Monster Stalker
Page 31
Sexual Trafficking:
I hope the following resources will help inform and give an understanding of how sexual trafficking works, and why justice often does not protect victims or persecute those who hurt them.
My first understanding of sexual trafficking came from reading an article a long time ago, which opened with a scene of a shack available to migrant workers, where children who’d been sold by their families lay in cots. It was an image that stayed with me for years, and I’ve now resolved my feelings about it, however inadequately, with Nico and Bear.
“She tastes like crushed flowers,” one said:
I wrote this line in reference to a certain metaphor (not the cut sandal-tree or the crushed violet flower metaphor, though they are the same idea). Quote:
In 1855 a metaphor employing trampled flowers appeared in a journal called “The Sacred Circle” which contained articles about spiritualism:
Forgiveness is the perfume which flowers give when trampled upon.
Brown’s Meatpacking:
The name is in reference to Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle.
“Jerry” and “Tommy”:
When Eton boy says, “Jerry’s not bested us,” he’s using WWI British slang for the Germans. Nico responds by calling him “Tommy”, which was British slang, dating from Victorian times, for common soldiers in the British Army. Since Eton boy was under duress and possibly confused, Nico did not correct him about who his captors were.
Gurkha Service No 1 (Sarkhuri Khukuri):
Happens to be this knife from Khukuri House, and the perfect size for Nico.
How to set a car on fire:
And no, they do not explode like in the movies.
Watch how a car burns and see how much I embellished,
Heloise’s piano playing:
This very enjoyable and lovely performance of a certain Broadway song was my reference.
When Re’shawn refers to a sugarplum:
She really means a sugar-coated almond, or comfit, not a dried plum. An in-depth history of the true sugar-plum (British) is given at this site,
Quote: “When C. T. Onions composed the definition of sugar-plum for the OED some time after 1914, the original meaning of sugar-plum was still extant -
‘Sugar-plum - A small round or oval sweetmeat, made of boiled sugar and variously flavoured and coloured; a comfit’.”
Possible Resemblances:
Again NewYork may resemble New York City
Jifk Spaceport may resemble JFK Airport
Count Ulock may resemble Count Orlock
Sabella Peck may resemble Isabella Rosellini
Beckensdale coats may resemble Burberry coats
The parfum Chasse Geraud Soeurs may resemble Chamade Guerlain
The shoe brand Christoffel Loulain may resemble Christian Louboutin
Pantone colour Bulgarian Rose Red may serve the function of Chinese Red
The Rocklyn Hotel may resemble the Rosslyn Hotel
Woodrow’s may resemble Woolworth’s
Jake T Zick’s tracts may resemble Jack T Chick’s tracts
Somewhen by Leopold Bergstein may resemble Somewhere by Leonard Bernstein
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Now Arriving
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Author’s Notes