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Mindfield (Sideways Eight Book 1)

Page 26

by A Wallace

  Painted orange, from head to toe, the victim had a tangerine lodged inside her mouth and a peel slice in each eye. Charley zoomed the image to examine the crime scene photos. The same as the previous victims, the vagina was sewn shut with fishing twine. Body hair had been removed.

  “Same M.O.” She sat in the office chair, continuing to read the details. “Supine in the grass, the victim’s feet pointed east with her arms positioned at thirty degree angles.” She pointed at the screen. “Look at her hand.” The facts unfurled. “He knows I’m here and no longer in Maryland. This is the first time he’s left a note.”

  Murphy moved closer to the overhead monitor. He rubbed the back of his neck as he swallowed deep. As his natural pink cheeks reddened, his forehead moistened.

  You left the shore, for what more,

  Now you climb, to experience divine.

  You will fall hard and quick,

  For I will destroy your tick, tick, tick.

  Murphy whipped around to face her. His hand swept his forehead. “He’s after you.”

  “It’s a metaphor.” She sighed. “That isn’t how he does things. This is contradictory to his past behavior.”

  “Char, he wants to kill you.”

  “Good, I want him after me. If we’re lucky, this will be his final victim. This one wasn’t to fulfill his fantasies and desires. This was a dedication to me. I accept his invitation.”

  “What?” Murphy gasped, stepping towards her, his hands out front. “Char, you have to go under a protection order.”

  “No way. Let him stand before me and watch what happens. I have him this time. He’s not between the ages of thirty and thirty-five as I once analyzed. More like twenty-five to thirty. I estimate his first kill happened when he was eighteen, maybe younger. It’s rare for a serial killer to be that young.”

  She stood from her seat, knocking the chair away with the back of her knees. She paced the floor, playing with her mouth. “He’s intelligent, but immature, socially incompetent. He’s never been in a close relationship. An only child, pushed too hard and too far to succeed by demanding parents always on his tail to be superior to others.”

  “You almost described yourself.” He gave her a side eye.

  “My parents never pushed me. They spent most of their time trying to slow me down. His parents were critical and strict, possibly religious. That explains the explicit posing from his earlier kills. But this one, he didn’t.” She ambled towards him. “They’re dead. He’s free from their bondage. This is his final stand.”

  Murphy’s stance went rigid as he drew in a breath and released it. “His final stand is to kill you.”

  “No, he’s done. He’s ready to die. I’m the last person he wants to see before he closes his eyes forever.”

  Murphy ran his hand through his dark hair, taking the spit curl with it. “That is the most ridiculous form of suicide-by-cop I’ve ever heard. You’re losing it. Char.” He shook his hand at her. “Listen. To. Me. The note is a threat. This is serious. He wants to destroy you.”

  “Sean, you can’t think normal here. You have to exist inside their deranged, disjointed minds. To think like them.” She brought her clenched fist to her chest. “Be them. Feel them. Experience them. They are amazing people. The way they define words isn’t the same as a normal person. He’s being cryptic.”

  “Char, you have to stay in a safe place, out of sight, please.”

  “You don’t get it because you’ve never been there.” With her arms parallel to the ground, she turned in a circle. “Their mind, it lives in this dark, mysterious place. It’s almost serene until the lights turn on. The monster evolves into an ominous monstrosity that can’t breathe. It desires liberty to prove itself the only way it knows how.”

  “You admire them?”

  “Yes, their minds. Their crimes?” She shook her head. “Study them. Look at the enormous amount of information and data made available because of criminals such as Jeffery Dahmer. He was a prize, personable and aware of what he did. Arguably remorseful, he wanted to be in prison. Dahmer accepted he was an abomination. Tangerine knows he is, and that’s why I’ll stop him.”

  Murphy’s tall frame leaned over her, bending her back, as he locked onto her eyes. He clamped her chin with his thumb and index finger. “I’m not letting you out of my sight, period.”

  “Too much drama, Sean.”

  He turned away, digging his fingers into his hips. “You call this drama? Are you for real? This demon is plotting to kill you and you’re so nonchalant. I don’t understand your reaction.”

