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Precious Stones

Page 13

by Brandi Bell

  “Oh look! There’s a purple one,” I exclaim.

  Grady climbs down from Zombie, and runs over to pick it. I felt my heart flutter. He didn’t hesitate to grab it so I didn’t have to get down. He brings the flower to me before returning to Zombie.

  “Now we can return to the castle,” Antoine says smiling.

  “You sure are happy,” I tease him.

  “The sooner we return, the sooner we can seperate the two of you,” he replies.

  He turns to head towards the castle, I fall in line behind him. I think back to when Seamus asked me if I would like to stay in Caestia. I really would like it. It feels like home, but would the others agree to stay? I decided once we’re are done with the spell I would ask them. I would also have to find out if any of the royals would allow us to stay in their kingdoms.

  “A penny for your thoughts?” Foster asks me.

  I jump, not realizing he was next to me. “Oh, I was just thinking on what will happen when Ruby and I no longer share a body,” I say.

  “It’ll probably make both of your lives a bit easier,” he replies.

  “Probably so,” I agree.

  “When this is all over, I really do want a chance to get to know you,” he says with a lopsided grin.

  “I’d like that too,” I reply blushing.

  “Not to interrupt the flirt fest, but we need to stop and let Ruby change,” Elias speaks up.

  I sigh and climb off of Zeus. “Let her ride you back to the castle, you won’t have to deal with her anymore after that ok?” I ask him.

  He gives me a dirty look, so I don’t have a clue if he will agree or not. I open my mouth to ask again, but I didn’t have time.


  I know they said that both girls shared a body, but I really thought they were halfway kidding. Watching Jade’s eyes turn red was freaky.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Ruby asks me in a nasty tone.

  “I’m Foster,” I say.

  “He’s my brother and Jade’s fourth mate,” Elias speaks up.

  “God, I’m sorry you’re stuck with the boring one,” she tells me rolling her eyes.

  “Ignore her,” Grady tells me.

  “Would you get on the horse so we can get back to the castle?” I ask her.

  “If he’ll let me,” she answers.

  I was secretly happy the pooka didn’t like her either. I can’t believe my brother’s mate is such a bitch. At least he has a strong enough personality to stand up to her. It looks like Zeus decided to listen to Jade, because Ruby climbs on him and we’re on our way back to the castle.


  I’m so happy to see Ruby, but she’s being distant. I think it’s in my head but I don’t know what to do to stop it. This trip has been strange, I know there’s unexplainable things in my world, but to see an entirely new world was wonderous and scary at the same time.

  “Ruby, I missed you,” I tell her.

  “I’m tired of missing so much!” she shouts.

  “Soon you’ll have your own body and then you won’t miss anything,” Seamus says.

  “Thank the goddess for that,” she replies.

  We ride in silence for a while. I couldn’t think of any small talk to break it.

  Chapter 58


  I hate this only being awake for a few hours bullshit. I feel bad, Liam looked like his feelings are hurt that I didn’t acknowledge him sooner. I can’t wait for this separation spell to happen.

  The castle is in sight. I get excited, and wonder how long this spell will take, and if I’ll be there for the beginning, or if it’ll be Jade. I hope it doesn’t hurt.

  “Sorry, Ruby, you’re about to switch again,” Elias says.

  “Hopefully for the last time,” I reply.

  Chapter 59


  I feel so much different than I did a day ago. My hunger isn’t out of control, and I haven’t fed yet today. I’m going to have to ask one of the guys if I can have some blood, but I hate to. I remember what Ruby said about fae blood, and I can’t be high on blood right now. It’s nice not having my throat burn all the time though. I feel really good.

  We arrive at the castle and let the brownies take the saddles off our pookas. I pull my bandmates over to the side to talk to them.

  “Listen, I don’t know how long we’re going to be here, but I didn’t get a chance to eat before we came, and I don’t want to be high on fae blood,” I tell them.

  “It’s fine, you can feed from me,” Liam offers.

  “Are you sure?” I ask.

  “No problem, just don’t drain me dry,” he chuckles at his joke.

  “I’m good for now, but if we have to stay the night here I’ll take you up on that offer,” I tell him.

  We walk into the castle with the group.


  I’m so glad we are almost done with the body sharing. I love Jade, but Ruby leaves a lot to be desired. I follow our group down the hallway to the library. I hear voices before we enter. As the door opens. I see the royals from every kingdom but winter. It looks like we beat Akashka here. Jade runs past me and throws her arms around Talia.

  “I’m so glad you’re ok!” she exclaims.

  “I’m fine, my mother didn’t think she would be able to come back again so she passed her crown to me so she could be done. It’s not a bad thing in this case,” she says smiling to Jade.

  “I’m glad, Queen Talia,” Jade says smirking.

  Talia smacks her arm, “None of that,” she says.

  Zeus growls at Talia. I smirk at how protective that pooka is.

  “She didn’t hurt me, now hush,” Jade tells her pooka.

  “What do we need to do to prepare?” I ask.

  “We wait for Princess Akashka then we’ll go over everything once as a group,” Dorian speaks up.

  “I’ll check on her,” Jade offers.


