Book Read Free

The Assigned

Page 14

by A. D. Smith

  The force of his strike throws me in into the clutches of Amnon. A frenzied smile forms on the giant’s face as he lifts me by the neck with one hand. His fingers coil around my throat, tightening by the second. I fight to free myself from the hold but—but his power is too much. I can feel the last few gasps of air as they leave my lungs. Before I pass out, I can hear Tre say, “Put her down!” And that’s when I go over the railing.


  Moments later, I come to in the arms of what looks like, “Zeek? Is that you?”

  “Yeah. Looks you guys could use a hand. You okay?”

  “I’ll be alright,” I groan. “Tre needs some help. Those things are strong. And Jason Bale is one of them.”

  “What?” Zeek asks with a look of disbelief.

  “Yeah,” I wheeze. “Go figure.”

  “Hey, you’re having a hard time breathing—”

  “Go. I’ll be fine. Help Tre. Just gotta catch my breath.”

  Patrons of the popular nightspot scatter everywhere as the melee continues. The VIP section is completely demolished. Zeek looks towards the staircase but people engulf the small area as they scurry for downstairs. He sets his sights on the second story partition. It’s easily a twenty-foot jump. Without hesitation, he steps back, runs, jumps from a chair, and lands on the partition itself.

  -----------T H E A S S I G N E D-----------


  The beast throws Gloria over the railing like a rag-doll. If she’s—I’ll kill them all.

  “Come on!”

  Anger fuels me as I take on three of Bale’s men at one time. The dreadlocked Angel swings at me but I grab his fist with my left hand while landing a crushing right elbow to his temple. Bet he won’t try that again. Working my way towards the giant, I use the same elbow to pound another, standing behind me, in the rib cage. The beast-like man-thing smiles, probably hoping I make it through the rest of his bunch. Don’t worry, I plan on it.

  “Can I join the party?”


  Before any of them can get the jump, Zeek leaps over Amnon, kicking him in the back of the head before landing directly next to me.

  “Boy am I glad to see you!”

  “I’ve been getting that a lot lately.”

  The giant bellows loudly, but his master, Bale, won’t let him leave his side.


  “She’s okay!”

  I nod as I lift the small Asian demonoid-fighter by his collar, flipping him over my head. He gave Gloria hell but I’ll show him something. The bodyguard lands back-first into a table. “And I got that one from Stone Cold Steve Austin!”

  “Take care of this, Amnon, and meet me at the site,” says Bale as his overgrown henchman nods. Finally! Bale rushes for the back stairwell but I’ll get to him later. Zeek and I temporarily subdue two more baddies as Bale makes his escape. Amnon points and smiles as he waits his turn.


  “I got this guy, Zeek. You go after Mr. Hollywood.”

  Zeek looks the massive bodyguard over. “Uhh, you sure?”

  “Yeah! I can heal myself, remember?!”

  Zeek sizes up the behemoth of a man once more. “Yeah, but you’ve never healed from that before.”


  “I’m going!” Zeek shouts back, running towards the emergency stairwell.

  I set my eyes on the one they call Amnon. He motions come on with his large hands.

  “Not much of a talker are ya?” I say, balling my fists. I watch as the Shadow hovers around Amnon’s massive frame. “Enough of this …”

  I rush straight for the monster. The brute catches me mid-run with one hand and lifts me by the throat ten feet in the air. I gasp for air as my legs dangle underneath. Growing dizzy, I begin to lose consciousness as the enraged giant utters one word …


  Not sure how long I was out—just a few seconds—but the giant is already halfway out the stairwell. “Hey big ugly! Didn’t you just hear me say, I … can … HEAL … myself?”

  Footsteps can be heard as his oversized body makes its way back up the stairs.

  “Come on now. You gon’ have to do better than that!”

  Like an ignited cannonball, the colossal warrior charges straight for me. But this time I wait. Just as he is about to strike, I dodge to the left using a football maneuver, and land an awesome blow to his cheek. I watch as his face buckles.

