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Four Weddings and a Fiasco: The Wedding Snafu (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 4

by Aliyah Burke

  For the past few months, sex hadn’t been on his mind, but now, after meeting Mindy, it was in the forefront of his focus. When she dragged him in the water, from the moment he surfaced, he’d wanted nothing more than to kiss her full, naturally plump lips. Right now, the urge remained. Adorably sexy.

  She watched him, pupils dilated, breathing heavier than normal—a move that pulled his gaze to her chest. It wasn’t easy, but he met her stare, once more.

  “Care for a tour?” I can do this, behave like a gentleman.

  “I’d love one.” Her smile did weird things to him, made him almost giddy.

  The fissures of electricity snapped and popped between them, and he admired her restraint. He wasn’t sure he had much more.

  “Let’s go.”

  He gave his typical tour, and she asked lots of questions, showing genuine interest. Three hours later, they were again in his office, backs to his mahogany leather sofa as they ate Chinese from the boxes on the run. They were playing hooky from the itinerary. Not that there was much for them, right now; this was the time for bridesmaid and bride things.

  Donal watched her eat her container of vegetable pancit with fried tofu as he indulged in his broccoli and chicken.

  “What have you been doing, then, for all these years? I mean, it’s been at least fifteen since I’ve seen you.”

  “I work in medicine.” She ate a few more bites.

  He waited, but she didn’t elaborate. Sucking the end of his chopsticks, he nudged her foot with his. “Care to expound on that statement?”

  “CEO of a pharmaceutical company. Not sure if you’ve heard of Traeger Pharm, but that’s it. Went to school with the one who bought them out, and he brought me in as their CEO.”

  He was impressed. “I’ve heard of them. A lot of ground-breaking medications for epilepsy.” He dug in the white box for another bite. “You don’t look like a CEO.”

  “Because I’m a woman? Black? What?”

  “Because you seem real comfortable in jeans.”

  “I am. But, your boys seem to be, as well, and Tim’s a CEO.”

  He shrugged. “True, guess to me he’s always Tim first, CEO second.”

  “You, however, look like a CFO.” She gestured with her chopsticks. “Suit, frown, scowl, you know…you.”

  “What’s wrong with wearing a suit?”

  She laughed lightly. “Nothing. But, why did you need it for paddleboat racing? You’re the most uptight of the three of you. Roland’s your mediator, and Tim is your prankster.”

  He didn’t like their names on her lips. “Figured us out already?”

  Her laugh fell from her lips, warm and genuine. “Gods, no. That’s purely Kurt info. So not my observation skills.

  “Do you ever not take the highroad?” he teased.

  “No,” she deadpanned. “Never.”

  “Not the Mindy I remember.”

  She popped a piece of tofu, eyes closing in bliss. He shuddered. Tofu? No, thanks; he preferred meat.

  “I’ve changed since middle school.”

  He ran his hungry gaze over her. “No argument here.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Please.”

  He finished his meal and placed the empty container by his thigh. “Please, what?”

  “I don’t need you to flirt with me. I don’t seek attention like that. Besides, I’m so not your type.”

  “Hang on a minute; what’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I hear stories from Kurt, and I can unequivocally say I’m not your type. You prefer skinny as a rail, big boobs, and no brain.” She grimaced. “No offense to your current girlfriend.”

  Right. Was that how he was viewed? Defiler of the vapid and falsely endowed? “That’s a bit unfair.”

  “Not really, not when it’s the truth.” She waved a water chestnut around before continuing. “However, who you date isn’t my business, the same as how much of their brain they use.”

  He harrumphed. This wasn’t an image he was going for. He also didn’t want her viewing him like this. It shouldn’t matter. But, on some level, it did.

  “So, am I not allowed to flirt, then?”

  “Flirt all you want; makes no never mind to me.”

  He grinned. “Body language says otherwise.” Donal inched closer, resting one arm along the cushions.

  “And, you’re an expert?”

  Her hand trembled slightly when he moved closer still. She smelled like fresh crisp apples. Sweet and tangy.

