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Drakan (Scifi Alien Romance) (Galactic Mates)

Page 11

by Luna Hunter

  Janko frowns. “And take in millions of Zoran willingly? I doubt it. Regardless, we are forced to rely on the help of the humans. That virus has wrecked everything. Even with the Tyk’ix defeated, the damage they have done is irreparable.”

  “Like what?” I growl, ignoring the pain in every inch of my body. Before I can pass out due to the pain, I want to know exactly what kind of world I have woken up in.

  “The virus has reached the Archives. All our scientific data, our charts of the universe, it has all been deleted or corrupted. Even our engines themselves seem to be damaged irreparably. Technology-wise, we’ve been set back hundreds of years. We can reach Earth, we have enough power for that, and we can use the stars themselves to navigate there… but the rest of the galaxy is closed off.”

  I close my eyes and absorb this new information.

  We have won the battle, but have we lost the war? No, we are still alive, breathing and free. It is a setback, that is for sure, but also a new opportunity.

  If we lost our star-charts, we’ll simply make another!

  With the help of the humans, we can achieve everything we want. With Hannah by my side, there is nothing I can’t do. I have a new lease on life

  “Enough talk,” Hannah says. “Let’s get you to a med-bay!”

  “Yes, Captain,” I smirk.



  I’ve never been through such a rollercoaster of emotions. Just when I thought Drakan was gone forever, we picked up a faint life-signal on our scanners. He was clinging on to life. Barely so.

  Now, I have my red Zoran warrior in my arms once more. He’s battered, bruised and scarred, but he’s alive.

  “Careful,” he growls as I clean his wounds.

  “I know.” I smile. “Don’t worry.”

  I removed his armor. He’s naked except for a sheet covering his jaw-dropping frame. There’s nothing I want to do more than jump his bones right this second, but he’s not in that sort of physical state quite yet.

  He reaches out for me and grabs my hand, his fingers interlocking with mine. A warmth spreads through me from the simplest touch.

  I never thought I’d experience a moment like this again, so I’m savoring every second of it.

  “I’m happy you came back,” he says.

  “So am I,” I tell him.

  He reaches up and brushes a strand of my hair out of my face, his fingers resting against my cheek. Drakan pulls me in close and I close my eyes, my lips parting.

  The moments we kiss it’s fireworks all over again. His body might be injured, but his tongue certainly isn’t. I feel connected to him, our minds as one as our tongues meet; our lips touch, our hearts beat in unison.

  Instantly I feel a heat spread throughout my entire body, every inch of me aching for his touch. I still remember how good his hands feel on my body, how good his cock felt inside of me, and how skilled his tongue is.

  Maybe I can climb onto his face? His tongue is working fine…

  Just when that wicked thought grows through my mind, the door to the the med-bay whirs open. I stand up straight, gasping for air, and find myself standing face to face with King Vinz himself.

  “I hope I’m not interrupting anything?” he says.

  “N-no,” I stammer, my cheeks burning bright red. “I was just applying some, uhh, medication.”

  Vinz doesn’t respond, but his eyes seem to be smiling. He steps into the room and offers his hand to me. I shake it, tentatively, looking up at the silver-colored giant.

  “I understand that the Zoran people are in your debt, Hannah?”

  “Oh, no,” I say. “I just did what anyone would have done.”

  “Bullshit,” Drakan growls. “You saved all of us.”

  “Indeed,” Vinz says. “You will be honored, Hannah Kingsley, for the rest of time. The Zoran people will not forget what you did for us. And the same goes for you, General Drakan. Your sacrifice saved our planet from certain destruction.”

  “You’re welcome,” Drakan chuckles, then winces from the pain.

  “I won’t overstay my welcome,” Vinz announces with a polite nod. “I will leave you two alone.”

  The moment the doors close behind him, Drakan’s hands are pulling me back down, his lips finding mine once again.

  It’ll take quite a while before we reach Earth, and I’m going to spend all of it right here…


  Three months later


  “Drakan, not now!”

