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The Nysian Prophecy

Page 18

by M. K. Dawn

  My dirty look must have worked because he gets his laughing under control quick. “Sorry. I shouldn't have laughed, but it's not magic. Magic is waving a wand and saying a spell. Our power is connected to our essence, our soul. It is power gifted to us by the Gods.”

  “Got it. Rule number one, never say magic.”

  “That will save you a lot of embarrassment.”

  “What else can you tell me that will keep me from putting my foot in my mouth?” I have done that enough and would like to avoid it at all cost.

  “Let’s see. Did Brady explain the aging process?”

  “No, he did not.”

  “This is a fun one. We have more than twice the lifespan of humans, averaging about two-hundred years. At age twenty-five, our body’s natural aging process slows down to a near stop. From twenty-five to one-hundred, we physically do not age. After our one-hundredth birthday, the aging process begins again, but it's roughly one year to every three years for a human. For example, at one-hundred and three, you would be twenty-six in human years.”

  His ‘in human years’ comment, along with the ungodly amount of information he just gave me, ignites a little giggle inside of me. Soon it turns into an all-out uncontrollable laugh fest.

  “Are you alright?”

  I fan my hand in front of my face and try to get it under control, but the words ‘in human years’ pops back in and starts the laughing all over again.

  “You want to tell me what’s so funny?”

  I hold one finger up trying to compose myself. When I gain a little self-restraint, I sputter, “You... said... human… years. Like… dog… years.” Eric looks at me like I have lost my mind, which at this point, I’m starting to think I have. “Guess you had to be there. You know, like in the human realm.” He doesn't have a clue what I’m talking about. The laughter starts bubbling up again until I notice the crowd that has formed around us. The dozen or so set of eyes on me snaps me out of my insanity.

  “Uh, huh. You know, I have thrown a lot at you this morning. You have about two hours before your lunch date with Prince Henry. Why don't we get you back to your tent so you can change and rest?”

  “Yeah, I think I may be a little overwhelmed. I guess there is no getting out of lunch for an extended nap?”

  Eric shrugs. “Didn't really sound like he was asking.”

  “Caught that too, did ya?”


  “Fine. I’ll go. But I think a nap is in order.”

  “Great!” Eric seems a little too happy about it. He turns around. “Nick will take you to your tent and then to Henry’s for lunch.”

  I look back and find Nick about twenty feet back. Has he been following us the whole time?

  “Your Highness.” He bows. “Your tent is this way.”

  “Thanks for the talk, Eric. Hopefully next time we can get to the personal questions.”

  He grins. “All in good time, Your Highness. If you need anything, please come and find me. Nick can help track me down.” He pulls me into an unexpected hug, then whispers in my ear. “I meant what I said earlier, I'm here for you, whatever it is you may need, just ask.” Then he’s gone, leaving me alone with Nick.


  We walk in silence. Me taking in the sights, Nick with a stupid smirk plastered across his face.

  Finally, I can’t take the quiet anymore. “What’s with the face?”

  “I have no idea what you are talking about.” He does his best to fall back into warrior mode but fails.

  “Just tell me why you were smiling like that.”

  “It's nothing, I just find the way you and Eric interact… interesting.”

  “What is so interesting about it?”

  He shrugs. “You just seem very comfortable with him, that’s all.”

  “Eric is the only clear memory I have of this place. We were friends as children, that I know for sure. I remember following him around. He used to take me places. Then in my nightmare, the one when the soldiers in the red armor with the dragon attack...”

  “Wright’s army.”

  “Yes. Eric was the one who saved me.”

  “I was told he got you out of the castle that night. Took you to the forest where he could safely send you to the human realm without it being traced.”

  “In my nightmare, I was in the village. My mother was killed by an arrow. I ran out into the road where I was knocked down. I tried to get up but couldn't. Eric pulled me to safety. Do you think my nightmare could be a memory?”

