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The Siren's Call (Last Chance Motel Book 3)

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by Abigail Keam

  River Egan is a sixty-plus widower on vacation with his daughter and grandson. Having spent many wonderful vacations at the Last Chance Motel in his prime, River returns to relive his past, but finds he can’t.

  Time has moved on, and so has the Last Chance Motel.

  It is now called the Pink Flamingo Motel and has a new owner, Eva Hanover Bishop.

  Not ready to park himself in a rocking chair, River has vowed to begin his life anew. It doesn’t hurt that Eva Bishop’s mother-in-law, Mary, is attractive, vital, and near his age.

  There’s a problem though. Mary doesn’t share River’s enthusiasm.

  River has a solution for that. He’ll just wear Mary down.

  The Siren’s Call

  Last Chance Series 3

  Abigail Keam

  Worker Bee Press

  The Siren’s Call

  Last Chance Series 3

  Copyright © 2015 Abigail Keam

  Kindle Edition


  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author.

  The characters are not based on you.

  So don’t go around town and brag about it.

  Any similarity to any person or place is coincidental, except Key Largo which is a real island.

  ISBN 978 0 9893745 4 5

  8 1 15

  Published in the USA by

  Worker Bee Press

  P.O. Box 485

  Nicholasville, KY 40340

  Table of Contents

  About the Book

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Other Books By Abigail Keam


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Songs That Inspire the Last Chance Motel Series

  Bonus Chapter from Death By A HoneyBee

  About The Author

  Other Books By Abigail Keam


  Thanks to my editor, Faith Freewoman

  Artwork by Cricket Press

  Book jacket by Peter Keam

  Author’s photograph by Peter Keam

  Other Books By Abigail Keam

  Epic Fantasy

  Josiah Reynolds Mysteries

  Romance Series

  If you like my stories, please leave a review, tell your friends about me, follow on Facebook, or sign up for my NEWSLETTER.

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  To all the dreamers who answer the siren’s call, wherever it may lead them.


  Eight-year-old Jenny Bishop was picking up trash around the grounds of the Pink Flamingo Motel, aka the Last Chance Motel, when she happened upon a boy at the motel’s lagoon. Jenny started to say hello when she noticed the boy was throwing rocks at a manatee swimming in the warm, turquoise water.

  “Hey, there. Don’t do that.”

  The boy threw another rock before turning to face Jenny. “Says who?” the boy shot back.

  Jenny was quick with a retort. “Says me, that’s who!”

  “Why not?”

  “You might hit the manatee.”

  “I’m trying to hit it.” He picked up another pebble.

  “Don’t,” demanded Jenny, growing angry. “That manatee comes around to swim with my mo . . . Eva. She’s very gentle.”

  “I don’t care,” sneered the little boy, throwing the stone.

  The manatee ducked under the water.

  “You better stop!” warned Jenny.

  “Who’s gonna make me?”

  “I will,” replied Jenny, dropping her trash bag and balling her fists.

  Eva was always reminding her to be nice to the guests, but Jenny couldn’t stand to see anything mistreated. In her anger, she completely forgot what Eva had told her.

  “What’s going on here?” demanded a woman who looked suspiciously like the boy–pale, skinny, and eyes that looked like they squinted all the time, even in the shade.

  “This girl was throwing rocks at that big fish out there and when I told her to stop, she started throwing rocks at me,” complained the boy to his mother.

  Jenny’s mouth fell open from astonishment. She had never heard such a bald-faced lie in all her young life. “You’re a stinkin’ liar!”

  The woman gasped, putting her arms around the boy protectively. “My son does not lie,” she insisted. “You are a bad girl for telling such fibs.”

  “I’m not lying,” insisted Jenny, her face burning with frustration.

  “What’s going on here?” asked Mary, Jenny’s grandmother, who’d emerged from behind a bungalow with fresh pool towels in her arms.

  “This little girl was throwing rocks at that fish out there, and tried to put the blame on my son,” protested the mother. “And what’s more, when my son tried to stop her, she started throwing rocks at him.”

  Jenny shook her head as she glanced at her grandmother.

  “I see,” replied Mary, cupping her hand over her eyes to shield them from the intense sun. “Are you referring to the manatee out there?”

  “Yeah, that big dumb fish,” spat out the boy.

  “Thank you for letting me know. I’ll take care of this,” assured Mary.

  “But . . . but,” sputtered Jenny while she was being led away by Mary. “That boy’s lying and getting away with it.”

  “I know he’s lying,” replied Mary, “but it isn’t our job to correct him.”

  Jenny pulled away from Mary and yelled at the boy, “Manatees are mammals, not fish, stupid!”

  The little boy stuck his tongue out while his mother gave Jenny a dirty look.

  “Come away, Jenny. What’s gotten into you?” admonished Mary.

