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Lucky You

Page 11

by Carl Hiassen

  Tony's boisterous possessiveness was meant to discourage other patrons from flirting with Amber, and it did. Unfortunately, it also discouraged excessive gratuities.

  Amber's only hope on this night was the icky-looking pair of rednecks at table seven, the same two who yesterday had left her a hundred-dollar tip on a credit card. The shorter man had arrived in a fresh suit of camouflage, while his ponytailed companion – the one who'd tried to buy her shorts – appeared not to have changed clothes or even shaved. Affixed across the orbit of his left eye was a new rubber bicycle patch; Amber tried not to imagine what was behind it. The faces of both men still bore the scabs of savage cuts, as if they'd gone at each other with razors. Amber could not dismiss the possibility.

  But for her purposes, the rednecks could not be crude and spooky and disgusting. They were handsome and sexy and sophisticated; Mel Gibson and Tom Cruise, sharing a plate of chicken wings. That's how Amber treated them. It wasn't easy, but a hundred bucks was a hundred bucks.

  "Honey," said the ponytailed one, "you's right about the White Rebel Brotherhood. They's a damn rock band."

  "You should see 'em live," Amber said. She set two cold Coronas on the table.

  The stumpy one in camouflage asked her if the name of the group was some kind of joke. "Considering all the Negroes they got," he added.

  Amber said, "I think it's meant to be funny, yeah."

  The ponytailed one, lathering his palms with the condensation from the beer bottle: "Well, Bode don't think it's so funny. Can't say I do, neither."

  Amber's poster-quality smile didn't flicker. "The music's killer. That's all I know."

  Then she glided away with their empties and an order for more onion rings. Her path to the kitchen took her directly past Tony's table, and of course he snatched her by the elastic waistband of her shorts.

  "Not now," she told him.

  "Who're those dirtbags?"

  "Just customers. Now let me get to work," Amber said.

  Tony grunted. "They hit on you? That's what it looked like."

  "You're going to get me in trouble with the boss. Let go, OK?"

  "First a kiss." With one arm he pulled her close.


  "A kiss for Tony, that's right."

  And of course he had to slip her some tongue, right there in the middle of the restaurant. Out of the corner of an eye, Amber noticed the rednecks watching. Tony must have seen them, too, because he was beaming by the time Amber pulled free.

  A few minutes later, when she delivered the onion rings to the table, the ponytailed one said: "People ever tell you you look zackly like Kim Basinger."

  "Really?" Amber acted flattered, though she'd always seen herself in the Daryl Hannah mold.

  "Bode thinks so, too, don'tcha?"

  "Dead ringer," said the camouflaged man, "and I'm the better judge. I still got both good eyes."

  Amber said, "Well, you're sweet for saying so. Can I get you anything else?"

  "Matter a fact, yes you can," the ponytailed man said. "How 'bout one a them red-hot kisses like you give that other guy?"

  Amber blushed. With a moist leer the camouflaged man said, "Yeah, I didn't see that on no menu!"

  The ponytailed one observed that Amber wasn't too keen on the kissing idea. He cocked his face upward and tapped a dirty fingertip on the bicycle patch. "Mebbe it's me. Mebbe you prejudiced against handicaps."

  Amber, sensing (as all good waitresses can) that her tip was in jeopardy: "No, oh no, I can explain. That's my boyfriend."

  In unison the men twisted in their chairs to reappraise Tony across the restaurant. He returned their stares with a belligerent sneer.

  The ponytailed redneck said, "No shit. The hell is he, Cuban?"

  Amber said no, Tony was from Los Angeles. "Sometimes he gets carried away. I'm sorry if it upset you."

  Through a mouthful of onions, the one called Bode said: "Meskin, I'll bet. They're all over California is what I heard."

  On the way back to the bar station, Amber stopped at Tony's table and curtly related what had happened: "Thanks to you, they think I kiss all the customers. They think it's part of the service. You happy now?"

  Tony's eyes darkened. "Those dirtbags – they wanted a kiss?"

  "Do us all a favor. Go home," Amber whispered.

  "No fuckin' way. Not now."

