Cursed Heart (After Dark Book 4)

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Cursed Heart (After Dark Book 4) Page 17

by Sarah Bailey

The two of them ignored her.

  “Rex. Stop. I need you to stop. Please.”

  If Eli got the upper hand, if he killed Rex, she didn’t know how she would go on.


  Felise crossed over to her.

  “Leave them to it. They need to work this out between them. Adam is right. It was always going to end this way.”

  The fae strode towards the party behind them. Izzy watched her as she fell to her knees before her queen, head bowed. She couldn’t hear what was said, but she knew it could be nothing good. Turning back to the twins, she found that both of them were stripping out of their clothes. They were going to fight as panthers. She ran, putting herself in between them.

  “Stop this, both of you.”

  “Izzy, get out of the way,” Rex said.

  “No. Don’t do this. Without Felise’s magic, he will die. Don’t you see? You don’t have to be the one to end his life.”

  “It has to be like this.”

  She crossed the field towards him, putting a hand on his bare arm.

  “Please. I won’t survive if he kills you.”

  She put a hand on her stomach. His eyes drifted towards it, brows drawn down.

  “Please, Rex. For me. Please, stop for me.”

  “I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  She needed to tell him the truth. Before she had a chance to open her mouth, he stepped around her and the next moment he was a panther. She’d lost her chance. She spun around just in time to see Rex launch himself at Eli’s panther. She jumped out of the way, backing off so she wasn’t caught in the crossfire. Rex and Eli were going to fight to the death.

  Tears fell down her cheeks again. Why hadn’t she just told him? Why was it so hard? She shook herself. Turning away back towards where the wolf pack stood, she strode over finding Evan in the assembled party. She pulled him aside.

  “You need to help me stop this.”

  “I can’t intervene without Dalia’s say so,” he replied, sympathy in his expression.

  “You don’t understand… Rex doesn’t know. If he did, he wouldn’t do this.”

  “Doesn’t know what?”

  “I… It’s…”

  She fidgeted under his gaze before taking a deep breath.

  “Evan, I’m pregnant.”

  It came out louder than she expected. Several heads turned towards them, including Gareth and Dalia’s, shock in their eyes. She cursed under her breath.

  “Wait… what? You’re… and he doesn’t know. Why didn’t you tell him?”

  “Because I only found out this morning for sure. I’ve been trying to tell him all day.”

  “Fuck, Izz.”

  He turned to the rest of the wolves, eyes on his Alpha.

  “Dalia, we can’t let them kill each other.”

  The grey-eyed woman was silent. Her expression bore no indication of what she planned to do. Izzy took a step towards her, putting her hands out.

  “Eli killed their entire family after their father tried to kill Rex. He blamed the twins because their mother committed suicide. I think their father was violent and abusive. Please, Dalia, if Rex knew… he wouldn’t, he couldn’t. Not when he has no family left. Eli is going to die because he can’t survive without me completing the ritual. What is the point of them fighting? What if Rex ends up dead?”

  She couldn’t do this alone. Risking her child by intervening was not an option. If the circumstances were different, she would’ve shifted by now and joined in. She would’ve protected Rex with her own life. The fae wouldn’t help. They were standing there watching the twins circling each other. Felise’s hands were bound. Her head was still bowed as if she dared not look at the man she loved.

  “What do you want me to do?” Dalia asked.

  “Just help me stop them from killing each other.”

  “Rex won’t thank us, but you’re right. We need to put an end to this.”

  She nodded at the wolf pack. All ten of the assembled party began to strip down. Izzy averted her eyes. One by one, they shifted to wolves. She recognised Evan as the only auburn wolf. Gareth was sandy coloured and the rest, varying shades of brown, black and grey. They bounded off in the direction of the twins. Some kept their distance whilst the others tried to put themselves between the two panthers.