  “Excuse me, ladies,” came a voice from beneath a floppy hat suspended above a hammock, which was gently swaying in the breeze.

  Mary and Jenny stopped and stared at the hat. Mary inquired, “Did you say something, sir? Were you talking to us?”

  A thick, hairy, masculine hand lifted the floppy hat from a grizzled, tanned face. The face brightened with a warm smile and spoke. “I saw everything from here, and the little girl is telling the honest truth.”

  Mary replied, “I know she is, but her stepmother owns the Pink Flamingo. It’s not our policy to contradict guests. It’s something we’re trying to teach Jenny, with varying degrees of success, it seems.”

  The man sat up with surprising vigor and swung his feet onto the ground, rocking back and forth in the hammock. “Well, my good woman, I’m a guest of this motel, and it seems that
you’re contradicting me right now.”

  Flustered, Mary had no idea how to respond.

  Jenny sassed, “That boy is just plain mean.”

  “Yep, he sure as shootin’ is, little lady,” claimed the man in the floppy hat. “Something should be done about that rascal. Unfortunately, he’s my grandson.”

  “No way!” blurted Jenny.

  Mary pushed Jenny ahead of her. “Go to the office, Jenny. Now, scoot.”

  Jenny beamed at the older man, reluctantly leaving her new champion with her grandmother.

  “I’m sorry if Jenny or I offended you,” apologized Mary. “Jenny likes to help out here. She has a lot of spunk, though, and it’s an effort to keep that in check, especially of late, it seems.”

  “No offense taken. My grandson has grown into a little twit because his mother indulges him too much.” The man shrugged. “I’ve tried talking to her about him, but she thinks I’m too old-fashioned to know how to raise a child in today’s complicated world.”

  Mary laughed, “However did we raise our kids during those uncomplicated times of the past?”

  “Yeah, life was so simple then. No problems, huh?” agreed the man, raising an eyebrow. “Let’s see. There was the Depression, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Civil Rights movement, the Women’s movement, political assassinations, the oil crisis, loss of jobs overseas, and stock market crashes. How did our parents and our generation ever raise kids in such a simple world?” mocked the stranger.

  Mary smiled. “Yes, parenting is sure different from when I was raising my boy. Still, children in the Keys are more independent than children on the mainland. They have to be.”

  The stranger looked around the motel. “The name of the motel has been changed. Back in the day I knew it as the Last Chance Motel.”

  Mary’s face softened. “Ah, you’ve been here before.”

  The man stood up. He was tall, and handsome for his age. His hair was still brown and just beginning to gray at the temples. Also it was apparent that he exercised regularly.

  Mary gauged him to be about her age. She felt her face flush when she realized she was actually sizing up the gentleman. She clutched the stack of pool towels a little tighter.

  “I used to come here with my wife when our children were little. I can’t believe how the islands have changed. It used to be that when you came to the Keys civilization was left behind.”

  “I’m afraid we’ve been discovered,” agreed Mary.

  “Oh, by the way, my name is River Egan,” announced the man, holding out his hand.

  Mary shifted the stack of towels so she could reach out to shake River’s hand. “My name is Mary. Jenny is my granddaughter.”

  “Just Mary?”

  “Just Mary.”

  “Okay. Nice to meet you, Mary.”

  “Nice to meet you too, Mr. Egan.”

  “Call me River, please.”

  “All right, nice to meet you, River. Very unusual name.”

  “My parents were early San Francisco beatniks.”

  Mary laughed, “Really? Not hippies?”

  “You make me too young. My generation was called hippies. No, my parents were before that. They were heavy into the poetry, folk music, and the coffee house scene before it was fashionable. You know, Neal Cassady, Kerouac, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and that crowd. I actually have a photo at home of my mother holding me as a toddler in front of the City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco.”

  “Interesting. Well, I have towels to deliver. Nice talking to you, Mr. Egan. Goodbye.”

  “River, please.” He strode after her. “I’ll walk with you. Let me help you with that big stack of towels,” he said, reaching out and taking half of Mary’s towels. He walked with her toward the pool. “Is there a Mr. Mary?”

  Mary pursed her lips, thinking that Mr. Egan was being intrusive. There had recently been a serious stalking incident at the Pink Flamingo that had left Mary wary of men. Fortunately the woman who had been the target of the stalker was fine and still working at the motel.

  “Is there a Mrs. Egan?” asked Mary, hoping to deflect River’s line of inquiry.

  “There was. She was a wonderful woman, but she passed away several years ago.”

  “I’m so sorry for your loss, Mr. Egan.”

  “What about you?”

  Mary reached to take the towels from River’s arms. “Goodbye, Mr. Egan. Hope you have a wonderful stay with us,” said Mary, swerving onto another path.

  “River!” the man called after her. “My name is River.”