  Nick takes a moment to consider my question. “I don't see how it could be. The mind is a funny thing. It can take all kinds of images and smash them together, creating something new but untrue. If I were to guess, I would say you saw lots of horrific things that night and your brain has created some kind of story out of it, which has manifested into your nightmare.”

  I contemplate this for a minute. “You seem to know a lot about the inner workings of the brain.”

  He laughs. “Yeah, my mother is a telepath. She works a great deal with the brain, a lot of work with memories in particular. My sister and I grew up listening to her go on and on about it. Most of it didn't stick. The one thing I do remember is that our minds often deceive us as a protective measure. We can't always trust it.”

  I want to ask him more about his family but instead, process all he has said. Could it be that simple? My nightmares had always felt so real to me, but Dr. Siple had insisted it was my mind just trying to deal with so much tragedy. Of course, then I thought I was dealing with being abused and orphaned. Come to find out, he knew the whole time who I was and where I came from. He also knew of the horrors I had seen the night I left Nysa.

  My sessions with him make perfect sense now. It was never about what I had gone through, it was about the negative feelings I had held on to for so long. The feelings of loss and abandonment. He knew what I was going to have to come back to and the only way I would survive was to push past it. I smile nostalgically at the man who helped me become the strong woman I am today. If I ever saw him again, I would have to tell him how sorry I am for being such a pain in the ass all those years.

  Nick and I walk a little longer in silence. When we arrive at my tent, he enters first to ensure all is safe and secure. I plop down on my bed, not quite as tired as I was before. “How long were you following us?”

  He sits in the chair across the room. “That’s a silly question. I have been entrusted to guard you, which means you are not to leave my sight unless another guard takes over.”

  “I didn't know that meant when I’m with Eric too.”

  “He is not a warrior. His gift is foresight and telepathy. He may have some training when it comes to fighting, but he is no match for a trained soldier who wields the air element. If one of Wright’s men breaks through our camp’s security, Eric would not be able to protect you against them.”

  “How does the security work?”

  “Using his telepathy, Eric creates a kind of field around the camp that forbids anyone who means to do harm from entering. He has done the same thing to your tent.”

  “He’s very powerful, isn't he?”

  “Being a telepath with the gift of foresight is very rare, almost unheard of. Ordin is the only other one recorded. It’s why Eric was chosen to be his replacement. Ordin pulled a prophecy about Eric when he was born that revealed his rare gift. Eric and his family were moved to the castle immediately. He has been trailing Ordin around since he could walk, preparing for when he turned nineteen and came into his powers.”

  “What about you? What is your superpower?”

  “My Gods, you watched a lot of TV in the human realm, didn't you?”

  “Yep. How else do you expect to pass the time?”

  “A book always works for me. If that doesn’t work, I can have Shae come in and explain how we pass the time.” He gives me a little wink.

  Ewe. I didn't need that mental picture in my head. “No, no, no. That will not be necessary.” Gods,
Nick was a good-looking guy, but I was totally getting a brother vibe off of him. The last thing I needed was a naked mental picture of him in my head. I scrunch my nose at the thought.

  He stands and stretches his arms high until his fingertips touch the roof. “Am I that ugly?”

  “Sorry. It's not that, it's just that I get the whole brotherly feeling when I look at you.”

  “No worries. You’re hot and all, but you remind me of my little sister. So, I get it. The last thing I want to do is picture you and Brady doing the nasty.”

  I'm speechless. Son of a bitch just outed me on my feelings for Brady.

  “Oops. Did I say, Brady? I meant Henry, of course.” He smirks and walks out, leaving me to pick my jaw up off the floor.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  After Nick’s theatrical exit, I lie down for a while, but I can't get my mind to shut up long enough to fall asleep. I find myself staring around the room, picturing it disappearing and reappearing, over and over again. When that gets old, I go to the bathroom to play around with the sink, tub, and toilet. At first glance, they don't appear to be anything special. But, with a closer look, I notice there are no pipes attached to any of them. How did I not notice that last night? Because it's so in-my-face obvious now.

