500 Days

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500 Days Page 8

by Jessica Miller

  Frustrated with myself for letting my mind get away from me, I got up to grab a beer from the fridge. Jasper’s eyes turned down in disapproval. I brushed him off and popped the cap. I needed to erase my mind of these thoughts.

  After the movie, I had a hard time falling asleep, plus Declan talks in her sleep. I snuck out and stole one of Jasper’s smokes, then I headed outside. Not two minutes later I was busted. Jack took a seat next to me and took the cigarette out of my hand. “When did this start?”

  “I usually only have one or two when I drink or sometimes when I’m really stressed.” He took a puff and exhaled like it was the best thing ever. “I didn’t know you smoked.”

  “I don’t,” he said, handing it back to me. “Not anymore…and this is going to stop. I quit for a reason. I don’t want you picking up my bad habits.”

  “Jack, one or two a month is not exactly a habit.”

  “That’s what I said.” I exhaled, watching the smoke disperse into the air above me. “Now, care to tell me what’s got you so stressed?”

  “I’m not stressed.” He pulled back and tilted his head down, his eyes telling me he could read my bullshit a mile away. I let out a long sigh. “I just worry a lot.”

  “About what?”

  “Jacob starting college in the fall, you being away…mom.”

  His body stiffened at my last confession, but he didn’t dare touch the subject. “Jacob will do fine. He’s going to the same school as you and Jax so you both can keep an eye on him, but don’t smother him.” He eyed me. I put my hands up innocently. “Jacob can handle a lot more than you think he can. He just needs some time to grow.”

  “But what about you?” I asked softly.

  He threw an arm over my shoulder. “You worry too much.” He didn’t say anything to lessen my concern or to let me know he would be alright, which made me think he wasn’t so sure himself. Jack never lied to us. He just avoided the answer. But right now I needed an answer. I needed to know he was coming back in a few months even if he felt it might be a lie. “Anything else bothering you?”

  I figured I’d change the subject. “Declan set me up on some blind date without my permission,” I grumbled. Jack tried to hide his smile. “It’s not funny.”

  “Don’t be mad at Declan. She’s just trying to help.”

  “So you think I’m too pathetic to find my own dates too?”

  “No, but it wouldn’t hurt to have someone push you in the right direction.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I’ve heard about some of your dates.” He gave me his stern, older brother look. I stifled an eye roll. “It would be nice to know you have someone to take care of you.”

  “I don’t need anyone to take care of me. I can take care of myself.”

  “So I’ve noticed,” he smiled. “It would still be nice to know you’re not all alone.”

  “I’m not alone. I have you guys.”

  “Alex, that’s not what I meant.”

  “I know, but Jack, I’m only twenty. I have plenty of time to worry about that stuff later.”

  “I know. I just want to make sure you don’t miss out on any opportunities. Promise me something Alex,” I turned to look in his worry filled eyes. “Promise me that you’ll take chances. Don’t let life pass you by. Do what you can while you can.”

  I didn’t like where this conversation was going. It made me think he didn’t believe he was coming back. “I promise Jack,” I said to ease his mind.

  He pulled me in tight for a hug. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Come on, let’s go in and get some sleep. You look like shit.”

  I laughed. “Gee, thanks.” He smiled and held out a hand to help me up. My hand felt so small in comparison to his. I flashed back to the first day of school, after the incident, when Jack dropped me off. I hesitated outside the castle-like building, afraid to go inside. Jaxson tugged on Jack’s hand not able to wait. He told Jaxson to go play while he talked to me. He bent down so he was eye level. “Alex, you have nothing to be afraid of. I promise. Jaxson will be right there with you and when you’re done I will be right here in this spot waiting for you.” I nodded my tiny head. “And remember, don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do something and if anyone bothers you or gives you any shit, you tell me and I will take care of it, okay?” I nod again, giggling. He creased his brows at me not thinking this was funny.

  “You swore,” I whispered.

