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Stay With Me: A Lesbian Romance

Page 6

by Lydia Rose

  “I went to New York for a couple of days.”

  Laura didn’t elaborate so Christine continued to probe. “Were you looking for an apartment?”

  “I spent one day doing that, but I didn’t find anything I liked.”

  “Did you stay with Rachel?” Christine felt like she was pulling teeth to get information out of Laura.

  “No, I stayed in a hotel. I didn’t want to put any of my friends out.”

  They pulled up to the restaurant and went inside. “Hi. Reservation for Lerner,” Laura said to the hostess.

  “Ms. Lerner, I’m sorry. It will be a few minutes before your table is ready. Would you like to wait in the bar?”

  Laura turned to Christine. “We can wait here.”

  Laura didn’t sit down. “I’ll be right back,” she said and disappeared.

  “Hey stranger,” Molly said as she walked into the kitchen.

  “Hi, Molly. What do you recommend tonight?”

  “Did you bring a date?” Molly asked.

  Laura shrugged. “Friend unfortunately,” she said with a chuckle. “She’s not interested in anything else between us.”

  “I’m going to make you two something special and maybe by the end of the night, she will be your date.

  Laura laughed. “Where’s Sharon?”

  “Not feeling well tonight. She works too hard as I do. Why don’t you come work for me a few nights a week so we can get some time off?”

  Laura laughed again. “You couldn’t afford me.”

  “You would be surprised.” She moved closer to Laura. “We are doing unbelievably well. Think about it.”

  “I’m going back to New York.”

  “Why? To kill yourself in someone else’s restaurant?” Molly said raising her voice.

  “You want me to come work for you,” Laura said with a giggle.

  “Yes, but I said a couple of days a week. You can still have a life outside of these walls.” Molly touched Laura’s arm. “And you can give me time with Sharon away from here.”

  “I better get out there or Chris will think I’ve abandoned her.”

  “Think about it.” Molly yelled.

  As Laura walked to the entry way, she knew she had to think about Molly’s offer. The one thing she did know was that she couldn’t live near Christine. “Where’s my dinner companion?” Laura asked the hostess.

  “I seated her already. Let me show you to the table.”

  “Sorry,” Laura said as she took her seat. “Put the menu away. We’re not going to need that tonight.”

  “Why?” Christine asked.

  “Molly said to leave the dinner to her. We won’t be disappointed Chris.”

  Christine smiled. “I ordered us a bottle of wine. Is that okay?”

  The waiter brought over the wine and poured them each a glass. “Molly told me she has your order already. Relax and I’ll bring the appetizers out immediately.” He looked at Laura. “Your date thought you abandoned her.”

  “Never,” Laura said with a smile.

  He walked away with a nod at Christine.

  “You thought I left you, huh?”

  “Well, we were seated a minute or two after you walked away.” Christine shrugged. “You never said where you were going.”

  The first course was lobster bisque served in small tea cups. There was chucks of lobster floating in the broth. The second course was Crab Molly.

  Laura leaned across the table and whispered to Christine. “I think I just had an orgasm,” she said with a giggle.

  “I’m way ahead of you. I’ve had two already and here comes the third.” Christine’s speech almost came out as a moan.

  The next course was slices of filet mignon and halibut with the most scrumptious sauce either woman had ever tasted. As they finished their meal, Molly appeared. She carried a plate with their dessert.

  “I hope you enjoyed the meal?” Molly asked as she placed the plate in the center of the table.

  Christine giggled. “Would you marry me, Molly?” She asked with a wink.

  “Molly this Christine. Christine, Chef Molly.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you and the food was out of this world,” Christine said with a smile.

  “I’m glad to meet you too.” Molly studied the two women and their interaction with each other.

  “Chris said your food gave her multiple orgasms.” Laura teased.

  “You said it first,” Christine said sticking out her tongue.

