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A Cowboy's Charm

Page 15

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  Propping pillows against the headboard, she decided to leave the tray on the floor for now. She could do a better job of lounging seductively on the bed if she didn’t have to worry about dumping the tray.

  She’d barely made it into position when Quinn walked through the door, an umbrella drink in each hand.

  He sucked in a breath. Let it out slowly. Muttered an earthy swear word.

  She ran a finger over the swell of her breasts that threatened to pop out any second. “You like?”

  “I like.” His voice was gravelly. “And guaranteed I’m gonna slop these drinks everywhere.”

  “Try putting them down slowly on the nightstand.”

  He followed her suggestion and managed to avoid spilling a single drop. Leaning against the wall, he tugged off his boots while continuing to stare at her. Then he started toward the bed.

  “Hang on, there, cowboy. You’re overdressed.”

  “If I get naked, there will be no eating or drinking. That’s a promise.”

  Teasing this man was more fun than she’d ever imagined. “Then maybe you could just take off your shirt.”

  “Good idea. My jeans can function as a chastity belt.” Snaps popped as he wrenched open his shirt, revealing the broad expanse of his lightly furred chest.

  She sighed. “That view never gets old. Are you sure you want to leave on—”

  “I’m sure.” He ditched the shirt.

  “Okay.” She patted the beach towel next to her. “Come on down, big boy.”

  “Where’s the tray of food?”

  “On the floor beside me. I’ll put it over my lap as extra insurance while we eat.”

  “Ah, sweet torture.”

  “Is it too much?”

  “Nah. It’s fun.” He climbed in and settled against the stack of pillows. “Didn’t factor in a black bikini, though.”

  “Last minute inspiration.”

  His attention returned to her cleavage. “I have to ask. Do you wear that out in—”

  “In public? Years ago, I did. Deidre set up a girls’ weekend in Bozeman at a hotel with a pool. We all got babysitters and bought bikinis. I was less…busty, then.”

  “You haven’t worn it since?”


  He swallowed. “Good, because you could cause a riot.”

  She laughed.

  “God’s truth, Kendra. I don’t know how you can be sexier with it on than without, but you are.”

  “Just so you think so.”

  “There’s no thought process going on in this brain. It’s fried.”

  “Goodness. You need food and drink to revive you. Shall we try those pina coladas?”

  “Good idea. Might cool me down.” He handed her one with great care before picking up his.

  Taking out the little umbrella, she raised her glass. “Here’s to adventure.”

  “Here’s to you. All the adventure I’ll ever need.” He touched his glass to hers and locked his gaze with hers as he drank.

  She went still. All the adventure he’d ever need? What did that mean?

  “Something wrong?”

  “I—your toast…”

  “Oh, that. Toasts are supposed to be dramatic, over the top.” The intensity had disappeared from his expression and his eyes twinkled with amusement. “I was just kidding around.”

  “Oh.” She took a drink. “That’s a very good pina colada.”

  “Thanks. Need help with that tray?”

  “I’ve got it.” Years of developing her core strength through riding and mucking out stalls allowed her to lean over the bed and lift the tray to her lap without breaking a sweat.

  But she almost fell out of her bikini top. She adjusted the material.

  “I could help you with that, for sure.”

  “You mean help me out of it?”

  “Actually, no. I’m becoming fond of that look.”

  She savored the husky timbre of his voice, one of the many joys of having a lover. She’d missed that. Positioning the tray over her thighs she handed him a couple of napkins. “Dive in.”

  “I love it when you talk dirty.” He picked up a skewer and began eating.

  “That’s nothing. You should hear me swear.”

  “I have.”

  “I know. Just wanted to make sure you were paying attention.” She dipped one of the puff pastries in the sweet and sour sauce.


  And she was basking in all that attention. “I’m wondering, after what Cody and Faith said, if I need to start watching my language.”


  “Well, all the time.” She ate the pastry and chose one of the skewers.

