500 Days

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500 Days Page 6

by Jessica Miller

“Busy,” she said, heading back behind the bar.

  Colton glared at me. “What?” I asked innocently. He ignored me and threw back his bottle, emptying it in one easy gulp. He held his empty up, ordering another one.

  The bartender served him one and he downed almost half of it. “Better take it easy there tiger,” she said.

  “Hey sweetheart, your job is to serve drinks not advice,” I told her.

  She whipped her head around and narrowed her deep, dark green eyes at me. She was about to open her mouth when Gus called for her. “Alex!” She flipped me off before she walked away to help Gus. Did all these chicks have attitude? Colton snickered to himself. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing,” he smiled. I ignored him and watched while she talked to Gus. All these girls looked alike. It was hard to tell who was who. This girl was wearing black fishnet stockings and four inch red fuck me pumps. My eyes traveled up her legs and to her nice, round ass. She had killer curves and when she reached up to grab a glass I caught a small glimpse of her large breast poking out the side of her halter top. Damn this girl was sexy. She wore a short red wig to match her uniform and the only thing I could think about was what her real hair looked like. I bet she was a blonde but I was really hoping she was a brunette. I really had a thing for chicks with dark hair. The pounds of black shadow she wore just made her green eyes pop even more. Wait…I knew those green eyes. I searched my head through the fuzzy haze of the past few days. Green eyes, attitude, fishnet stockings, red shoes. I almost smacked myself in the head. How could I forget her? She was the new bartender. My eyes shifted back to her ass as she bent down to pick up something from the floor, causing her shirt to ride up, revealing a tattoo. I leaned in a little closer to get a better look. I rubbed my eyes thinking they were deceiving me. No fucking way. My foot slipped and I fell backwards off my stool, smacking my head on the floor.

  The next thing I knew there was this beautiful woman standing over me. I smiled. The most beautiful green danced in front of my vision. I reached up my hand to touch her wonderful, soft skin. Something cold and wet hit me in the face. I blinked back in surprise and when I opened my eyes I saw the green eyed monster standing over me holding an empty pitcher. “He’ll live.” The green eyed monster stood up and handed the pitcher back to Declan and then got back to work. I was a little dazed and confused.

  “Are you okay?” Colton asked as he helped me up. “Dude, how much have you had to drink?” I shook my head trying to figure out what the hell just happened. “You sure you’re alright?” I nodded. Did I really see what I thought I did or was it just wishful thinking? I ordered another beer and a shot. Colton said nothing else.

  For some reason I found myself not able to stop watching this girl. There was something about her that I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I wasn’t the only one. Just about every guy in the bar tried every trick in the book to get this chicks attention. I watched her turn down every single one of them. I had a few girls approach me during the night, but I wasn’t interested. Declan gave me a funny look before she saw my attention was elsewhere. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. I ignored her and turned my attention back to my new obsession who was now standing at the end of the bar talking to three very large men. They were all over six foot and two of them had tattoos running up and down their arms. The muscular one on the right had his hair buzzed short, military style, while the one on the left had his hair longer. The guy in the middle looked like a b-list movie star and I wondered what the hell they wanted with her. I could see the contours of her jaw tighten as she glared at the two taller ones who had enough similarities to make them brothers. The heavier one pointed at her and said something that made her roll her eyes. I wanted to step in and say something, but she walked away.

  “Goon squad is here,” she said to Declan as she passed. Declan looked up from what she was doing and down to the end of the bar. She laughed and shook her head going back to work.

  I nudged Colton. “Who are the three at the end of the bar?”

  He finished off his beer and took a quick glance. “I don’t know, but one of them looks familiar. I think I’ve seen him here before.” I kept an eye on them while they watched her like a hawk. Any guy that gazed in her direction they scared off with just a look.

  By the end of the night the bar had cleared out except for a few stragglers and the three who kept watch at the end of the bar. Declan and the green eyed monster were the only two workers left. Declan started to clean off the bar while her co-worker collected the bottles and glasses from tables. There was a group of guys who didn’t seem to want to leave. The red devil mistress told them several times it was closing time, but they ignored her. One of the guys smacked her on the ass and the three guys at the end of the bar stood up. She shook her head at them and then turned back to the table to finish cleaning up. A different guy took his hand and started to run it up the back of her leg. Now I was getting pissed. I wasn’t a particular fan of this girl, but she still deserved respect and these guys were being dicks. I was just about to step in when she grabbed the guy’s hand and kicked his chair so hard it fell out from underneath him, knocking him to the floor. She then slammed her foot into his back and yanked on his arm.

  “Like I told your friend, it’s closing time, got it?” He nodded and she let him go. The three guys at the end of the bar smiled proud and sat back down.

  Colton laughed, bringing my attention back to him. “What’s so funny?”

  “You should see the look on your face.”

  “What look?”

  “I know that look and I’m telling you, don’t. She’s way out of your league.”

  I scoffed. My interest in this girl was pure fascination, but Colton telling me I didn’t have a chance, I took it as a challenge. “No biggie. I can handle her and you and I both know I have yet to have a chick turn me down.”

