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The Nysian Prophecy

Page 14

by M. K. Dawn

  Eric pours two tall glasses of Nysa whiskey, which is similar to human whiskey but with ten times the potency. He hands me a glass and drinks his down in one swallow. He pours another and settles back into his seat. “So, Brady, you want to tell me what the hell you are up to? You know the war against Wright is going to shit. We’re getting our asses handed to us on a daily basis. Then you come back and spout shit about Alaina not being the princess. Are you trying to cause mass chaos? If there is any doubt at all that she is not who we say she is, our people will flee.”

  “I don't need you to tell me how the war is going, I’m the fucking leader of the whole damn thing. Those are my soldiers who have been sent to the Gods, not yours. You sit here in the safety of your tent while we risk our lives trying to restore our kingdom.”

  He jumps to his feet. “You don’t think I carry the guilt of the ones we have lost? I sit here in this tent, aside you and the other warriors, and help lay out the Gods-damn battle plan. When you are on the battlefield, I’m here sifting through intel, sending you anything and everything I can find on Wright’s army. You may give the orders, but I’m here telling you where we think it’s safe and which way to go next. More than once, I have sent soldiers to their deaths because of bad information. Hell, I have the potential to send the whole fucking army to the wrong place, killing everyone who has sworn their lives to our kingdom. So, don’t give me the ‘this is my army’ bullshit. You may be in charge, but you aren't the only one orchestrating things around here.” He throws his glass and it shatters into a million pieces.

  His lack of self-control is disturbing. He’s normally the calm one out of the group. “What the hell is going on, Eric? Losing your temper and throwing shit really isn't your thing.”

  “With Alaina back and the prophecy set to be fulfilled, I’m a little stressed. You can appreciate that, can't you?”

  “What’s the deal with her? I know something isn’t right here. There are too many inconsistencies.”

  Fury builds in his eyes in a way I have never seen before. “Let's get this one thing straight, Warrior. Alaina - the girl you brought over - is the person whom the prophecy is about.”

  “Then why haven't you removed the memory block? What are you trying to hide?”

  “The memory block will break when she is crowned queen, as it was designed to do!” Eric shouts. This is news to me. Why hide her memories when they would help her understand who she needs to be? “And before you ask any more fucking questions, just consider this, who are you really looking out for here, Alaina or your dick? I saw how you look at each other.”

  I want to hit him with every fiber of my being. “You really think I would risk everything because I’m attracted to her? You arrogant, son of a bitch! Tell me something, why the fuck does she have my soulmate’s memories?”

  His face softens, and he slumps back into his chair. He leans in, elbows on the table, and runs his hands through his hair. His voice lowers to almost a whisper. “I didn't know. Your soulmate and I were friends. It all happened so fast - Wright’s attack. We knew we had to obstruct Alaina’s memories, but feared a simple block wasn't going to be powerful enough to keep them away for good, so Ordin pushed other’s memories on her with the use of her orb. I was to find someone, touch Alaina’s orb to that person’s head to transfer their memories. Once the orb was placed on Alaina, the new memories would be there for her to recall. Unfortunately, for both of you, while running towards the woods, we came across my friend’s body. I used her memories knowing that if they came through they would at least be happy memories. Like I said, I didn't know until after, that she was your soulmate. I’m so sorry, brother. I should have told you, but you were so broken over losing her, I didn't want to cause you any more pain. I see now that, that was a mistake.”

  His words cut me like a steel blade straight to the heart. I’ve been holding out hope that Alaina was someone other than the princess. I had let my attraction towards her supersede my common sense. After the information sinks in, anger creeps into my soul. All this time, he knew my soulmate and never said a thing. The stories he could have shared. Now her memories are floating around in some other girl's head, triggering emotions neither of us needs. “These false memories are causing her to doubt who she is, you understand that, right?”

  “I do, and that’s my cross to bear. It’s imperative she’s crowned queen. The only thing you need to worry about now is getting her to Henry’s kingdom safely, though I think it would be best if you did that from a distance. The memory push seems to be creating feelings between you two that are not real. Stay away from her for a while, let one of the other warriors guard her until things between you two settle down. Once she is crowned queen and completes the marriage ceremony, it will get better.”