  Eva Hanover Bishop looked up from the front desk as Mary strode in. She held up her hand. “Heard all about it first hand from Jenny.”

  “Where is she?”

  “In Lillian’s apartment crying her eyes out.”

  Mary gave Eva a concerned look. “I don’t know what’s gotten into that child. She’s so sensitive anymore. Look at her crossways, and she either goes into a crying jag or lashes out in anger.”

  “I know what the matter is,” confided Eva. “It’s me. Ever since I married her father, she’s been different. I don’t think she’s happy with me or the situation in general.”

  “Now Eva, don’t take it personally, but I do think the change has been difficult for her. New mother, new house, new bedroom, new friends. That can be a bit overwhelming for a little person.”

  “A big person too,” grinned Eva.

  Mary grasped Eva’s hand. “Oh, do tell me that you’re happy with my son, Eva.”

  A brilliant smile exploded on Eva’s face. “Mary, I never knew that I could be this blessed. I am truly happy for the first time in my life.”

  Mary relaxed. “Then be patient with Jenny. She’ll come around.”

  “I hope so. I’m getting a little worried though.”

  “What does Mike say?”

  “Mike? He doesn’t notice. You know men. Mike’s concerned with finishing the house, getting new contracts, getting the apartment building finished so we can rent it out, and paying bills.”

  “That may be part of the problem. Why don’t you and Mike take Jenny out on my new boat and spend the day having a nice picnic on the ocean?”

  Eva frowned. “You know Jenny. She won’t step foot on a boat. She’s terrified of boats and the ocean.”

  Mary shook her head. “Poor thing hates the ocean so much after what happened to her mother, sometimes I think we’re being cruel keeping Jenny on Key Largo.”

  “I’ve thought that, too.”

  “Perhaps we should send her to live with my sister in Orlando again.”

  “I’m afraid if I mention it to Mike he might think that I’m trying to get rid of his daughter.”

  “I see. That places you smack between a rock and a hard place, doesn’t it?”

  “It certainly does,” agreed Eva. “I just want to do what’s best for Jenny. I’ve even thought of taking her to a therapist, but Mike said no way.”

  “Well, something needs to be done. She’s getting more sensitive and morose. I don’t want them to become permanent traits.”

  “Neither do I,” agreed Eva.

  “Between the two of us, we should come up with a plan in the next couple of months.”

  “I think that’s doable.” Eva was relieved that she wasn’t the only one taking notice of Jenny’s irritability.

  “Once we make a plan, I’ll talk to Mike, okay?”

  “Oh, Mary, would you? That would take so much pressure off me.”

  “You worry about getting your financial affairs in order. I’ll worry about Jenny, but I won’t talk to Mike without your blessing. Between the two of us, we’ll get this family on the right path again.”

  Eva leaned over the counter and kissed Mary’s cheek. She couldn’t have wished for a more understanding mother-in-law. So unlike her first one.


  River Egan was dangling his feet over the pier when Jenny paddled out of the mangroves and beached her kayak.

  As she
was getting out, River called, “Say there, little lady, can I borrow your kayak?”

  “Sure. I’m finished with it,” waved Jenny, smiling.

  River jumped into the water and waded over to Jenny. “Thanks. I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. My name is River Egan,” he announced, holding out his hand. “We met earlier over a disagreement between you and my grandson.”

  “You stood up for me. I remember. My name is Jenny.” She handed him her paddle and life jacket. “River is a funny name.”

  “Really? I’ve always thought it to be a stupendous name.”

  “What’s ‘stoopendus’ mean?”

  “Grandiose.” River smiled. “When I was a young lad, I dreamed of sailing the Ohio River, and then down the Mississippi into the Gulf of Mexico, until I caught the flow of the Caribbean currents, and then just seeing where the winds and the currents took me . . . so you see my name fits.”

  “I guess so,” shrugged Jenny.

  “I hope you didn’t get into any trouble the other day.”

  Jenny shook her head. “Nope. Nothing else was said, but it still makes me mad that dumb boy, err, I mean your grandson, lied and his mama believed him.”

  “You’re right about that, Miss Jenny. You are a truly righteous person, young lady. So few left on Earth.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means you thirst for justice. I’m afraid you are going to have your pure heart broken for the world is a web of mischief.”

  “You talk funny.”

  “I do, indeed, child. I do indeed.” River pushed the kayak into the water and jumped in. “Goodbye, my good lady Themis. Tell my daughter by the pool that I’ll be back before nightfall if the gods allow.”

  Jenny swiveled around and looked at the guests lounging around the pool. She didn’t see Mr. Egan’s daughter, but waved goodbye as he paddled off in her kayak.

  By the time Jenny reached the pool, she had forgotten about the message she was supposed to relay. It seemed her mind just wandered from one thought to the next without her even realizing it. She went for a swim instead.


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