Boxed Set: Intercepted by Love (The Complete Collection): Books One - Book Six
Page 43
She’d been wild and crazy last night, riding him hard, but tonight she just wanted to savor, to draw out their pleasure with a slow, loving burn.
Whatever tomorrow brought, no one could take tonight away from her.
# # #
Cade glided his fingers through Andie’s mane of fiery red hair, his gaze intent on every curve of her gorgeous face. She was so incredibly beautiful, so feminine and perfect in every way. The fact that she’d gone with him to visit his mom at the rehab facility spoke more than words ever could. She was the woman he’d never known he’d needed—the one who responded to him and cared about him, felt for him, and stayed at his side.
He stroked the sensitive area behind her ear and gazed in her eyes, green like precious jewels. “Is it working? Are you remembering what we felt before the accident?”
“I don’t need to remember.” Andie’s lips slipped into a faint smile. “Because I’m falling for you all over again.”
Billows of emotion swelled in Cade’s heart. She was opening her heart to him again. And this time, it was sweeter than ever. She knew his baggage and all the trouble he came with, and still, she cared for him—maybe more.
He trailed his finger over her upper lip, letting her kiss it, and then nuzzled his nose against hers. The moment was still too sacred to dive into a wet, hungry kiss. Instead, he brought her face close to his, relishing the gift she’d bestowed by her presence.
Her eyelashes fluttered against his face, tiny butterfly kisses, and he drank in her scent, perfume mixed with her essence, and relaxed in her embrace.
For once, he was no longer an outsider, looking in at other people who belonged. With Andie, he would always be included in her innermost circle.
He dotted kisses over her face, brushing her cheeks with his fingers, and soon his lips found hers, wet, open, and willing. He kissed her gently at first, sipping her lips like fine champagne, but when her hands weaved their way down his chest to his waist, desire kicked up a notch, or two, and even though he wanted to take it slow, he couldn’t fend off the fiery licks of passion building between them.
He deepened the kiss, drawing out a mewing moan as his hands caressed her breasts. Not wanting to plunge and devour her yet, he moved away from her lips to nibble at her earlobe, whispering, “What would you like me to do with you? My sweet love.”
She moaned loudly as she squirmed in his arms. The leg looped over him tightened and she breathed harder, panting sweet puffs of need against his cheek. “Everything. I want you, Cade. All of you.”
Oh yeah. He wanted to taste all of her, too, savor every moment with her. “I want to love you, Andie, and cherish you, take care of your every need and want.”
Her gasp and the way she held him closer did more to gratify his heart than any words could ever do.
Flipping her onto her back, he lifted her tank top and helped her pull it over her head while she removed her bra. He sucked in a breath at the beauty unveiled for his eyes only. Her rosy nipples peaked up, reaching for him over the sweet curves of her firm, round breasts.
“So beautiful,” he breathed as he drew one breast into his mouth and caressed the other one. His tongue rolled around her nipple and he licked and sucked, causing her to arch and pant. The invitation was too much to wait for, and he immediately buried his face between them and feasted while she made the sexiest sounds deep in her throat.
“I love you, Andie.” The words slipped from his mouth when he rose for air. “You have no idea how much.”
“Oh, I do.” Her voice was a cross between a sigh and a whisper. “There’s no love like Cade. You said that in a dream.”
“I did, eh? Then I’ll have to show you.”
He lowered his mouth to her belly and kissed his way down to the waistband of her jeans while massaging her breasts. She was softness in just the right places, but also strong and kindhearted. Even as he wished he could take it slow, his body ached to bury deep inside of her, to stroke her and love her, and to know her to the core.
The pink flush of desire radiated over her fair skin as he unzipped her jeans and pulled them down. Holy hell! She wasn’t wearing any underwear.
Cade’s cock hardened further as fire blazed through his veins. He spread her legs around his shoulders and licked her inner thighs while probing a finger into her channel. She was hot, juicy, and so ready for him, and if his cock weren’t trapped inside his pants, he’d jump the gun and finish everything too soon.