  "Tony, I swear to God ... "

  He was flaring his nostrils, puffing his chest, flexing his arms. All that's missing, Amber thought, is the workout mirror.

  Declared Tony: "I'll straighten those shitheads out."

  "No you won't," said Amber, bitterly surveying the suddenly empty table. "They're gone."

  She hurried back, hoping to find some cash. Nothing – they'd skipped on the tab. Shit,she thought. It would come out of her pay.

  Suddenly she was enveloped by Tony's cologne, as subtle as paint thinner. She felt him looming behind her. "Goddamn you," she said, retreating to the kitchen. Predictably, Tony stormed out the door.

  Two hours later, Amber's redneck customers returned, anchoring themselves at the same table.

  She tried not to appear too relieved. "Where'd you fellas run off to?"

  "Jest needed some fresh air," said the ponytailed one, lighting a cigaret. "You miss us? Say, where's that kissing-machine boyfriend a yours."

  Amber pretended not to hear him. "What can I get for you?"

  The camouflaged man ordered four more beers, two apiece, and a fresh heap of wings. "Add it on our bill," he said, flashing the Visa card with two stubby fingers.

  Amber was waiting for the drink order when the barmaid handed her the phone. "For you, honey," she said. "Guess who."

  Tony, of course. Screaming.

  "Slow down," Amber told him. "I can't understand a word."

  "My car!" he cried. "Somebody burned up my car!"

  "Oh, Tony."

  "Right in my fucking driveway! They torched it!"


  "During wrestling, I guess. It's still on fire, they got like five guys tryin' to put out the flames ... "

  The barmaid came with the tray of Coronas. Amber told Tony she was really sorry about the car, but she had to get back to work.

  "I'll call you on my break," she promised.

  "The Miata, Amber!"

  "Yes, baby, I heard you."

  When she brought the beers and chicken wings to the two rednecks, the one named Bode said: "Sugar, you're our rock 'n' roll expert. Is there a band called the White Clarion Aryans?"

  Amber thought for a moment. "Not that I ever heard of."

  "Good," Bode said.

  "Not jes good," said his ponytailed friend, "fan-fucking-tastic!"

  JoLayne Lucks demanded that Tom Krome teach her the thumb-popping trick. "That thing you did with the he-she back at Shiloh's."

  When they got to a stoplight, Krome took her left hand to demonstrate.

  "Not too hard!" she piped.

  Gently he showed her how to disable a person by bending and twisting his thumb in a single motion. JoLayne asked where he'd learned about it.

  "One time the newspaper sent me to take a class on self-defense," Krome said, "for a feature story. The instructor was a ninja guy, weighed all of a hundred and twenty pounds. But he knew all sorts of naughty little numbers."


  "Fingers in the eye sockets is another good one," said Krome. "The scrotal squeeze is a crowd pleaser, too."

  "These come in handy in the newspaper biz?"

  "Today was the first time."

  JoLayne was pleased he didn't let go of her hand until the light turned green and it was time to steer the car. They stopped at a Burger King on Northwest Seventh Avenue and ate in the parking lot with the windows down. The breeze was cool and pleasant, even with the din from the interstate. After lunch they went on a tour of JoLayne's childhood: kindergarten, elementary school, high school. The pet shop where she'd worked in the summers. The appliance store her father once owned. The aut
o garage where she'd met her first boyfriend.

  "He took care of Daddy's Grand Prix," she said. "Good at lube jobs, bad at relationships. Rick was his name."

  "Where is he now?"

  "Lord, I can't imagine."

  While Krome drove, JoLayne found herself spinning through the stones of the significant men in her life. "Aren't you sorry," she said, "you left your notebook at the motel?"

  He smiled but didn't take his eyes off the road. "I got a helluva memory." Then, swerving around a county bus: "What about Moffitt – he's not on the List of Six?"

  "Friends only." JoLayne wondered if Krome's interest was strictly professional, caught herself hoping it wasn't. "He dated both my sisters, my best friend, a cousin and also my nursing supervisor at Jackson. But not me."

  "How come?"

  "Mutual agreement."

