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Mac's Law

Page 15

by Sarah McCarty

  “Honey girl, was that a good cry or a bad cry?”

  She bit her lips, so hungry for the sensation again that she couldn’t find breath. “Good,” she squeaked, not meeting his eyes.

  “Damn.” He relaxed into her. “Let’s see if we can make some more of those good cries.”

  Despite the fact that she could feel the savage tension in him humming just beneath his skin, he didn’t drive into her like she expected. Instead, he fondled her breasts, playing softly with the nipples as he rocked his hips on hers, using his big cock to stroke her inner tissues with the briefest of caresses. Teasing and flirting with them until they screamed with frustration and nipped and pressed him for more. He responded with a slightly deeper rhythm, never forcing the issue, never overwhelming her as he so easily could. Just giving her as much as she could take comfortably, nurturing her passion along, giving her time to experience every sensation, every nuance, and then showing her with a flex of his hips, a graze of his lips, just how much more pleasure waited for her.

  Just there. Just out of her grasp. And when she was twisting beneath him, unable to bear the agonizing whip of desire, only then did he teach her how to reach for it. To flow with the hunger rather than fight it, to stretch and arch just that much more until she had it all. All of him, his strength, his passion.

  On a hoarse shout, his cock jerked within her, and his seed spilled high against her womb. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his chest as he shuddered uncontrollably with every spurt, pulling him close, as if she could shelter him from the violence of his release, her own orgasm washing over her as he thrust into her one last time, the sound of her name on his lips almost as sweet as his loving.

  Mac collapsed over Jessie, catching his weight on his elbows so he wouldn’t crush her. He was never letting her go. The knowledge squeezed through the aftermath with the same relentless throb of her orgasm. No matter what he had to do to keep her happy, he wasn’t letting her go. His hips still pulsed against her, almost helplessly, his passion spent but needing to feel her muscles pulling at him, demanding more from him. Needing the connection.

  His breath sawed in and out of his lungs. Beneath him she panted. The air was rich with the scent or their lovemaking. A bead of sweat trickled down the side of her neck. He caught it with his tongue, savoring the touch of salt mixed with the hint of woman.

  She “hmmmed” and curved into his mouth. He pressed his lips against the side of her neck.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, feeling her jerk against him on the next pulse of his hips.

  Her hair tickled his ear as she nodded. “Better than okay.”

  He brushed her hair and the strand caught on his finger. He pulled back, the hair stuck, and he wound it around his finger as he looked into her sleepy eyes. “Fading out on me again?”

  “Apparently mind-blowing orgasms have that effect on me.”

  She looked completely comfortable with the realization.

  He released the strand of hair. It fell against her cheek in a honey-blonde swirl. Cupping her hips and the back of her head in his hand, he rolled them over, keeping her body against his, his cock in her.

  Her thighs fell on either side of his hips. Her pussy wiggled on his softening flesh. He stilled her hips with his hand. “Don’t move.”

  She propped herself up on his chest. “Why?”

  “I’m comfortable where I am.”

  She blew a hair off her face and frowned at him. He could tell she was dying to ask but wouldn’t. “I’m big enough to stay in you when I’m soft,” he explained, “but not if you squirm.”

  The blush started at the top of her plump white breasts and climbed. He smiled. When it reached her cheeks he asked, “Unless you’d care to make me hard again?”

  She went from pink to red in the blink of an eye.

  “Again?” she sounded impressed.

  He was a little impressed himself. Considering how hard he’d come, he should be down for at least an hour, but there was something about her that turned him on. Something more than the physical. Something that made him…hunger.

  “Yeah.” He stroked his finger up her spine, riding the ridges, smiling at the goose bumps that sprang up. Jessie trailed her nail around his nipple and smiled back when it hardened.

  “Unless you’d rather talk,” he added as her eyes crinkled at the corners.

  Her smile slipped. “Men are not supposed to want to talk after sex,” she informed him. “Entire books have been written on the subject.” She tapped his nipple with her nail, making her point, trying to distract him from that betraying expression. “Talk show hosts have made careers of it.”

  Mac could have told her it was no use. He noticed everything about her. Wanted to know everything about her. “Lucky for you, I’m enlightened.”

  She rolled her eyes. “This from the man who just spanked my butt.”

  “Yup. Enlightened and flexible.” His fingers reached the base of her neck, his hand slid over the smooth curve of her shoulder. “What more could a woman want?”

  She didn’t answer him immediately. Just stared at him, those green eyes dark with emotion. As he cupped her cheek in his palm, an expression flitted across her face. One that made his heart clench and his thumb stroke her face comfortingly. She was uncertain. Nervous.

  “No answer?”

  Jessie sighed. “None that sounds right.”

  He liked her honesty. And he liked the way she kept flexing her pussy around him as if she, too, hungered.

  “How about I pose a question then?”