Instead, he dragged his eager tongue between her folds, licking the sweet honey between her thighs. His finger curled into the knot of pleasure inside, making her wiggle and squirm, as he circled her clit and kissed it with his lips. Swiping his tongue in long strokes, he drank in her juices, his body shaking with urgent passion.
Her mewing sounds made his dick throb and the pulses building up in her had him almost creaming in his too tight jeans. He lapped her with his tongue and thrust two fingers into her. She gasped and grabbed his shoulders, bending and flexing her body as her breathing sped and she panted, “Cade, Cade, Cade.”
His fingers thrust faster, building to a fevered frenzy. She tightened her thighs and he kissed and flicked her clit at a rapid pace. With his free hand, he grabbed her ass, digging into her flesh. She jolted and arched, and the spasm grew from deep inside her, rising into an explosive orgasm, and she came with a burst of taste in his mouth.
“Oh, Caaade!” she cried in a long, drawn out groan. Her hips jerked, and her lush breasts jiggled as she flailed her head from side to side, and the flush rose over her entire body.
Cade licked his lips and took one last taste of her juices. He’d just ripped her one hell of an orgasm, and he was the luckiest motherfucker in all of history. But his cock raged and roared with frustration, and Andie’s fingers were soon on his fly, unzipping his jeans. She grabbed at him, her eyes ripe with passion as she helped him remove his pants.
“There’s no love like you, Cade.” Her words flung away his restraint, and when she spread her legs below him and pulled his hips, he plunged in.
Her wet heat hugged him, surrounding him with love, acceptance, and inclusion. He would never be left out again, never be the little boy no one wanted. She felt so good and perfect, and as he moved in perfect rhythm with her, he lost all his ability to think.
She grabbed the sides of his head and pulled his lips to hers as he kept himself propped on his elbows. Her legs wrapped around his hips and she arched and bucked, loving him like no one had ever done before.
Soon, her walls tightened around him, wet and luscious, embracing him, and she cried out his name, moaning with urgent gasps as the entire world throbbed and pulsed, slinging a pure rush of ecstasy from his cock to his brain.
She gripped him and quaked while he thrust his love deep into her. Wave after wave of pleasurable sensation swept over him, and in one long blissful moment, he knew he would never be abandoned again.
Chapter 20
Cade stood by himself on the sidelines as he watched his teammates rush onto the field. The coaching staff spoke into headsets, and cameramen jostled up and down the field. His agent, Rob, was standing next to Coach Settles, but instead of viewing the action, he was on the phone.
Why did he bother hanging out on the field if all he was going to do was yak on the phone? Cade crossed his arms and stared at the field in front of him. Instead of seeing the play progress or hearing the slap of the shoulder pads or the grunt of the linebackers, his mind reeled back to the Super Bowl. He’d watched the videos over and over, wondering what he could have done differently, or whether he should have handed the ball off to Devon despite the short stumble. Then it would have been Devon’s fault for losing yardage. Devon was the golden boy son of the owner who never took anything seriously. He’d joked about fumbling in the end zone and running the wrong direction.
Follow the money. He’d gone over his mother’s bank statements. They were full of small deposits, fifty dollars here, eighty dollars there. Had they been
cash deposits? Most likely. If so, who was giving her money and what was it for? Babysitting or housekeeping? Or something worse—like dealing?
The roar of the crowd drew everyone’s attention to the playing field. Todd was going deep into the end zone, a pass to wide receiver Joey Monzon. Touchdown! The Flash was ahead in the first quarter, and the home crowd was lapping it up.
The players ambled off the field, slapping each other and congratulating Todd and Joey while the kicker pulled on his helmet to take the field for the extra point.
“Good throw,” Cade said, tapping Todd on the shoulder pad.
The quarterback spit out his mouth guard and smiled. “Yep, all that conditioning’s paying off. Never felt better.”
Rob, their agent, gave Todd a fist bump and hooked his arm over Cade’s shoulder. “Think of the buzz with both of you competing for the starting spot. I’m going to put the thumbscrews on Dick to sweeten your contracts, both of you.”
“Mine better be twice his.” Todd knocked his head back and took a drink of water.