  “Come on,” he growls as he kisses my neck, his hands moving down my body. “We’ve got time.”

  “No, we don’t,” I protest as I try to push his hands away — to no avail, of course. They slide up my dress, feeling my naked skin. I’m trying to finish applying my makeup, but it’s hard to focus when a Zoran warrior is actively trying to undress you. “It’s never a quickie with you.”

  “Yet you never complain,” my Zoran lover smirks.

  “Of course not,” I say.

  I’ve never known what good sex was until I met Drakan. He’s got the body of a god and the stamina of a horse. Perhaps more than just the stamina… he’s insatiable. It’s been six months since the events of Exon Prime, yet he still wants to take me two, three times a day, often waking me up at night as well.

  I’m not complaining, but we really don’t have time now. The Federation is holding a banquet in our honor. We can’t be late for that.

  He lifts up my dress, his skilled fingers touching my lips.

  “You’re wet,” he growls into my ear.

  “Of course I am, you dolt; I always when I’m around you, but we don’t have tiiii—”

  My voice breaks when Drakan enters me from behind, the head of his cock easily sliding into my pussy. Betrayed by my own body yet again!

  “Oh god,” I moan when his cock fills me up, sending waves of pleasure throughout my entire body. I’m leaning over the sink, holding onto it for support as I bite my lip to stop from screaming.

  Drakan’s hands grab my waist, easily lifting me up as he slides his cock further into me.

  “Be quick,” I pant. “Fill me up.”

  “I’ll take my time,” he growls, his voice low and animalistic as he buries his cock all the way inside of me. “Just the way you like it.”

  We arrive only thirty minutes late, which is a quickie by Drakan’s standards. My cheeks are more flushed and my hair more tousled than I’d like, but all in all I look rather respectable.

  Especially for a woman that has just been ravaged by an insatiable alien warrior.

  Drakan looks absolutely stunning in a tuxedo.

  We walk into the high class restaurant in New Atlanta hand in hand, and to my surprise, we are welcomed by thunderous applause. The restaurant is filled to the gills with humans and Zorans a like.

  In the past couple of days, since returning to Earth, I have met quite a few other women that are all involved with Zorans. Riley, Zoey, Michelle, Cindy, Mia and Olivia. They’re all as pregnant as can be, but they’re all here, their big bellies filling beautiful dresses. They invited me out for dinner last night, and I had a blast swapping stories about our strong-willed alien mates. It’s nice to meet people who have similar experiences; who know what it’s like to have a seven-foot-tall warrior for a mate.

  Evelyn’s a little jealous, but nothing can replace her as my best friend, of course. I see her across the room, sitting next to Brock, my adorable little brother.

  In the end, it turned out all my worrying about him running away was for nothing. He went to our old home, where Mr. Pullman found him soon after he called me. I’m never leaving Brock’s side again — that’s for sure! Luckily, Drakan and Brock get along perfectly. My little brother now has a tall and imposing Zoran to look up to. He’s already told me he wants to be just like Drakan when he grows up. I told him he needs a whole lot of vegetables to achieve that feat.

  Meanwhile, Drakan is shaking hands with all the other Zorans present. Bes
ides Janko and Vinz, there’s Thabo, Bojan, Novak, Dusan, Zivan and Vukan. Each one as tall, as broad-shouldered, and as impressive as the next.

  Two spots at the main table have been reserved for us, next to Thabo and Riley Harper, the human Minister of Interplanetary Affairs. I sit down next to Drakan, my hand finding his underneath the table.

  Everyone is smiling at us, and it’s making me nervous. I don’t like being the center of attention, but I guess that comes with being the guests of honor.

  King Vinz taps his glass and stands up. The room falls silent as the silver-colored man rises.

  “Friends. On behalf of Zorans everywhere, I want to extend my gratitude to the Federation. In our time of need, you have come to our aid. The Federation has selflessly offered us Zorans a place to stay; a planet to call our home. We cannot thank you enough, but we must decline. Earth belongs to the humans. We must find a new home; a new planet where we can rebuild. However, until that time has come, we will live here alongside you, and no matter what, we will never forget your hospitality.”