  “How about you just tell me how I can make you hard again?”

  “Too late. That moment’s passed.”

  She raised her eyebrows and squeezed deliciously with her inner muscles. The resulting massage of the smooth inner flesh along his shaft had a predictable effect. His cock tingled and stretched.

  She wiggled her hips happily and grinned at him. “I don’t think so.”

  His cock stretched further at the enticement of her smile. Mac shook his head at her. She was like a kid with a new toy, and as soon as they got this matter of her virginity off the table, he’d be happy to romp, but right now he wanted answers. He stopped her antics with a palm on her thigh. “How does it come about that you’re a twenty-nine-year-old virgin?”

  Delicate muscles squeezed him again. “Not any longer.”

  No one could resist that satisfied smile, least of all him. He dragged her mouth to his, kissing her hard, possessively. She kissed him with equal ferocity, nipping his lip when he would have pulled back, holding on. Her nipples pebbled against his chest and she gasped as he grew inside her, stretching up into her channel, parting the smooth muscles with a slow expansion.

  He gave her what she wanted. His tongue thrust into her mouth, tangling with hers. He teased. And played. And lured. When her tongue made a tentative foray past his lips, he caught it with his teeth, biting down just hard enough to prevent her escape. And then he sucked, lightly at first but building the pressure as she squirmed against him, building the pleasure as he drew out the arousal.

  He let her go. As she leaned back and sucked air into her lungs, he put his hands on her shoulders and eased her back until she was sitting fully upright, his penis her anchor.

  He trailed his fingers down her shoulders, over the bump of her collarbones to the soft sides of her breasts. She shivered. His cock swelled. Her eyes flew wide as he went deeper.


  He soothed her with a soft glide of his fingers. “Easy, honey girl.” He cupped her breasts in his hands, weighing them. “I’ll be deeper this way, that’s all.”

  She bit her lip and leaned into his palms. “I’m not sure that’s possible.”

  He stroked her engorged nipples with his thumbs, pressing the dark pink tips into the surrounding flesh, using the pressure to guide her back into position. Damn, if she didn’t have the prettiest breasts—soft and white—just enough to fill his hands with an underlying
firmness that begged a squeeze. The freckle on the left one beckoned. He rubbed it with his thumb. “If it gets to be too much,” he told her, backing his thumbs off, letting the nipple roll over the tip, “you let me know and we’ll deal with it.”

  He brought his forefingers down over the swollen buds and twisted lightly. His cock continued its slow steady push into her ultra-tight channel. Every inch a hard-pressed gain through the slick heat. She jerked and pulled away. He caught her hips in his hands and pulled her back down. “Don’t move. Keep that delectable pussy pressed tight against me. So tight there isn’t a breath of air separating us.”


  “No buts.”

  She frowned, but most of her attention was focused inward on the steadily increasing presence of his shaft in her snug heat. He stroked his thumbs in the crease between her thigh and hip. “Was there ever another lover, Jessie?”

  It took Jessie a second to process the question. When the implication wormed its way through the thickening haze of desire, she snapped taut with indignation. “Of course.”

  Mac arched an eyebrow at her, his big body shuddering under the lash of her sudden movement, his erection thickening with a surge that had her wincing. He was much deeper this way, touching parts of her she didn’t even know existed. His thumbs stroked over her hips again, the gesture soothing. His blue eyes narrowed. Assessing.


  The pressure eased as her body stretched to accommodate. “I’m fine, but you’re not getting out of trouble by pretending concern.”

  It was his turn to frown. A sexy frown that was probably supposed to intimidate her but just had her tightening around him harder. “There’s no pretense.”

  “Of course there is. We’ve already done this once. We know you fit.”

  He started to say something and then decided against it. His thumbs stretched across her lower abdomen, pressing just above the pubic bone. “So what happened to the other lover?”

  She bit her lip as he pressed a little harder, setting off a tiny compulsion to press against his hands, to rub her clitoris over the rough hair of his groin, but he’d told her to hold still. It was hard, though. “As you might have guessed, he wasn’t much of a lover.”

  Holding still got harder as his thumbs glided down to rest at the top of her pubic mound.

  “How not much?”

  Jessie gasped and looked down. His expression was hard, tight, as he watched his thumb press between the folds of the thick outer lips of her pussy. “We dated through high school and college.”

  “And he kept his hands off you?”

  The level of sheer disbelief in his low drawl was a balm to her pride. “He didn’t find it that hard.”

  The sentence ended in a mewling cry as he pressed just under the lip of her vulva, pushing into the base of her clitoris, sending shuddering shockwaves of sensation deep into her vagina. He did it again and she jerked forward, catching herself with her hands on his chest. “Oh God!”

  Beneath her hands the heavy muscles shifted, and the sheets rustled as his big shoulders tensed. Pressure on her hips told her he wanted her back upright. His thumb, pressed where it was, made movement impossible.

