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Woodsman: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 4

by Abby Brooks

  “Well,” I whisper. “What are you waiting for?”

  Chapter Five

  And that’s that. He threads his fingers into my hair, makes a fist, and then twists his wrist so my hair wraps around his hand. Tugs so my face is tilted up to his. It’s aggressive. Dominant. I gasp and clench my thighs together as dampness pools between my legs. And then he presses his mouth to mine.

  Everything around me fades away. The song of the crickets singing below the stars. All the questions I have about who he is and why he’s really here. Even the creaking boards of this old porch. It’s just me and Ethan and the glory of his lips finally on mine again.

  We kiss until my mouth is swollen and sensitive from the roughness of his beard scratching against my skin. We kiss until I’m breathless. Until I’m burning.

  “Our first night together,” says Ethan, his fist still in my hair. His eyes blazing into mine. “I told you I’d make you come so hard no other man could ever satisfy you.”

  “I remember.” Oh hell, do I remember.

  “Did I live up to my promise?” He kisses my jawline, down to the soft spot just below my ear. “Has there been a man who could live up to me?” he whispers, his breath moving in my hair.

  “There hasn’t been any man since you.”

  Ethan pulls back, releases his grip on my hair. “What?” His eyes are hooded, his voice tortured.

  “You are all there ever was for me. Nothing before. Nothing since.”

  “Oh, you sweet thing. Then tonight, let me show you what it means to be mine.”

  He swoops me up, one hand under my knees, the other wrapped around my shoulders, and I’ve never felt so small in all my life. He flings open the door and carries me inside, pausing only for directions to the bedroom before stretching me out on my bed. I prop myself up on my elbows as he yanks off his t-shirt. I was right about the gun. It’s tucked into his waistband, a glaring reminder that I still have too many unanswered questions about this man. He takes it out and puts it on my dresser, gauging my reaction.

  I barely flinch. Ethan has had a gun in almost every single one of my fantasies since that night in the rain. It’s only icing on the cake that he’s got it tonight.

  “Get naked,” he says with a little lift of his chin.

  “Can’t I enjoy you first?” I prop myself up on my elbows. “I never got to see how beautiful you are.”

  His chest is every bit as muscular as I imagined, all those nights I lay on this bed touching myself. Tattoos cover every ounce of his arms, chest, and shoulders. Some of them wander down his sides, where his ab muscles blend with the ridges of his ribs and a series of scars etched into his lower abdomen.

  “I’ll give you every reason to enjoy me, but you gotta let me see you, Skye.”

  It’s only fair, I guess. I slide my shirt over my head and throw it on the floor, self-conscious about the way my stomach rolls and folds. All the bravery and bravado I’ve felt with him up to now bleeds out of me. Who am I to think a man like this would want anything to do with a woman like me? I wrap my arms around my stomach and wait for him to say something. Anything.

  Ethan kneels on the bed, the old springs creaking under his weight. “You’re everything I imagined you to be.” He meets my eyes. “Show me the rest.”

  He reaches around me, and with a practiced flick of his wrist, unhooks my bra. The straps slide off my shoulders and the fabric falls away from my breasts. Ethan plucks it from my body and drops it on the floor, cupping my head and lowering me back onto the waiting pillows before undoing my pants and sliding them off me in one smooth movement.

  I’m bared to him like I’ve never been to anyone. Totally naked and waiting his judgement. Ethan stands and studies me. “Spread your legs for me, baby.”

  I bite my lip and do as I’m told, feeling naughty and explicit and wonderful.

  “You’re fucking amazing,” he says. “I can’t believe I’m the only man who’s gotten to see how beautiful you are.”

  With that, he climbs on the bed and starts kissing up my legs. My pussy throbs with need and I’m wetter than I’ve ever been in all my life. His beard tickles first one thigh and then the other and then his tongue dances across my clit. Just a whisper of contact that makes my hips buck and I arch my back, desperate for more. Ethan licks up my slit and then slides a finger inside me.