  He pauses for a brief moment, and the room erupts in applause. When it quiets down a bit, he continues.

  “We are here today to honor Hannah and Drakan. It is without a hint of overstatement when I say that these two have singlehandedly saved our species, and the universe at large. Zorans and humans alike owe them a great deal. To you.”

  Everyone stands up to applaud us, and I don’t know where to look from sheer embarrassment. The only thing I can do is nod and say thank you over and over again. Just when I think it’s over, Riley stands up to deliver another speech. I realize this is going to be a long, long night!

  “Ladies and gentleman. First of I want to thank Vinz for his kind words. The Zorans are our allies, and they are always welcome here on Earth. Our home is your home. I’d like to take this moment to address the future of the Federation, for we are at a turning point in history. Hannah and Drakan are deserving of every bit praise, for they have stopped the Tyk’ix threat — however, this doesn’t mean that the short-lived war hasn’t done quite a lot of damage. As some of you may know: the AI those aliens created has done considerable damage, all across the universe. Star charts everywhere have been corrupted, including here on Earth. The Intergalactic Alliance has disbanded itself, its species now looking inward. The trust the intergalactic peace has been built on has been broken.

  “It is now up to humanity to boldly look forward. It is up to us to create a new alliance; a better one, that will stand the test of time. We want to create a universal society based on justice and equality for all. That is why I’d like to take this moment to announce the forming of a new agency. One dedicated to training human ambassadors, who will travel the universe, mapping the unknown, in search of new worlds to explore. We will find the Zorans a new home, and we will create a new galactic community.

  “But first, we will eat and drink and celebrate Hannah and Drakan. Cheers!”

  Everyone raises their glass in unison. I share my toast with Drakan, my mate, for now and forever. I’m very happy the Federation has been so kind to give the Zorans a home here on Earth, even though it’s only temporarily. There are struggles ahead, as our two peoples have to learn how to co-exist, but I know everything will be alright in the end.

  I have Drakan, I have Brock, I have Evelyn, and a whole new group of humans and Zorans I can call my friends.

  Life couldn’t be better.


  Thanks for reading!

  This is the end of the Galactic Mates series, but of course, not the end for the Zoran! They are in desperate need of a new homeworld, and the galaxy need to be charted once more…

  So that is what my new series will be all about! If you sign up for my newsletter, I’ll let you know when the next book comes out!

  If this was your first entry in the Zoran universe: I hope you enjoyed your stay! Read on for the first two chapters of Alien General’s Baby, the book that started it all, and that first introduced Vinz.

  Warmest regards,


  Preview of Alien General’s Baby

  1. Jillian

  Oh boy.

  I’ve heard only rumors about the ruthless Zoran. Some say they are seven feet tall and all bulging muscle, with sharp fangs and devilish horns, and eyes as red as fire. All I know for sure is that they are the most powerful force in the galaxy, and we humans have stayed clear of them.

  Until now.

  I have no idea how to act around such infamous intergalactic killers. I am a geneticist, not a psychologist or a sociologist. I prefer to spend my time in the lab rather than mingling with people, and the intricacies of interspecies etiquette are absolutely lost on me.

  At the moment, however, I’m concerned with more pressing matters.

  What the hell am I going to wear?!

  The Vonnegut glides its plotted course around Earth, the silence of space a stark contrast to the pandemonium inside my quarters as I desperately search my closet for appropriate attire. I had thought picking an outfit for my brother’s wedding was hard. What are you supposed to wear to an interspecies first contact?

  “Try the black dress,” my assistant Kelly shouts. “I got the perfect heels to match it.”

  I roll my eyes. I’m a woman of science, more at ease in a lab coat than a little black dress, and I am not about to go down in history as the klutz who tripped on her heels and spilled hot coffee on a Zoran General and accidentally incited an intergalactic war, thank you very much.