  “Is that ladylike behavior for such a fancy restaurant?” Laura asked with a smirk.

  Molly interrupted. “Enjoy the dessert, ladies. Laura, come see me before you leave.”

  The waiter came over to their table. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “Just the check,” Laura said.

  “Chef Molly said dinner is on her.”

  Laura reached for her wallet and Christine put her hand on top of hers. “I asked you to dinner. The tip is on me.” She dropped sixty dollars on the table.

  “I’m just going to tell Molly thank you.” She stood up. “Wait here for me.”

  Laura walked into the kitchen. “Thank you, Molly. You didn’t have to pay for the meal.”

  “I chose the meal, so I wasn’t going to charge you.” Molly moved closer. “Don’t go to New York. That girl might saying she’s not interested, but trust me, she’s interested.”

  “I don’t think so. She’s still mourning the death of her partner.” Laura insisted.

  “She may not realize it yet, but what I witnessed was not friendship.”

  “Good night, Molly. Thanks again,” Laura said as she walked toward the exit.

  “Think about my offer.” Molly yelled before Laura went through the swinging door.

  Laura walked back to the table. “Ready to go?”

  Christine stood and Laura’s hand pressed into the small of her back as they left the restaurant.

  The ride home was relatively quiet. Christine was lost in her thoughts about her evening. It was the first time in three years that she had actually enjoyed herself. The food was fantastic and the conversation playful. Laura was definitely the whole package and she was going to make some woman a wonderful partner.

  As they pulled into her driveway, Laura was out of the car before Christine’s hand was on the door handle. Laura’s opened the car door and held her hand out for Christine to take.

  “Thank you,” Christine whispered as she stepped onto the driveway.

  Laura followed her to the front door and as Christine removed her keys from her purse, Laura reached for them. She opened the door and allowed Christine to step into the foyer. Laura removed the keys from the lock and held out the keys. Christine reached for the keys in Laura’s palm. As she did, Laura took her wrist and pulled her in close. Her lips came in contact with Christine’s lightly, but then she deepened the kiss. The kiss didn’t last long and Laura stepped away.

  “Good night, Chris.”

  Christine stood there in shock before she said. “Thank you for taking me to Molly’s restaurant.”

  Laura waived as she opened her car door and lowered herself into the seat.

  As Laura pulled out of the driveway, Christine touched her lips with her fingers.


  Thursday morning, Christine sat at her desk waiting for Sally to pop her head into her office.

  “Hey, sunshine,” Sally said with her head in the office and her body standing outside the doorway.

  Christine motioned for Sally to come into the office.

  Sally furrowed her eyebrow in concern. “What’s wrong, Chris?” She asked leaning over her desk.

  “She kissed me,” Christine said softly.

  “Who?” Sally asked standing upright again.


  Sally sat down in one of the chairs in front of Christine’s desk. “When did this happen?”

  Christine went through the details of going to dinner and when they got back to the house, Laur
a kissed her good night.

  “What I want to know?” Sally asked. “Did you kiss her back?”

  Christine nodded. “Not at first, but before it was over, I did.”

  “Well, it’s about time,” Sally said smiling.

  “What am I going to do? What if she’s expecting more from me now?” These were Christine’s concerns. This is what made her so upset.

  “Didn’t you tell me she has her dad’s house on the market and she’s going back to New York?”

  Christine nodded.

  “Unfortunately, you have nothing to worry about. She’s walking away, Chris.” Sally stood. “I have to get to my office. We’ll talk more about this at lunch.”

  Christine thought about what Sally had said. The kiss obviously didn’t mean anything to Laura since she was moving away. Laura understood that Christine wasn’t looking for a relationship. The kiss was just a kiss. Christine smiled thinking she really didn’t have a problem. The kiss was just a kiss, but then her fingers went to her lips. I have a big problem.

  Thursday after work, Christine walked to the patio door looking for Laura. The yard was empty and she went upstairs to change. She was surprised how disappointed she was.