  “Oh, I did, didn’t I? I guess I need to work on that. Don’t repeat that.”

  “I know.”

  “Alex, you are the bravest girl I know and you can handle anything. I have a feeling one day you’re going to surprise us all.” He smiled proud and gave me a kiss on the forehead. Then he called Jaxson back over to us. “Jax, watch out for your sister.”

  “Got it,” Jaxson said, saluting him. Then he took my hand and led me into the school. I looked back to see Jack waving goodbye to us. I got into a fight that same day with one of my classmates. I gave one of the boys a bloody nose for talking bad about my family and picking on Jaxson. When Jack was called into the school to come get me, he had a hard time keeping the smile off of his face, not helping the situation.

  “I had a feeling I didn’t have to worry about you,” he told me.

  That was one of the few memories I loved the most about Jack. He was always looking out for us, putting us before all his wants and needs. “Goodnight Alex.”

  “Good night Jack.”

  In the morning there was a somber feel in the air. No one wanted to say goodbye to Jack. We all went to breakfast together and then took him to the airport. The two hour drive felt like the longest two hours of my life. I’ve been here before. The first time Jack left. This time was even harder. I hugged him tightly to my chest not caring that everyone could see me cry. “Be brave Alex,” he whispered.

  “Always,” I whispered back. Then I stepped aside so the rest of my brothers could say their goodbyes. Unable to keep the tears from falling, Jaxson stood by my side to hold me up. Then we all waved goodbye to Jack. We stood, huddled close together, watching him walk to his gate. He turned around and gave us one last look and an amazing smile.

  When we could no longer see him, Jasper pulled us away and to the car. We rode the two hours home in silence.

  We made it back just in time for my appointment with Colby so Declan dropped me off at the tattoo shop. “Are you gonna be okay?”

  I had my hand on the handle. “Yeah,” I said, my voice weak. I was afraid to meet her eyes for fear of crying again.

  She placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. “I didn’t make any other plans today. Do you want me to come with you?”

  I turned and gave a small, but genuine smile. “That would be great.” She turned off the car and joined me inside. I sat in the waiting room with Declan while Colby set everything up. I was originally looking forward to this but not so much anymore.

  When Colby was ready we headed back into his room. He pulled me aside. “We can do this another day if you’re not up to it?” he offered.

  “Thanks, but I just rather do it today if that’s alright.”

  “It’s fine,” he smiled, resting a hand on my lower back and leading me into the room. I felt this would be a nice distraction from this morning.

  After the initial outline was finished, he asked me what colors I wanted the flowers to be. Without hesitation I said, “I want each one to be a different color. I want them to be the birthstone colors of my brothers.” Colby and Declan smiled at me, letting me know that was a wise choice.

  Chapter 7


  Colton was so worked up he was getting on my last nerve. He already showered twice because he was sweating so badly. He spent about an hour on his hair which was ridiculous because it was shorter than mine. All he had to do was throw some gel in it, but he couldn’t decide if he should spike it up and wear it messy or down and flat. He was acting like
a fucking girl. He changed his outfit three times and on top of it he was yelling at me to get ready. We had another hour and half before we had to meet the girls and it would take me twenty minutes to shower and get ready. I told him if he didn’t sit down and stop being a bitch I would ditch his ass. I shoved a beer in his hand and told him to relax.

  By the time I showered, threw on jeans and a t-shirt, and ran my hands through my messy Mohawk, Colton had downed three beers. He was just about to open his fourth when I stopped him. “Showing up drunk is kind of a turnoff for girls.” I put the bottle back in the fridge. “I’m driving.”

  “I can drive.”

  “I’m not worried because you were drinking. I’m worried because your pansy ass is gonna freak out all the way there and I don’t want to get into an accident because you’re a pussy.”

  “You’re a real dick. You know that?”

  “Yes, but I’m a dick with a pretty face.”

  On the drive to the pub, Colton rubbed his hands on his pants several times to wipe away the sweat, and then he would run his hands through his hair. Every stop he would pull down the visor and check out his hair and then slam the visor back up. “You break my visor I’m going to beat your ass.”