“Hey, Prescott,” Coach Settles yelled. “Out on the field to hold for the extra point.”
Todd spewed water all over Cade and slapped his thighs, laughing. “Good job, Cade. Don’t flub up the hold.”
Cade plugged in his mouth guard and ignored his rival. It was Coach Settles’ philosophy that everyone played in every pre-season game. Trying to appear unconcerned with Todd’s jibe, Cade loosened his shoulders and jogged onto the field to take the snap.
He caught the ball and placed it point down on the turf as the kicker stepped toward the ball for the routine kick.
Ow! A sharp pain seared through his left hand when the kicker’s foot tore through his fingertips. The ball wobbled and was blocked by the defense.
Cade’s hand throbbed in pain. What had just happened? Was that on purpose?
Apparently. The kicker, Carmine Carmona, swaggered off the field and high-fived Todd. It figured, they were from the same neighborhood. Meanwhile, the fans booed and jeered at the loss of a point in a game that didn’t matter.
“You okay?” The team doctor rushed to examine Cade’s hand.
“He kicked my hand instead of the ball. He never misses.” Cade winced as the doctor probed his fingers.
“You might have a break here. I saw it. The hold looked perfect. We better get this X-rayed.”
“Hey, sorry about that.” Carmine swaggered toward them. “I must have slipped when I planted my foot wrong. You’re not hurt, are you?”
Behind him, Todd grinned. “Looks like Daddy’s boy’s out for the season.”
# # #
Andie stood by Roxanne as she struggled to change Bret’s diaper. The woman’s fingernails had to be at least an inch long each, and she used them to dangle the diaper wipe, afraid to touch anything icky.
She’d decided to miss the game since Cade wasn’t playing and Roxanne needed supervision. Both she and Cade were worried about leaving the baby alone with her, especially when Andie’s mother decided to go back to Pinball Alley for a playoff party. She really did deserve a day off.
“He’s going to get a rash if you don’t wipe off all the poop,” Andie said. “Cade usually gives his butt a warm water wash after number two to keep it clean.”
“Well, I’m not Cade. Maybe you can show me what he does?”
“Gladly, but you’re going to have to trim those nails so you don’t hurt his precious little butt.” Andie picked up the wiggling baby and smiled at the little boy’s sweet face.
“This wasn’t part of the deal.” Roxanne crossed her arms. “Cade’s mother was supposed to do all the dirty work. Who told her to go and get high?”
“Apparently someone sent her a gift box. You were around, weren’t you? Did you see anyone?” Andie warmed the water in the sink, and held Bret like a puppy dog, sticking his behind into the stream of water.
“You can’t pin this one on me.” Roxanne glared at her in the mirror. “You think I have the kind of money to buy drugs for her?”
Strange. How did she know the heroin was high grade stuff?
“Well, if I were you, I’d be careful who I let take care of my baby. This little guy’s so precious. Aren’t you sweetie?” Andie shut off the faucet and dabbed him dry with a towel. “Next, we put diaper rash ointment on him.”
“You guys are doing just fine. Since you came along, I figured Cade wasn’t going to marry me, so why should I care about his baby?”
“Uh, Roxanne, the baby isn’t his, and he’s taking way better care of Bret than you are.”
Roxanne’s eyes widened, and she pointed her fingernail at Andie. “Who told you? Cade?”
“I was there when you two had that big argument. Remember when you stormed out of the kitchen?” Andie gave Bret a kiss on his tummy and laid him on the changing table.
“You’re not supposed to know the deal, but since you’re in on it, let me tell you, I was coerced into having this baby. Yes, forced.”
“Oh, give me a break.” Andie wiped cream onto Bret’s behind and fastened the tapes of his diaper. “You didn’t have to even tell whoever that rich guy was that you were pregnant, unless you wanted money. I bet that was it, wasn’t it? They paid you off to have the baby, and now both of you want to dump it on Cade. You slept with all these guys before deciding which one would be the one you’d nail by faking the paternity tests.”
“That’s not how it went down.” Roxanne crossed her arms and shrugged. “Since you don’t know, I’m not telling.”