  "Ah," Krome said. He didn't believe it was mutual. He believed Moffitt would go to his grave asking himself why JoLayne Lucks hadn't wanted him.

  "We'd been buddies so long," she was saying, "we knew too much about each other. One of those deals."

  "Right," Krome said. He pulled to the curb while two police cars and an ambulance sped past. When the wail of sirens faded, JoLayne said, "Plus Moffitt's too serious for me. You saw for yourself. Why I'm telling you this stuff, Lord, I don't know."

  "I'm interested."

  "But it's not part of the story."

  "How do you know?" Krome said.

  "Because I'm telling you so. It's notpart of the story."

  He shrugged.

  "What in the world was I thinking," JoLayne said, "bringing you in on this. First off, you're a man, and I've got rotten instincts when it comes to men. Second, you're a reporter,for heaven's sake. Only a crazy fool would believe a reporter, am I right? And last but not least – "

  "I'm awfully white," Krome said.


  "But you trust me anyway."

  "Truly it's a mystery." JoLayne removed her floppy hat and flipped it in the back seat. "Can we stop at a pay phone? I need to call Clara before it gets too late."

  Clara Markham was the real estate broker who had the listing for Simmons Wood. Clara knew JoLayne wanted to buy the property, because JoLayne had phoned the night she'd won the lottery. But then, two days later, JoLayne had called back to say something had happened and it might be awhile before she could make a down payment. Clara had promised not to accept any other offers until she spoke to JoLayne again. She was a friend, after all.

  Krome spotted a pay phone outside a sub shop on 125th Street. JoLayne got Clara Markham at the realty office.

  JoLayne said, "Whatcha up to, working so late."

  "Busy, girl."

  "How's my pal Kenny?"

  Kenny was Clara's obese Persian. Because of its impeccably lush whiskers, Clara had named it after Kenny Rogers, the country singer.

  "Much improved," Clara reported. "The hair-ball crisis is over, you can tell Dr. Crawford. But I'm afraid I've got some other news."

  JoLayne sucked in a deep breath. "Damn. Who is it?"

  "A union pension fund out of Chicago."

  "And they build malls?"

  "Girl, they build everything."

  "What's the offer?" JoLayne asked gloomily.

  "Three even. Twenty percent down."

  "Damn. Goddamn."

  Clara said, "They want an answer in a week."

  "I can do better than three million. You wait."

  "Jo, I'll stall as long as I can."

  "I'd sure appreciate it."

  "And be sure and tell Doc Crawford thanks for the ointment. Tell him Kenny says thanks, too."

  JoLayne Lucks hung up and sat on the curb. A group of teenagers spilled from the sub shop, nearly tripping over her.

  Tom Krome got out of the car. "I take it there's another buyer."

  JoLayne nodded disconsolately. "I've got a week, Tom. Seven lousy days to get my Lotto ticket back."

  "Then let's go to it." He took her hands and pulled her to her feet.

  The place known as Simmons Wood had been owned since 1959 by Lighthorse Simmons, whose father had been an early settler of Grange. Lighthorse maintained the rolling green tract as a private hunting reserve and visited regularly until he'd personally shot nearly every living creature on the property. Then he took up fishing. And although a fly rod could never provide the same hot blood rush as a rifle, Lighthorse Simmons grew to enjoy yanking feisty little bluegills and largemouth bass from the creek. Eventually, as he got older, he even stopped killing them. Ironically, it was a hunter's bullet that led to the end of Lighthorse's long custodianship of Simmons Wood. The mishap occurred at dusk one evening – Lighthorse was on the creek bank, bending over to cough up a wad of Red Man he'd accidentally swallowed. In the twilight, the old fellow's broad straw hat, tawny suede jacket and downward pose apparently called to mind – at least for one myopic trespasser – the image of a six-point buck, drinking.

  The bullet clipped Lighthorse's right kneecap, and after three surgeries he remained unable to hike through Simmons Wood without constant, grating pain. An electric cart was given to him as part of the insurance settlement, but it proved unsuitable for the bumpy terrain. One rainy morning Lighthorse hit a pine stump and the cart overturned. He was pinned for nearly four hours, during which time he was prodigiously befouled by an excitable feral boar – a breed of pig originally introduced to Grange, for sporting purposes, by Lighthorse's own father.