  “Not an expert, but—” he raked his gaze over her— “definitely have some experience in the area.”

  “‘N here I thought Tim was the flirt.”

  “I’m a man of many talents.”

  “Right,” she drolled, staring at him with a mix of humor and challenge. “Is this where you kiss me to prove your point?”

  “Is that what you want?” Why am I hoping she says yes?


  She lied. He didn’t press, just watched her. She ate another bite, and as before, her lids fluttered as if it were orgasmic.

  “That good?”

  “You have no idea.” She looked between her food and him. “Wanna bite?”

  He peered in, tempted. “One bite, but of the bamboos shoot, water chestnut—”

  “Back away,” she ordered. “I’ll fix the bite for you.”

  He cocked a brow. “Bossy.”

  She never glanced up from the container. “So, I’ve been told. But, it is my food.” A few more seconds. “Open.”

  He listened, gaze locked with hers as he took the food from the wooden sticks. He chewed slowly, tasting the compilation of flavors. Okay, it was good.

  “Surprised you, didn’t it? You liked it.”

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “Tofu’s not bad.”

  Eyes boring into each other, he leaned closer, all intents and purposes to allow their lips to lock and meld as their eyes had done. His phone rang, splitting the tension between them as if it were tissue paper shredding in the wind.

  “Thanks for dinner and the tour. I should get back.” She had vanished from view before he knew what had happened.


  “You did what?” Tim’s shocked question was immediately echoed by Roland’s.

  “Ate tofu.” Donal rolled the cue ball with his left hand on the green felt surface.

  His friends—only Tim and Roland were there—were at different positions around the table, expressions down near horrified.

  “You refused when Tiff went on her health kick. Did any of it pass your lips, then?”


  “But, tonight, it did.” Roland leaned forward, large hands on the table. “Why?”

  Donal didn’t consider lying much longer than a moment. “Mindy fed it to me.”

  They fell silent, eyes darting from him to each other then back again. “Come again?”

  He faced Roland. “You heard me. Bianca dropped Mindy off after their trip to Fisherman’s Wharf. I gave her a tour then we ordered Chinese.”

  “But…” Tim slumped down on a bar stool nearby.

  Donal forged ahead. “I’m pretty sure I would have kissed her if you hadn’t called when you did.” He rubbed the corner of his eyes. “God, I wanted to.”

  “What about Tiff?” Roland asked.

  “Nothing happened.”

  “Didn’t answer the question.”

  He glared at Roland.

  “But Mindy?”

  “I like her,” he confessed. “A lot.” Sitting on the edge of the pool table, he rolled the ball to the side and caught it on the rebound. “She’s different. Makes me laugh. More than that. Makes me think of more than work.”

  “Hold on here,” Tim came to stand before him. “She has you thinking about something other than work?”

  He didn’t miss the tone, shock and disbelief. “Yes.”

  “I’m all confused. Even Tiff has to fight for your attention. This woman, who you haven’t seen in—however many years—sho
ws up out of the blue, and now, you’re not thinking of work-related things. Actually allowed food in your office, and I saw you laughing today after your ass got dragged in the water. What’s the problem?”

  “I’m with Tiffany.”

  “By technicality. Even Todd sees she’s holding onto you. And, once it’s out about your office dinner, you can be sure those claws will sink in deeper.” Roland grabbed a pool cue. “Get off the table; I’m breaking.”

  Again on his feet, Donal moved to the rack and got one for himself. “Then, shut up and do it.”

  They had the area to themselves, and he wasn’t worried about anyone overhearing.

  “Besides, this may not be the best time. Her father may pull out of the upcoming merger. That’s some serious bank we would stand to lose.”

  “We don’t need to have the merger. We’re plenty rich.” Tim chalked his tip. “If you’re breaking it off, do it. We’ll support your decision.”

  “Really? Before the wedding? How well do you think that would go over?” He shook his head.