“Whatever, like I’d believe you.” Andie dressed the little baby and cuddled him. “If you want to sign away your parental rights, go ahead.”
“Actually, since you love my son so much, I’m going to need a little incentive.”
Grrr … What a money hungry, greedy witch. No wonder both Gollie and Red hated her. Andie had a glimpse of the witch wearing furs—precious pelts cut from animals. Where would that have been?
She turned away from Roxanne and exited the bedroom, barely able to control herself. What she wouldn’t give to rip her a couple of new orifices, and that was putting it politely. Cade was way too naïve thinking Rox would move back in and take care of her own baby.
“Well? What’s he worth to you?” Roxanne’s heels clickety clacked over the river rock floor in the great room.
A lightbulb flashed, and Andie twirled around so fast she almost tripped. “I might have a job for you. He’ll be much easier to take care of than this little guy. I can’t pay you, but I promise you the reward would be excellent and well worth your time.”
“Oh, really? And who’s this guy that’s so easy?”
“He’s really easy, Rox, and easy on the eyes, and well, ahem.” Andie licked her lips and faux-sighed, trying to look dreamy. “He’s ultra hot but needs some tender, loving nursing care.”
“How old is he?” Rox’s eyebrows narrowed over her forehead. “I’ve been there, done that, sick and tired of being pawned off to old, rich geezers.”
“Geezers are more lucrative, I’d say. But, bless your little heart, this man’s only twenty-six years old.”
“Who is he? Is he famous?” Rox leaned toward Andie with a hungry look in her eye.
“He’s an actor, and Cade broke his jaw. He’s also my husband, so the way I see it, let’s trade duties. I’ll take care of Bret, and you take care of Declan Reed.”
“Declan Reed!!!” Roxanne’s shrill squeal drew goose pimples down Andie’s arms and shoulders. “I love Declan Reed. I didn’t know he’s your husband.”
“Sadly, he is, and he’s still in love with me.” Andie sighed and swiped her hand over her forehead in a resigned fashion. Maybe she was getting good at acting, too.
“What do you want me to do?” Roxanne took Andie by the elbow and led her to the sunken living room. “Let’s sit and strategize.”
Andie balanced herself on the plush couch and stood Bret in her lap, bouncing him gently. “I need you to get Declan to sign my divorce paper
s and in exchange, I’ll adopt Bret and take him off your hands.”
“I don’t know.” Rox picked at her decorated fingernails. “It depends on how much you can donate to my Kickstarter campaign. I have a new line of clothing I want to launch.”
“It should be enough that I take Bret off your hands. After all, I bet the rich man isn’t paying or he would have sent a nanny. Besides, Declan signed a big contract with Silver Studios. If I don’t get that divorce soon, it’ll be part of community property and I might get saddled with his riches.”
“Oh my!” Roxanne’s eyes gleamed like shiny silver saucers.
Andie could swear she saw dollar signs rolling in her eyes like spinners on a pinball machine.
“I know, huh? So, it’s up to you to rescue me from Declan’s money. I know you can do it.” Andie placed a consoling hand on Roxanne’s thin arm.
“There has to be a catch.” The stick-thin woman chewed on her lips. “What do I have to do? You said he needed nursing care.”
Andie lifted her chin to look down on the scheming witch. “Of course, there’s a catch. Declan wants me to nurse him back to health. He wants me to live at his place and tend to him. How can I do that when I need to take care of poor little Bret here? You know how he gets colicky and won’t sleep all night? And then there’s the projectile vomiting. He might be little, but boy, can he spew. Couple that with the explosive diarrhea he gets on a daily basis, I’m doing laundry around the clock.”
Roxanne’s mouth dropped in horror. “What does Declan need?”
“Not much. His jaw is wired shut because Cade punched him out for being a dick, and he needs someone to prepare his favorite foods, grind it into a puree and feed it to him with a giant syringe.”
“That’s all? Sounds too easy.”
“Yep, it is, except the big drawback is …”
“What? I knew there was a catch.”
“He can’t kiss and give head.” Andie shook her head in a sad and wistful manner. “Six long weeks. I’m not sure you can handle that.”