MC: Callahan

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MC: Callahan Page 12

by L. Ann Marie

  “Can I come with you? I won’t be any trouble.” Shit, how can I tell him no when I just gave him a warning. I nod and he runs to his room.

  Crazy bitch is yelling about calling the cops in the kitchen. I don’t even acknowledge them as I walk through to the garage door. Nancy is just standing there. All but Sandy are up and watching this bullshit. She’s putting on a full show of it too.

  Ricky jumps in the truck with me and doesn’t say a word, thank Christ. At the Club I walk through the side and climb the stairs to my room. Brothers are partying downstairs, but I need some time to process all this shit going through my head. She didn’t say a fuckin’ word.

  Ricky drops his bag and lies on the couch, pulling the throw on him. “Night, Tiny, I’m sorry about what happened.” He’s a good kid.

  I throw him chin and go into the bedroom, throwing my bag on the floor and climbing into bed. What a fuckin’ mess. It takes forever to fall asleep. I keep seeing the hurt on her face like I would touch a damn kid. How could she believe something like that? I knew the kids would come between us.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I need to get to the Club. I messed this up so bad. Seeing Courtney naked in our bed shocked the hell out of me. CJ came over and stayed the night with us just to keep an eye on the little witch. Thank God Christian was there with his camera. Security sent over the video from the house, showing Tiny’s movements. Courtney didn’t let up, though. She still said he told her to come in the room. The police laughed at her, giving her a warning about false reports. That’s when she backed down. CJ is dropping her and the video off at her caseworkers this morning. Thank God!

  I park behind Tiny’s truck and run up the stairs then stop. Shelly is standing in front of our door kissing Tiny’s cheek. “What the hell?” Tiny stands straight and looks over at me. He has no shame on his face. After almost eighteen years he should feel some guilt, right?

  He turns and opens the door. “You ready to talk?”

  Really? He thinks I’m just going to walk in after she’s been in my damn bed? “Not to you!” I turn around and walk back down the stairs. Tears blur my vision and I stumble on the last step.

  “Nancy, what the hell? You came here to talk, let’s talk.” He’s at the top of the stairs.

  I look up at him. “I just finished dealing with the mess of the kid in our bed, now I get to deal with a fuckin’ whore in our bed? I’m good. I think I’m all talked out right now.”

  “What the fuck? You think Shelly was in our bed now! What the fuck are you doing here if that’s all you think about me? Fuck this!” He turns away and I hear the door slam.

  He’s pissed? I just watched Shelly kiss him in front of our door, just like she did to Doc and Ben when she would leave their rooms. It’s her thing, fuckin’ whore. On my way out I call and ask Heather to handle the store today. She’s on her way, so I drive to Kate at the Women’s Center.

  I go straight to her office and tell her everything that happened. She hands me tissues and listens. She gives me time to calm down then tells me I’m an idiot. “Did Tiny have his hands on Shelly?” I shake my head no. “Did he kiss her back?”


  “Did he do anything to make you think he slept with her?”

  “No, but they were at our door. What else could I think?” I tell her.

  “Did you notice Ricky in the room when he opened the door?” she asks gently.

  Oh shit! He left with Tiny last night. He slept in the room last night. I am an idiot.

  She gives me a sad smile. “Yeah, little Ben called me before you got here. Ricky is upset that you thought Tiny was with the kid last night, then he heard Tiny yelling this morning.”

  “Shit!” I put my face in my hands, ashamed of myself. Eighteen years and I’m the one screwing it up. “No wonder he was so pissed at me.”

  “Yeah. The good part of all this is Danny picked up the kids and is taking them fishing. You have plenty of time to grovel. He even went and picked up Ricky.”

  I give her a hug and tell her I have to go. When I get to the Club Tiny’s truck is gone. I call Digs to track him for me. He’s at Transport, so I drive there. I walk in his office and close the door. He’s surprised but doesn’t say anything. I sit and take a breath. “I was wrong. I knew you wouldn’t sleep with the little witch, but I was shocked seeing her naked climbing out of our bed. Once the shock wore off I had no idea what to do with what she was saying. CJ came and sorted it out with the police and the Security videos. This morning I was planning to beg you for forgiveness when I saw Shelly at our door. My nerves are shot, I’m an emotional mess, and I jumped to wrong for the second time, not giving you the respect I should have. I’m sorry.”