  “That ain’t it,” Roland said, lining up for another shot. “Todd will be fine; he knows his sister is a bitch. The company would survive fine. You need to think about your funeral, because this woman has something else beside the ability to make you think of something other than work.”

  He frowned. “Which is?”

  “Who is this woman who’s got Donal not thinking about work and when can I meet her?”

  The baritone reverberated through the room, and Donal angled his head to view Kurt in the doorway. Roland’s words suddenly made perfect sense. She had Kurt as protection. And, that line of defense just walked through the door.


  “You need to make sure that deal goes through. Mr. Laudermilk is not a client to piss off.”

  Mindy rubbed the back of her neck. This is why I don’t take vacations. On the other end of the phone was Edgar Martinez, her right-hand man. However, right now, she wanted to punch him.

  “I know, and I’m trying, but he wants to deal with you. You’re the CEO.”

  “I’m aware of my position, Edgar.” She rested her head against the window. “Let me call him. Draw up the forms and be ready for him to call you back.”

  “Already done, and I’ll be waiting. So sorry for bothering you.”

  “That’s okay, I’ll survive. We want them to use this product, so I am okay with the interruptions.” Not really, but I know how that man is.

  “All right. See you when you get back.”

  “Everything else running smooth?”

  “We’re fine here, Mindy. Enjoy your trip.”

  “I am. See you soon.” She ended the call and tossed the phone to her bed. At the desk, she powered up her Mac then retrieved her phone. A shower called her name, but first, she had to attend to Mr. Laudermilk.

  The thirty-minute call wasn’t a way she preferred to start her mornings, but after she’d finished, she stood under the pulsing spray. She loved her job, but some days, it sucked everything out of her. The sun had yet to rise, but in Atlanta, their work day had already begun.

  Standing on the thick rug, she toweled off her hair then fluffed it out; it would dry in no time. Dressed and lacing up her tennis shoes, she read over the itinerary. Tonight was the free time.

  “Please don’t be heading to a strip club.” She jumped on the floor, limbering up, then headed down to breakfast.

  Piling bacon on her plate, she jumped when hands grabbed her around the waist.

  “As your surgeon, I can tell you all that bacon would be best to be on your brother’s plate.”

  She set the plate down with a squeal. “Kurt!” Wrapping her arms around him, she squeezed. “When did you get in? Hands off my bacon, and who the heck is Linda?”

  “Slow your roll, sis. One at a time.” He kissed her cheek. “You look good. Not like a groomsman but good looking.”

  “I’m a fill-in, not the real deal.” Mixed emotions rose within her. Now, there was no reason for her to be around that one particular groomsman who was the CFO of his own company. Her smile faltered. She got it back in place, but her eagle-eyed sibling had already caught it.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Noting. Let’s eat.” When she’d flown in, he’d already been called away, so this was the first she’d seen him in a year. Back looking at her plate, she continued choosing food. “I want to know about Linda.”

  “Woman I’m dating.”

  “And, I’ve not heard her name for what possible reason?”

  He took a large helping of eggs. “Because you have a penchant of being nosy and nasty.”

  She sniffed with indignation. “I view it as protective.”

  “I’m never going to find a woman you approve of.”

  “I’m making sure you don’t end up with a gold digger. You’re a wealthy and highly respected surgeon.” She found a table. “I have to protect you.”

  He sat across from her. “I’m the older brother.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of that. And, you’ve taken great care of me. I’m protective of you; sue me.”

  “Linda is just fun.”

  “Nothing serious, then?”

  “Like others I’m acquainted with, I’m too busy for something serious.” He gave her a pointed look.

  “That’s you and your groomsmen, not me. I happen to be in the middle of a very meaningful relationship.”

  His bushy brows converged. “Tell me his name isn’t Bob.”

  Mindy nearly spit her cranberry juice at him. Choking, she blinked away tears. “I can’t…just… Oh, I need to pretend I didn’t hear that come out of your mouth.”

  “So, it is, then” he stated with that smug grin she’d despised since childhood. It smacked of condescension.

  “What is what, then?”