  “Sean, he’s not after me. He’s taunting me. It won’t work. I understand this guy. I’m telling you, he’s not after me. For one, he knows better.”

  “I’m calling trumps.” Murphy’s footfalls towards her were forceful, his tone deepened. “I will not stand back and watch you compromise your safety and play poker with your life.”

  “What are you saying? You want to control me?”

  “Yes, get over it. I’m not leaving your side.”

  “You have to go home sometime.”

  “Here, your home, until this degenerate is taken down. Don’t even try to dismiss me. I’m taking a solid stand.” Murphy’s hand slung in front of her. “And that’s final.”

  “You sound like my daddy.”

  “I don’t want to be your daddy. I will protect you at all costs. Whether you like it or not.”

  “Don’t say that.”

  “You want power over my feelings? What I say? I don’t think so.” He patted his chest. “Not power, Charley, protection.”

  “You’re pulling the archaic man card. Why? Because I’m a woman?”

  “I would do this for anyone I care about, male or female. It’s how I’m wired.”

  Arms crossed, Charley stood defiant. “You’re bossy and controlling.”

  His finger jabbed his chest. “No, Charley, I care.” With a tight grip on her shoulders, he shook her. His voice softened into a deep, mellow, comforting tone. “I’m aware of your courage, your determination. I will not stand back and allow any harm to come to you. I will not allow it.”

  Charley backed away, shaking her head.

  “I’ll handcuff you if I have to.” He stepped forward and leaned into her. “We both know I’ll do it. Hold you hostage at my home until this is over. I will allow no one to hurt you. Never again.”

  Charley waved her arm in the air. “Forget it. I’m not staying at your house.”

  “Guess again.” He gave her a direct nod. “Your safety comes first and I’m in charge of that safety.”

  “It’s silly, Sean. I promise you, he isn’t coming after me. That’s not his purpose, believe in me.”

  “When you believe in me.” He tapped her on the shoulder. “I’ll believe in you.”

  “I don’t have a lifetime, okay?”

  “You are so mean sometimes.”

  Charley waved her finger back and forth. “No, I’m honest, forthright, and belligerent, but never mean.”

  “Char, I’m not leaving your side. Fight me all you want, but you’ll lose this one and you don’t like to lose.”

  “I’ll consider it. I’m going to Carmichael’s. You coming?”

  “Stupid question after all I’ve said.” He turned away, redirected and faced her. “I can always camp out on your front porch.”

  “You have a key to my house. Why would you camp out on the front lawn?”

  “To make a point.”

  “Ughhh, Sean, you won’t stop, will you?”


  Manassas, VA Medical Examiner’s Office - 09:58 AM

  At the ME’s office, they approached the slab where the woman lay. Charley signaled their arrival.

  “Hey, Charley, Murph, how’s it going?” Carmichael said.

  “Great,” she said.

  “How about I tell you what isn’t on the server?” Carmichael said.

  She rubbed her hands together grinning. “I love inside secret
s. Let’s hear it.”

  “Her name is Hillary Meagan. She’s divorced, no children, a pharmaceutical sales rep. Her capture and killing is a little different than the ones from four years ago.”

  “How so?”

  “I wanted to tell you before I forwarded the info to other authorities. First, she isn’t eighteen or twenty-one. She’s twenty-eight.”


  “She’s a natural blond with green eyes and smaller than the other victims. Before you get all sentimental on me, she wasn’t an athlete.”

  “How do you know she had blond hair? Her head is shaved,” Murphy said.

  With a goofy sideways smile, Carmichael goaded him. “Please tell me you know how to use a landing strip? One pylon remained.”

  “Oh.” Murphy jutted his jaw.

  Bewildered, Charley glanced at both of them. “What? I don’t understand.”

  “Curtains, Charley,” Murphy said.

  “Curtains, what curtains? What would they have to do with her hair color? Ansel, why would you go to her house to see her drapes?”

  They stared at her, speechless.

  Charley shrugged her shoulders. “What?”