  My celebration is premature. Without looking, Amnon serves a fierce backhand to my chest. It sends me flying twenty feet back, crashing through another wall. Although my body can heal itself, the immediate sting of his hand and the impact of the wall are debilitating.

  Thankfully I can heal myself, as seconds later I reemerge from the debris, running straight for the giant. I sound a war cry as I close in.


  My shoulder viciously collides with the giant’s sternum. The momentum carries us through the second-story glass balcony. Our bodies hurl themselves to the ground below climaxing with a violent …


  As I recover, I watch as the Shadow slowly dissolves. Amnon lays unconscious on what used to be the dance floor. Thankfully I landed on top of him.

  “Tre. Tre!” I hear someone call. Guess I haven’t knocked all the cobwebs loose yet. “Tre. You okay?”

  “Glo? Is that you?”

  “Yeah,” says a voice behind me. I turn to see her still clinching her ribcage. She slides closer.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “I’ll make it,” she tries to smile. “Looks like you held your own.”

  I finally shake it off as I make my way to my feet. “Well, you know me. TNT, baby!”

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

  “But seriously, I was impressed back there,” I say. “You kicked some serious a-“ Taking a glance towards the ceiling I rephrase my statement. “Okay, I’m trying. Uhh, you did … good.”

  “Thanks,” Gloria smiles back.

  “I almost thought Movie Star got to ya.”

  “Who me?” she frowns. “Never. Besides, he’s not my type.”

  “I bet …”

  Gloria tries to laugh but it seems to only intensify her pain.

  “Your ribs?” I say.

  “Yeah, took a good one.”

  “Let me touch you,” I say, moving closer.

  “What?!” Gloria winces. “You just don’t quit, do you?!”

  “Huh?” What she means, or rather what she thinks I mean, finally registers. “Oh, nooo!” I shout with my hands. “Look, just trust me. Seriously.”

  Lightly, I place my hands on Gloria’s rib cage. Bones crackle as they mend themselves. After a moment or two, she takes a deep breath.

  “Better?” I ask.

  “The pain. It’s—it’s gone. Thank you.”

  “No problem,” I smile. “Anything for you, Glo.” I can tell by her look that she’s not sure what to make of me quite yet. Heck, I’m not even sure what I meant as I find myself staring through her eyes. I fought for her like she was … mine.

  Gloria ends the moment by playfully punching me in the chest. “Wait. Where’s Zeek?” she asks. I had nearly forgotten myself.

  “He went after Bale. The roof!”

  -----------T H E A S S I G N E D-----------

  Jason Bale is one of them? Can’t be. Yet, I find myself engaged in battle with the famous actor. But one thing’s for sure. He does have some sort of power or agility as he evades my punches. His movement appears effortless, as if he isn’t even trying.

  “Why do you fight me, son of Adam?” he says. “Do you even know?”

  “Your crew tried to hurt my friends!” I answer with a swing.

  The celebrity barely moves his head, dodging the blow.

  “We did not cause that,” he says. “Your friends came for us. How long have you even known the others?”

  “I know one of those things tried to take my daughter!” I shout. The statement
helps take focus off his last question. After all, how long have I known them?

  “I assure you, I am not in the business of taking little children,” he answers.

  “Save it!” I shout. He blocks another one of my accelerated crosses.

  “Fight!” I yell, tired of the slap boxing.

  “I am not here to fight you, son of Adam. Am I not that different from you?”

  For the first time, I hesitate as my fists loosen. The absence of Jason Bale’s Shadow makes him appear … human.

  “I choose my own path. I don’t believe in something predetermining my fate. Isn’t that what you believe?”

  His words. The look on his face as he speaks. It all causes me to lower my guard. After all, why am I attacking a man that’s not trying to defend himself? That thing in the park went after me. And Bale’s men? Well, they are his security. What else are they supposed to do? But this guy doesn’t seem like either.

  “You don’t even know why you pursue me, do you?” he asks. He’s right. “What sense does that make. Tell me. What do you desire?”

  I step closer, attempting to learn more of the entity that stands before me. “Who are you?”

  “A man, just as you. A man who wants everything and I’m not ashamed to admit it.” As he approaches, his words grow softer. “Yes, I am different, much like you, but there’s so much you don’t know. Let me show you another way. Then you can choose your own path.”

