MC: Callahan

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MC: Callahan Page 11

by L. Ann Marie

  I nod and slide into bed. “Since you’re awake and willing to help you can help me.” I lift her and flip her around. She makes a squealing noise but settles down when I lower her, straddling my face. I get to work and she starts with her noises. Fuck, I love the noises. It doesn’t take her long to get my cock in her mouth. I show appreciation, feathering my tongue on her nub until she’s crying out and falls against me. Sitting up, I slide her down. She guides me into her and leans back. “Fuckin’ love to hear you come, babe,” I say in her ear. She moans, lifting her face up to me. I kiss her with her juices all over my face. She doesn’t care, making my cock jerk inside her. Sitting her forward, she starts to move. “Right fuckin’ there, Tiny Dancer.” She rolls her hips and raises up again and again. When I need her harder I start moving her and listen for her cue. “Give it to me.” I know I’m close and need her there. “Put your fingers on your pussy, babe.” She moves her hand from her nipple to her pussy and I get the noises I’m looking for. “That’s it, come for me. Come on my cock, Nance.” I move her faster and feel myself go when her pussy starts clamping down on me. “Fuck!” I slam her down and she yells. Holy shit, I’m beat. I hold her against me, kissing her neck and behind her ear until I catch my breath. “Love you, Tiny Dancer.” She moans and I smile.

  I get up and clean us up, then slide in, pulling her against me. It’s been a hell of a couple of months, but it’s been good too. Right here right now is about as good as it gets. My woman spent and lying against me when I fall asleep is my perfect.

  Chapter Eleven

  I follow the Little Brothers to the High School with Bob, then we hit the Diner. Fuckin’ bikes are everywhere again. The neighbors show in mass because they saw all the bikes. They are all waiting in a line. “It’s a fuckin’ Diner, why are you all waiting?” I yell as we walk up to the door.

  A Brother looks at his watch. “I had eight-thirty, I’m a little early.”

  I look at Bob. “They got appointed fuckin’ times?”

  He laughs. “Digs thought it would work out better than them just showing up.”

  Crazy ass Brothers. Inside is as nuts as it looked from outside. It’s packed and everyone is watching VP. He stops and looks at us. “Thank fuck! Fuckin’ Prospect thinks I need to deliver! Got my own shit to do!” Bob laughs on the side of me.

  “It’s a damn Diner, you’re supposed to deliver the food!” People stop talking.

  “Don’t got time for your shit too! You deliver!” He turns away.

  Fuck! Bob thinks this is a joke. He’s fuckin’ VP. I have to follow his stupid ass orders. “Let’s get some coffee made and get VP’s orders out.”

  He puts his hands up. “I just came for breakfast.”

  “The hell you did. Brother needs help, you fuckin’ help!” I yell. Brothers sitting around are agreeing with me. “Shut the hell up! You’re all sitting here watching food get cold in the fuckin’ window!” They all look at their plates, pansy assed lazy fucks.

  “You knew you were going to do this. I just came for fuckin’ breakfast. How do I know where the food goes?” He walks to the window and pulls a tray.

  I smile. Shit rolls downhill and he has to listen to my orders. “Table numbers on the ticket. This tray needs jelly and shit for coffee. VP numbers seats clockwise.”

  I put the shit on it. He nods and looks for where it goes. I’m making more coffee when VP starts yelling. “Already ate, get the fuck out! Got customers waitin’!” Associates scramble out of their seats and move to the register, almost knocking over a neighbor.

  “Easy, Brothers.” I cash them all out and watch them joking with the old man as they leave. I’m thinking at least they’re friendly. I don’t know why everyone waits to have an order taken by VP. He’s fuckin’ mean to them. I’d be anywhere else.

  I take coffee around and bring the tickets to Tom in the window. “He’s doing good today,” Tom says with a smile.

  “No one’s dead yet,” I say, moving away. My idea of good is a hell of a lot different than his. The Brothers at the counter laugh. I ignore them.

  “Eggs or pancakes. Want somethin’ else, go somewhere else!” I go over to his table. He writes something down and hands me the ticket, moving on to the next table. The Brothers throw bills at the Brother that asked for something different. VP comes back, ripping the money out of the Brother’s hand. He pulls him out of the booth and frog walks him out. The whole place is quiet. We hear him yell he won the bet, then he clocks the guy with a right hook. He’s walking back in before the Brother hits the ground.