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, tucking his hands under his armpits.

  When we got to the pub, the girls still weren’t there yet, so we decided to wait at the bar. Colton ordered a beer trying to calm his nerves. When he downed half the bottle in five minutes, I took it from him and ordered him a water. Colton’s phone beeped with a text from Declan. “They’re running about fifteen minutes late.”

  “Well at least you don’t have to worry anymore about her not showing.”

  “You’re not helping,” he grumbled, taking his beer back and finishing it off. “I’m gonna take a piss.”

  Not long after Colton returned, the girls had arrived. I saw Declan first and elbowed Colton. He turned around and wore the same goofy smile she did. I didn’t see anyone with her and I was beginning to think the other girl decided not to come. I wouldn’t be upset. The bartender was eyeing me since I got here so I had a backup plan, that was until I saw who joined Declan. I laughed out loud and turned around, taking a long sip of my beer. Colton gave me a dirty look for laughing. I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when I turned around. Declan and her friend had now joined us at the bar. Colton got up, being the gentleman he is. “Hey Declan, Alex,” Colton hit me in the side, clearing his throat. I took a sip of my beer and slowly turned around. “Alex this is –”

  “You got to be fucking kidding me.” Her face turned into an instant scowl, but me, I couldn’t stop smiling.

  “I take it you’ve met before?” Colton said nervously.

  She gave Declan the nastiest look. “I swear I didn’t know,” Declan whispered.

  “Yeah, we met, unfortunately,” Alex said, crossing her arms over her chest. Colton stood there, not quite sure what to do. Alex pulled Declan aside and had a few angry words with her. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but basically Alex was pissed and did not want to be here. After a stomp of her foot, Declan turned her back around, and smiled sweetly at us.

  “Shall we get a table?” I stood up to give Declan a hug. She whispered in my ear, “I swear to god if you try any of your bullshit I will castrate you.” When she pulled back she still had the sweet smile. I gestured for the ladies to go first. Alex shot me a look of disgust.

  Colton stopped me. “Don’t be a dick,” he growled. I put my hands up in surrender. I have yet to say anything and already I’m getting chewed apart. This was going to be a long, fucking night.

  When we got our table, I did the gentlemanly thing and pulled out a chair for Alex, but of course, she chose the next chair over just to spite me. I stifled a groan and had a seat. I leaned back and gave Alex the once over. She had on a jean skirt and black tank top that cut low on her back. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head, no doubt to keep it off the new ink she had on her shoulders. She wore minimal makeup, but man, she was still sexy. “Are you seriously trying to check out my ass right now?”

  I sat forward in my chair. Both Colton and Declan gave me the look of death. “I was actually checking out your new artwork, but now that you mention it,” I leaned back again. She tried to turn away. “Nah, too flat for my taste. But no worries, not everyone is an ass man. I’m sure there’s someone out there who likes that kind of thing.” I lied, but I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction. She actually had a very nice, round ass. Not too big not too small, but just right.

  Her jaw dropped, clearly insulted. “You definitely are an ass, but the man part is still questionable.”

  “Alex,” Declan said in a warning tone. Alex picked up her menu and whipped it open. I didn’t have to read minds to know Colton was thinking if you ruin this for me I will kill you. His face said it all.

  I let out a sigh and leaned forward, trying to play nice. The waitress came over to take our drink order. “I’ll have a beer and a round of shots for the table.” I thought maybe I could get Alex to loosen up with a few drinks.

  “No thank you. I don’t drink. I’ll just have water.”

  “Don’t drink or not old enough to?” When she didn’t say anything I knew she wasn’t old enough. I leaned in close to her ear. She flinched slightly. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell if you won’t.” I nodded at the waitress to go ahead with the shots.

  “So what did you guys do today?” Declan asked, trying to defuse some of the tension.

  “Nothing really. Just hung out, worked on some new songs.”