  “Relax, baby. I’m going to make you feel so good.” And then he lowers his face between my legs and makes good on his promise, licking and sucking and working magic with his fingers. I writhe and moan, almost afraid of the power of the climax growing inside me. It’s too much, more than I’ve ever been able to do for myself, and I’m afraid to give in to it for fear that I’ll lose myself somewhere along the way.

  And then, all choice is removed from the situation. Whatever he’s doing, it’s more than I can handle. I cry out, my voice carrying through the house that was my grandmother’s, muscles clenching, little bursts of light peppering my vision. When I’m done, Ethan stands and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “That felt so good,” I moan, smiling up at him, already eager for more.

  “Oh, we’re just getting started, you sweet little thing.” Ethan undoes his pants and steps out of them, revealing a massive cock straining towards me. It’s even bigger than I remembered it. I widen my legs, inviting him in even as I wonder how in the world he’s going to fit.

  Ethan smiles and takes my invitation, climbing up onto the bed and lifting my legs. He positions himself at my entrance and then slides inside me with one slow thrust of his hips.

  And that’s all I know.

  He moves and the earth responds, quaking around me. I am nothing but sensation, nothing more than me and him joined together, moving in unison, our breaths hitching and catching. Moaning and sighing. Our names whispered between us. His cock stretches me to my limits, reaches to my very core, pounds into me time and again, a relentless rhythm driving me towards an unknown destination. And then I come and I forget all I know about who I am for one long, beautiful, earth-shattering moment.

  The next thing I know, Ethan is stretched out next to me, tracing a lazy finger along my collarbone. “Are you okay?” His voice is tender, intimate, and for some reason, it brings tears to my eyes.

  “Is it weird if I say I’m better than I’ve ever been in all my life?”

  “A little.” Ethan drops a wink at me. “But I like it.”

  “Well good,” I say and realize that despite the tears shimmering in my eyes, I’ve got a big old dorky grin spreading across my face.

  “You sure you’re okay?” he asks, eyes locked on mine.

  “Yeah. Just a little overwhelmed, I guess.” I swipe at the tears and roll onto my side, propping myself up with my elbow. “I mean, think about it. I was a little old to be a virgin when we first met. And consider how long it’s been since that night. And realize that you’re the only person I’ve been with in all my life. And I still barely know you.”

  Except, on some level, I feel like I know him better than I’ve ever known anyone. Which is ridiculous and probably a product of me reading too many romance novels and something I will absolutely not say out loud.

  “It’s true then? I’m really your one and only?”

  I blush. “It’s so embarrassing. You must think so badly of me.”

  “Not even a little bit.” He licks his lips. “You’re mine. In a way no one ever has been. It’s kind of an honor. And really fucking hot.”

  “I guess, as long as you don’t mind dealing with someone who has no idea what they’re doing in bed.”

  Ethan drops his gaze to my lips. “Oh believe me, sweet stuff. You know what you’re doing.”

  He grabs my hand and brings it to his cock, which is long and hard and ready for me again. I gasp and wrap my fingers around his shaft, thrilled by the intimacy of the moment.

  “Want to learn how to suck a cock, sweet stuff?” His voice is thick with lust and my body ignites.

y if you promise to teach me real good.”

  Chapter Six

  I have no intention of spending the night with Skye, but we fuck until the sun starts peeking up from behind the mountain range backed up against her house. And when we’re done, she snuggles up against me and falls sound asleep. So I stay, unable to sleep, studying her delicate features until I can’t stay still any longer.

  Careful not to wake her, I climb out of bed and pull on my pants, finally getting a good look at my surroundings. To call this house old would be an understatement of epic proportions. It’s almost literally crumbling down around her. The amount of repairs needed to make this place livable is astounding. What is a twenty-four-year-old woman doing in a place like this? Alone?