  “That would be sad. I look forward to hearing you turn the air blue. That’s how I know you’re having a really good time.” He snatched a chunk of pineapple and popped it in his mouth.

  “So you’re not offended?”

  “I’m honored. You wouldn’t let loose like that if you didn’t trust me.”

  She glanced at him. “I do trust you.”

  “I trust you, too.”

  His easy smile tugged at her heart. There was more than sexy fun going on between them and she didn’t know how to change that dynamic. Or even if she wanted to.

  Sometimes, when she caught him looking at her with tenderness as well as desire, she wanted nothing more than to snuggle close and revel in the warmth and security of his strong arms. Instead of simply making love, she wanted to be loved.

  Not that she didn’t have plenty of love in her life. Her sons and her friends cherished her as much as she did them.

  But that wasn’t quite the same as being adored by a man who shared her bed on a regular basis. Sex with Quinn was amazing, but the closeness and camaraderie were precious, too.

  “There’s more pina colada in the kitchen. I’ll go get it.”

  To her surprise, her glass was empty. That would explain the delicious languor suffusing her body. She focused on the inflatable palm trees at the foot of the bed and could almost imagine them waving in the breeze, especially with the marimbas and bongos playing in the background.

  The whir of the blender told her that he was remixing their drinks. He’d probably put the glass pitcher in the fridge to keep it chilled, too. Thoughtful behavior. Quinn behavior.

  He returned with the frothy mixture and executed a decent cha-cha step before refilling both their glasses.

  “Nice moves, Sawyer.”

  He waggled his eyebrows at her. “I’m way better at the horizontal mambo. Just sayin’.”

  “Talented and modest. How did I get so lucky?”

  “I have a thing for women in bear suits.” He set the pitcher on the nightstand. “That’s it unless we want to make another batch.”

  “This’ll do it for me.” She waited until he’d climbed in before taking a sip. “I’m feeling very pampered.”

  “Good. I wanted this to be like a mini-vacation for you.”

  “For you, too, I hope. I’ll bet you don’t take many.”

  “How about zero?”

  “I’m not surprised.” She munched on pineapple.

  “Because you don’t take them, either?”


  “We really are two peas in a pod.”

  “But I love my life.”

  He nodded. “Me, too, but…” He glanced over at her. “Goofing around with you is a blast.”

  “And you know what? Your little cha-cha step inspired me.” She put her drink on her nightstand and took hold of the tray. “Ready to ditch this?”

  “Absolutely.” His eyes lit up. “Are you ready to—”

  “Dance! Let’s dance to this great music. If we were on vacation we’d do that, right?”

  He laughed and put down his glass. “We definitely would.”

  “Meet you by the twin palms.” She danced around the bed and chuckled as he did the same. Then she cupped her hand over one ear as she continued moving to the syncopated beat. “I can hear the ocean!”

  “Good thing I got a room right on the beach. And wow, look at that view.”

  “Can you see the water from here?”

  “No, but I can see your ta-tas struggling to break free. No better view than that.”

  She started giggling. “Should I set them free?”

  “I wouldn’t object.”

  “Then prepare yourself for a topless cha-cha.”

  “Can a guy ever be prepared for—whoa!” He gulped and his steps slowed. “Hey, that’s seriously…sexy…”

  “Hope so.” She gave an extra shimmy and twirled around, arms over her head. “I—oof!” She ran into the solid wall of his chest.

  “Sorry. Can’t stand it.” Scooping her into his arms, he carried her to the bed and toppled onto it while he kissed her…everywhere.

  The bottom part of her bikini was gone in no time. Then he simply undid his jeans and shoved them to his knees before entering her and beginning to thrust. The wild, spontaneous thrill of it spiraled through her, tightening the coil of excitement until she was panting with anticipation, reaching for…oh, yes, that, and that and that.