  She glanced to her left and saw the rest of the groomsmen and Todd walking up, plates in hand. Moments later, tables had been shoved together, and she was completely surrounded by men. Todd and Rory flanked her.

  “Mind if we join you?” Todd asked.

  “Nope,” Kurt replied.

  Kinda late to be asking. Mindy was torn. On one hand, she enjoyed the guys and loved how happy her brother was around them, not to mention she got to see Donal. But, she wanted time with her brother. He was her family, and she was feeling possessive.

  These are his friends. I need to be understanding. She berated herself for her selfish thoughts and pasted a smile on her face.

  Rory nudged her. “How was your night?”

  “Fine, thank you. Yours?”

  He leaned in close. “Lonely.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I doubt that.” Donal’s brother was good looking, but he did nothing for her. Period. Figures. I’m surrounded by handsome men, and the one who I’m attracted to is the one who they have plans to marry off.

  Down at the end of the table was that specific person. He didn’t speak much, but his gaze drifted to her more than once. He wasn’t the only one. Tim and Roland watched them both.

  Interesting. Wonder what’s going on there.

  “We’re playing golf today, Mindy. You in?” Todd called out to her.

  “No, no. My stint as stand-in groomsman has come to an end.” Collective groans came in the wake of her claim.

  “Feeling unloved here,” her brother said.

  Todd laughed. “She’s prettier than you. Pulled Donal in the water during our boat race. Even had him laughing.”

  “Is that a fact?” Kurt lifted an eyebrow in her direction then faced Donal. “Seriously? You would have tried to take my head off if I’d done that to you.” Back to his sister. “And, I emphasis try.”

  “Like Todd said, she’s prettier than you.”

  Mindy fought the flush scampering up her cheeks. Hopefully, he can’t see it.

  A fruitless wish for Kurt’s gaze narrowed on her a fraction, and she was one hundred percent positive she was busted.

  “So, you had the stuffed shirt

  Mindy shot them a brilliant smile. “People like me. Besides, I was already in the water, so it wasn’t like I stayed dry as I shoved.”

  He crossed his arms. “Who pushed you?”

  “Dude, she was singing the Rocky theme, man,” Roland spilled.

  Kurt laughed, although his gaze warned her he wasn’t letting it go. “By all means, she deserved it, then. Really, Mindy? Still with Rocky?”

  “It’s a classic.”

  They all began talking and eating; with a group of ten men, it got loud. She allowed them to catch up and talk. Hard as she tried, she was unable to refrain from looking down the tables to Donal.

  He hadn’t worn a suit today, and she approved wholeheartedly with the way his pale gray shirt hugged broad shoulders. Jeans, maybe? She couldn’t be positive since she’d done her best to avoid peering in his direction when they’d approached.

  Top half is nice. So damn nice.

  “What are you doing, then, if you’re not living the itinerary?” another of the groomsmen asked; Jason was his name.

  “Enjoying my day.” She grinned as Todd wrapped his arm around her.

  “You know you’re welcome to join us.”

  “I’m good. You boys go have fun. Create havoc; do whatever you do before you lose one of your own to the sanctity of marriage.”

  They all laughed. “Todd’s the first to take said plunge. We don’t know what we do before.” Roland’s comment had more laughter coming.

  She had some ideas but kept them to herself. Pushing to her feet, she glanced around. What a wonderful group.

  “Leave it.”

  “Huh?” She looked at her brother.

  “Your dish. They’ll get it. Leave it be.”

  She forced the smile to remain in place. This was beginning to be unpleasant. Money aside, especially since she’d grown up with very little, she was used to doing things herself. “Have fun.”

  Kurt rose. “I’ll walk you out.”

  “I’m capable—” She shut her mouth at his look. With a sigh, she began toward the exit. He navigated to her side, halting her progress with a hand on her forearm.

  “What’s going on with you?”

  She scowled at him. “Nothing.”

  “You couldn’t keep your eyes off Donal, yet you tried, so I’ll ask, again. What’s going on?”


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