  After tucking my Glock into its holster and sliding it into my waistband, I wander the house, making a list of all the things she needs on my phone. My little cabin, small though it may be, is a palace next to this place. After my list is as full as I feel like I can handle right now, I head into the kitchen and find the coffee pot. It’s going to be a long day, what with the no sleeping and a mile-long list of shit to do at home. I’m going to need about a hundred cups of coffee to keep me on my feet. While it’s brewing, I find some eggs in the fridge and get them frying while a couple pieces of bread toast in the toaster. It’s nothing fancy, but the least I can do is make Skye some breakfast in bed.

  When the eggs are done, I slide them onto a plate I found in one of her many empty cabinets and drop the toast beside them.

  “Whatcha doin’?”

  I whirl, reaching for my gun, only to find Skye standing in the doorway wearing nothing but my shirt. It’s been a long time since someone has snuck up on me and I don’t like it. Not one bit.

  “Woah!” She jumps back and lifts her hands, showing me her palms. The fear dancing in her wide eyes is enough to make my stomach turn.

  As fast as I can, I drop my hand, hopeful she didn’t notice that I almost drew on her even though I know she did. “You scared me,” I say with a wide smile.

  “I see that.” She lowers her hands and steps into me, kissing me on the cheek. “Sorry about that,” she whispers before taking my earlobe ever so gently between her teeth.

  It’s like this woman has a direct line to my cock. It jumps to life, reminding me that it’s been at least three hours since I came inside her. “I made you some eggs,” I say, totally aware of how lame I sound and equally aware of her eyes on my dick.

  “Thank you,” she says. “They smell delicious.”

  I expect her to sit down, but she’s just standing there, biting her lip and staring at my hard-on. I bet if I told her to bend over the counter and let me fuck her, she’d do it. This woman is literally made for me, as eager to have me inside her as I am to get inside her. And as much as I want to tell her to sit down and eat her breakfast before it gets cold. I don’t. I decide to test my theory and see what she does. Lucky me, she’s more than eager to follow my directions.

  After she’s been thoroughly fucked and fed, I draw Skye in close for a kiss. “I hate to say it,” I whisper after letting go of her lips. “But I have to go. There’s a lot I need to do.” Poor Bay is probably prancing, his bladder so full it hurts, and yet I know he’ll hold it until I’m home. He’s a good dog.

  She pouts and then nods. “Yeah, I should probably get to work around here. The livestock isn’t going to feed itself.”

  “Livestock?” I can’t keep the shock out of my voice. “You have livestock?”

  Skye laughs. “Just some chickens and a couple of goats. It’s nothing like when my grandma ran the place. I just can’t keep up with it all.” There’s a hint of sadness hiding under that smile and I file it away as something to think about later.

  “You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” I pull her in close and squeeze her ass in both hands. Fuck its so perfect I don’t think I can leave. “Can I see you again tonight?”

  “I’d be hurt if you didn’t.”

  And with that, I kiss her one last time and then finally say goodbye. Pulling out of her driveway, I realize I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time. Hell, maybe happier than I’ve been, ever. And while I keep telling myself I didn’t come out here to find her, maybe she had more to do with the decision to move to Wistful than I want to admit.

  After a stop in town for another trip to the hardware store—Skye’s house needs more supplies than I have on hand—I make the long trip back to my cabin in the mountains. I wasn’t lying when I told Skye I had a lot to do. There’s a wall that needs rebuilt, a window that needs reframed, and I still haven’t caught my dinner yet.

  That’s right. Caught my dinner. There’s a lot that goes into disappearing and part of it is making sure there’s very little record of you anywhere. I’ve been in the hardware store twice now—paying cash mind you—but that means I’m going to need to lay low elsewhere. And since I have the skills I need to live off the land, I intend to do just that as much as I can. I’m thinking a little fish from the lake sounds downright delicious. Hell, maybe I’ll catch them, fillet them, and then bring them to Skye’s and feed her before I fuck her again. That sounds like one hell of a good night to me.