  He doesn’t move. I don’t know what else to say here, so I wait. He nods and looks at his computer screen. “I don’t know what to say to that. You should know me better than you obviously do. I’ve never given you a reason to think I would disrespect you, but it’s the first thing you thought. I got shit to do and I don’t want to have this talk when I’m so fuckin’ pissed.” He’s watching his screen.

  He doesn’t look back at me when I stand to leave. Feeling the tears again, I just go. He’ll talk to me when he calms down.

  Chapter Fourteen

  One week later...

  “I’m not going back without you.” This fuckin’ kid is willful as hell.

  “This isn’t the place for a kid, Ricky.”

  “It’s not the place for a stubborn dumbass either. You need a damn witness and I’m it.” He goes back to playing darts with the Brothers.

  There’s a whore going down on a Brother right on the couch across the room. Damn kid needs to be home. “Not the place for him, Brother.” Danny slaps my shoulder. I turn around and he’s smiling. “He’s a little too young for this every day shit the Brothers do here.”

  “He won’t go home, says I need a witness. Fuckin’ kids.”

  He laughs. “He’s right. What the hell you think Nancy’s thinking with you staying at the Club for a week? You can’t think visiting the kids at the Kids Club is enough for them either. She’s already taking care of the kids without you. Now she’s got the stress of you being up here with Ricky. She’s seen what it’s like up here. She knows the whores will prey on an Officer until he’s shit-faced then they’ll pounce.”

  “She already thinks the worst, what the fuck difference does it make?”

  “Oh, so this is your way of fixing that. Gotta tell you, Brother, all those shows you watch haven’t taught you anything useful for your own life. You need to quit spouting their shit to everyone else.” He’s still smiling, but his eye is watching me. I swear sometimes he can see what you’re thinking.

  “Maybe you’re right. After eighteen years she should know better than what she was thinking. If she doesn’t trust me, she doesn’t trust me. I can’t fix that or her, only she can.”

  He nods. “I saw the videos. I know what she saw. It was a shock to me and I know you better than to believe what I was seeing. I bet it was a shock to her too. Don’t you think she deserves a chance at explaining?”

  I wipe my hand down my face. “She already did. She was shocked. She jumped wrong, I can’t fix that.”

  “She can’t fix it alone, Brother. Bet together you could, though.” He gets a beer from the Prospect.

  I look for Ricky; a whore is playing pool with him. Shit. I watch and think. Danny’s right. I’m never going to fix this from here. The whore leans over Ricky and I stand up. Oh, hell no! “Ricky, let’s go home!” I yell, making the whore jump and look over at me. Ricky smiles at her and comes running.

  Danny laughs. Fuckin’ LaPontes and their laughing. “Cock blocked by Dad, priceless.” I give him a look and tell Ricky to get his shit from the room; I’ll be in the truck. Danny slaps my back and walks out. Fuckin’ Brother came just to get me home. What the fuck ever.

  Pulling in, the boys come running. I lift them, putting Jason on my back an
d José and Billy on each arm. There’s a new boy here. He looks to be about eight. “What’s your name, kid?”

  “Diego. He don’t talk, like Darren,” José says.

  “No, sir, he can hear but don’t talk,” Jason corrects him.

  I get on my knees. “I’m Tiny. I like your name, Diego.” I put my hand out and he shakes it with a smile. He’s a cute kid. I fist bump him and the other boys.

  “I got the kids; you need to talk to Nancy,” Ricky says from behind me.

  Smartass know it all kid. I stand, knowing he’s right. I throw him chin and walk in the door. I hear the girls in the kitchen, so I walk that way. As soon as I step in Sandy comes running. I lift her and she puts her head on my shoulder. “Daddy.”

  I smile and kiss her head. “Yeah, baby.” She kisses my cheek and puts her head back down. “I’m sorry, baby.” She smiles at me and wiggles to get down. I’ve seen her at Millie’s but having lunch with her this week just wasn’t enough.