  Friday, she called Carol. “How about you and Sara come to dinner Sunday night?”

  “We’d love to. Who’s cooking? You or Laura?” Carol asked with a chuckle.

  “Me,” Christine said returning her laugh. “Laura and I went to the restaurant Wednesday. You were right about the food. We didn’t even order from the menu. Molly delivered us the most wonderful four course meal I have ever had.”

  “Wow. It’s nice to have Laura as a friend?” Carol asked.

  “Molly didn’t even let us pay for the meal.”

  “You like her, don’t you?” Sally asked.

  “Sally, she’s my friend and she’s going back to New York.”

  “And you’re letting her go?”

  “I have no control over Laura’s life.”

  Sally sighed. “What time do you want us on Sunday?”

  “Six o’clock.”

  “See you then.”

  Friday night, Christine walked to the patio door. Her eyes opened in surprise as she saw Laura in her normal position. She was floating on the pool mat with her top untied. Christine reached for the door handle and changed her mind. She ran for the steps and came down in her bathing suit. Christine went to the refrigerator and took out two bottles of water. As she opened the door, Laura didn’t stir. She walked over to the edge of the pool and sat down. It was when her feet stirred the water that Laura opened one eye.

  “Hi,” she said lifting her head. “Is one of those bottles for me?”

  Christine held up the bottle to her. “Yes.”

  Laura jumped off the mat forgetting to retire her bathing suit.

  Christine roared with laughter.

  “What are you laughing at,” Laura asked as she swam to the side of the pool. “What do I have, mat face?”

  “Yeah, that’s it.” Christine giggled.

  Laura took the bottle from her hand and twisted off the cap. She took a long drink and put the water down on the concrete edge. “What are you grinning at?” Laura asked shaking her head.

  “Do you feel a draft?”

  “A draft?” Laura asked not understanding. Then she looked down and saw her top wasn’t there. Laura looked at the water and saw it on the bottom. She swam down and retrieved the top. When Laura broke the surface, Christine was howling with laughter. “You think this is so funny?”

  “I knew that was going to happen sooner or later. You always had that top untied.”

  “Okay, you’ve got me there, but you distracted me.” Laura said and joined in the laughter. She retied the top and pulled herself out of the water. She sat down next to Christine and took another drink of the water.

  “How did I distract you?” Christine said still laughing.

  Laura grinned. “With your beauty. It’s very distracting.”

  Christine’s hand went to her hip and her head tilted toward Laura.

  “Okay, it was the bottle of water you were carrying.” Laura smirked. “But you are a beautiful woman, Chris.”

  Christine ignored Laura’s comment. “I invited Carol and Sara to dinner Sunday night.” Christine turned and glanced at Laura. “Would you come to dinner too?”

  Laura looked out at the water below before answering. “Who’s cooking?” She asked with a grin.

  “I am and you don’t have to help. Just show up at six along with the other guests.”

  “Sure okay.” Laura responded. “I went diving today for lobsters with some guy I met.”

  “You dive?” Christine asked surprised.

  “I haven’t been in a long time. It was fun.” Laura looked at Christine. “I made a lobster salad and bisque for dinner. Would you like to share it with me?”

  Christine laughed. “I think I changed my mind about you coming to dinner Sunday. I can’t compete with your cooking.”

  Laura reached for Christine’s hand. “It’s not a competition, Chris.”

  Christine pulled her hand free. “I’d love to have dinner with you.”

  “Take your dip and come over after you’ve changed.” Laura stood up and picked up her empty bottle of water. She placed the bottle in the trash and put her t-shirt over her bathing suit. “Take your time, Chris,” she said as she reached for the gate handle.

  As soon as Laura left the yard, Christine pulled her feet out of the pool water. She dried her legs before going into the house. Christine put on a pair of shorts, a tank top and a button down shirt that she left open. She arrived at Laura’s door in a half hour.

