500 Days

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500 Days Page 7

by Jessica Miller

  “It’s okay,” he said, still staring at my eyes.

  “I just have to get something and I’ll be out of your hair.”

  “It’s not a problem.” He turned back to the drawings on the wall. His normal cocky confidence he exuded at the bar seemed to have escaped him. He must be one of those guys who gets liquid courage. I walked over to Jasper’s desk and looked through his things. I couldn’t help but peek at him out of the corner of my eye. He had his one arm across his chest while his elbow rested on his hand and the other he rested his chin on. I caught him sneaking a peek at me and pretended I didn’t notice, which was hard with the way he was looking at me. I could feel his eyes on me while I continued to look through Jasper’s desk.

  “Do I know you?” he asked, leaning in closer.


  He moved in even closer and I instinctively took a step back. “I’m sorry, but I just can’t help but think we’ve met somewhere before.”

  I put my hand on his chest to stop him from getting any closer. “Look, I’m not interested so you can just drop it.”

  “Did I miss something here?” He looked confused.

  “I know a pick up line when I hear one and I’m trying to let you down easy.”

  He chuckled, amused. “That was a far cry from a pick up line.” He dropped his chin to my hand that was still on his chest.

  I quickly pulled it away. I couldn’t help myself. My eyes found their way to his abs. It was kind of hard not to check him out when he was standing there shirtless and right in front of me. God this guy was cut in all the right places. My eyes lingered a little longer than they should have and he cleared his throat. “Like what you see?”

  “Hardly,” I spat, embarrassed at being caught checking him out.

  “It’s okay, you can look. I’m not shy,” he winked. So I was wrong about the liquid courage.

  “No, you’re just an arrogant prick.” He smiled and I found myself not able to take my eyes of his chest and abs. I mentally smacked myself in the forehead. I rolled my eyes and searched for the tattoo Jasper drew up for me. He moved closer to me and when I caught his scent I felt a small shiver go through me. Something about that scent was all too familiar. He was just a few inches away from me now and I could feel my heart start to race. What the fuck?

  “You know, for someone who claims we never met, you sure have developed an opinion of me very quickly.”

  “I call’em like I see’em.”

  He snapped his fingers as if a light bulb just went off in his head. “Now I know where I know you from. You’re the little red devil.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “That’s it,” he took a step closer, backing me up against the desk. “You’re Alex, the bartender with the attitude.”

  “I think you have me confused with someone else.”

  “No, I’d recognize those eyes anywhere.” His close proximity was making me slightly uncomfortable, but oddly in a good way. What the hell was happening to me?

  “Most guys spend half the night staring at my tits not my eyes.”

  “I’m not most guys.” He threw me one of his sexy smiles that I’m sure most girls just melted over. “And thank you for proving me right.”

  “How did I prove you right?”

  “You just admitted you work there.”

  “No I didn – look, I don’t know what you want from me, but I’m not interested. So really, you can just give up. I’m not going to be another notch on your bedpost.”

  “So you think all I want from you is to get in your pants.”

  “I don’t think. I know.” I searched through more papers trying to find the drawing and making a mess of Jasper’s desk.

  “What if I told you I didn’t want to sleep with you and all I wanted was one night with the pleasure of your company?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, because I would believe that. I’ve seen the girls you go home with. I am not going to allow you to put me in the category with those skanks.”

  “So you’ve been watching me?” he asked, his lips twitching into a small smile.

  “No, that’s not…okay, I get it. You never had a girl turn you down and now you look at me as a challenge, but I’m gonna save you the trouble right now. Move on and forget about it, because I will never, ever go out with you.” He lost his spark and for a moment I thought I actually may have hurt his feelings, but then I reminded myself he was just one those guys who only cared when he was going to get his next lay. “No need to get upset about it. I’m sure there’s at least one or two girls you haven’t slept with yet that you could bag. If not when school starts up in the fall, there will be plenty of willing freshmen that you can flirt the pants off.” I gave him a sarcastic smile and patted his chest, but before I could pull my hand away he grabbed it.