  In unison, the men spoke aloud, “Pubic hair.”

  Her hands flitted. “Why didn’t you say so?” Her brows furrowed as she did a forty-five and focused on Murphy. “Curtains?”

  “It’s more of a derogatory term if you include the word meat. Don’t ask, I’ll explain later.”

  “I’ll use the net, thank you.” She turned to Carmichael. “Anyway, Ansel, are you trying to scare me?”

  “Yes, I am. She’s a message and we know what it’s saying.”

  “What is with you guys? Tangerine is not after me. What else?”

  “Recall his barbaric torture of his former victims? He abducted them and exsanguinated them soon after he brutalized them. Not so with this one. He played with her.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, it wasn’t easy to figure out. First, I searched for knowns and I didn’t go outside the box. There were traces of lavender body wash on her skin. I found minute fibers of a fine lace material. You’re not the lace kinda gal.”

  Charley slid her fingernail over her incisors. “What kinda lace?”

  “I’m no expert, but I could tell by the thread quality it wasn’t ordinary. I contacted a local fabric store. They identified it for me. I called northern France near Calais, and they verified it’s Leavers lace.”

  Charley whispered, “How does he know?”

  “Char, you wear lace? Since when?”

  “My panties. I special order them, Leavers lace.”

  “This maniac knows what underwear you wear? Holy shit, that’s scary.” Murphy raked his hand through his hair. “I was right, Char, admit it.”

  “He’s been digging into my life. It’s one thing to know who I am. It’s another to know what kinda panties I wear.”

  “Now do you believe me, Char? We’re Siamese twins.”

  Carmichael pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose. “Murph, what are you talking about?”

  Murphy patted his chest. “Char’s life is in danger. I told her I’m on her like glue.”

  Carmichael sighed. “Char, he has a point.”

  Charley ignored his statement. “Anything else, Ansel?”

  “He didn’t mar the body. I’m not even sure how he imprisoned her as he did the others. There’s no defensive wounds, no rope marks, nothing.”

  “Sexual assault?” Murphy added.

  “That was a shocker, considering what he did to the other eight victims. I expected a bloody mess, but not Hillary. No signs of sexual assault.”

  “Why did his MO change?”

  Charley displayed two fingers. “Two reasons. She’s too old, and she’s not a virgin. He has a penchant for young and intact. He can’t take something that isn’t there.”

  “I remember you saying he has to possess them,” Murphy said.

  “That’s right, Hillary is symbolic.”

  “Because she’s you in his mind?” Carmichael added.

  “No. Tangerine believed his victims not only deserved the barbaric things he did to them, they wanted it. His narcissistic mind convinced him they wanted to be possessed by him. He rationalizes being deflowered by him was an honor, a privilege.”

  “Oh, please.” Carmichael rolled his eyes.

  “How many times have you heard a guy say she hasn’t had a real man till she’s had me? I’ll give her the best.”

  “A lot,” Murphy said. “Tangerine is depraved.”

  “Yes, he is. The reason he used objects, he’s impotent, perpetual premature ejaculation or both.”

  “Sucks to be him,” Carmichael said.

  “Did the tox-screen show anything?” Murphy said.

  “I did a full panel, and looked for the unusual ones, nothing showed.”

  “Is it possible he used a natural ingredient that builds in the blood or dissipates in the system after a certain time?”

  “Maybe, but we’ll never know. Hillary’s work-up was clean. It was hard enough trying to extract a smidgen of her blood from the paint injected into her body. I called the ME in Seattle to make sure I was doing it right.”

  “I remember. He hangs them upside down and drains their blood.”

  “Charley, I agree with Murph. It’s rather obvious who he killed… you.”

  “Was he? I’m not so sure. This killing isn’t angry. It’s an announcement, a declaration. He wants me to respond, and I will.” She lowered her head. “This woman, Tangerine stalked her. He chose her based on my description. She died because of me.”

  “Char, stop it. That’s what he wants. For you to feel guilty and responsible,” Carmichael said. “Don’t give him the satisfaction.”

  “Hillary didn’t deserve this. She’s innocent.”