  I pull my contact stone out and think of Akashka again.

  “Hi, we’re in front of the castle,” Akashka says.

  “We’re all in the library, see you again in a few,” I answer with a smile.

  “She’s just out front,” I say with a smile.

  She enters the library shortly after, followed by an assortment of fae. I gasp when I realize they are the ones who were being tortured the night we ate at the Winter Palace.

  “I’ll explain later,” Akashka whispers to me.

  I just nod, wondering what in the world happened after we left. Though, I’m glad those fae were no longer being tortured.

  “Good, now that we are all here, let’s get down to business,” Dorian says.

  “Explain everything please,” Talia tells him.

  “So, you all know the prophecy that we’ve been told since we were kids,” he starts.

  “Yes, and we all recognized this bunch as the group from the prophecy,” Queen Thessilia interrupts.

  “Yes, well we translated more of a book that was hidden in this library. There is a spell that separates the girls into two bodies and that is our next step,” he tells us.

  “What is required?” Queen Annalisa asks.

  “There is a stone and a flower from each kingdom, as well as someone of royal blood to perform the spell. Winter and Autumn make the body, while Spring and Summer move the soul,” Dorian explains.

  “That isn’t very clear instructions,” Akashka tells him.

  “There is more, but that is the basics. I suggest we go over everything in detail tonight before we try performing the spell for real,” Dorian says.

  “I think we should just perform it,” Talia says.

  The group argues for a while. Some wanting to practice others wanting to just get it over with. I’ve decided I’m tired of listening to it.

  “Hello, the girl you want to perform the spell on here. Don’t I get an opinion?” I shout over them.

  The room becomes silent, and everyone turns to stare at me. I wonder if they forgot about me being
a person in this process.

  “Yes, you should have the final say,” Queen Annalisa says.

  “I agree,” Queen Thessila comments.

  “Very well, what would you like to do Jade?” Talia asks.

  “Honestly, I would just like to get it over with. I don’t want to worry all night about if it’ll work or not,” I answer.

  “Very well, let’s get everything prepped for the spell,” Dorian says.

  He grabs a long piece of paper and starts rushing around the library grabbing various objects. I begin wondering if I made the wrong choice. What if something goes wrong? No, I think, it’s the right choice. It’s a prophecy, everything will work out.

  “Alright, if you all have the flowers and stones, we have everything we need. Can we use the throne room?” Dorian asks Talia.

  “Of course we can, follow me,” she replies.

  We file out of the library and follow Talia to her throne room. I'm still having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact she is queen now. We enter the throne room and her mother is absent. I also notice the branches and plants seem to be leaving the castle slowly. I wonder where her mother physically went, but now is not the time to ask.

  Dorian walks around the room laying objects at certain points. It makes no sense to me, and I don't see a pattern, but I trust him to know what he is doing. The others are watching him as well. I hope this is easy.

  "Does anyone have a piece of chalk?" Dorian asks.

  "I'll go get one," Flynn offers.

  "Thank you. I need to draw this symbol," he says, holding the page up and pointing to it.

  It looks like a large X with a small V attached at the bottom. I'm about to ask him if the symbol has a meaning when Flynn returns with the chalk and Dorian's attention is focused on drawing a very large version of the symbol. I'm mesmerized by watching him work. He finishes the symbol then moves to the top of it and starts writing in a strange language in a circle around the symbol.

  "That prep is done," he says as he stands up, "Now, I need Queen Thessilia and Princess Akashka to come here," he says pointing to the two top corners of the X.

  "Princess Akashka, can you please place the hellebore in front of you on the line of the X, and place the hemimorphite on the line in front of Queen Thessilia," Dorian instructs Akashka.

  "Like this?" she asks, having followed his instructions.

  "Yes, very good," he replies. "Now Queen Thessilia, can you place the helenium in front of you next to the hemimorphite, then place the clinohumite next to the hellebore."

  When she finishes, Dorian walks around the circle reevaluating it. Everything appears to have passed his inspection, since he walks away from it.

  "Jade, I need you to step into the center of the symbol, in the opening," he tells me, pointing to the space the X and V make.

  I follow his instructions, my heart pounding and palms sweating. I didn't realize how nerve wracking this was going to be.

  "Good, now go ahead and sit down please," he tells me.

  I sit as he asks. He nods his head then turns to talk to Akashka and Queen Thessilia again. He hands them each a piece of paper to read. Everyone is silent for a few moments while they do this.

  "Once you are ready, we can begin the first half of the spell," Dorian tells them.

  Akashka nods then looks to Queen Thessila, who nods back at her. They proceed to start chanting in tandem, in the melodic language Talia used back in the human realm. The chalk circle begins to glow, the flowers and stones float and meld into one another. I feel a strange tingling in my body, then the glob of flower and stone comes flying at me. My heart beats fast and I am frozen unable to move. It comes to a stop in front of me and begins forming the shape of a person. As the chanting intensifies, the shape solidifies and looks exactly like me, only naked. The chanting ends, the glow dies down and I'm left staring at myself.

  "That is freaky!" Felix exclaims.