  Sheila takes her hand and pulls me down. “Glad you’re back. We’ll be outside.” She kisses my cheek and walks Sandy out the front.

  For the first time since I walked in the door I look at Nancy. She has tears in her eyes. “We can’t fix us if we’re not together.”

  She nods and her tears fall. Fuck. I walk to her and hold her while she cries. “I’m so sorry, Tiny. This whole week has been miserable without you.”

  I may be an asshole, but I’m glad. “I’m here now.” She holds on like I’m trying to get away. “Never would I disrespect you, Nancy. If we don’t work I’d tell you first. I thought you could feel me always putting you first. I need to work harder at that. There is no one I want but you.”

  Her head is moving up and down on my chest, pulling on my ring. Shit! “I know that, I trust you. Everything was just such a shock all at once. It was like my brain left. I knew you’d never hurt me. When I could think again you were gone.” She cries against me.

  “I spent enough time going over this shit every day. I’m done. We need to keep working on us, that’s enough now.” I kiss her head; I missed the shit out of holding her against me.

  “I love you, my big Tiny. I’m so glad you came back.”

  I lift her up and kiss her like I should have when I walked in. Turning, I sit her on the counter and finish telling her how much I missed her with the kiss. The kids are clapping and yelling behind me. I lift up and put her head on my chest so she won’t be embarrassed. “A little privacy would have been good.” I look at Ricky.

  He’s smiling. “Just making sure you didn’t fu..screw it up again.” He gets the kids into the living room; they’re still laughing and happy. I smile, they missed us too.

  “Got a new boy I see,” I say, kissing behind her ear.

  “Yeah, Diego. He’s 10, cute, and doesn’t talk. They say he’s autistic; he’s long term. We got him the day before yesterday. He was a complete neglect; his father’s girlfriend found him living in a closet. She didn’t even know he existed and she was dating the guy for six months. He doesn’t know how to do anything. The kids have been helping me teach him. We got him eating with a fork yesterday.” She’s got a sad smile on. “I told CJ no more teenage girls. I was so wrong about Courtney; I don’t blame you for being pissed at me.”

  “I’m not talking about it anymore. Glad we got a boy. Did you get him clothes?” She nods. I look around to see what she’s got for supper. “What’s for dinner? I’m starving.”

  She laughs. “I was taking them out because our grill master was gone.”

  I nod and lift her down. “Let’s go then. Seafood Shack okay?” She says ‘yes’ smiling.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Three weeks later...

  It’s been a good three weeks. Thank fuck she didn’t keep bringing up the bitch. Life is back to normal but better. I’m thinking of how good it is while watching the boys riding in front of me. It’s a long ride to Laconia, but they’re hanging with the Brothers. I’m supposed to be up front, but I wanted to be able to watch them in case they get tired or we have any trouble. Pres and VP are in front, then Rich and Bob. Danny is at my side. The Brothers behind us don’t say a word about the formation.

  Pulling into our hotel, Pres watches the Little Brothers with a smile. They did good and he tells and signs so they know. Darren is looking around amazed; he signs ‘the vibration is crazy’. Little Ben smiles, signing he feels it too. That’s when I notice it. I wonder if it will be hard for him here. He won’t be able to tell when something is coming toward him. Little Ben fixes it before I even get to ask. He signs to them that Darren has to be with at least one of them so he doesn’t get disoriented. It’s a lot for him’. Jessie and Ricky nod, saying they feel it. Darren looks relieved. Pres, Danny, VP, and Rich are just watching with smiles.

  “Let’s go to the rooms,” Danny says. We follow them to check in. Danny hands each one a keycard and walks to the elevator. I follow Danny and the boys; I want to know where they’ll be. Rich and Patches are on one side, and Bob and Amanda are on the other. Our rooms are down the hall. Pres didn’t take the suite this time. His and Danny’s rooms are on each side of mine. I don’t blame them for rooming separate. They already live together. I bet the break is nice.