  “So are you.”

  “I’m not. I’ve done bad things.”

  “In the name of justice,” Murphy said.

  “I could’ve handled a few situations differently.”

  Murphy squeezed her shoulders, turning her towards him with dire concern in his eyes. “Charley, this is dangerous.”

  “I’m not scared.” She turned to Carmichael. “Anything else interesting?”

  “Nothing. I’ll contact you if I do.”

  “Okay, meanwhile I’ll burn all my expensive lace underwear. Find out what a landing strip is. I have a hunch it has nothing to do with an airport.”

  Carmichael and Murphy smiled, raising their eyebrows.

  Chapter 35

  Before the Storm

  Lorton, VA – Faraday Farms

  Wednesday, 29 June - 12:17 PM

  The two of them entered the farmhouse from the garage, and shuffled through the mudroom, heading to the kitchen. Desperate, Murphy continued his plea for her to reconsider his proposal to remain by her side until Charley would be free from danger.

  “Be realistic about this.” He trailed after her as they went into the kitchen to decide on lunch.

  “He won’t confront me.” Charley went straight for the refrigerator. She opened the stainless steel door and stared into the chilly abyss. “Damn, the reefer light blew.” She removed a container of tuna salad with red grapes, held it up for his approval. Murphy acknowledged. She grabbed a loaf of bread from the corner cabinet. “The concern is if Tangerine knows about my panties, he knows where I live.”

  Murphy ran his hands through his hair. “You know what I’m gonna say.”

  “You can’t stay here, I’m sorry.”

  “Give me one good reason?”

  “It isn’t necessary.”

  “What do you think I’ll do to you, Charley?” Murphy opened the pantry door and removed a replacement bulb for the refrigerator from the shelf. “We’ve done this before, remember? The blood transfusion. I stayed with you for two days. No problem. How many times have we fell asleep on the sofa when we worked late?”

  “It’s not the same,
Sean.” Charley prepared the sandwiches.

  “I refuse to walk away, leaving you vulnerable. I can’t.” He wrung his hands, pacing about the kitchen. “I can’t.”

  “Tangerine won’t come near me.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “It’s not the way he does things. He doesn’t claim two victims in the same place, too risky. Which is why we haven’t caught him. He’s a hit-and-run type dude.”

  Murphy removed the bulb from the packaging and tossed the wrapper into the trash. “Wait, you said he’s ready to die and now you’re saying he’s toying with you. Which is it?”

  “Chalk it up to over exuberance. I want him so bad. To study him.” She waited for him to replace the bulb in the fridge and pointed at a carton of milk.

  “You don’t want to kill him?” Murphy handed her the moo-juice, closed the door, and grabbed two glasses from the cabinet.

  “His brain is priceless. He offers possible discoveries through interviews or brain scans giving us more information of how these networks of intricate corrupt synaptic mindfields work. Find out what makes him tick. I get excited and spit out words I shouldn’t. He must be captured alive.”

  Murphy advanced towards her. Slow and direct, each step marked by the thump of his heel. “Well, sweetheart, the only way you’re gonna keep me outta your house is to shoot me.” He stepped back, pointing the open end of a glass in her direction. “Arm your weapon and fire, baby, because you will not be home alone and that’s final.”

  “I’ve always liked a challenge. And you, Sean, are a challenge.” Charley snatched the glassware from his hands and set them onto the counter.

  “I’m here to make you happy.”

  “Provided I do as you say.” Charley chuckled, pouring milk into the tumblers.

  “No, Char, it has nothing to do with control and demand.”

  “Is that so?”

  He carried the plates holding the sandwiches and motioned for her to join him at the bar. “Condescending tone isn’t allowed.”

  “Your alpha male is strong today.”

  “You wanna see strong?” He positioned his body in front of her, easing her against the counter. The glassware full of milk, he removed them from her hands and set them on the other side of the island. Murphy grasped the edges of the counter, leaning into her. “This is how it’s gonna be. Until I’m convinced you’re safe, I’ll be here with you. There will be no protesting, no argument.”


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