  “Really? Okay then, by all means, give it your best shot.” Colton snickered as I stood up. I was so turned on watching her take down that guy. She was sexy and lethal and I knew she could probably kick my ass, but I was willing to take the risk. I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans and walked over to the red devil who was still cleaning up the table. She looked up when she heard me approach.

  “Hey,” I knew everyone was watching me which didn’t make this any easier. Why the fuck was I nervous all of a sudden. “I was wondering –”

  “No,” she said simply.

  “But you didn’t even know what I was going to ask.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m sure whatever it was my answer will still be no.” She walked away carrying the bin of empty glasses behind the bar. Colton did nothing to hide his laughter, even the three at the end of the bar were smiling at my rejection. I did not take defeat well and decided to saddle up. This was going to be a hard one. I walked back over to the bar where she was washing dishes.

  “Let me take you out to dinner.”

  She laughed. “I don’t date musicians.”

  “Well then it’s a good thing I’m not a musician.”

  “Oh no? Then what would you call yourself?” She stopped and looked at me with her deep green eyes.

  “An appreciator of the arts.” I flashed my cocky smile and for one split second I saw her tough exterior falter. She quickly caught herself and tried to give me her normal scowl, but I was on to her. She tried to busy herself by finishing cleaning.

  “Alex,” one of the guys called from the end of the bar. So the devil has a name. Alex looked up. “You good?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes,” she sighed.

  “We’ll meet you outside when you’re done.”

  She turned back to me. “Look, is there something else you want? Because I’m pretty tired and would like to go home.”

  “Is that an invitation?”

  “You’re relentless.”

  “Do I get any points for diligence?”

  “No, now all you get is a choice.” She took a quarter from the tip jar. “Heads, I kick yo
ur ass. Tails, the three guys who are waiting for me in the parking lot get to kick your ass.”

  She flipped the coin in the air. “Don’t I get to pick?”

  She turned the coin over on her hand. “Oh,” she made a face. “Sorry. I would say it’s been a pleasure but then I would be lying. Bye now.”

  “Come on; let’s go before you get us both killed.” Colton stood up and pulled me from my stool and out the door.

  Colton sulked all the way home. Pissed at himself for being too much of a wuss to ask Declan out. I ignored his pouting. My mind was somewhere else. I couldn’t get Alex out of my head. She was a little rough around the edges, but I liked that about her. She was also the first girl to turn me down which just made me more determined to get her to say yes. I knew I would have to approach her differently. She wasn’t like most girls so I knew I had a challenge ahead of me.

  Colton spent the rest of the week moping around the house. He would text Declan almost every day asking her if she wanted to meet up, but every time she said she was busy so he took it as a brush off and gave up. I knew Declan and if she said she was busy it meant she was busy not that she was brushing him off. Tired of looking at his pathetic, puppy whipped face; I took it upon myself to see what was going on.

  What are u up2 this wknd?

  Family in town

  Next wknd?


  If I didn’t know any better I might believe Colt’s theory of you blowing him off

  Is that what he thinks?

  Pretty much

  Please tell him that’s not it. I really am busy.

  He doesn’t know I’m texting u

  Ok I’ll text him. thanx 4 the heads up

  I tossed my phone on the nightstand, happy to help out my friend. I knew Colton would be pissed at first for me for interfering but in time he would thank me. Declan and Colton are perfect for each other. I would gladly do what I could to make that relationship happen.

  I lay back on my bed resting my head on my hands. I heard a celebratory shout and had a feeling Colton just got a good news text. He came barging into my room. “She said yes.” I smiled, glad to see him finally rid of that dopey lovesick face.

  “See, I told you she would.”

  His smile dropped and the look on his face told me I wasn’t going to like what was coming next. “There’s one speculation. She asked if I didn’t mind if it would be a group thing.”

  I sat up, resting my arm on my knee. “Group thing in like, a bunch of people going out?”

  “More like she was hoping I had a friend who I could set up with one of her friends.”

  “No. I don’t get set up.” I lay back down.

  “Oh come on Cas. Do this for me.”

  “Ask Greyson.”

  He glared at me. “Seriously, Greyson, we’ll never make it past the appetizer. Casper please, it’s one fucking night. You do this shit all the time. So you have to sit for a few hours and actually have a conversation before you get into her pants.” I cocked my head to the side, not amused. “And you’ll get a free meal out of it.” He clasped his hands together begging me.

  I scrubbed a hand down my face and sat up. I was tired of looking at the pathetic look on his face. “Fine, but you owe me big.”

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” His goofy grin returned and he jumped up high-fiving the door frame in excitement. I shook my head and lay back down. The last time someone set me up it was the biggest disaster of my life. So I swore never to let anyone do that to me again. I admit I’m not picky, but I do have some standards - okay not really. I guess I could do this for Colton. I mean, Declan was hot so I’m sure her friend was too, but the fact that she needed to be set up made me think she was a dog. I grunted and smashed a pillow over my face. I was doing this for a friend. It was just one night and I could deal with one night.

  Chapter 6


  “Who was that?” I asked after Declan sat her phone down on the counter.

  “Colton,” she blushed.