  I stalk towards the door unable to stomach being in the same room with him any longer, but there is still the one thing that concerns me. “She healed me, you know? After Kakos’ attack, I was dead and she healed me. You got an explanation for that?” I don't bother facing him, his silence is the only answer I need. “Yeah, I didn't think so.” As I walk out, another glass shatters. The way he’s going, he’ll be drinking straight from the bottle.

  My mind races as I take the long way back to my tent. Could it be that simple? Are we only feeling this way because of the pushed memories? I’ve never heard of such a thing, but I guess it's possible. Then again, the last thing he said about the marriage ceremony confused me even more. Wouldn’t being crowned queen and getting her memories back be enough? Why would she need to complete the marriage ceremony as well if she is not my soulmate? The marriage ceremony bonds two souls together, not permanently and not as strong as the warrior ceremony, but enough that it can suppress the feelings one has for their soulmate. It has happened when one-half of the soulmate dies before the bonding ceremony. The other person marries and bonds their soul with another. This eases the pain of losing one's other half.

  The loss of a soulmate is hollowing, or so I have been told. I have never felt the emptiness my mother spoke of before she died, but of course, we were not bonded as my parents were. Maybe that’s why after all these years I have always held the hope that she may still be alive. Losing her should have created a sense of longing in my life, which I’ve never experienced. Maybe it's because we only met briefly, or we were so young when it happened. Maybe I’m just a complete idiot and have never noticed it. That could explain why I feel such a strong connection with Alaina. She could just be waking the void I never knew was there. I’m at the age where a warrior’s soul begins searching for its other-half. Hell, Nick just completed the bonding ceremony with Shae a few months ago, and he’s a year younger than me.

  I take a deep breath and release it slowly. This back and forth is giving me a headache. It’s obvious Eric is hiding something. His erratic behavior is a dead giveaway.

  Back at Alaina’s tent, I find Nick standing guard. “Hey man, Anastasia still in there?”

  “She left a while ago, something about a hot date. I was coming to see you when she asked me to take over. The princess has been sleeping since I arrived. Eric just left. He went in, checked on her, put a protection spell on her tent and said it was okay if I left. I figured I would wait until you got back to let you know she is fully protected.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  “Yeah, no problem. I know if I walked up expecting someone to be looking after Shae and no one was there, I would be freaking pissed.” He comparing my protectiveness towards Alaina to that of his soulmate is like a punch in the stomach. Did everyone think I was in love with her?

  I cross my arms over my chest. “What are you getting at?”

  “Nothing. Sure, I see a little attraction between you two, but I mean, come on, she’s hot and you’re hot, so that’s to be expected. And you’re the leader of the warriors and it's our job to protect her. So naturally, you would be pissed if you thought she wasn’t being protected.” Nick is famous for his backpedaling after stick
ing his foot in his mouth, which is quite often.

  I can't help but laugh. “Henry wants his guards in charge of training Alaina. She needs to be prepared in case we are attacked, or worse, is captured by Wright.”

  “What the hell, man? That’s our job.”

  “I know and I haven't had a chance to discuss it with Henry yet, but in the meantime, I need you to be her personal bodyguard at all times.”

  “Sure, but in all honesty, I thought you would take on her personal guard duties.”

  “I think it’s best she and I take a little break from each other. The attraction, as you so delicately put it, has become somewhat of a distraction. And she and I both agreed it would best if I focused more on overall camp protection, not just babysitting.”

  “Well, I’m one hell of a babysitter, boss, just ask my sister. I use to watch her rug-rats all the time. I think I’ll bring Shae along with me in the morning. A couple of friends around here wouldn't hurt.”

  “Thanks, Nick. Oh, and grab Charlotte as well. She’s an amazing seamstress. Maybe between the two of them, they can at least help her look like the princess our kingdom needs her to be.” I walk towards Alaina’s door.

  “Um, wrong tent, boss.”

