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500 Days

Page 5

by Jessica Miller

  Jasper stood up knocking his chair over. “You are quitting that job. No way is my little sister parading around half naked and serving drinks to a bunch of horny drunks.”

  “It’s not that bad,” I argued. “Tell them Declan.”

  “It’s really not. The owner takes really good care of us and there are security guards everywhere plus we make really good money.”

  “I know how a pimp takes care of his whores.”

  “Jesus Jas, over react much?” I turned to Jack who was silent this whole time. “Jack really, I swear it’s not that bad and with the money I’m making I can save up for a car and help pay rent. I’m not doing anything besides serving and making drinks. It’s just like working in any other bar.”

  “You shouldn’t be working in any bar,” Jasper growled. The one time he decides to act like a brother instead of a dick and it’s to throw me under the bus. “Jack, tell her she can’t work there.”

  Now I was getting pissed. I stood up. “Okay first off, I’m twenty not fifteen and I can work where I choose. You don’t have the right to tell me what to do and I can take care of myself.”

  “Prove it.” Jasper and I turned to Jack.


  “Prove it. You say you can take care of yourself, then I want to see you prove it. If you can take down Jasper then you can keep the job.” I looked at Jasper who was smiling wide. He thought he could take me, but spending years getting beat up and tortured by my brothers I had learned a few things. What he also didn’t know was that before Jack left for Iraq he taught me a few defensive moves. He had said it made him feel a little better about leaving me behind.

  “With pleasure.” I cracked my knuckles as my lips spread into a grin. I followed Jasper into the living room where he pushed the couch back.

  Declan and the boys gathered around to watch. “This should be easy.” Jasper came at me and I threw my hand out, palm up. I heard something crack and he pulled back holding his hands to his face. “Ahh,” he yelped. “I think you broke my nose.”

  “I didn’t hit you that hard you wuss.” He pulled his hand away and there was a small trail of blood dripping down his upper lip.

  Jack walked over to check it out. He grabbed his chin and turned his head left and then right inspecting the damage. “You’ll live.” He turned away quickly to hide his smile and winked at me. I gave Jasper a, ‘take that’ look and he charged for me, knocking me down on the floor. I yelped when he pulled my arm behind my back. “Ow,ow,ow,” I whined, trying to play to his sympathy.

  “That crap doesn’t work with me,” he laughed.

  Damn it. He was right. It only worked with Jacob and Jaxson. The more I struggled to get free the harder he pulled. “Alright, you win,” I conceded.

  He let go and got off me. “I think I just proved my point.”

  Jack looked a little disappointed. He clearly thought I could prove Jasper wrong. What they both didn’t know was that I wasn’t finished yet. When Jasper went to walk away, I jumped on his back and put him in a headlock. He stumbled back, a little stunned, knocking us over onto the couch. I flipped him over onto the floor and dug my knee into his back, twisting his arm up. Jack bent over laughing hysterically while Colby and Jaxson watched in shocked silence.

  “You crazy bitch!” Jasper yelled.

  I grabbed a hold of his long, curly brown hair and yanked. “What did you call me?” He yelled again. “Say uncle!”

  When he said nothing, I tugged harder on his hair and arm and dug my knee deeper into his back. “Say it!”

  “Okay, okay I give.”

  Satisfied, I let him go and got up dusting my hands off. Declan and Jack gave me a high five for a job well done. Jack stood over Jasper. “I think she just proved she can take care of herself.” Jasper grunted as Jack helped him up.

  When I walked past Colby, he leaned down close and whispered, “I’ve never been more turned on in my life.” I looked up at him eyes wide. He winked making my insides melt. I walked into the kitchen to get my drink and a wet rag so Jasper could wipe the blood off his face.

  I threw the rag at him. “Okay fine. You can keep the job, but I’m telling you now, I will be making frequent stops and if I don’t like what I see you will be quitting.” I rolled my eyes, but then I shouldn’t expect anything less. I was more surprised at how lenient Jack was being about the whole thing. I thought for sure he would be the one to threaten my life if I didn’t quit.