  After that incident, Lighthorse never again set foot in Simmons Wood. He went through the legal technicalities of rezoning it from agricultural to commercial, but ultimately he couldn't bring himself to sell. The land remained untrammeled (and the dawn unbroken by gunfire) for such a long time that wild animals finally began to reappear. But when Lighthorse passed away, at age seventy-five, the administrators of his estate put Simmons Wood on the market. The place held no sentimental attachment for the old man's son and daughter, who viewed the potentially immense proceeds from the land sale as several new oil derricks in Venezuela and a winter ski cottage in New Hampshire, respectively.

  On the other end of the deal was Bernard Squires, investment manager for the Central Midwest Brotherhood of Grouters, Spacklers and Drywallers International. To Bernard Squires fell the sensitive task of dispensing the union's pension fund in such a way as to conceal the millions of dollars being skimmed annually by organized crime: specifically, the Richard Tarbone family of Chicago.

  Bernard Squires' livelihood, and in all probability his very life, depended on his talent for assembling investment portfolios in which vast sums could plausibly disappear. Naturally he had a fondness for real estate developments. Not for a moment did Bernard envision for Simmons Wood a thriving, profitable retail shopping center. Grange was a perfectly ridiculous location for a major mall – one of the only municipalities in Florida to have shrunk (according to incredulous census takers) during the boom years of the eighties and nineties. And while its puny population was augmented by a modest flow of highway tourists, the demographics of the average Grange visitor could most diplomatically be typed, from a retailer's perspective, as "lowlow end." No major anchor stores or national chains would dream of locating there, as Bernard Squires well knew.

  His plan, from the beginning, was to create a very expensive failure. Acting as a bank, the pension fund would finance the purchase of Simmons Wood and enter into a series of contracts with construction companies secretly controlled by Richard Tarbone and his associates. Simmons Wood would be bulldozed and cleared, a foundation would be poured, and perhaps even a wall or two would go up.

  Then: a run of bad luck. Shortages of labor and materials. Weather delays. Missed payments on construction loans. Contractors unexpectedly filing for bankruptcy. And as if that weren't enough, the leasing agent would dejectedly report that hardly anyone wanted space in the soon-to-be-completed Simmons Wood Mall. The project would sputter and die, and the site would become a ruin. Florida was full of them.
br />   Whatever true sum was lost in the Simmons Wood venture would be doubled when it appeared as red ink on the books of the Central Midwest Brotherhood of Grouters, Spacklers and Drywallers International. That is how Bernard Squires hid the Tarbone family's skimming. If other union officials suspected skulduggery, they were wise enough not to make a peep. Besides, the pension fund made a profit, overall; Squires saw to that. Even the IRS auditors didn't challenge his numbers. Investing in real estate was a crapshoot, as everybody knew. Sometimes you won, sometimes you lost.

  Once the write-off had outlived its usefulness, Bernard Squires would contrive to unload Simmons Wood on an insurance conglomerate or maybe the Japanese – somebody with enough capital to finish the stupid mall, or raze it and start over. For now, though, Bernard Squires was eager to lock up the deal.

  It was Richard "The Icepick" Tarbone's desire to close on the Grange property as soon as possible. "And don't call me," he had told Squires, "until you got some good fucking news. Do whatever it takes, you understand?"

  Bernard understood.

  The visitation got off to a rocky start. Once again, Demencio's fiberglass Madonna wasn't weeping properly – this time due to a crimp in the plastic feeder lines between the reservoir bottle and the eyes. One tear duct was barren while the other gushed like an artery. A pilgrim from Guatemala, having been spritzed in the forehead, loudly challenged the legitimacy of the miracle. Luckily the tirade was in Spanish and therefore incomprehensible to the other visitors. Trish, who was manning the Madonna, relayed the details of the plumbing problem to Demencio at the breakfast table. He told her to lay off the pump, pronto; no more crying.

  "But we got a bus coming," Trish reminded him. "The mission bus from West Virginia."


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