  “Did you try to seduce him, honey girl?”

  Jessie just loved the way he said that nickname. As if she was something intimately sweet and tempting that he couldn’t resist. Didn’t want to resist. “Yes.”

  The backward pressure on her hips increased. “Sit up.”

  She took a deep breath, gathering strength. Air entered her lungs in sporadic bursts. She sat up and immediately hunched forward as his cock pierced deep. Bracing her palms on his stomach, she took slow breaths as her muscles strained under the pressure of his girth. His size. At the same time, her pussy caressed him in ecstatic ripples, thrilled with his presence. Wanting, impossibly, more.

  His hand left her hip to cup her cheek, bringing her gaze to his. “Okay?”

  She bit her lip as his cock responded to the entreaties of her inner muscles and gave her more. “Yes.”

  It was a strained, harsh syllable, and she couldn’t blame him when he didn’t look reassured.

  His grip shifted to her chin, keeping her gaze on his. “Does it hurt?”

  She shrugged, striving for nonchalance, totally missing it because of the incredible feelings washing out from her core. God, she could come from just the way he filled her. So hard, so tight, to the point of pain, just short of unbearable. “Just pinches.”

  “A little?”

  She nodded, pressing her clit against the prickly hairs on his groin, whimpering when he stretched deeper, pressing high inside, the sudden sharp, erotic pain catching her by surprise.


  Mac pulled her against his chest. His hands stroked down her back, soothing her. Arousing her. Denying her. “Don’t do that again.”

  “Do what?” She pushed against his chest. He resisted for a moment, his hands on her shoulder blades easily keeping her in place, before he relented. He let her put four inches of space between them.

  His expression was serious, “Don’t try to take more than you’re ready for.”

  God, she didn’t think she was ready for what she had. It felt like a thick log was buried between her legs. Her muscles burned with the effort to accommodate his width, and twitched with the desire to feel him move. Just the thought of all that thick male flesh pulling and tugging at her as he fucked in and out, in and out… She squeezed her eyes shut as flashes of yearning made her buck on him. He’d fuck her raw before he’d come. She’d be so sensitive she’d be able to feel every hot spurt as he emptied his balls into her. Over and over, filling her deliciously full. Her whole body shuddered convulsively, and she whimpered in her throat.

  Mac swore and arched under her, forcing his cock deeper. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  She opened her eyes to find him watching her. His eyes lit with the same desire eating her alive.

  “What thought just had you whimpering so sexily, and your little pussy quivering so desperately.”

  She couldn’t say it out loud. She just couldn’t.

  He smiled as if he knew, trailed his hand down her back and whispered outrageously. “I’ll slide my finger in your ass if you tell me.”

  She shuddered again. Her ass clenched and ached in mournful emptiness. Heat climbed her cheeks, whether from embarrassment or passion, she had no idea. “Which one?”


  “Which finger?”

  His teeth flashed white in a grin. “Which would you prefer?”

  More heat washed into her face. This time she knew it was from embarrassment, but she knew from Mac’s grin and the way his cock throbbed that he liked her this way, so she pressed on. “The middle finger.”

  “Why?” His fingertips slipped between the cheeks of her ass.

  If she hadn’t been holding his gaze, she would have missed the flare of sensual satisfaction as she admitted, “Because it’s bigger.”

  His finger slid around the spasming rosette. “Feeling neglected?”

  His finger nudged the tiniest bit in the well-lubed opening. She couldn’t hold his gaze any longer. Her forehead dropped to his chest as she admitted, “Yes.”

  It snapped back up as he thrust his finger in. The burning culmination as her anus stretched over his second knuckle before clamping down on the base arched her back against his hand. He gave her the pressure she needed against her shoulders and her ass as he asked, “Better?”

  “Oh yes.”

  His expression was knowing as he thrust again, and she winced before pushing back, taking a fraction of an inch more.

  “Burns?” he asked.

  She nodded and bit her lip. With his cock stretching her pussy, his finger felt huge, but at the same time it was good. So very, very good.

  “You wrote on that list that you wanted your ass fucked.”

  He punctuated the statement by pulling his finger out and thrusting back in. />
  That hadn’t been her exact wording, but yes. Oh yes, She wanted that. Hot shivers shot out from her rectum. Her muscles went weak. Her head fell forward as she shook from head to toe. She nodded against his collarbone, her “Yes” a breathless entreaty. Taking his flesh between her teeth, she bit down as the incredible sensation washed over her, making her feel cold and tingly, yet hot and burning.

  “Honey girl, I’m a bit bigger than you might have been planning on when you wrote down that fantasy.”

  Jessie looked up, his skin still between her teeth. She slowly let it slide free as she realized what he was saying. Dismayed acceptance stole some of her languor. “You don’t want to do that with me.”


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