  The first spasm of her climax brought a hoarse cry of triumph from Quinn. He drove in faster and gasped for air. “C’mon, Kendra. Let me hear you.”

  Rising to meet him, she let go, coming and shouting out every colorful word she knew.

  “That’s it, that’s it.” Plunging deep, he shuddered in her arms, his harsh breathing nearly drowning out the music.

  Slowly he lowered his forehead to her shoulder and let out a ragged sigh. “You make me crazy.”

  She stroked his sweaty back. “You make me come.”

  “I know. I love doing that. It’s…wonderful.”

  “Ready to take off your jeans and stay awhile?”

  His warm chuckle tickled her skin. “What’s the world coming to when a guy can’t even wait to take off his pants?”

  “My fault for being so damn sexy.”

  “That’s the truth. Please promise me you’ll do that again sometime.”

  “I might. Better keep those tropical tunes handy.”

  “Don’t worry. I will.” Lifting his head, he placed a gentle kiss on her mouth. “But I’m thinking our island musicians are about to go on break. Okay with you?”

  “Sure. But give them a big tip.”

  “I will.” Easing away from her, he rolled to his back and rid himself of his jeans. Then he picked up his phone and silenced the marimbas and bongos before turning on his side to face her. “Hi, there.”

  “Hi, yourself.” She traced the line of his jaw where his beard was starting to grow. “This has been great. The decorations, the food, the music…thank you.”

  “With all the kids’ birthday parties I’ve organized over the years, I’ve had a lot of practice.”

  “And because I’m a kid at heart, I loved it.”

  “Yeah, I am, too.” Wrapping an arm around her waist, he drew her against him. “That’s why I have a motorcycle.”

  “Which brought us together.”

  “Or rather, it brought us together faster. I always planned we’d get to this point eventually.”

  “Oh, did you, now?”

  “You didn’t know that I had designs on you?”

  “I wasn’t sure. Clearly you wanted to be friends, but since you live in Spokane, I figured that might be all you wanted.”

  “Wrong-o.” He stroked the curve of her hip. “I wasn’t going to let a little seven-hour drive stop me.”

  “I see. Did you have it planned beyond this point?”

  “No. I wasn’t willing to let the drive stop me. It could have stopped you, though. Fortunately, it hasn’t.”

  “Which is your fault because you’re so damn sexy. And since you’ll be coming down once a month or so to bring your work to the GG, our plan makes sense. It doesn’t change either of our routines hardly at all.”

  “I’ve only stayed two nights each time, though.”

  “Only two?”

  “I didn’t want to impose on Roxanne.” He leaned closer, his mouth almost touching hers. “But I could stay a few extra nights if someone offered me a warm bed.”

  “And a Tahitian vacation?” She snuggled against him and pressed against his thickening cock.

  “Sign me up.” He nibbled on her lower lip. “I had no idea I’d enjoy Tahiti this much.”

  “Ready to enjoy it some more?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I sure am.” And he captured her mouth.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Quinn focused on making sweet love to Kendra. And when they were both well and truly sated, he remembered to set his phone alarm before they went to sleep. She had a trail ride in the morning.

  Spending the night hadn’t been part of his dating pattern over the years, but it was the most natural thing in the world with Kendra. He treasured being allowed to hold her as she drifted off to sleep in his arms. Enjoying this pleasure a few nights out of every month would be meager rations, but that might be all they could manage, at least for now. Better than nothing, right?

  The next morning, he showered in the bathroom down the hall again. After the usual feeding routine, he and Kendra grabbed a quick breakfast. Then he helped her pack lunches for the trail riders.

  Getting the horses tacked up was an all-hands-on-deck situation and Quinn assisted there, too. Zane was available for the ride, so Cody didn’t have to be pressed into service.

  Quinn’s involvement gave him a greater appreciation for the trail riding operation and the work involved for Kendra. She hadn’t slept a whole lot last night, but she was a trouper. She’d been perky and smiling as she’d waved goodbye.

