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Started From the Top Now I'm Here 3

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by Midnite Love

  Little did she realize that when Derrick looked at her he still saw the same girl that use to come in his shop that he had a crush on. Yeah, her appearance had change but it didn’t change the way he felt about her. He knew that she must have gone through something really drastic for her to end up walking the streets of Skid Row. He also realized that she may or may not want to share it with him at the moment. For the record he could care less. His only concern was getting Sonnet off the street and making sure she had a safe place to sleep. Based on his generosity and kind heart he would have done the same for anyone he knew in need.

  “Sonnet I don’t know if you know this or not but I’ve always liked you. It kills me to think that things got this bad for you and you didn’t have anyone to turn to. I don’t give a damn about what you look like. You are still a princess. This is your last night sleeping outside. You are coming home with me.”

  Sonnet’s heart melted. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had offered to take care of her. It was a far cry from the John’s that she had been used too.

  “Derrick I can’t ask you to do that,” she responded knowing full well she was actually leaping up and down on the inside.

  “You don’t have to ask, consider it already done.”

  Sonnet had never felt so relieved in her life. For the first time in months she wasn’t going to have to worry about where she was laying her head that night or if she would survive another day without being raped or beaten. There was no more turning tricks for food. Or eating out of dumpsters. Derrick had come through like her very own prince charming.

  “Thank you so much Derrick,” she said softly. She felt a smile spreading across her face and her hand flew up to cover her mouth when she remembered the gaping hole from her front tooth missing.

  “Nothing to thank me for,” Derrick replied. “Now let’s get you cleaned up and some food in that belly.”

  Chapter 12 - Two Can Play That Game

  “Oh this is niiiice!” Ivy announced as she stroked the leather interior of the Mercedes AMG GT S. “How much did you say this cost again?” she asked.

  “I didn’t,” Kenterris replied, cutting his eyes at her.

  Since the night he’d embassased himself at the club with Cheron, Kenterris vowed that he was going to jump back into the dating game with both feet. His pride was deeply wounded by seeing her with other men fawning all over her. Not to mention the fact that she flatly turned him down each time he tried to catch up with her just to spend some time and talk. As far as Cheron was concerned there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell of them getting back together and she didn’t want to hear shit he had to say.

  After much contemplation he decided that if she’d moved on with her life it was best he did the same. The only problem was that his millionaire status made him a target for thots and gold-diggers. For a man in his position getting some ass would be easy; finding a female that was interested in more than just his money wasn’t.

  For the most part he was able to swerve the groupies that flocked to him in the clubs and the thirsty chicks at his office. He’d met Ivy though an acquaintance who swore that she different. An aspiring model who was just looking for a good guy to hang out with. When it was all said and done she was a Sonnet number two. Except the only difference was this time around he didn’t get caught up having sex with these chicks no matter how much they came on to him. True enough he did consider getting some from Ivy. She was as fine as they came. She resembled a younger, curvier Naomi Campbell. However his gut instinct told him that he needed to watch himself with this girl. And after the whole episode with Sonnet he’d learned his lesson about thinking with the head below his shoulders instead of the one above.

  “What are you doing?” Kenterris asked as Ivy attempted to unfasted his pants while they were sitting at the red light.

  “I’m giving you a little appetizer before dinner,” she cooed as she stroked his dick through his pants.

  “Damn, you don’t mess around do you?” Kenterris was taken aback by this girl’s boldness.

  “Not when I see something I want. Now you just sit back and concentrate on the road while I take care of you.”

  She then unzipped his pants and slid her hand in them. By now most men would be hard as a rock, anticipating an afternoon blow job while driving. However that wasn’t the case with Kenterris. He was actually still semi flaccid. He was torn between being turned on by a hot chick all over him, and the other side of him that was disgusted because she was turning out to be no different than the rest of the tricks who were only after him for his money.

  Ivy could sense his hesitation but she knew as soon as she took him in her mouth it was a wrap. Once she released his manhood from his pants she stroked the shaft before wrapping her lips around the head and gently sucking. He was now standing at full attention. She licked the tip before looking up at him. “Is this how you like it?”

  For many men morals don’t come into play when they are about to get laid. But despite his body reacting to her warm mouth, Kenterris still wasn’t sold on the idea. He and Ivy barely knew each other and she was slobbing him down like he was her man. This only further reinforced his feelings for Cheron, and how a true lady carried herself. And how rare they were to come by. He pulled into a secluded alley and parked.

  “You need to chill,” he announced, pulling her face away from him.

  “What’s the matter baby?” she asked as he put his penis back in his pants and zipped them up.

  “Nothing... it’s all good. You just moving a little too fast for my taste,” he replied. “I’m gonna drop you off.”

  “Drop me off? So we not going out? Damn, I never pegged a nigga like you to be a lame,” she snapped.

  “And I didn’t peg you to be this damn thirsty, but that’s neither here nor there.” With that Kenterris put the car in drive and headed back to Ivy’s house.