  There was a cacophony of growling and howls. Izzy flinched. She wanted to run to Rex and wrap her arms around his neck. To keep him from going after his brother or any of the wolves. They began to form a protective ring around Rex. Preventing Eli from getting at him. Rex growled at the wolves, but he didn’t move to attack any of them.

  She watched in abject horror as Eli launched himself at the nearest wolf, clamping down on its hind leg. It yelped in pain as Eli’s teeth drew blood. Another wolf slammed into Eli’s side, causing him to let go. He rolled away and launched himself at the other wolf. The injured one limped away back towards where Izzy, Dalia and the fae stood.

  “He’s not going to back down, is he?” Izzy asked.

  “No,” Dalia replied. “He’s outnumbered and he knows it, but he’ll fight to the death.”

  “This is insane.”

  “It’s the shifter way. As Alpha, I have had my fair number of challenges. Young and foolish wolves. Egos get in the way of common sense. Places in the pack are won by strength, but only the position of Alpha is a fight to the death.”

  Izzy shuddered at Dalia’s words. She hadn’t realised shifter life was so brutal. There was so much about this world she didn’t understand.

  “How many?”

  “Ten. No one seeks to challenge me anymore.”

  “Because you’re female?”

  “Precisely. It goes against the grain with some, but most are loyal. No one dares question my authority now.”

  “I thought females were important, to carry on the shifter line. At least that’s what Gareth said.”

  She’d spoken to him on more than one occasion about the subject of shifter life. There were so many questions she needed answering. She didn’t want to be pestering Rex all the time. The injured wolf shifted back as he reached them. His expression pained, blood dripping from his leg. Dalia picked up the backpack by her feet before unzipping it and striding over to the wolf.

  “It’s okay, Pete,” she said.

  He offered his leg to her. She pulled out bandages and began to wrap the wound. It would heal, but they needed to stem the blood first.

  Izzy glanced at the ensuing fight. Eli had pinned another wolf and the rest were trying to dislodge him. Rex sat away from them, surveying the scene. The wind ruffled his black fur. He’s so beautiful. Inky, black fur perfectly groomed.

  Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out, checking the caller ID. Frowning, she answered it.


  “Hello, Izzy. I have good news.”

  Now really isn’t the time.


  “I know how you can reject the bond.”

  “You do? Oh… Oh!”

  This was the exact news she needed. If she could stop the possibility of Eli completing the ritual, then this would all go away.

  “It’s quite simple really—”

  “Alistair, I need you to come to Richmond Park.”

  “Um… why?”

  “Because Rex, Eli and the wolf pack are fighting and the fae queen is here. To be honest, things are bad, but you can help me stop this.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “Please, I’ll explain it, but I need to break the bond otherwise they’re going to kill each other.”

  “Right, I suppose I’ll have to give up a night in with Grace and that cat of hers, but if the world is in danger, I might as well be the hero.”

  She rolled her eyes. She’d gotten used to Alistair and his narcissism.

  “Alastair, are you inflating your ego again?” she heard Grace’s muffled voice.

  “No, love, of course not.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  Izzy coughed. She didn’t want to get in the middle of whatever was between the two of them.

  “Right, sorry. I’ll be there. Just tell me exactly where you are.”

  She told him their location and he promised he’d be but a moment. She’d been in one of his portals before so she believed him. Dalia had finished patching up her injured pack member.

  “Alistair is coming. He knows how I can reject the bond. I can put a stop to this,” Izzy said.

  “Good,” Dalia replied, her eyes on the rest of the pack. “He needs to hurry.”

  Izzy followed her line of sight. Her blood froze. Eli’s jaws were within a hair’s breadth of Rex’s neck.


  Chapter Twenty Two

  She didn’t think about what was at stake anymore. She took off at a run.

  “Izzy!” Dalia called.

  All she could think about was protecting Rex from Eli. She knew if she shifted, she couldn’t hide her pregnancy any longer. Rex would smell it. She couldn’t worry about that. Not even when she saw a blinding flash of purple to her right. Alistair stepped out of the portal with Grace by his side. His eyes widened.