  “What about my lab coat?” I ask Kelly. “I could just wear that. It’s distinguished and lends me an air of credibility… right?”

  “Pff,” Kelly blows me off. “Who cares about any of that? You should look hot,” she says gleefully. “It’s your special night! Your first gala as head of the Bioscience program! Don’t you want to impress those Zoran warriors? I’ve heard they’re huge, with hands twice as big as our own… and you know what they say about aliens with big hands…”

  “Is alien junk all you can think about?” I ask.

  Kelly grins mischievously. “Don’t tell me it hasn’t crossed your mind.”

  “Never,” I lie.

  Kelly is my best friend, and has been with me throughout my entire career. Wherever I go, she goes. We couldn’t be more different, but it works for us: I’m curvy with an unruly bush of brown curls, while Kelly has a slim figure and straight, golden-blonde hair. Furthermore, I’m perpetually single, while Kelly somehow manages to combine our grueling hours in the lab with an active dating life. How she juggles all her responsibilities is absolutely beyond me, but she pulls it off.

  Together we lead a team with an intimidating but extremely important goal: to cure the black cough. Our planet is buckling under its own weight, and the uncontrolled polluting of the environment throughout the 21st century is now causing massive illnesses all around the globe. Those unfortunate souls who can’t afford to live in the luxury high-rises with their own filtered air systems are exposed to contaminated air on a daily basis.

  I’m fortunate enough to live up here on the Vonnegut now, but my brother Michael still lives on the outskirts of New Atlanta, working in a plant to support his family. I raised him, and my desire to provide a better life for him is what gave me the drive to get where I am today.

  Of course, I’ve had to make quite a few sacrifices to get where I am. I’ve missed more birthdays than I’m willing to count, and worst of all, the birth of my niece, Claire. She’s four years old now, but I haven’t been back to Earth since she was a baby. I tell myself I’m helping them with my research… but at times, that feels hollow.

  The Zoran might be the answer. They’re superior to us in every way — physically and technologically — but they’re not known for their helpfulness. I have no idea why they’re even coming here or what they want from us. We are just a blip on the intergalactic radar, after all, but I fear the worst.

  But before I can cure all of Earth’s problems, I still need
to settle on a dress.

  “What about this one?” I hold out something a little conservative: a drab, gray dress that would attract zero attention. Kelly instantly wrinkles her nose at me.

  “What are you, eighty?” Kelly says. “The invitation clearly says black-tie, honey. The black dress it is!”

  I sigh deeply. “Do I have to? I don’t think I’ve ever worn heels.”

  “Then start practicing,” Kelly says. “I don’t see why you’re complaining. You get to witness history! I’d love to meet a Zoran General. I’ve heard they’re absolutely dreamy…”

  “I’ve heard they drink the blood of their enemies,” I throw back at her, “so excuse me for not being too happy about it!”

  “Ooh, primal,” Kelly laughs. “Me likey.”

  “You’re unbelievable.”

  “You know it. Now get in that dress!”

  I yield to her demands and shimmy my way into the black garment. I smooth it with my hands as I look at myself in the mirror, and I have to admit it looks good on me. And that is not something I admit lightly. The midnight black fabric accentuates my chestnut brown eyes and autumn leaf colored hair, and it hugs my curves in all the right places. In fact I don’t think a dress has ever fit me better.

  “See,” Kelly says as she stands next to me, completing my look with a golden necklace. “You look stunning. Ready to snatch yourself a Senator… or perhaps a Zoran general?” She teases.

  I shiver at the thought. From a scientific point of view, we can learn so much from the Zoran, but that is not what Kelly is hinting at.

  She wants me to acquaint myself with their physiology.


  I laugh it off, but thoughts fill my head. She’s planted a seed of curiosity in my mind with all this talk, and now it’s going to be tough to shake the thought.

  2. Vinz

  I effortlessly glide my warship, class-A cruiser The Pathfinder, through human space and start up the docking procedure. My ship, one of the smallest and most agile in our fleet, is still several times the size of their paltry space station, the pinnacle of human development.


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