  I felt a shock run down my entire arm. He smiled, satisfied that just for one second he affected me in a way that no one ever has. I didn’t know how he knew he did, but the victory smile said he could feel it. I ripped my hand away and I could see he was trying to hide his laugh. Not able to meet his eyes, I looked down to his chest, and that’s when I spotted it. A tattoo of a heart with ivy wrapped around it and poking through, piercing the heart. “When did you get that?”

  He looked down at his chest and his smile fell. He took a step back and it seemed almost painful for him to answer. “Sometime last year,” he said, unable to look at me.

  “Jesus Alex,” Jasper said, startling me.

  “What?” I growled, looking at him. He pointed to the mess on his desk. “Oh, sorry, I couldn’t find the picture.”

  He pulled open a drawer and took out a drawing pad. “It’s the last one,” he said, tapping the book.

  “Thanks,” I said and left without another word.

  “Sorry, my sister can be a real pain in the ass,” Jasper said.

  “I heard that,” I called over my shoulder.

  “Good, take the hint.” I narrowed my eyes even though he couldn’t see me. I was just about to go back in the break room when I changed my mind. I tiptoed back down the hall and stopped just close enough so I could hear their conversation.

  “Alex is your sister?”

  “Yeah man, sorry about that.”

  “No it’s fine. You know Declan then?”

  Jasper laughed. “Yeah, I know Declan. Why, you got a thing for her?” I heard the buzzer stop moving.

  “No,” he laughed. “My buddy Colt does though. I’ve known Declan since freshman year of college, but only recently met Alex.”

  “Lucky you,” Jasper said. I was just about to comment, but then stopped myself. They didn’t know I was out here listening. The buzzing started again and Colby stepped out of the break room. I quickly made my way down the hall acting as if I just came out of Jasper’s room.

  “Got it,” I said a little breathless. He took me into the empty work station to take a look at it. I flipped the book open to the back. Jasper had outdone himself. The sketch was beautiful. There were four very intricate lilies stretched across the page with swirling stems and leaves connecting them all. It was perfect.

  “This is pretty big. You sure you want it?” I gave Colby a small smile. “Right, big isn’t an issue for you.” I blushed. Colby gave me my first tattoo which just so happened to cover both my sides and wrapped around my lower back and down the front, teetering close to my bikini line. “Okay, so question is now, where do you want it?”

  I hadn’t really thought that part through yet. I was so determined to have Jasper give me a tattoo that I never came to the conclusion of where I would put it. The one I already had took up a good part of my skin. “What do you think?” He looked at me, making my insides turn to mush.

  “Take off your shirt and turn around.” I looked at him wide eyed. “I need to see where there’s room.” He got up and closed the door. I took off my t-shirt and sat down in the chair. Colby smoothed his hand over my skin making me want to crumble under his touch. “I’m gonna do a quick sketch
and see if you like the placement.”

  “Okay,” I said, unable to form any other word. Colby got to work right away. There was a mirror on the door and to the right of me. I could see Colby’s reflection and the serious look on his face as he worked. The intensity on his face made me want him that much more. I’ve slept with him twice, but something about sitting here with my shirt off while he drew on my back seemed ten times more intimate than us actually being together. I closed eyes and relished his soft touch as he worked the marker across my upper back. I gripped the arm rest of the chair, afraid I was going to lose it.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just tickles.”

  “I’m almost done.”

  I wanted to say don’t rush. I could do this forever, but I was afraid to tell him how much this was turning me on. I wasn’t sure yet if the incident in the truck was a drunken mistake or not and my heart couldn’t take it if it was. I preferred to live in denial at the moment.

  When he was done, he handed me a mirror so I could check it out. I stood up and turned around. “Wow Colby, that’s going to look great.”

