. How did this turn around so fast? Just minutes ago, I was on the floor having a panic attack, now I’m trying to assure the sister of the guy I’m insanely attracted to that I will not hurt him, or worse, get him killed. Gods, my life is spinning out of control.

  “Alaina?” Henry calls out. “Everything okay in there?”

  “Yes, sorry. I will be right out.”

  I drop my hand from Anastasia’s mouth. “I guess I need to get back out there.” But instead, I stall. “How well do you know him?”

  “Henry? I’ve known him since we were kids. After our kingdom fell, I went to live in his castle. We don’t hang out if that’s what you are asking. He’s royalty and tends to keep to others of his stature.”

  “I don’t know if I can marry someone I just met,” I confess.

  “We’ll figure it out. You better get out there before he sends in a search party. He has been anxiously awaiting your arrival.”

  “Okay. How do I look?”

  “Like you need to sleep for a week, but still doable.” My jaw drops at her racy remark.

  She winks and opens the curtain.

  Henry holds out my chair once again. “You were in there for a while, I was about to send one of my guards in to check on you.”

  “I’m fine. The past few days have been a bit overwhelming, and it all kind of hit me at once. Thank the Gods Anastasia was there. She helped calm me down and put things into perspective.”

  “Ah yes, Brady’s sister. Sweet thing, a decent soldier, so I’ve been told. When we get back to my castle, you will be provided handmaids who have been properly trained to tend to all your needs.”

  “Handmaids? Like a servant?” I don’t like the sound of that.

  “No, these are paid employees who’ve chosen this as their profession.”

  “Thank you, but that won’t be necessary. I’ve been taking care of my own needs as long as I can remember.”

  “I’m sure you have, but as the queen, you will need help.” I scrunch my nose and he laughs. “This must seem so foreign to you, try not to worry. Everything can be discussed at a later time. Right now, dinner.” He claps his hands and waiters with plates of food enter the tent. It smells amazing, my stomach rumbles.

  I thank the man who places a plate in front of me. “Wow, it looks delicious.”

  “Eat, please. You must be rave

  Nothing has ever tasted so good in my entire life. As we eat, Henry talks about his kingdom and all the things going on there at the moment. I nod at appropriate times, trying my best to act interested. He’s an articulate man and easy on the eyes with his lean body and broad shoulders. His face is Prince Charming beautiful with light brown eyes, coffee hair, and perfectly chiseled chin. Despite all of that, I feel nothing for him. Not a hint of attraction or lust. It’s disheartening. I’m to marry this man, have children with this man, and I can’t find anything about him that turns me on.

  Instead, my mind wanders to the blue-eyed warrior. The playful way he teases me when we’re together. His lips on mine. The way his hard, oh-so-sexy body presses…

  “Alaina, are you listening?” Shit! What did he just say? “You look flushed. Are you feeling okay?” Shit, shit, shit. Not good.

  “I’m so sorry, Henry. The last few days are catching up with me. I’m quite exhausted. What did you say?”

  “Completely understandable. I just asked if you were done with dinner. The chef wanted to know if dessert was needed. But in your current state, would it be presumptuous to assume a good night’s sleep is all you are craving?”

  I smile sweetly, relieved he thought I was thinking about is going to bed. And in a way, he’s right, because I was thinking of going to bed with a very hot warrior. “Normally, I wouldn’t dream of passing up dessert, but I’m drained.”

  “Anastasia, would you be kind enough to take my bride to her tent?” Has she been standing there all through dinner?

  “Yes, Your Highness. Princess, if you would be so kind as to follow me?” My chair is pulled out from under me, and I’m forced to stand. I head for the door, and Henry meets me halfway.

  He plants a small kiss on the back of my hand. “Until the morrow, my love.” The gesture is sweet, but still, there is no romantic feeling. It’s as if my body wants nothing to do with him.

  “Yes, well, I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night, Henry.” Once out of sight of the scary looking guard outside Henry’s tent, Anastasia loops her arm into mine. “Seriously girl, if you are going to make Henry believe you’re in love with him and not with someone else, you are going to have to stop daydreaming about my brother in front of him.”


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