  “Thirsty? Ain’t that a bitch? Nigga I got student loans to pay. You knew what it was when you asked me out? I was just trying to speed this shit on up since you act like you don’t have a clue as to how the game works.”

  Kenterris just shook his head. He didn’t say another word the entire ride back to her house. The sooner he got rid of her the better.

  Once he was rid of Ivy he went out on several more dates and the result was still the same. The women were only after one thing. It was like they could smell money on him even when he wasn’t dressed to the nines or driving one of his many luxury vehicles. After Ivy he made it a point to try and be as low key as possible, not that he was flashy to start with. For the first time Kenterris had sympathy for women on the dating scene. This is what it must be like for all the sistas who had men stepping to them with only one thing on their mind. It just goes to show that when you have someone good you should try your best to hang on to them. Somehow Kenterris felt like he could search the rest of his life and still never find another Cheron.

  Chapter 13 - A Night To Remember

  “Oh my God Darrius, this place is beautiful,” Lexi announced as she gazed around the posh restaurant. Galileans was one of the top Italian restaurants in LA. Everything from the Linen table cloths, fine china, and gourmet menu spelled class. He had really outdone himself this time.

  “I’m glad you like it, the food here is supposed to be delicious,” Darrius replied as he pulled out Lexi’s chair for her. After they were seated he had the waiter bring them a bottle of their finest red wine.

  “You going all out, what’s the occasion? Lexi asked.”

  “Can’t a man just spoil his woman if he wants too?” Darrius responded.

  He actually had more up his sleeve than he was letting on. This was going to be the night that he asked Lexi to marry him and he wanted everything to be perfect.

  After the couple dined on a fabulous five course meal Darrius presented Lexi a with a heart shaped silver box.

  Lexi’s eyes lit up, “what is it?” she asked. She flipped back the hinged lid to expose a brillian
t two carat princess cut diamond set in platinum. The inscription on the inside of the lid read “will you marry me?”

  Her hands trembled as she felt the tears welling up in her eyes. She was utterly speechless. When she finally managed to look up at Darrius he was already out of his seat. He took the ring from the box and got down on one knee beside Lexi’s chair.

  “Oh my God Darrius!” Lexi squealed in anticipation of what was coming next.

  “Lexi I just need to tell you that the past year with you has been the happiest time in my life. I love you baby girl and I promise I will do my best every day to make you happy if you will be my wife. Lexi, will you marry me?” Darrius asked as he looked up at her.

  He was as handsome and dapper as ever. No one could have told Lexi a few years back that her child’s father would turn his life completely around, and now here he was asking her to marry him. Lexi didn’t need a moment of hesitation. She loved Darrius with all her heart and very much wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.

  “Yes!” she belted out.

  Darrius slid the ring on her finger and the couple shared a kiss as the patrons of the restaurant erupted on cheers and applause. Shortly after, the manger stopped by their table and personally congratulated them with a complimentary bottle of champagne.

  Lexi admired her ring as the string quartet played a selection of Italian love songs.

  “I hope I did good. It’s all we can afford right now, but I promise we can upgrade it.....” Darrius announced. Before he could finish Lexi placed her finger over his lips.

  “Shhhhh, you did wonderful. The ring is beautiful. I love you.”

  “I love you too...”

  In the months to come Lexi would spend her days planning her wedding. Needless to say it was bitter sweet. She was hurt deeply over the fact that neither one of her friends would share the happiest day in her life with her. Despite the fact that Sonnet betrayed her she still mourned their friendship even though she had no intentions of reconciliation. As far as Cheron; Lexi knew that she would never forgive her for knowing about Kenterris cheating with Sonnet and not telling her. If Lexi knew then what she knew now about Sonnet’s evil ways she would have chosen Cheron over her any day. Good friends are rare to come by and Lexi felt like she lost a real friend when she lost Cheron.

  “Baby why don’t you just call Cheron?” Darrius asked once he realized how much she missed her.

  “Because I know it will be a waste of time,” Lexi replied.

  “You don’t know that. Just because she dropped Sonnet’s sorry ass doesn’t mean that she won’t forgive you. I say it’s worth a shot. You know you don’t want to get married without ya girl being there,” he responded with a raise eyebrow.

  “You right, I do want her there. Hell truth be told I could actually use her input with planning the whole thing. I know she would have some good ideas. She has an eye for this kind of stuff.”

  “So call her. That way you can see where she stands. Otherwise it will be on your mind till day you walk down the aisle.”

  “Sigh.... I’ll think about it.”

  Chapter 14 - Hard Lessons

  “Damn bae you lookin’ sexy as hell,” Quinn announced as Cheron walked in the door of his three bedroom townhouse. He had been waiting on this opportunity since they had first met a few months back at a poetry reading that Cheron attended with one of her cousins.

  He tried to contain himself, seeing as he didn’t want to come off as thirsty, but the way the tight pencil skirt curved around her ass and thighs immediately gave him a semi erection.

  “Thank you,” Cheron replied. “You lookin’ good yourself.”

  Quinn was a thirty four year-old architect who lived alone, aside from Bella, his pit bull. Aside from the women that he brought home on occasion when he needed to get his rocks off, she was the only “woman of his house.”