  The sink and tub look the most normal of the bunch. Both have a hot and cold knob and a faucet, but no drain. I decide to brush my teeth to try out the sink, that and the toothbrush reminds me I didn't do it this morning. Gross. I'm sure I have morning breath. And I kissed Brady with that breath. Double gross. I turn the cold water on and off. Then the hot water on and off. I brush my teeth, rinse, and spit and repeat, until I’m fully satisfied my teeth are clean and my mouth is minty fresh. The water has pooled at the bottom but doesn’t disappear as Eric said it would. At the top of the faucet, I notice a small button in the same place the drain plug pulley thing should be, so I push it. The water level lowers and then it's gone, spit and all.

  Mind blown.

  The tub works the same way, as I suspected it would, but I play with it anyway. Then there is the toilet. It’s definitely not a normal household toilet, but it isn't as unusual as Eric made it out to be. It looks more like a port-a-potty toilet. Not the gag-worthy rectangle boxes with the open seat. More like the fancy ones that have a pedal you step on to flush it. I sit down and do my business then step on the pedal. As I guessed, that opens a little hole into a tank that sucks everything down. The toilet is anticlimactic, to say the least.

  I go back to the main room and rummage through my wardrobe. Charlotte must have already been here because nothing looks like it did this morning. She is a miracle worker. I pull out a long, light pink dress with short sleeves and find matching ballet flats to go with it. On the top shelf, a black box catches my eye. I pull it down and take it to the vanity. Sitting on the stool, I slowly open the box. Inside is a three-point, diamond-encrusted, silver necklace. Each point has a heart shaped diamond hanging from it. I run my fingers along the points, in awe of its beauty. I go to try it on but there is no clasp. Disappointed, I bring it to the top of my head. It doesn't go over, not that I thought it would, but it does lay on top of my head, the three points accenting my forehead perfectly. The middle point, which is longer than the others, dips down between my eyes, reaching the bridge of my nose.

  I stare in the mirror as a stranger stares back. In her eyes, I see the woman everyone has been talking about. But that can't be because the person in the mirror is me. The locked memories in my brain rattle their cage. My mind toys with the idea that the girl I am and the woman in the mirror are one and the same. The logical part of my brain screams at me to get a freaking grip. That this must be some kind of weird dream. But, deep in the part of my brain that is still locked, I can feel inklings of recognition trying to break free.

  I’ve spent my whole life feeling out of place, so different from everyone else. I always thought it was because I was abused and abandoned by the people who were supposed to love me. That kind of baggage can make one feel not so normal. As it turns out, I was out of place, in the most literal sense. The human realm is not my home and I’m not human. I’m Nysian. With that internal realization, a weight lifts.

  “Don't take this the wrong way, but you look so much like your father, it's uncanny.”

  I turn, startled at the sudden presence of the familiar voice. “Don't you know how to knock?”

  Brady grins. “What? And ruin the surprise?”

  “What if I was naked?” Or changing, like I was about to do before I got distracted by the necklace? Oh, crap. I must look ridiculous with it sitting on my head like I’m playing princess. I remove it and place it back in the box.

  Lust flares in his eyes. Maybe naked is not the right word to use when we are alone. “Like I said, knocking would have ruined the surprise.” Our eyes lock. Did it just get hot in here, or is it just me?

  I force my eyes to look away. “Anyway, I was just about to change.”

  “I see you found your crown. It looks stunning on you.”


  He gives me a confused look. “Yes. You had it on your head. What did you think it was?”

  I laugh. Well, at least I didn't look stupid. “A necklace?”

  He laughing, probably more at me than with me, “But you had it on your head!”

  “I know. I wanted to try it on but it didn't have a clasp, so I tried to put it on over my head, even though I knew it wouldn't go. Then, I kind of just left it there.”

  He shakes his head. “I guess I can see that. Not really the part why you left it on your head, but the rest makes sense.”