  “Didn’t you take a swim?” Laura asked as she opened the front door.

  “Are you kidding? With bisque and lobster salad waiting for me,” Christine said with a laugh.

  “Come on in and I’ll get our dinner.” Laura went into the kitchen and began heating up the bowls of soup. She handed Christine the salad. “Would you like to eat at the table or right here?” She asked pointing at the island.

  “Right here is fine,” Christine said as she placed the salad down on the counter. “I’ll get the silverware,” she said already walking over to the kitchen drawer. She took out a spoon, a fork and reached for the napkins.

  Laura reached for the plates and handed them to Christine. “Sit down and I’ll get the soup.” She ladled the soup into the bows and placed them on the counter.

  Christine lowered her head and smelled the aroma. “Smells wonderful. How many lobsters did you get?”

  “Two nice size lobsters.”

  Christine began eating the soup and soft sounds came out of her mouth. She looked up and saw Laura watching her. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize, but if someone was recording you eating,” She laughed. “They would think you were having sex instead of eating a meal.”

  “Hey, when you haven’t had sex in three years.” She held up her hands. “This is the closest thing to sex that I’m going to get.”

  Laura roared with laughter.

  “That didn’t sound right, did it?”

  “It was perfect.” Laura reached across the counter and placed her hand on Christine’s. “I’m glad you enjoy my cooking.”

  “Yes and that’s why I have to spend so much time on my treadmill. I’ve missed my mornings sitting on the bench because of you.” The words slipped out of Christine’s mouth without thought. “I mean, my morning routine is now, out of bed and on the treadmill.”

  Laura didn’t comment, but her smile spoke volumes.

  The phone interrupted their meal. “Sorry, but that’s the realtor.” Laura picked up her cell phone. “Hi Kim.”

  “I have an offer for you, Laura. I believe you’ll be pleased. Can I come over?”

  “How about tomorrow morning?”

  “Ten AM?” Kim asked.

  “Perfect. See you then.”

  Laura looked up when the call en
ded. She knew Christine had only heard one side of the conversation. “There’s an offer on the house.”

  “That was fast,” Christine said picking at her lobster salad.

  “We’ll see how good it is tomorrow morning.” Laura smiled. “So what are you making for your guests tomorrow?”

  “I thought I would throw some steaks on the grill along with shrimp. I’m going to make some potato salad too.” Christine smiled. “Does that meet with your approval?”

  Laura returned the smile. “Sounds perfect.”


  Saturday morning, Kim came over to present the offer she received.

  “Have a seat, Kim.” Laura motioned to the dining room table. “Would you like something to drink? Laura offered.

  “No thank you.” Kim lifted the papers out of her briefcase and laid them on the table. She pointed to the figure offered. “As you can see, they are giving you asking price and it’s a cash deal. They do have some stipulations.”

  Laura’s eyebrows rose. “What are they?” She thought expecting the worst.

  “They’re asking for the boat, furniture and a closing date of thirty days.”

  “Thirty days,” Laura said softly. “I’ve packed everything I want from the house, so the furniture isn’t a problem and I have no use for the boat once I sell.” Laura shrugged. “Where do I sign?”

  Laura had thought about Molly’s offer and her observations about Christine these last few days and resigned herself to stay in New Jersey. Whether it would ever be with Christine, she had no clue, but working for Molly had already been finalized. She would begin training Monday afternoon.

  “Do you have somewhere to go?” Kim asked.

  “No, but I was thinking if there is a house close to the beach for sale.”

  “How close to you want to be?” Kim asked.

  “I would like to see the water if possible.” Laura knew if she was leaving the river, the ocean was the only place she wanted to be. “Move in ready house. I don’t want to do upgrades or repairs.”

  “What’s your budget?” Kim asked continuing to make notes.

  “No more than I’m selling this house for.” Laura held up her hands. “I want a pool too.”


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