  He got up and stood in front of me. He reached around with his one hand pointing to the flower on the right. “This one here, if you want, we can pull down a little and bring the stems down around here.” He dragged his finger all along my back and down to my side sending shivers all through me. “We can bring some of this up here.” His fingers moved to my neck. “And then move this a little here.” And then traveled back down to my other side. My hands were shaking so bad I thought I would drop the mirror. I wasn’t even looking anymore. My eyes were closed as I was engulfed in the wonderful sensation as his fingertips danced across my skin. “Alex,” he whispered.

  I opened my eyes and he was now facing me with his eyes staring down into mine. I blushed, embarrassed. He took the mirror from my hand and placed it on the desk. I tucked a lose piece of my ponytail behind my ear. He slid his hand behind my neck and then suddenly he was kissing me. I fell into his chest and threw my arms over his shoulders. He pulled me tighter to him and I let out a small gasp. Okay, so the night in the truck – not a one night drunken thing.

  Colby pressed his mouth harder against mine. I opened a little wider giving him access to explore. When he slipped his tongue inside my mouth I let out a tiny moan making him press himself harder against me. God he was sexy and such a good kisser. His hands slid down to my behind and squeezed before he lifted me up off the floor. I wrapped my legs around his hips as he turned me around and laid me back on the chair. His lips traveled down my jaw, neck and then back up to my lips. A sudden knock on the door startled us both. Colby jumped up.

  “Colby, your client is here.”

  Colby cleared his throat. “Alright, thanks Jeanette.” Neither of us said a word. I don’t think either knew exactly what just happened.

  When I was sure Jeanette was no longer standing by the door, I got up, and went to put my shirt back on. “Oh, hey, you want me to wash that off for you?”

  “No it’s fine. I can do it at home. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I made a quick exit for the door, but Colby stopped me.

  He turned me around to face him and gave the softest and sweetest kiss ever. “See you tomorrow,” he smiled.

  I opened the door, but before I closed it I turned back around. “Hey Colby,” He looked up at me. “I’m glad your home, even if it is for only a little while.”

  “Me too…and you never know, I might extend my visit.” On that, I left. I had no words and could not unscrew the smile from my face. I was on cloud nine right now and nothing could ruin my good mood.

  I walked out to the front to ask Jeanette to put me in Colby’s book for tomorrow. While I waited for her to pull up his book I heard Jasper come out of his room with his client and wished she would hurry this up so I could get out of here before they reached the front. “Jeanette will set you up with your next appointment.”

  “Alright, thanks man.” He shook Jasper’s hand and then leaned on the desk next to me.

  “Alex, before I forget, Jack wanted me to tell you dinner’s at my house tonight.”

  “Thanks for the heads up, Jas,” I said sarcastically.

  “Hey, don’t be a bitch. I told you, didn’t I?” I rolled my eyes. I guess I should be lucky he told me at all. He walked back to his work station leaving me alone with Jeanette and his client.

  “You and your brother get along well, I take it?” I ignored him.

  “Okay Alex, I have you all set up for tomorrow.”

  “Thanks Jeanette.” I turned to leave but this creep was blocking me.

  “You getting a tattoo?” I crossed my arms over my chest, not giving him the obvious answer. “You know if you need someone to hold your hand for you, I’m free tomorrow.”

  “I’m good but thanks.” I left after that. I could only tolerate so much of this guy for one day and currently my quota was full.

  “Okay Casper, how does two weeks sound?” Jeanette asked him as I pushed open the door. I took a quick look before I stepped out. I saw him look over his shoulder at me and smile. Damn it. I stomped out and over to my car. I just had to look. Good mood gone.

  When I got home I slammed my purse down on the counter, anger building. “What’s got your panties in a bunch?” Declan said, scaring me. She was sitting in the recliner holding one of her latest cheesy romance novels.

  “Oh that stupid…never mind, it’s not important.” I sat down on one of the stools to take a breath. When that didn’t work I put my head down on my hands wanting to scream.