  “Did you finally say yes?”

  “I did.”

  “It’s about time. That boy was two seconds away from jumping off a cliff.”

  “Oh stop it. No he wasn’t.” She pushed herself off the counter and searched through the fridge.

  “So what made you finally say yes?” I asked curiously.

  “Well, I told him I would go out with him if he agreed to make it a double date.”

  “Who you doubling with?” She stood up and looked up at me over her shoulder. “Declan, I don’t have a boyfriend or a date to go with you.”

  “I know that’s why I asked him to bring a friend.”

  “No, no way. You are not setting me up with some loser.”

  “Alex, not all of Colton’s friends are losers.”

  “Just for the fact you admit he has friends that are, is a bad sign. Seriously, what guy can’t get a date and has to be set up.”

  “I don’t know, you tell me?” she challenged.

  “I don’t have to be set up. You’re forcing me to. Do you even know who the friend is he’s setting me up with?”

  “No,” she said guilty.

  “Great, so he’s probably ugly.”

  “So what if he is. Looks aren’t everything, you even said that yourself.”

  “No, I said looks can be deceiving, big difference.”

  “Whatever just do it for me, okay? It’s just one night and who knows, you might even hit it off.” The hopeful look on her face made it hard for me to say no.

  “Fine, but I’m only doing this for you.”

  She clapped excitedly and hugged me. “This is going to be so much fun, you’ll see.

  “Yeah, yeah. I got to go. Jas wants me to grab him some lunch. He ended up filling that big cancellation he had so now he doesn’t have time to get something.”

  “Why doesn’t Jack or Jax do it?”

  “Jax is working and Jack is spending the day with Jacob.” She gave me a small head nod as I made my way out the door.

  I picked up a few sandwiches and pizza at one of the shops downtown. I knew most of the other workers would be hungry too so I just got food for everyone. When I arrived the receptionist said I could just put all the food in the back room and that Jasper was already working on his client. I headed down the small hallway to their break room and froze when I saw Colby. I hadn’t spoken to him since the night of Jacob’s graduation. He was with the boys when they came to check out my new job but with me working and my brothers around there wasn’t really much we could say.

  “Hey,” I said, somewhat at a loss for words.

  “Hi,” he replied with a killer smile, easing some of my tension.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I thought I’d fit some buddies of mine in while I was home. Jas is letting me use Carl’s station while he’s on vacation.”

  “That’s nice of him.”

  “Let me help you with that.” He walked over to take the bag and pizza out of my hands.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled. “So, how long you in town for?”

  “Not sure yet,” he said, placing the pizza on the table. We stood there for a moment in awkward silence. “Um, I wanted to talk to you about Sunday –”

  I cut him off quickly. “It’s no big deal, really. It happens.” I thought if I treated it as something that was casual I could avoid a hurtful rejection.

  “Something you do often?”

  “No, of course not. I just didn’t want you thinking I thought it was something more.”

  “Right.” His face was confused, but before I had the chance to ask, Jasper walked into the back.

  “Finally, I’m starving.” Jasper took one of the sandwiches and a slice of pizza and sat down to eat.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be working on somebody?”

  “He took a smoke break,” he said in between bites.

  “Did you draw me up something yet?”

  “It’s in my room, but I
don’t know when I’ll be able to get to it. I’m booked through the next two months.”

  “Then you can just come in on your day off.”


  “Why not, you did for Jack?”

  “That’s because he’s only here for two weeks and I like him better.” I glared at him.

  “I could do it,” Colby offered. Jasper froze mid-bite and my heart skipped a beat. “If it’s cool with you.” He looked at Jasper.

  Jasper’s curious eyes met mine and I tried to hide my excited expression. He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s up to her.”

  “You wouldn’t care?” I asked a little skeptical.

  “No. I know Colby is good enough not to fuck it up and this way I won’t have you hounding me to do it.” I wanted to jump up and down for joy, but I contained my glee the best I could.

  “You sure you don’t mind?”

  “I wouldn’t have offered if I did. I’ve got tomorrow free if you’re not busy?”

  “Tomorrow’s perfect. I’m going to go see what he drew up and then we can discuss changes if need be.”

  “You’re not changing my design,” Jasper complained.

  “Whatever.” I left and headed down to his work station. His client was back in the room. He had his back to me and was looking at all of Jasper’s work he had on the wall. He was also shirtless and oh my, did he have a nice figure. He was over six foot, dark hair that seemed to be a little longer in the middle than the rest, tight, toned muscles and jeans that hung a little low on his thin frame, and a butt that was just so perfect I wanted to reach over and pinch it.

  He must have sensed my presence because he turned around. His blue grey eyes widened a bit before he smiled. My smile fell when I realized who it was. It was that jerk musician from the bar.

  His eyes drifted down to my legs and worked their way up my body and back to my eyes. The way he was looking at me made me feel like he was seeing me for the first time. He studied my eyes for a second. He didn’t know who I was. He has never seen me out of uniform and with no makeup, hair down, and wearing shorts and a tank top; it was easy for people to not recognize me outside of work, which is what I preferred. “Sorry, didn’t know anyone was in here.”


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