  "Right?" Liam agrees with him.

  "That part went beautifully," Dorian says smiling.

  "Now, can Queen Talia and Queen Annalisa take their spots," he says pointing to the places at the top of the X again.

  The queens take their spots, each holding their flower and stone, waiting for further directions.

  "Queen Talia, can you place the dahlia on the line in front of you, and the sugilite on the line in front of Queen Annalisa?" he asks her.

  She does as he asks then waits.

  "Queen Annalisa, you place the helianthemum in front of you, and the andalusite in front of Queen Talia," he says.

  He hands each queen another piece of paper he has on hand and we wait for them to look it over. I'm getting more anxious by the moment. I'm not sure how this part is going to work, since it will literally separate a soul from this body and place it in the empty one in front of me. I'm a bit lost in thought, I snap out of it when I notice the chalk around me glowing again.

  The queens are chanting, the flowers and stones floating, but this time they break into a cloud, almost fog. The fog grows, then shoots into my body. I pass out.

  Chapter 60


  Watching this spell is the craziest thing I've ever experienced. When Jade falls over I try to rush forward, but Flynn holds me back.

  "You mustn't interrupt the magic," he whispers in my ear.

  "Something’s wrong with her," I hiss back.

  "Wait and watch. Magic works the way it wants to," he replies.

  I watch and the fog that knocked her out is lifted out in the shape of Jade and rushes into the naked body. It falls over as well. The queens continue their chanting, then suddenly they stop and it's quiet. My heart beats fast waiting for Jade to sit up, whichever body was now her that is.

  It feels like hours, but after a few seconds both bodies start stirring. Flynn lets go of me and I rush forward, Elias on my heels. We reach the bodies and I pause not knowing which one my mate was in now. The magic has hidden the bond. Finally the naked body opens her eyes and they are red, Elias scoops her up and holds her immediately. I kneel down to Jade.

  "Are you awake, sweetheart?" I ask gently.

  "Umhmm," she mumbles then opens her beautiful green eyes.

  "Thank the Goddess, I was worried when you fell over," I tell her.

  "Did it work?" she asks.

  "Yes, Ruby is with Elias right now," I tell her grinning.

  "Why do my ears hurt?" she asks.

  I look at her ears, my eyes widen in shock. Her ears are growing into the shape of the sidhe here is Caestia.

  "Um, well, they are growing," I say, stumbling on my words.

  Chapter 61


  I can't believe it, Jade isn't a witch at all but fae. It doesn't make sense, but their birth wasn't even supposed to be possible. I open my mouth to say something, but Queen Talia beats me to it.

  "Jade, you’re a sidhe, you're fae, not a witch at all!" she exclaims.

  "I'm what?" she screams, touching her newly pointed ears.

  "You're fae, I think that's part of the prophecy, you were meant to be here, but the spell that made your birth possible took your soul to the wrong realm," Talia tells her.

  "I mean, I love it here, but I can't stay if my mates don't want to, and what about my sister?" she asks.

  "I'm right here," Ruby says, now fully dressed.

  "Oh wow! It's so weird to actually see you," Jade exclaims.

  "I know, I'm awesome to look upon," Ruby tells her.

  "So you really are always full of yourself," Jade comments.

  Ruby just rolls her eyes and ignores the comment.


  Thank the Goddess the spell worked. It's very strange seeing Jade, but there is no way I'm going to let her know that I agree with her.

  “Well, we don’t have to interfere with each others lives any more,” I say.

  “Yeah, but we are still sisters. We can try to build that relationship?” Jade asks with a hopeful tone.

  “I guess, b
ut you know I’m not about that mushy family crap, so…” I say not knowing how to finish the sentence.

  “I wouldn’t expect it from you,” Jade says laughing.

  “I do from you,” I reply.

  “What the heck,” she says as she runs up and gives me a big hug.

  I stiffen, this is just weird. It looks like I’m hugging myself. I pat her back a couple of times and she let's go. She smiles widely at me, and I can’t help but grin back.

  "If there is nothing else going on, I would really like to go home, back to the human realm where things are normal," I say.

  "I'd be happy to escort you," Beck says with a grin, looking at Talia for permission.

  "Of course, Ruby, you and your mates are free to go whenever you are ready," she says with a smile.

  I look around at my guys, "Are you ready?"

  "Let's go please," Liam says, the other two nod in agreement.

  "It was nice meeting you in person, see you around," I tell Jade.

  We leave the throne room and head outside.

  Chapter 62


  Everything feels so surreal. I have my own body for the first time in my life, my sister just left without caring, and I'm not a witch at all.

  "What is supposed to happen now?" I ask.

  "There's more to the prophecy that I haven't translated yet, but I bet sleeping would be best," Dorian answers.

  "I'm just a bit overwhelmed," I admit.

  Suddenly I am wrapped up in Grady's arms. I smell him and smile. The butterflies are going crazy, I look up, stand on my tiptoes and find his lips with mine. I've missed this feeling so much. Although the kiss doesn't deepen, I decide then to never let life get in the way of connecting with my guys again. My stomach growls. All four of my men laugh. I give Foster a dirty look.


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