  I cock an eyebrow. “I’m just going to make sure the place is secure before I head off to bed.”

  “I just did that before you got here and Eric before me.”

  “Goodnight, Nick.”

  “Roger that.” He salutes, turns around military style and marches off, undoubtedly to tell Shae everything that just went down. He can’t take anything serious. Even in battle, he cracks jokes. If I hadn't known him to be such a badass when it came to combat, I wouldn't believe he was the decorated warrior he was. The rest of us are serious ninety-nine percent of the time. He, on the other hand, is rarely serious. He is the odd man out and I thank the Gods for him every day. He is our sanity when things become too much. That's why he is the perfect person to guard Alaina. She’s going to need some comic relief as the gravity of her very existence is laid out before her. I don’t envy the path that has been placed before her by the Gods.

  I open the door to Alaina’s tent and peek in, not wanting to startle her if she’s awake. The lights are low, making it almost impossible for me to see.

  “Brady?” she whispers.

  “Yeah, it's me.”

  “Don't leave me,” she whimpers.

  Her plea is heartbreaking. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” I walk to her bed ready to comfort her but soon realize she’s not awake. It must be a bad dream. About me, I guess. Isn’t that delightful?

  She’s restless, tossing and turning in obvious distress. Tears streak her face. I should leave, it's only a dream after all, but I can't force myself to move. Instead, I sit next to her on the bed and gently stroke her hair. As I wipe the tears from her cheek, she nuzzles her head into my hand and sighs. As she lays there on my hand, her body relaxes. I watch her, cradling her head until she reaches a deep sleep.

  After much self-debating, I determine I’ve spent enough time tonight being an overall creeper watching her sleep and decide to make my way to the door. As I lift my hand away from her face she cries out.

  “Please, Brady, don't leave me!” Unsure if she is awake or still dreaming, I sit back down. My bed calls to me, as exhaustion hits. The way I see it I have two choices. Either I leave her here in distress or I lay down next to her. It’s just a dream, after all. If I’m caught sleeping in the same bed with her, it could be my head. Not to mention how angry she would be when she wakes and finds me next to her without her permission.

  Choices, choices.

  There is only one way to solve this. I bend down and whisper in her ear. “Alaina, honey, I really need to get some sleep. Either I leave or I stay and sleep in bed with you. It's up to you.”


  Chapter Seventeen


  Sprawled out on my back, I open my eyes and gaze at the roof of the tent I wished was my room. “Dammit.” It wasn't a bad dream after all, which means I’m still expected to defeat Wright and bring peace to Nysa. How did my life get so complicated?

  “You okay there, Princess?”

  I jolt up and find Brady propped up on one elbow in my bed, shirtless. Never in my life have I slept in the same bed with a boy before. And without my permission no less. All the while looking smoking hot, while I’m a hot mess. I run my hands over my head to smooth out my unruly hair.

  His lips draw up into his usual killer smile. “If I were you, I would probably be more concerned about what I was wearing, than my hair.” His eyes drop to my chest. “Don't get me wrong, it doesn't bother me in the least little bit, but modesty isn't really my thing.”

  I trail his eyes to my nightgown which, to my horror, is completely see-through.

  I scream and pull the blankets up to my neck. “Get out of my bed!”

  He laughs. “I would, but I’m naked.”

  “What? Why are you naked in my bed?” I have a naked boy in my bed, and I don't even remember how he got there? Good Gods.

  He clasps his arms behind his head. “Well, you asked me to stay.”

  “Really? Did I also ask you to sleep naked in my bed? Because that doesn't sound like me at all.”

  “Not in so many words. I tried to leave, but you begged me to stay.”

  “Whatever.” I rub my brow in attempts to ward off my imminent headache. “I’m closing my eyes. Now please get out of my bed and put some clothes on.”

  Don't peek, don't peek.

  “You do realize you’re saying that out loud?”

  No, I did not. “Just trying to lighten the mood a little bit.”

  “Okay. You can open your eyes. I'm all covered up.”