  I shrug. “I’m a girl and it’s sparkly. That the best explanation I’ve got.”

  “I see.” He didn't, but it was sweet that he was trying so hard not to make fun of me - too much. “You ready to go to lunch? I heard you have a date.”

  I snort. “I need to change. Henry didn't seem to think what I have on is appropriate princess attire.” I hold up the pink dress. “You think this is more royal?”

  “I heard that too. What you have on is a typical training uniform. I don't know why he was so pissy about it. He has always been a little over the top when it comes to the image that is presented to the common people by the royals.” It's obvious he doesn't agree with the term Henry uses for the non-royal people. “Wear the dress. I will see if Ana has a different top for you to wear when you start training tomorrow. Something a little less revealing should ease his concern.”

  “Just when I was starting to get used to it.” After my stroll around camp today, I noticed that most women wore much less. It was very common for stomachs to show and boobs to hang out. I blended in. “I'm going to go change.”

  In the bathroom, I change out of my training clothes and into the dress. It’s pretty in a plain kind of way but is not something I would pick out for myself. I slip on the ballet flats, which are cuter. Back into the main room, I find Brady lounging on my bed, feet crossed and arms behind his head. “Are you comfortable?”

  “I thought you would be longer.” He wiggles around and closes his eyes. “How is it your bed is so much nicer than mine?”

  I roll my eyes. “I don't know.”

  “You want to come here and see what I mean?” He pats the empty spot on the bed.

  My brain says there is no way I’m going to lie there with him on the bed, but my feet seem to have a mind of their own. As I lie down, he turns to face me, propping his head up on his hand. I do the same so we are face to face.

  “Comfy, right?”

  “Just as it was last night when I slept in it.”

  He smiles. “Yes, it was. Especially when you slept with your head on my chest.”

  “Sleeping in my bed at night doesn’t really scream platonic relationship, does it?” Part of me wishes he would say ‘screw it’ and suggest we run away together.

  “You don't think so? It seemed very platonic to me.” Very few people can pull off a wink
. Brady is a master at it.

  “Of course, you do.” The way he looked at me this morning sure didn't feel like friends. But I keep that little observation to myself.

  He grabs my free hand, running his thumb along my palm. His smile fades. “I probably won't be around too much in the next few weeks as we get closer to Henry’s castle. I’m going to take the lead on the camp moves, which will probably be every two days. That gives us enough time to find the next safe spot, and so we don't stay too long in one spot and are discovered. The closer we get, the more dangerous it will be.”

  The thought of not seeing him often causes my heart to ache, but this is his job. Not only does this keep me safe, it keeps everyone in camp safe as well. So, I pull up my big girl panties and gather up all the strength I have not to cry. “I understand.”

  “No, I don't think you do. I like you, Alaina, more than I have any right to. So much so, that I’m on the verge of saying fuck everything to be with you.”

  With that confession, I lose all self-control and throw my body against his. He catches me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me as close as he can. Our lips touch and it ignites a fire that has been smoldering just below the surface for days. Then our hands are everywhere. His fingers start at my lips and skim down my neck, over my breast. I shudder as he grazes his hand over my hard nipple. He makes his way down my stomach then grabs my left leg pulling it over his hip. I moan as his leg settles in between my thighs. Then I’m on my back, Brady on top of me. His lips start on my neck, creating a trail of fire down to the top of my breast. I cup his ass, pulling his pelvis into mine not able to get close enough. He grinds down as I arch up. The groan that escapes from his lips sends a wave of pleasure through my body like I have never known.

  Brady hurdles off the bed. “Holy shit. What the hell was that?” A look of horror spreads across his face.

  “I’m so sorry. I don't know what came over me.” My cheeks burn with embarrassment as doubt creeps through my mind. He didn't want this, he was trying to get away from me and I jumped him like a horny teenager. Tears burn my eyes. I don't want to cry, but I just had the best experience of my life with a man and it’s obvious that he regrets it.


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