  “Alright, how about a game of rummy?” Jack suggested.

  “I need a fucking drink.” Jasper pulled a beer from the fridge, popped the cap, and downed half the bottle. I stifled my laugh and took my seat back at the table.

  After five games of rummy, an empty beer case, and an empty liquor bottle I was done for. Jasper and Jaxson retreated to their rooms while Declan and Jack took the spare rooms. Colby crashed on the couch. I decided to head outside and get some air.

  Having Jack back, made my family feel whole again. Spending the day together and just goofing around brought back some of the best memories I had. I sat on the steps unable to unscrew the smile from my face. Today was turning out to be one of the best days ever. The front door creaked open and I looked over my shoulder to see Colby step out. “Sneaking out?”

  “No. I heard you come out here and wanted to make sure everything was alright. Didn’t want you trying to take off in your condition.” I scooted over so he could sit down next to me on the step. He took the cigarette from my hand and held it up in front of him. “This is new.”

  “I only have one or two when I drink,” I confessed.

  “Do they know?” he gestured over his shoulder.

  “No and I’d like to keep it that way.”

  He smiled before he took a puff and handed it back to me. “So what’s going on?”

  “Nothing, just needed some air.” The look on his face said he didn’t believe me. “No, really, everything’s great. I mean today was amazing.” He gave me a half smile and I had to turn my head so he wouldn’t see me blush. He stood up and held his hand out for me. I put out the cigarette and took his hand. He went to pull me off the steps but I hesitated. I pointed down at my bare feet. He turned around and bent slightly so I could hop on his back.

  He carried me over to the back of his pick up and told me to hop in. I swung my legs over the back end and then watched as his strong muscles pulled himself up and over. He opened up a chest in the back and pulled out a blanket, spreading it out on the bed of the truck. He then lay down on the blanket resting his hands behind his head. I followed his lead and lay down next to him, resting my head on his arm. We stared up at the stars, just watching the night pass. “I missed you,” he said, catching me off guard.

  I closed my eyes, thinking I imagined it. “Alex,” he whispered softly against my cheek, sending goose bumps down my entire body. His hand reached underneath my chin and he pulled my face up to meet his. I opened my eyes to find him gazing dreamily into mine. His lips brushed softly against mine, causing me to lose all my nerve. I reached up behind his neck and pulled him closer to me. Before I knew what was happening he was tugging at my shirt to take it off. I knew we both had a little too much to drink tonight, but I didn’t care. I wanted this. I wanted him.

  He sat up to take off his shirt and then his lips were crashing back into mine. I yanked him down on top of me wanting to feel his hot skin against mine. I traced the skull tattoo on his side. He shivered and pressed himself into me. His hands worked up and down my sides driving me insane. I let out a small moan as his lips trailed down my neck and across my shoulder. He pushed down the strap of my bra and kissed the now bare skin. Every touch made my skin burn hotter. His hands were tender to the touch and I couldn’t get enough. He unclasped my bra and tugged it off exposing my breast to the chilly night air and making my nipples perk. His tongue licked while his mouth sucked around the most sensitive part of my breast.

  I gasped when he ran his hand up my side and cupped my other breast. He rubbe
d his thumb over my nipple softly. I wrapped my one leg around his hip while my hands slid up his back. I dug my fingers into his hair and pulled him up so I could taste his lips again. He grinded on top of me making me ache for more. When I slipped my tongue inside his mouth he let out a moan and pressed his hips harder against mine. Wanting to feel him, I slipped my hand down the front of his pants and massaged the tip of his penis. He gasped when I slipped my hand further and wrapped it around his thick shaft. Now I remember the other reason I liked him so much.

  I pulled, making him groan against my mouth. I pushed on his chest and rolled him onto his back. I straddled him while I undid his belt and zipper, and then tugged his pants down to his ankles. He slid his hands down the back of my shorts and gripped my behind, pressing me against his hard cock. I bit my lip to quiet my moan. Not able to take anymore, I sat back to take off my shorts. “While you’re down there,” he pointed to the gate of the truck. I looked at him confused.