  His idea of covered up is a pair of jeans; jeans so low that his hip bones show that super-hot v-thing that guys have. “So, shirts aren’t worn in Nysa?”

  His rubs he hands over his washboard abs. “Why? Is me being shirtless getting you all hot and bothered?”

  “No. Just don't want you catching a cold. It's a little chilly in here.”

  “Yeah, I noticed.” His eyes sweep over my chest again. “Luckily, my body runs hot. If you’re cold, I can crawl back in bed and warm you up.”

  My body flushes and I nod without a second thought. Our eyes connect and he takes a demanding step towards me.

  “Your Highness,” a man calls out from the other side of my tent. “It’s Nick. I’ve been assigned as your personal bodyguard and brought Shae along for a little girl-bonding time. May we come in?”

  “As always, his timing is fucking perfect,” Brady mumbles, as he buttons his shirt.

  “One minute, please,” I reply then turn my attention back to Brady. “Do you see a robe or something laying around? Something I can put on that is less see-through?”

  He opens the wardrobe and grabs a silky pink robe. “Will this work?”

  “I guess, as long as it's not see-through.” It looks more like something you would wear to entertain a lover, not guests. “Can you hand it to me?”

  “Nope. You want it you’re going to have to come and get it.” He holds it up, taunting me.

  “Your Highness? Everything alright in there?” Nick calls out.

  “Yes, fine. Just dealing with a wardrobe issue.”

  “Shae can help with that if you want!” He shouts back.

  “No, no. Just give me a second.” I turn back to Brady and sneer. He waves the robe, smiling, unaffected by my dirty look.

  “Still cold, I see.” My mouth drops. I hadn't even noticed the blanket had fallen away from my chest. Well, if he wants to play games, I can play games.

  I shimmy out of bed and saunter towards him, fully aware he can see everything underneath my barely-there nightgown. His eyes shamelessly scan my body, setting it on fire. It's intimate, in a way I have never known. The lust burning in his eyes terrifies me, but I refuse to look away.

  Inches apart, I gaze into
his magnificent blue eyes and run my hands down his chest. “See something you like?”

  His breath hitches as he continues to stare. Slowly, I turn around to give him a nice view of my thong exposed ass.

  I stretch my arms out. “Do you mind?”

  “What?” he mutters.

  I look at him over my shoulder and bat my eyelashes. “My robe. Can you help me put it on?”

  He nods as if under a trance. As he slides on my robe, his fingers trace up each arm, setting them ablaze. Then he turns me around and cups my face in his hands. “I don't understand what’s going on,” he whispers, pressing his lips to mine. “You’re like a drug to me.” He kisses me again. “I wish it was real.”

  I don't understand what that means. “It feels pretty damn real to me.”

  “The mind is a powerful thing. Sometimes it makes us feel things that aren't real.”

  “And what about my heart?” I pull my face out of his hands and look away, so he can’t see the tears welling up in my eyes.

  “For the love of Gods, please don't say that.” He wraps his arms around me as his lips brush the top of my head.

  “Your Highness?” Another call out, this time from Shae. “Everything okay?”

  “I should go. I’ll let Nick and Shae you are ready for them.” Then he’s gone, without so much as a goodbye. My heart shatters into a million pieces, not from his absence, but his words, “I wish it was real.”

  Shae and Nick walk in as I crumple to the floor. My mind screams to get up, hide the pain, don't let them see you cry. Miranda Lambert's song, Mama's Broken Heart, echoes in my head. But my heart ignores my head’s pleas.

  Shae and Nick hurry to my side and help me off the floor.

  “Your Highness, My Gods, are you okay?” Shae asks as they guide me to a brass stool in front of the vanity. I lean forward and put my hands between my knees, in attempts to ward off a panic attack. Once I get my breathing under control, I look up at two very concerned faces.

  “I’m fine, really, I am. It's just I’m feeling a bit…” Heartbroken, stressed, unsure, confused, all of the above? “...overwhelmed. Two days ago, I was a normal girl, preparing to start college, then bam - I’m thrown into this unknown world expected to do the impossible.”


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