  “Izzy…?” he called.

  She couldn’t stop. She slammed into Eli’s side. Sending him off balance.

  “Stop. Both of you stop.”

  Eli turned on her, bearing his teeth, his growl low. Rex was in front of her in moments. Protecting his mate. She didn’t need him putting himself in harm’s way any longer.

  She heard a voice behind her.

  “Izzy, repeat these words - I am unbound. I am free. I have no master. I bow to no one. Our bond will break and I will not be commanded.”

  Alistair was telling her how to reject the bond. She turned. He was a little way off, his arm wrapped around Grace. She was eying the wolves with trepidation. Izzy gave them a grateful nod before turning back to the two panthers.

  “This ends now. If I speak those words, you will cease to be.”

  Eli growled again. She reached out, holding onto Rex’s shoulder. She didn’t want him going after Eli.

  “I won’t do it unless you want me to, Rex. I won’t end his life without your say so. But there’s something you should know.”

  Rex looked up at her, blinking. She kept an eye on Eli, kneeling beside Rex. Her eyes level with his. She touched his face, stroking her fingers through the fur on his cheek.

  “Rex… We’re… You’re… I’m…”

  She had to say it. There was nothing left stopping her.

  “We’re having a baby.”

  Rex was still for a long moment. The only sound in the air was of the wind rustling through the trees beyond them.

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. I just… I didn’t know how.”

  A single tear slipped down her cheek. But neither of them got a chance to say anything more. Izzy was knocked off her feet. She landed on her side. Eli pinned her to the dirt.

  “Eli, please. I don’t want to say those words. I don’t want to be the one to take your life.”

  There were sounds of movement behind her.

  “Think about this. You’re outnumbered. If you end me, you end your own life.”

  “Elias,” came Rex’s voice.

  Eli whipped his head around. Izzy turned, staring at the naked form of her boyfriend. He’d shifted back.

  “Haven’t you taken enough from me? You took our family, everything we knew and turned it to ash.”

  His green, gold eyes flickered with agony.

  “You might have bitten her, but she was made for me. For me.” He pointed to himself. “I love her, Eli. She is everything. You hear me, Izzy, you are everything. I want to be with you, marry you and raise our kid together.”

  Tears blurred her vision. She couldn’t breathe. He wants to marry me and be there for our kid? Oh… oh, Rex!

  “Don’t take her away from me. I don’t care what else you do, just don’t take her.”

  Eli looked down at her. He stepped off her before shifting back to a human. He dragged her to her feet and pulled her over to where his clothes were left in a pile.

  “Stay,” he grunted.

  He dressed quickly. Izzy was still in shock over what Rex had said. Marry me. He wants that even though we haven’t been together long. Eli gripped her arm again.

  “This has to end,” she whispered. “All of it. Can’t you understand that?”

  There was a crunch in the grass. They both looked over towards where Rex and the wolves stood. Alistair had joined them with Grace still tucked under his arm.

  “There’s something else you should know. Something your fae friend won’t have told you. The bond… it’s not meant for this. It’s for lovers. If you force her to accept it, if you tether your life force to hers, you’ll kill her child,” Alistair said. “You’ll kill their baby because it won’t be yours. Only the one you’re bound to will be able to give you a child. Do you understand? You’ll destroy what’s between them.”

  “How do you know this?” Rex asked, turning to the witch.

  “I got answers from the Alpha of the pack near my parents. Toby didn’t hesitate when I informed him of the situation. He hoped the practice of bonding had died out. It’s why it’s not well known in the community.”

  Rex turned back towards Eli and Izzy. His fists clenched at his side, his expression tense.

  “Eli, please. Don’t take her.”

  Silence. Izzy didn’t know what to say. If Eli didn’t listen, her baby would die.

  “Come with me, don’t say a word,” Eli said.