  “Condom is in my wallet,” he clarified.

  “Oh,” I said, feeling stupid. I reached behind me and into his jean pocket pulling out his wallet and digging for the condom. Once unpackaged, I slipped on the rubber. He held my hips as I guided myself back on top of him and he slipped inside me. The sensation I felt at first initial contact was a little overwhelming and I let out a small cry, quickly covering my mouth. He laughed and reached up pulling me down on top of him. He kept one hand on my hip while the other was on my shoulder. I gasped with every push, thrust and pull. His soft hand ran up my back and up my neck to my ponytail, ripping it out so he could tangle his fingers in my hair. He tugged lightly on my hair and sat up, pressing his heaving chest against mine. I wrapped my legs behind him and squeezed as he kissed my neck, shoulders, and breast before he finally flipped me over on my back. His mouth pressed hard into mine with every thrust. I pulled on his hips wanting to feel him deeper. My legs started to shake and I knew soon I would come. The slow in and out movements were becoming torturous. I locked my legs around his hips to pull myself into him. He groaned with each push. I could feel him pumping faster and harder and knew soon it would be time. Digging my nails into his shoulders I whispered his name, “Colby.”

  “Oh god, Alex. You feel so good…I don’t know how much longer I can last.” He started to slow down.

  “Don’t stop.” I gave one final push of my hips, I could no longer hold on. He kissed me to mask our moans as he pushed in and out of me a few more times and then one final thrust. I dug my nails so hard into his shoulders I thought for sure I would have broken skin.

  He collapsed on top of me and buried his face in my neck while our breaths started to slow down. “Holy shit,” he breathed. I couldn’t help but giggle.

  “A lot better than the first time, huh?”

  He picked up his head to look at me. “The first time was just as good, but yes this was pretty great,” he smiled.

  “I’ve been practicing.” His brows furrowed and his smile dropped down into a frown. “It was a joke Colby…kinda.” He sighed and rolled over to his side pulling me with him. Then he pulled the blanket over us and just held me in his arms.

  Best. Day. Ever.

  Chapter 5


  There were several hands stretched across my chest that weren’t mine. I blinked, counting one, two, and three. I turned my head to the left to see blonde hair spread across a pillow. On my right was another blonde and a brunette. What the hell happened last night?

  I looked around the room as the night slowly came back to me. Dinner at my dad’s, an argument – typical – and then booze, lots and lots of booze. My eyes stopped on a broken closet door. A memory flashed in my head. I’ve been here before. Shit. I always tried my hardest not to double dip, but from the multiple bodies lying next to me, I would have to say I could make an exception. One of the girls stirred, she lifted her head and smiled at me. I knew her. This was her place. Shit, what was her name? Casey, Kara…no…Kaylee! Kaylee, yes, I knew her well. I met her my sophomore year of college and she wasn’t an innocent freshman as I thought. This right here is prime example of why she was one of my only reoccurring hookups.

  I looked at her and gestured to the two other girls. She covered her mouth with her hand to hide her giggle. “Pledges,” she whispered.

  “How the hell do I get out of this?” She smiled wickedly and ran her hand up the arm of the blonde who was wrapped around her, taking her hand and placing it on her breast. Then she took the other girl’s hand and placed it on my junk. Fuck. This girl was good.

  My head was pounding and I knew it would take a lot of work to take on these three, but I’d be damned if I wasn’t going to try. An hour later and three satisfied girls, I was dressed and on my way out. As I traveled down the halls and out the door I ran into a few familiar faces. A wink here and a smile there and then I was out the door and on my way home.

  “Holy shit you’re alive,” Greyson said as I climbed up the steps and entered the living room. “What the fuck happened to you last night?”

  I flopped down on the couch and dropped my head back. “Man, I was wondering that same thing myself.”

  “All I remember is you ran into Kaylee and then twenty minutes later you were gone.”