  At my door I slide the key in and Danny stops me. “Beer across the street in thirty. Rich and Bob have the boys.” I nod and go in, dropping my bag on the bed and pulling my phone.

  “Babe, just wanted to let you know we got here fine. The boys did good.” She’s relieved and happy, telling me to have fun but not too much. I tell her I love her and I’ll call in the morning.

  I empty my bag and go to meet the Brothers at the bar. Trying to get across the street is fuckin’ nuts. It takes forever to get to a break in the line of bikes. The Little Brothers better stay on the other side of the street. The bikers are pissed they have to wait for people to cross.

  Pres and Danny are already here. Hammer is talking to them. I chat with the VP about their new garage. They’re making some nice bikes out of it; he’s proud and shows me some bikes on his phone. I checked out their website and saw them all already, but he’s fuckin’ excited, so I look at his phone.

  Our meet is later tonight. There are eight other Clubs to be represented. There’s more every year. I’m taking it as a good sign; we must be doing something right. VP comes in with the boys, Rich, and Patches. Once the Little Brothers show respect to Hammer and his Officers Rich takes them out to see the bikes.

  “Fuckin’ kid’s not eighteen yet and he’s an Officer. How’d you pull that off?” Hammer’s SAA asks VP.

  “He earned it. Runs Ops alongside VP and Rich, trained to shoot and fight with the adults,” Pres says, pissed that he’d have to explain to anyone. Hammer notices and gets him talking Nomad status. Since so many of the Brothers took the status they’ve been showing at the other Clubs riding under the protection of our cut. He threw two out of his Club for being assholes to the whores. Pres says he’ll send a text, letting them know protection is granted as long as they show proper respect to the Clubs and their women; Hammer seems happy with that and we move on.

  Danny looks at his phone and tells us little Ben is getting shit from an Outlaw. We all follow him out and to the right. Thank fuck we don’t have to cross the road. We’re just about at the PD when we see them. Little Ben and Darren are in the middle of the road. PD is stopping anyone from stepping in. Danny pushes his way through and I clear a path for Pres and Hammer. VP went to the other side. Rich is being held by two PD until VP steps beside him. They let him go and Rich turns to watch.

  A fuckin’ Outlaw. Once it registers with me who we’re looking at I’m pissed. He’s talking shit, how little Ben is the new tit sucking Officer. Jessie and Ricky are on the other side by Rich and VP. They have smiles on their faces to match little Ben and Darren’s. The Outlaw walks around them, taunting them, then yelling at them. Little Ben gets the crowd, laughing, “You going to keep walking around in circles? As entertaining as this i
s, I thought there was a point to be made here.”

  The Outlaw rushes into him. Little Ben waits then steps aside, turning and hitting him hard on the back. The Outlaw falls and the crowd laughs. Little Ben never takes his eyes off the Outlaw. He makes it to his knees and stands, pissed. “Think you’re on the fuckin’ playground, little man?” he yells. The crowd is quiet and watching. He starts bouncing like a boxer. Little Ben rolls his eyes at Darren. The Outlaw moves in for a jab and little Ben catches his arm and spins him, elbowing him in the kidney. The crowd starts cheering, pissing the Outlaw off even more. He growls and tries kicking Darren. Little Ben pushes him away and watches him for the next move. I see money changing hands; even the PD is getting in on it.

  The Outlaw moves toward Darren, but he gives him a roundhouse kick, laying him flat. The Outlaw didn’t expect that one. They’ve learned about maximum damage in such a short time. I’m proud of the Little Badasses. The Outlaw calls his buddy and the crowd starts yelling. The buddy walks away, making Rich and Jessie laugh.

  “Looks like it’s your show, brother,” Rich says to him. The crowd laughs. “I think you were teaching him about real bikers. Why don’t you show us how it’s done?” Rich steps closer; VP puts a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. The Outlaw rushes little Ben again. He takes two steps toward him and slams him to the ground face down with his foot on the Outlaw’s neck.

  “I suggest you give it up now. I did nothing to you. I wasn’t bothering you. I didn’t even look at you. The next time you decide to throw a punch then talk it up, remember this moment. Everyone isn’t always what they seem on the outside.”


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