  “Oh, you write?” Declan said interested. The conversation went off from there while Alex sat there seething. The waitress came back with our drink orders and I raised my shot glass. Declan and Colton did the same, but not Alex. She was still being the difficult one. Declan shot her a look of annoyance. Alex rolled her eyes and picked up the shot. She slammed it back before anyone of us had a chance to clink glasses.

  “What?” she asked. Declan just shook her head.

  “Is everyone ready to order?” the waitress asked. Alex scoured her menu again while the waitress went around the table to take everyone’s order. When she reached Alex, she asked if she would like some more time.

  “No, um…”

  I could sense she was feeling rushed and didn’t know what to pick. “Go with the veggie burger. It’s the best in town.”

  She closed her menu and handed it to the waitress. “I’ll have the steak, medium well, with a side of fries and sampler to start,” she said, ignoring my suggestion. The waitress gave her an odd look, but finished writing down the order and left. I was surprised by Alex’s hearty appetite. The few dates I went on, the girls always ordered a salad or something vegetarian, which is why I suggested the veggie burger to Alex.

  “How did you and Alex come to know each other?” Colton asked, trying to include everyone in the conversation.

  “Alex and I are actually cousins,” Declan answered.

  “So I take it you guys are close.”

  “Yes. Even after we moved, Alex and I stayed in contact with each other. I spent most of my summers with her.”

  Declan and Colton carried on with the conversation. Alex just sat there, keeping with her standoff attitude. I decided to try and make nice and talk to Alex. “So, Alex, what do you like to do for fun? Besides make men’s balls shrink up and hide.” I smiled sweetly.

  Alex pressed her lips tightly together, suppressing the smile that was twitching at the corners. She hid behind her water glass as she took a sip. She seemed almost amused. Once her glass was placed firmly back on the table, she turned her dark green eyes on me. “As much as I enjoy ball busting egotistical assholes, in my spare time I thoroughly enjoy scaring children and crushing dreams. I’m sure it’s not as fun as stealing an innocent’s spirit, but hey, we can’t be as charismatic as you.”

  Declan and Colton stopped talking to gawk at us. “It takes a lot of charisma to c
rush a soul,” I smiled, raising my glass.

  Alex took another sip of her water, crunching loudly on a piece of ice. The waitress delivered Alex’s sampler and our soups and salads, relieving us from what could possibly turn into an ugly conversation. No one spoke while we ate. I assumed it was because we were all grossed out by how Alex was inhaling her food like she hadn’t eaten in a week. She didn’t even stop to breathe in between bites. To top it off, when she was finished, she let out the loudest, manliest burp. “Excuse me,” she said innocently, while she gestured for the waitress to refill her water. Declan’s jaw dropped while Colton’s fork stayed suspended in the air, mid-bite. As repulsed as I was by this grotesque display at the same time I was strangely turned on.

  “Alex,” Declan chastised, like an embarrassed parent.

  “What? I said excuse me.”

  I threw my arm over the back of her chair and wiggled my brows at her. She leaned away from me. I had a feeling this was all an act she was putting on to repulse me. She was in for a sore surprise. Two could play at this game. “That was really hot. You wanna make out?” She pulled back even further, almost falling off her chair. I smiled, satisfied.

  Colton threw me a warning look while Declan hid her face in her hands. “If you don’t remove your arm I will show you my other favorite pastime, which is how I make grown men cry.”

  “I’ve seen you in action. I’ll take my chances.”

  Before she could react Declan interrupted. “Alex don’t!”

  Alex narrowed her at eyes at Declan, but remained in her seat, scooting further away from me.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” Colton demanded more than asked. I pushed back my chair and followed him to the bar. He paced angrily before he turned on me. “One favor Cas, that’s all I asked.”

  “That’s before I knew you were going to set me up with the she-devil.”

  “It’s not all her.”

  “The way she inhaled that food you would think she’s a descendent of Medusa. Did you see her jaw unhinge?”

  “Cas, knock it off.”


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