  “If you’re here just to see who can piss him off, you might as well leave now. I don’t think he’s willing to play that game,” I tell the Brothers that haven’t ordered yet. Two Brothers leave. Fuckin’ jerks. VP watches them and throws me chin.

  The rest of the morning is busy but uneventful. Only two people got yelled at for sitting too long and one got water dumped on him for being stupid. Bob heads to Security with VP, and I help Danny and Tom get ready for lunch. Balls and Lucy come in, and I take off before Danny gives me a new job.

  Chapter Twelve


  The Brothers show for little Ben. He’s been smiling all afternoon with his new Officer’s cut and his Little Brothers at his side. Jessie, Darren, and Ricky haven’t left him yet. VP is watching for anyone trying to buy him a drink. He slapped a shot out of an Associates hand when he tried to hand it to Little Ben earlier. Danny’s trying to keep him busy on the other side of the bar, so I keep watch over the Little Brothers and our new Little Brother Officer. I know if they get a drink into little Ben’s hand the other boys won’t be far behind.

  Once Brothers start leaving, I notice a whore edging her way over toward the boys. I don’t see it as a problem except that there are so many witnesses to what may come next. I head her off and hunt Shelly down so she’ll control the girls while the Little Brothers are still in the house. They can play another day when there isn’t such a big audience to spread that shit around. VP throws chin from the other side of the bar. The guy doesn’t miss a thing. Pres goes to the Little Brothers and says something. They all head out. I give a sigh of relief. I’m more than ready to be done with guarding the boys from drinks and women today.

  On my way home I think about when Rich was prospecting. He was little Ben’s age, but we didn’t monitor him like we’re watching out for these boys. Oprah had it right; it’s different when they’re yours. I held little Ben when he was born and Jessie when Pres first got him. Ricky’s mine now and Darren has been with us for years. I don’t know how Danny did it. I was more worried about them being embarrassed than anything else, but I was still worried. What the hell are we going to do when they’re adults and fighting alongside us?

  The gates are open for us when we pull in. Everyone peels to their houses, giving respect. Ricky parks in his spot, still smiling. “That was awesome! Are we allowed at the Club now?”

  I smile. That would be my first question too. “I’ll ask Pres. Normally Little Brothers are only allowed when their parents are there. This is new to us, so all the rules have to be looked at. If we allow you, do we allow everyone that’s underage too?”

  His face falls. “Yeah, I didn’t think of that. There’s four other Little Brothers our age that would want to go too.”

  “Life is rarely simple, Ricky. Pres is pretty good at reasonable, but this is new. It may take some time to work it all out.”

  He smiles again. “Yeah, but it was still f—freakin’ awesome!”

  I grab his head and drag him in the house, laughing. The new girl, Courtney, is in the kitchen with Nancy. There’s something I don’t like about her. Nancy gets all the details about little Ben getting his cut and VP slapping a shot glass across the room and she laughs, nodding her approval at me. “I’m glad you were able to go today. It sounds like you’re proud of little Ben and that’s as it should be.” They chatter and I watch the girl. She’s not happy Ricky’s getting Nancy’s attention.
/>   I grab a beer and lean on the counter. The boys come in and Ricky tells them Pres’ words when VP put the cut on little Ben. The boys are listening intently and the girl is getting pissed. Sheila notices and looks at me. She shrugs and takes Sandy out back. She doesn’t even ask Courtney to go. Nancy has the boys go wash for dinner. When they leave she looks at Courtney. She noticed. “Why are you angry with the boys?”

  Courtney looks at her for a few seconds. “It’s stupid gang stuff and they make it sound like it’s so great.” The attitude she’s throwing needs to be slapped out of her.

  “First, it’s not gang anything. The MC takes care of their women and kids. Second, it’s a huge deal for someone so young to get an Officer’s cut. Rich was the youngest Officer the MC ever had and he got a medal of Valor from the President a few years ago. Little Ben getting it before he’s even eighteen is unprecedented. The boys have every right to be impressed and proud. He is President of the Little Brothers.”