  “Okay, who’s ass do I have to kick and why?” She put down her book and turned the chair toward me.

  “No one,” I mumbled into my arms.


  I lifted my head and rested it on my hand. “No one.”

  “Alex, what are you not telling me?” Declan always knew when I was holding something back.

  “Just this stupid guy.” Her eyes widened a bit, letting me know she was interested.

  She got up from the chair and joined me by the island in the kitchen. “Details please.”

  “That idiot in Colton’s band.”

  “Greyson? I figured after you threw his ass in to a wall he would have left you alone.”

  “It’s not Greyson.”

  “Casper?” I nodded. “Please don’t tell me you like Casper.” She scrunched her face afraid of my answer.

  “Oh god no.” She wiped a hand across her forehead relieved. “I saw him at Jas’s shop today and he was getting work done.”

  “I didn’t know he went there.”

  “Me either. Let’s just say it was a not-so-pleasant surprise when I saw him.”

  “What did he say to you?”

  “He didn’t know who I was at first, but when he finally recognized me he became his oh so charming self.”

  “Casper’s not that bad.” I eyed her suspiciously. “No I haven’t slept with him, but I do know him. He’s got a good heart. He’s just a little misguided.”

  “A little misguided…seriously? He’s like the Hugh Heffner of our generation.” She rolled her eyes at me. “Oh god, please don’t tell me this is the friend Colton picked for the blind date?”

  “I can assure you Colton is a lot smarter than that and knows better. Besides, Casper isn’t the dating type.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  “I mean it, no matter how charming he may seem. Stay away from him.”

  I eyed her suspiciously. “You do not need to warn me away from that one. He is the last person on this earth that I would date.”

  “Good. So did Jas have your tattoo drawn yet?”

  I smiled, thinking about Colby being the one to do my tattoo. I told Declan all about how Jasper was too busy and asked Colby to do it. Then I told her what happened when he drew the tattoo on me. She smiled so big she looked like the Cheshire cat. “Are you excited?” I nodded.

  “Oh, by the way, we’re having dinner at Jas’s tonig
ht. I’m gonna shower and wash the ink off my back.” Declan sighed dreamily. I shoved her playfully, almost knocking her off the stool. She frowned and I laughed all the way to the bathroom. By the time I was done with my shower, I had just enough time to get ready and make it to my brother’s place.

  It was Jack’s last night before he had to go back. So we had dinner together. Jack just wanted to do something relaxing. So we played some card games and then watched a movie. We stayed at Jasper and Jaxson’s so we all could see him off tomorrow. I was going to miss him so bad. He was only home for a short time, but I was still glad he was home even if it wasn’t long.

  “Everything alright?” Jack asked while Jaxson set up the movie.

  “Yeah, fine, why?”

  “You just seem somewhere else.”

  “Everything’s good,” I smiled.

  “You know you can tell me?”

  “Jack, I promise, it’s all good.” He ruffled my hair and then got up to grab a drink. I settled back into the couch and waited for the movie to start.

  My mind kept wandering during the movie. First it was with Colby in the room when he was kissing me, but for some reason Casper would pop into my head. There was something about him that seemed so oddly familiar. I racked my brain for what it was. I pictured his crazy faux hawk and his intense blue-gray eyes. Next thing was the sleeve of tattoos that ran down his right arm and up along his shoulder and across his chest where it met the heart tattoo he had in the middle. The way he smelled was so intoxicating – it was like a drug. I wanted to be next to him so I could just smell his sweet musky scent. His body and face were something that were cut right out of a magazine. His looks were perfect in every aspect of the way. He was every girl’s dream guy on the surface, but underneath he was nothing more than a user.

  I knew he used girls for his own gratification and I would be damned if I allowed myself to be one of those girls. Guys didn’t use me. I used them. That was the way I worked and I preferred it that way. Better to be the heartbreaker than the one who gets their heart broken.


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