  Before I can contemplate his words, Tre and Gloria burst through the rooftop door. Seeing me and the star standing toe to toe, Tre rushes straight for Bale.

  “So what’s it’s gonna be?” he asks, Tre sprinting our way.

  “I don’t—I don’t know you,” I murmur while looking towards the others. “At least I’ve seen what they can do.”

  Just as Tre is about to pounce, Bale stretches out his arm. Black smoke-like vapor shoots from his hand. But this mist is more concentrated than the Shadow. Taking the shape of an elongated arm and hand, it stretches out and wraps itself around Tre’s neck, stopping him in his tracks. He struggles with the gas-like limb.

  “Let him go!” I shout.

  Bale looks to me, his face growing increasingly dark. “Did you not say ‘at least you’ve seen what they can do’?”

  Bale raises his arm, in turn causing the vapor-like appendage to rise. It lifts Tre off his feet. “Well let me formally introduce myself.” The Shadow engulfs Bale’s profile.

  “I … AM … BALE!!!”

  Tre gasps for air as the Shadow-hand chokes life from his throat.

  “I did not seek you out,” says Bale. “You came for me!”

  I’ve seen enough. I can’t just stand here and watch as Tre loses unconsciousness.

  “That’s enough!” I yell, my fist aiming straight for Bale’s head. It misses. Vapor shoots from Bale’s remaining hand, piercing straight through my chest like a sword. Feeling like I just got hit by a truck, it takes everything to maintain consciousness.

  The last thing I remember hearing is,

  “I … AM … BALE! Lord of this world!”

  -----------T H E A S S I G N E D-----------

  I watch as Bale wields his true power. He laughs as his vapor arms immobilize Tre and Zeek. Their bodies dangle. Struggling is useless. Our powers also seem useless as we finally face true evil. A Familiar. Just like Prophetess Anna said, ‘our countenance does not wear the fatigue of battling a Familiar.’ Well it does now.

  My senses finally react and I run back to the stairwell. Bale’s laughter heightens, probably thinking I’ve retreated. Instead, I start working on the pipe railing attached to the staircase. “Come on!” I grunt, ripping the 6-foot railing from its cement plaster. I run straight for the door and heave the long railing like a javelin, directly at Bale’s head. It spirals through the air as it heads straight for his temple.

  Direct hit!

  Bale falls to the ground. His Shadow dispels. The black vapor-like limbs evaporate also, dropping Zeek and Tre to the ground. “Guys!” I yell, rushing to their side.

  “I’m okay,” Tre says, already beginning to heal. “Check on Zeek.”

  He moans in pain but seems to be coherent. “Ughh, feels like I just got stabbed.”

  Back on his feet, Tre crouches over Zeek. “Let me help you.” Relief comes almost immediately.

  “Wow,” marvels Zeek. “So that stuff does really work.”

  “Hey guys,” I interrupt. “Bale. He’s …” The Familiar has vanished.

  “Quick! Glo, Zeek, can you see something? Hear anything?”

  Zeek shakes his head. “I’ve got nothing.”

  “Glo. Focus.” says Tre. “You can hear things like a mile away.”

  Still shook up from the battle, it’s a little hard focusing, but I try, nevertheless.

  “Wait! I think I’ve got something.”

  I go into a zone, reciting the words that dart past my ears.

  “Have the Three returned my Lord?”

  “It appears so. Such a feeble attempt at opposition by the Other. I see why He and my father have fought for so long. They’re both so … predictable. Contact our Ministers. I must know more about this new Three of Three. They are—”

  The voices stop. “That’s it,” I say to Tre and Zeek. “It’s like he blocked it, or maybe they’re out of my range.”

  “Well let’s go!” yells Tre. “They can’t be that far.”

  “No,” I say. “We need to know more about what we’re dealing with. Bale nearly killed you two.”

  “I agree,” says Zeek.

  “Yeah, maybe,” Tre concedes.

  The faint sounds of police sirens wail in the distance.