  “Because he’s Steve’s son and Ben’s nephew.” She spits out like it tastes bad. Fuckin’ bitch.

  “No, because he earned it. He works hard and is a great leader for the Club Kids and the kids in the community.”

  Bitch rolls her eyes. “Working hard for a gang. Where I come from, that doesn’t mean crap.”

  I’ve heard enough. “Go upstairs and wash up.” She looks at me pissed. I’m willing her to say something. She spins around and stomps up the stairs and across the hall. “She needs to go, this isn’t going to work.”

  Nancy nods. “She’s temporary. She’ll be gone on Thursday.” I nod, thinking it isn’t soon enough. Sheila and Sandy don’t like her. That’s saying something.

  We get through dinner with toxic Courtney throwing comments at everyone about the Club, the Little Brothers, and the boys helping Kate at the Center for the big yard sale they’re doing. I get up and go to the back deck before I haul her away my fuckin’ self.

  Nancy comes out. “I’ll talk to CJ tomorrow.”

  “Good, because she doesn’t belong here. Let them hold her at the girls house until Thursday.”

  She nods and goes back in. It was such a good day until we came home. I sit thinking about little Ben. I’m so damn proud of him and the other Little Brothers. They handled themselves well today. I need to talk to Pres about them at the Club. I bet VP and Danny already did, though. I look at my watch. It’s too early to go to the patio. I head in to help Nancy with the kids, but the doorbell interrupts my direction. Cloud is here with Christian and Hawk. Nancy puts her arm around my waist. I move us aside and let them in.

  “Thanks, Brother. This will sound odd, but can Christian and Hawk stay over tonight?” Cloud says with a smile.

  I look at Nancy. I don’t care. When you have seven in the house what the hell does one more matter. She nods at Cloud and puts her arm around Christian’s shoulder, leading him toward the living room. Hawk follows.

  “I think you two talk less than me and CJ,” he says, smiling.

  “Years of practice.”

  “Can you step out for a minute?” He turns and goes through the door. I wonder if I should mess with him and stay here. My feet end up moving anyway and I follow. “Something is going on. Christian and Jeremy are agitated. Jeremy pulled Christian to me to ask about sleeping here tonight.”

  The bitch is what’s happening. I guess she’s not done. “The new girl has to go. Nancy’s talking to CJ tomorrow about moving her to the girl house until Thursday.” He looks worried, but I keep going. “She’s fuckin’ toxic to everyone in the house.”

  He nods. “I’ll give CJ just a heads up. That’s got to be what the boys are upset about. Let Christian stay up. He doesn’t sleep much and he takes care of Hawk himself. He’ll call for Security before he goes out. He’s trained as well as Hawk is.” He smiles. He loves his kids.

  “I’ll call if something comes up.” He nods, throwing chin. I go into the living room where I can hear Ricky growling at the bitch. Already started.

  When I walk in Nancy is facing the kids with her hand on her hip. Bitch is in trouble. “If you have only negative to give, you should go to your room for the night. I’m not letting you attack every word that comes out of anyone’s mouth.”

  “Because they all play in fantasy land I’m sent to my room? My damn ‘room’ as you call it, is in that fantasy land. Who the hell came up with that anyway? Like I’m three freakin’ years old needing to sleep by a beach!” She’s yelling but not moving.

  I step behind Nancy, putting my hand on her shoulder, letting her know I’m here. “Two things, the room was designed by Sheila. She deserves to have the room she wants until she ages out or her parents grow a brain. And two, you never yell at my old lady. She took you when you needed a place to stay. Your choice was here or lockup. Thank you would be more fitting.”

  Her face changes to rage. Fuck me, she’s got a temper. “I heard you! I’m out tomorrow, like I’d want to stay in this fuckin’ fairy tale!” She waits to see my reaction.

  I give it a couple of seconds then smile. “Jealousy is not your color, sweetheart. The kids helped design their idea of a perfect home. With your attitude right now that choice will never be offered to you. You can drop the fuckin’ ‘I’m better and smarter’ act because every one of them finished at the top of their classes. You unload the heavy ass stack of bricks on your shoulder. You could be a decent kid, but you haven’t shown us that yet. Two choices; drop the bricks and sit your ass down for the movie or go to that fantasy that Sheila made for kids needing it and spend your time alone reflecting on what it is you want out of life.” She gives me the bird as she’s walking out.