  I picked my head up and smiled. “I don’t remember much from last night but this morning was definitely a good way to start my day.” Greyson just shook his head and went back to his game. “Where’s Colt at?”

  “Still sleeping, but you might want to wake him up soon. We have practice.”

  I forced myself up and grabbed a quick bite, then I hopped in the shower, and woke up Colton when I was done so we could head to practice. We had another gig tomorrow at Angels and Demons. It was one of my favorite places to play and with it being summer time; the place was always packed no matter what day of the week it was. Summer time also meant girls showed more skin. Oh how I loved the summer.

  We spent the next three hours messing around with a few new songs for tomorrow night’s gig, by the end of the night we decided to go with the latest one Colton wrote. Colton was the one with the heart and I was the one with all the pent up anger, but when we got together we made some ridiculous music. I was really looking forward to releasing our latest collaboration.

  “Dude, what the fuck? You late for a nail appointment or something?” Greyson complained after Colton checked his phone for the fiftieth time.

  “What gives man, you seem a little off?”

  “Nothing,” he groaned, stuffing his phone away. He got up and stuck his drumsticks in his back pocket.

  “He’s just pissed off because Declan never text him back,” Greyson laughed as he started to pack up his guitar.

  “You actually, finally asked her out?” I almost fell over. Colton has been in love with Declan since the moment he met her two years ago, but he never had the courage to ask her out. Every time he tried he would choke up and chicken out. I offered to help him out, but he refused and said he wanted to do it himself and didn’t need my help.

  “Yes…no,” he sulked. “Her roommate gave me her number. I text her last night and asked her if she wanted to get coffee sometime. She said she was busy and would text me later today.”

  “Coffee,” Greyson huffed. “Pussy.”

  Colton glared at Greyson. “Who’s her roommate?” They both looked at me funny. “What?”

  “You’ve known Declan for how long and you never met her roommate?” I shrugged. Greyson turned his head while Colton refused to look at me.

  “Is she deformed or something?”

  “No, she’s fucking hot actually, but she’s also fucking crazy,” Greyson replied.

  “I can handle crazy.”

  “She’s not crazy. Greyson’s just pissed because she rejected him.”

  “She didn’t reject me.” He crumpled up our stage list and threw it at Colton.

  “She threw you up against a wall and squeezed your nut sack so hard you almost cried and then she told you too fu
ck off.”

  “It was pretty fucking awesome,” Greyson said, staring off dreamily. “I think she’s a lesbian.”

  “No. You’re just a dick.”

  “I offered to buy her a drink and she goes all crazy on me.”

  “She was working and you grabbed her ass and told her, that her outfit would look better crumpled up on your floor.”

  I laughed, getting an eyeful from Greyson. “She’s hot and doesn’t like Greyson. I like her already. Maybe I should talk to Declan about hooking us up.” Colton turned to look at Greyson. They both started cracking up laughing. “What?”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “Give me your phone.” I held out my hand to Colton.

  “What for?” he looked at me skeptically.

  “I’m gonna text Declan and suggest all four of us go out for coffee,” I smiled, a plan forming in my head.

  “No, no way.” Colton shook his head. “You’re not going to fuck up my chances with Declan.”

  “How would I fuck them up? If anything I’ll be helping you.”

  “Just no.” He covered up his drums and walked out. I looked over my shoulder at Greyson and he shrugged his shoulders. I let it go and packed up my guitar. I had one long-ass day and I was ready to crash.


  The crowd was still screaming when we left the stage. Our new song was a hit and they were eating up every word. Not wanting to lose the high I always felt after a show, I quickly walked back to the dressing room to wash up before I headed out to the bar to tip a few back with the boys. The bar wasn’t as packed as it was on the weekends but it was still a decent crowd. Colton had already beaten me to the bar and I saw he was talking to Declan. I dodged roaming hands from the few girls I passed as I made my way over to them. I picked Declan up and spun her around making Colton give me the evil eye.

  Declan laughed and shoved me playfully in the chest. “How’s my favorite girl?”


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