  After he saw them off, he climbed into her truck and drove to Dillon. And damn it all, he missed her. He didn’t like her going off in one direction and him in another. He’d done it yesterday, so what was wrong with him today?

  He was getting in deeper, that’s what. He’d better watch out. If she sensed it, she might send him packing, no matter how much she liked him.

  Road construction on the way to Dillon turned what should have been a relatively short trip into a much longer one. He hadn’t expected crews to be out on a Saturday. Maybe they were taking advantage of the good weather to get the repairs done before the summer tourist season was in full swing.

  In any case, he was late getting to Dillon and the old cowboy with the fuel tank was a talker. Quinn bought the tank, which was exactly what he needed, and stayed for lunch because the guy clearly wanted the company.

  It was the least Quinn could do for a fellow Harley owner who’d come up with the right part for his bike. And a spare helmet. Quinn bought that, too.

  Lunch lasted a while, though, and Quinn didn’t get back to the ranch until late afternoon. He had several reasons to install the new tank immediately and only one to postpone the job until tomorrow. Postponing would give him one more night with Kendra.

  If he wanted to get this craving under control, he’d be wise to finish the repair now and leave in the morning. He parked the truck up by the house, pulled out his phone and texted Faith that he’d be starting the repair in about fifteen minutes if she was able to meet him at the barn.

  Then he hopped down from the cab and headed for the ranch house. He was way too eager to see Kendra, but by leaving tomorrow, he could start to put this arrangement into perspective.

  They’d be long-distance lovers and he’d better be grateful for that because she wasn’t offering anything more. If he couldn’t be satisfied with that scenario, he had the option of rejecting it. No one was forcing him to accept her terms.

  But when he walked into the house and she came out of the kitchen looking flushed and happy, he was willing to accept any terms she dictated. “Hey, there.”

  She came straight into his arms and hugged him tight. “Hey, there.”

  “Where is everybody?”

  “We just finished feeding and Zane’s gone home to Mandy. Cody’s up in the A-frame looking at bab
y stuff with Faith.”

  “Then maybe she won’t want to come down and help me with the bike. I ended up coming back later than I expected.”

  “You found a fuel tank?”

  “Afraid so.”

  “No, no, that’s a good thing.” She gazed up at him. “Probably a very good thing. I missed you today.”

  His heart turned over. “I missed you, too.”

  “But we need to be grownups about this. Missing each other when we’re apart is the price we pay for keeping our lives stable.”

  Holding her warm body brought him stability, too, and he sure did like doing that. “If I install the tank now and all goes well, I can leave in the morning.”

  She took a deep breath. “Then you should aim for that.”

  “Anything going on tonight?”

  “Not a thing but hanging with you. I’m warming up some stew for our dinner.”

  He’d considering taking her out, but if she’d already started something, he’d selfishly rather keep her all to himself tonight. “That sounds great, but unless you’re starving, I’d like to fix the bike and take you for a short ride. I picked up an extra helmet and a pair of gloves today.”

  “I’d love that.”

  “Then I’ll change into my old smelly clothes and get ‘er done.” Giving her a quick kiss, he let her go and walked quickly back to her bedroom. The house was starting to feel like home. That might not be so good, either.

  When he returned to the living room, she was in the kitchen so he just called out to her rather than going in there. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  She didn’t come out. “Great! See you then.”

  Yeah, this was becoming way too familiar and domestic. He’d take her for a ride on his bike, make love to her again tonight, and leave for Spokane tomorrow. Might as well get used to the leaving part. That was the way it had to be.

  * * *

  The rumble of a motorcycle alerted Kendra that Quinn had pulled up outside. Moments later he walked through the door. “Fuel tank’s perfect.”

  “Good. Did Faith come down to help you?”

  He smiled. “Sure did. She’s quite a mechanic. And she wants a bike like mine.”

  “Then I predict someday she’ll have one. Ready to go?”


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