  “We need to get out of here,” says Zeek. “Besides, I got a few more questions for your fairy godmother.”

  “Zeek …” I smirk.

  “Sorry. I mean the Ms. Prophetess lady or whatever …”

  Chapter 17

  “I think we found your Familiar,” says Tre. Now back at the suite, he throws a Forbes Magazine on the coffee table. Jason Bale’s pic is plastered across the front. The woman they call Prophetess Anna, picks up the publication. “Jason Bale,” she reads. “Self-made millionaire, actor, businessman … where will he stop? Politics?”

  “Yeah,” nods Gloria. “They forgot to mention demon.”

  Concern sets across Anna’s face. “He’s … back. Why did I not see this?”

  “Wait a minute. What do you mean, back?” asks Tre.

  “This … Jason Bale,” says Anna. “He is the Familiar I spoke of.”

  “You mean the one you said was destroyed, what … forty years ago? But this guy can’t be more than forty years old, himself.”

  “Same spirit. Albeit, different body.” Anna rubs the front cover intently. “And those eyes. He has the same eyes.”

  Okay, this is getting to be a bit much. Jason Bale? A demon? The Head demon for that matter. True, I’ve seen a few things, but I’m having a hard time wrapping my thoughts around this. This guy is handing out jobs for Pete’s sake. “So this guy’s a freakin’ movie star and you’re telling me he’s some sort of demon? I’m not so sure about all this.” Before I know it, I’m pacing the floor.

  “Believe me, Zeek,” says Anna. “It is true.”

  “So what does he want?” asks Gloria.


  “Come again?”

  “Yes … everything. The world as we know it. Lucifer rebelled in Heaven and was cast into Hell. Bale or rather, Beelzebub rebelled in Hell, so he has decided to make Earth his home.

  Tre gauges our expressions before making his next statement. “Okay, so there’s God, the Devil, and this guy?”

  “Yes,” continues Anna. “His banishment here was meant to be punishment, however, Bale began to see the world as the ultimate conquest. He no longer desired the province of his father, Hell. But rather the creation of his father’s Father … God’s Earth. And now the culture actually benefits Bale more than our kind, which h
as allowed the Persuaded to swell in number. They must be stopped before they become uncontainable.”

  “My brother had the same tattoo on his arm as Bale and his crew,” says Tre. “These Persuaded or whatever they are … they killed my brother. I just know it. And if Jason Bale is behind it … he’s gotta go.”

  Gloria touches Tre’s hand. “I’m sorry, Tre. I didn’t know.”

  “I agree, Tre,” says Anna, her hand now resting on Tre’s shoulder. “But we must not let our emotions influence us. Bale will prey on that. He used it against my circle.”

  “Your circle?” asks Gloria. “You mean there were Three of you, like us?”

  Anna walks towards the window. “Yes, my child.”

  “So where are the other two?” Tre asks.

  “Only I remain.”

  “What happened?”

  “That story in its entirety is not for this time—”

  “Hold up, now,” I interrupt. “We deserve to know something. And what did you mean by, ‘those eyes’? Was it Bale or not?”

  Anna finally faces us again. “Just know Bale was able to separate the Three of Three. It then became much easier to take us out.”

  And this is where all my reservations lie. In the fact that a strange woman I’ve never met before today, can tell me I’ve been chosen as a warrior in a supernatural battle, but relay no information about my so-called enemy. It just doesn’t make sense. Why should we trust her when she openly keeps secrets? Even Jason Bale himself said he did not seek us out. In fact, it was the other way around.

  “Wow …” says a cynical Tre. Looks like I’m not the only one with questions. “So you mean to tell me we’ve got to try and stop some demon you and your Super Friends couldn’t even kill? What else are you not telling us, Prophetess?”

  “Tre, Gloria, Zeek. I assure you, this is not my desire. It was not supposed to happen like this, all at once. Your Gifts, the battles, Bale, everything. All I can do, my children, is prepare you for what lies ahead.” Anna circles us. “Individually, you possess power, however, your powers are at their strongest when you abide together. Free your mind of every weight that besets you. How you got here no longer matters.”


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