  He dragged her away. She put her hand up, stopping the rest of them from coming after her. When they were out of earshot, he released her, taking a few steps back.

  “I can’t stand seeing him like this. I never could. When our father beat him, it tore at my soul. I never wanted to cause him pain, not Adam.”

  He paced away. Her heart broke.

  “I’ve ruined everything between us. How can he think I’d want to kill his kid? I took our family away. How can I destroy his hope of having a new one? He’s right. I don’t deserve any mercy. I deserve nothing.”

  He turned, striding back over to her. He placed a hand on her stomach. She tried not to flinch.

  “You’ll keep him safe for me, won’t you? Protect them always.”

  “I will.”

  “Then you have to do it.”

  His hand dropped. She stared up at him, unshed tears blurring her vision. He was asking her to end it. How could she do that? Rex would never forgive her. When he looked at her, he’d see the woman who killed his brother even if she was also the mother of his child. She put a hand on her stomach.

  “I can’t.”

  “You can. If you love him, you’ll do this. You’ll end it.”

  “But you’re his brother. His twin. How can you ask me to end your life?”

  He gave her a smile, placing both hands on her shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze.

  “He shouldn’t have to do it again, Izzy. Spare him that.”

  “How will he be able to look at me knowing I killed you?”

  “You’re not killing me, you’re setting me free. Don’t you see?”

  She shook her head. How could death set him free?

  “You’re going to make a great mother, Izzy. He’ll be okay. He’ll understand. There’ll be nothing to forgive.”

  She glanced at where the rest of them stood. Rex had gotten dressed again. The wolves stood around him, the wind ruffling their fur. Alistair gave her a nod. She nodded back. Turning her attention to Rex, she felt a tear slip down her cheek. She mouthed the words ‘I love you’. She didn’t catch his reaction. She turned back to Eli. Could she really do this? Could she say those words and give him what he wanted? A way out.

  “Okay. I’ll do this for you. I don’t want to, but I will.”

  “Thank you. It’s the only way.”

  He released her, taking several steps back. She took a breath. She
knew what to say.

  “I am unbound. I am free. I have no master. I bow to no one. Our bond will break and I will not be commanded.”

  The finality of it sunk in like a lead weight. It made her heart ache. A light flared between the two of them for a moment. It cleared. She felt a searing pain across her chest. The bond tore away, leaving her with a sense of loss she couldn’t even begin to process.

  Eli smiled at her. He collapsed to his knees. She was immediately by his side, laying him down on the ground. She sat with his head in her lap. She stroked his hair. Eli wasn’t going to die alone. She was determined to ease his passing.


  She looked up. Rex ran towards them, falling to his knees. He took Eli’s hand.

  “I’m sorry, Adam,” Eli said, looking up at his brother. “I’m sorry for everything. You deserve more. You always did.”


  “No, it’s okay. I asked her to. She didn’t want to, but she needed to. I can’t go on like this. I can’t take her away from you. She’s yours. I hope you’re happy together.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Me too.”

  Izzy reached out, taking Rex’s other hand, their fingers entwining.

  “We’ll be here to the end,” she said.

  He nodded at her. His eyes shining with unshed tears.

  “Till the end.”

  Eli closed his eyes.

  “Goodbye, little brother.”

  His breathing became shallow. Izzy stroked his hair again. A small smile appeared on his lips.

  “Goodbye sweet angel who saved both of us.”

  She couldn’t hold back any longer. Tears slipped down her cheeks. Eli might have done some terrible things, but right now, he was just Rex’s brother and he was dying. There was a cacophony of howls from the wolves. Izzy recognised it as respect for the dead, the dying. Gareth had explained many aspects of shifter life to her during her shifts at The Werehouse. Slowly, she was beginning to understand her new community.

  “Rex, I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “It’s not your fault, Izzy.”

  “No, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my pregnancy straight away. I didn’t know how you would take it. I forgot to take the pill after Alan and well… I should’ve known better.”


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