  I’m almost afraid to hope for something so wonderful. Almost afraid to believe that after all the years of living the way I did back in LA, doing the things I did to make a living, that I’m going to end up living a simple life like this. Living off the land, working until my back is sore and tired each night, but not too sore to fuck a good woman senseless. I’m not sure I deserve it, but I’m sure as hell not going to complain. Maybe, if I just sit real still and not rock the boat, God won’t notice that he’s letting good things happen to a bad man.

  Chapter Seven

  “So you’ve pretty much just been glowing lately.” Ali leans her elbows on the counter at Culpepper’s Pages and puts her chin in her hand. “Whatever could that be about?”

  “You know exactly what that’s about.” I lean back in one of the overstuffed chairs and kick my feet up on the coffee table.

  “Considering you’re my best friend and I should officially know everything there is to know about you, I know surprisingly little about this whole Ethan thing.” She sniffs and plays with a stack of bookmarks, straightening them even though they’re already straight. “I’m hurt.”

  “There’s just not a whole lot to tell.” And yet, I know if I start talking, I’ll never quiet down. Ethan is so much more than I ever expected.

  “Bullshit. One look at you tells me there’s a romance novel’s worth of stuff going on at the old homestead after you leave here at night.”

  I take a deep breath and let it out through my nose. My nights with Ethan has been amazing and totally weird all at the same time. “When we’re together,” I say picking at the hem of my shirt and smiling as I think of him. “It’s wonderful.” I look at Ali and then shrug. “Right up until it’s not.”

  She frowns, drawing her eyebrows together so that funny little crease shows up above the bridge of her nose. “That isn’t the answer I was expecting.”

  “I don’t know how to put it any other way. Like, when we’re together, which is almost every single moment of the day for the last week, might I add...” There it is again, the smile that I can’t stop from showing up whenever I think about Ethan. “It’s like the whole world just melts away. We talk about silly stuff and really deep honest, marrow of the soul kind of stuff. Hours pass and they feel like seconds while also feeling like a whole lifetime has gone by.”

  Ali straightens, drawing her brows together and tilting her head in question. “Huh?”

  I bite my lip. “It’s so hard to explain. I’ve only known him for a week and a half, but it feels like I’ve known him my whole life. And while time with him is over way before I’m ready, it’s also like each second matters more. Like every millisecond has meaning.”

  “You read too much romance.”

  “Maybe.” I lift my feet off the coffee table and le
t them drop to the ground. “Except then he gets into these really weird moods,” I say, suddenly desperate to share. “Like, we’ll hear something outside and he’ll draw his gun and go check all the windows and doors. Or maybe we don’t even have to hear anything and he’s just up, wanting to do a check around the house and barn.”

  Ali shakes her head. “That’s really strange, Skye.”

  “I know. And it makes me really uncomfortable.” The air conditioning unit kicks on and cool air rattle through the pipes in the walls. The familiar sound soothes me. So much about my life has changed in the last week, it’s nice to have little reminders that some things are still the same.

  “And by uncomfortable,” I continue. “I mean scared. Ethan scares me sometimes. I’m not sure if he’s good for me. I mean, I keep going back to that first night out in LA. What kind of man aims a gun at someone’s back, Ali?”

  My best friend’s face darkens. “He hasn’t hurt you or anything?”

  “God no. And see, as soon as I say something like that, like that he scares me, my heart goes all crazy trying to negate it. Because when I forget to worry about all the gun stuff, I feel safer with Ethan than I do anyone. But then he goes off like he thinks someone’s following us and then I don’t feel quite as safe. It’s all really unnerving and I don’t know what to think.”

  “So you feel safe with him, but he scares you.” Ali bites her bottom lip, an unfamiliar look dancing across her face. “And you’ve only known him a week, but it feels like a life time. This guy has you all over the place.”

  “He really does. I keep wondering if he’s good for me and then being sure he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me in the very next moment. It’s confusing.”


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