  I laugh then the kids do. “People often baffle me. You’d think she’d take door number one.”

  We watch the movie and get the kids up to bed. I bypass the patio tonight but walk Hawk with Christian; he’s got an anxious look on his face. “Anything I need to know, Little Brother?” He shakes his head but climbs up me for a hug before he goes up the stairs. Fuck, it’s not going to be good.

  I grab a beer and sit on the front porch. It’s a nice night and I could use the quiet. I hate feeling like I’m waiting for the next shoe to drop. Nancy comes out and sits next to me. I put my arm around her, feeling calmer right away.

  After a few minutes she takes it all away. “Maybe Courtney’s never had a family to count on, Tiny. Maybe she’s hurt because of what she sees. I think you’re right that she’s jealous, maybe we could show her stability?”

  “Not happening, Nance. She’s leaving on Thursday anyway. There’s no time to reform the bitch in a couple of days and she’s going to mess with the other kids’ heads if she stays. She has to go.”

  “Making a difference with the easy kids isn’t making much of a difference. It’s the hard ones that it has a bigger impact on.” She’s not going to let it go.

  “No, not when it’s at the expense of the others and the Club. They’re our family. They worked and earned the respect we show them. She’s trashing everything we believe in and doing it by choice. She could have shut the fuck up and sat down for the movie. Instead she disrespected me and walked away. Let her keep going right the hell out the door. I don’t want her here.”

  She moves away. Fuck! “I think we can change her outlook, Tiny. I want the chance to do that. If it doesn’t work she’s out Thursday anyway.”

  “No, she’s out tomorrow.”

  Now she’s pissed. I knew it was going to come to this; why the hell can’t she see the girl is bad news? “So my opinion doesn’t matter here?”

  No matter what I say here I’m wrong. Might as well just get it out. “Not with this girl. She’s bad, Nancy. I don’t want this to come to us arguing, but you’re bringing it where it doesn’t need to be. I don’t want her here. She’s only going to spread her shit around then leave anyway. What difference is a couple of days going to matter?”

  “A couple of days can change her life.” She stands up, still pissed.

Well, it will have to be somewhere else. She’s not staying here.” The slamming of the door lets me know what she thinks of that. Shit. It’s going to be a long night.

  After a second beer I head up to bed. Nancy isn’t in the room. I could go look for her, but I’m not arguing anymore, and I’m not backing down, so I just say ‘fuck it’ and slide into bed alone.

  I’m half asleep when I feel the bed move. I pull her closer, but it’s not Nancy. “What the fuck?” I push her away and sit up, reaching for the light. The bitch of a girl that Nancy wants to stay is in my fuckin’ bed naked. “Nancy!” I yell.

  “It’s okay, Tiny. I got it on video.” My head whips to the chair on the side of the room where Christian is holding up a camera.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I ask as Nancy runs through the door.

  She stops and looks at me as if I did something wrong. I see the hurt in her eyes and put my hands up. “I didn’t do a fuckin’ thing. I just woke up!” Ricky runs in and Courtney scrambles for her clothes. Nancy is just staring at me. Screw this!

  “I got the video of Courtney coming in here and Tiny pushing her away,” Christian says. Nancy still doesn’t move.

  “He asked me to sleep with him!” Courtney says, crying.

  “What!” I want to snap her scrawny neck. “I haven’t talked to you since you were in the living room.” I look at Nancy. “This is what you think can be reformed?” She doesn’t say a fuckin’ word. “Get out! All of you get the fuck out!”

  Once they leave I grab clothes and my shaving kit. Screw this. My fuckin’ old lady doesn’t know me well enough to say a damn word? Walking out of the room, I see Ricky waiting for me. “Christian has video of the room and Security has the house. You didn’t do anything, Tiny, it was the bitch from hell.” I nod. “Where are you going?”

  “The Club. My old lady can’t see what fuckin’ kids can. I’m not sleeping in this house with the bitch from hell trying to pull this shit. Make sure your door is locked when you go to bed so she doesn’t pull this shit with you too,” I growl at him, heading for the stairs.


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