Book Read Free

500 Days

Page 15

by Jessica Miller

  “Fuck you.”

  “Casper fucking Covington actually likes a girl. Holy fucking shit. Maybe I should go play the lotto?”

  “Get the fuck out!” I threw my pillow at him. “Get out before I beat the fucking shit out of you.” He laughed all the way down the hall. “Fucking dick,” I mumbled, throwing myself back on my bed. He was wrong. I did not like Alex. Half the time I couldn’t stand the chick. But damn, last weekend I would have given anything just to hold her in my arms. To feel her soft skin and touch those tender lips over and over again.

  What the fuck?

  I sat up. I did not like Alex. Colton put this bullshit in my head. She was the most irritating person I’d ever met. She was always sabotaging my dates and insulting me. She was…beautiful, confident, had a killer body, a smile that would make any guy drop to their knees, and the most piercing green eyes. Eyes that I just wanted to get lost in.

  Fuck me.

  I grunted, pulling at my hair.

  How the hell did this happen?

  I was in trouble.

  I got up and walked out into the living room where Colton was sitting eating a bowl of Lucky Charms. Greyson was next to him flipping through the channels in search of something to watch. I really did not want to do this in front of Greyson, but what other choice did I have. “Okay, if I admit it will you help me out?”

  Colton’s lips twitched into a slow grin. “Admit what? That you’re gay?” Greyson shrugged. “I knew it would come out eventually.” Colton and I each gave him a punch on the shoulder. He cowardly flinched with each hit, rubbing his sore arms.

  Colton cocked his head to the side, looking at me. “I want to hear you say it.”

  What I wouldn’t give to sock him in the jaw and knock that smug smile off his face. I clenched my fist at my sides. “Don’t be a dick,” I growled. Colton sat back and continued to stuff his face while he waited. Smiling with each bite knowing what this was doing to me.

  “Fine, I fucking like her, okay? You happy now you stupid piece of shit?”

  “For now.” Greyson looked from me to Colton, confused. “Casper likes Alex,” he clarified.

  Greyson dropped the remote. “Is the world going to end? Are we all going to die?” Colton almost choked on his cereal from laughing.

  I kicked Greyson and smacked Colton. “Fuck you both.” I grabbed my keys and left, not in the mood to get shit from these two morons. I headed to the party shop without them, to meet with Declan.

  My plan was to help Declan arrange the party. I convinced her to have it at Angels and Demons. I think part of that agreement was because we were playing that night and she knew Colton would be there. I told her I would arrange for her to take Alex and her brothers and whoever else out to dinner wherever they wanted. Then I would set everything up at the club so she didn’t have to worry about it. She was a little apprehensive about letting me take the reins but I promised her it would be perfect. I didn’t tell her about the cat yet, afraid she might say no, but I knew Colton would probably let it slip eventually.

  “So I have to ask. Why the big spectacle? Why do you care so much?” I shrugged, not wanting to admit my feelings to Declan. She would be worse than the guys. I already got enough shit from them. Her eyes got real big and she had that same goofy smile Colton did. “You like her, don’t you?” I narrowed my eyes at her. “That’s why you’re trying to go out of your way for her birthday.” She giggled and covered her mouth with her hand.

  “Knock it off.”

  She laughed. “Oh Cas, you’re in for a world of trouble. She’s not going to give in easily. And she is nothing like those whores you go home with.”

  “I know. That’s what makes her so appealing. She’s nothing like any of the other girls I’ve met.”

  She grabbed my arm and pinched it. “You’re damn straight she’s not and I swear to god if you do anything to hurt her I will cut off your dick and shove it so far up your ass you’ll be pissing out of your mouth.”

  “Ow, okay. Jesus, Declan.” She backed down, her cheery smile returning. I rubbed my arm, feeling a bruise form.

  “What are your intentions with Alex?”

  “I don’t know?” I flinched and held up my hands. She eyed me. “I mean, I like her, but like you said she’s different. She’s not a one night stand type of girl and I don’t want her to be.”