  Normally when he invited his females over it was time for action when they walked in the door. After the sex they knew the drill, make sure they were out before the sun came up.

  However tonight was going to be different. Cheron was a cut above the women he usually dealt with. She was someone he could actually see himself in a relationship with. She was smart, classy, and beautiful and had a body that wouldn’t quit.

  Even though Quinn invited her over for dinner Cheron knew what was up. The last time they saw each other they were pretty tipsy and ended up doing some heavy petting on the sofa at her place before she finally told him he had to leave.

  True enough the brotha was fine as hell. And she definitely was attracted to him, but for some reason she still couldn’t get her mind off Kenterris. She told herself on a daily basis that she was over him, when in fact that couldn’t have been the furthest thing from the truth. Cheron’s whole demeanor the past several months was totally out of character for her. From the sexy, tight clothing to her running the streets and bar hopping. It was all a façade to mask the fact that she was actually still hurting inside. But it was time for all of that to change after all as the saying goes; the best way to get over someone else is to get under someone new.

  “I must say that I’m actually impressed,” Cheron announced after finishing the meal of prime rib, garlic mashed potatoes, and grilled asparagus that Quinn had prepared for dinner.

  “Oh what? You thought I couldn’t cook ‘cause I’m fine,” he joked.

  “You are funny,” she laughed. “But yeah, that’s exactly what I was thinking.”

  “Aww see, you don’t even have faith in a brotha,” he replied as he poured himself a glass of white wine then attempted to fill Cheron’s glass.

  “Just a taste, I’m driving,” Cheron cautioned as she partially covered her glass.

  “That’s not a problem seeing as I’m kidnapping you for the rest of the night.” He shot her a sly grin before taking her glass and filling it to the rim. “Let’s move to the living room so we can get comfortable.” He grabbed his glass in the other hand and motioned for her to follow him.

  “What happen to desert?” she asked as she took a seat next to him on the sofa. Although she liked Quinn she was a bit uncomfortable with how fast he was moving.

  “They only thing sweet I want to taste tonight is you,” he whispered as he gently rested his hand on one of her silky smooth thighs.

  Each time he touched Cheron it made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Partially because this was a new experience for her. She hadn’t felt a man’s hands on her since Kenterris. Another part of her was curious about what she had been missing since she had been with him. Especially considering she was the only one who had been faithful in the relationship. For all she knew he was probably laid up with some chick at this very moment. The more she thought about the more pissed she became. Once all the hurtful memories came flooding in it confirmed her decision to finally have sex with Quinn.

  Snap out of girl. You got a sexy ass man right here in front of you and you still worried about Kenterris’ sorry ass.

  Any apprehension she had was finally pushed to the back of her mind as she prepared herself for a night of romance.

  She took a big gulp from her glass as Quinn eased her back on the sofa then got down on his knees in front of her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Shhh, I wanna pamper you tonight.”

  The next thing she knew he was slowly sliding one stiletto off her foot then the other. Starting from her muscular calves he kissed his way up both legs till het got to her thighs. By the time he reach the area just above her knee Cheron was on fire. He slowly eased up her skirt as he kissed and nibbled the inside of each thigh, causing her to let out a subtle moan. There was something about having another man’s mouth on her that felt deliciously erotic.

  Just when she thought he was going to taste her hot spot he pulled away causing her to involuntary grab his head and pull him back.

  “Not yet,” he whispered. He was thrilled to see that he had her worked up, but he was nowhere near
done with the teasing torment he had in store for her. He then pulled her blouse from out of her skirt and slowly undid each button as his lips grazed her body. The sensation of his hot breath on Cheron’s neck caused her pussy to tingle with excitement. His hands roamed freely over her body as their tongues dance in each other’s mouth.

  As the passion increased Cheron soon felt herself once again becoming uneasy. She tried to tell herself that it was just nerves because she was about to have sex with someone new, but her attempts at pushing the thoughts of reneging to the back of her mind failed. This was about as far as they had gotten the last time before she ended it. Little to her knowledge Quinn was pissed after he’d left her house that night despite him insisting that he wasn’t upset. However this time he was determined to go all the way, hence the reason he wanted her on his turf.

  By the time Cheron realized what was happening Quinn had unsnapped the front closure on her bra, allowing her breast to fall freely. Needless to say this freaked her out. Kissing and rubbing was one thing but having another man actual seeing her private parts was something totally different. It was in that moment that she realized she was still in love with Kenterris despite how much she told herself she was over him. She had come to the conclusion that until she faced and dealt with those emotions she wasn’t prepared to move one with anyone else, much less having sex,

  “Hang on a minute, I think we need to slow down,” she announced as Quinn greedily devoured her tits.

  Before he knew it she had pushed him away and refastened her bra.

  “What the hell, what’s the matter baby? It’s not feeling good to you?” he asked out of confusion. At this point he hadn’t fully grasped what was going on.

  “I’m sorry Quinn, but I’m just not ready,” she replied as she began buttoning up her blouse.


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