  “Give her time to come around. Show her the real Casper. The one who’s not a drunk or a womanizer.”

  Easier said than done.

  After my confession to Declan, my sudden feelings for Alex started to become like a second skin. From the first day I met her I always knew there was something about her. She stole my heart the moment she first glared at me with those green eyes. At the time I just didn’t know it. And now that I did, I was terrified. Declan assured me Alex wasn’t as tough as she came off and most of it was an act. But I had a feeling I had a long way to go before I could break down Alex’s walls. I was happy to know Declan seemed okay with my infatuation with Alex and even offered me a few pointers.

  We parted ways and I was finally feeling good about this weekend.

  Chapter 10


  “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Declan cheered, jumping up and down on my bed. I craned my neck to look at the time. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was reading it right.

  “Is it really two-thirty in the afternoon?” I asked, still a little groggy.

  “Yes, which is why I woke you. One of your birthday gifts was to let you sleep in,” she smiled. “But now it’s time to get up.”

  “Why thank you. I have to say, so far, best present.” I stretched my arms above my head. Declan was still on my bed with a goofy grin on her face. “You’re not going to make me run are you? Because that would be mean.”

  “No,” she smacked my leg. “I’ve got a whole day of relaxation planned for us.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  “Good, get dressed.”

  “Where are we going? To me, relaxing would be lying in bed all day.”

  “Yes but this is better. So let’s go.”

  “Can I at least eat first, shower?”

  “Quickly, our appointment is at four.” Appointment? I didn’t like the sound of that. I skipped the shower and grabbed a bowl of Captain Crunch. I told Declan she couldn’t rag on me because it was my birthday. She agreed that I would get a full twenty-four hours free of lectures, disappointed looks, and nagging. So far this was turning out to be a pretty good way to wake up on my birthday.

  “Here, I almost forgot. These were delivered for you this morning.” She placed a decorative vase of brightly colored wild flowers on the kitchen counter.

  “Who are they from?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe one of your brothers?”

  “Really D, none of them would send me flowers. I’d be lucky if I even got a card from any of them.” I looked through the beautiful arrangement and found a card stuffed in the center. I opened up the card.

  Happy Birthday Katherine.

  A pre-apology gift – just in case.


  I laughed and handed Declan the card. “I have to say this is a first.”

  “Casper sending a girl flowers or apologizing in advance for something he may or may not do?” I asked.

  “Both,” Declan smiled. “I think it’s sweet.”

  I rolled my eyes. “So where are we going?” She didn’t answer me. Instead she just grinned slyly and pulled me out to the car. I nervously buckled my seatbelt, not one for surprises.

  When we pulled up to the downtown spa I was more than happy to oblige to her gift. Declan treated us both to massages, manicures and pedicures. She even told me we had an appointment to get our hair and makeup done. I was thankful for the makeup, hoping they could cover up what was left of this black and blue eye. I wondered where Declan had come up with the money for all of this and when I questioned her, her reply was that she was saving up. I let it go, not wanting to ruin what was becoming a pre
tty good day.

  After we finished at the spa, Declan drove us home so we could finish getting ready for tonight. I laid out my outfit on the bed and placed my new shoes in front of it on the floor. Then I carefully pulled up my hair and took a quick bath. Once dressed, I smoothed out the fabric, and slipped my newly painted pink toes into my shoes. I grabbed my favorite black and white checkered clutch and waited for Declan in the living room. I had no idea why she wasn’t ready yet. All she had to do was get dressed.

  Twenty minutes later we were heading to the restaurant to meet my brothers. I did a double take when we pulled up to Echo. Echo was the very new and very exclusive restaurant in town. From what I heard there was a two month waiting list just to get reservations and not to mention how expensive it was. “Declan, um…no offense, but we can’t afford this place.”

  “Relax, I got it covered.” She pulled up to the valet and got out of the car. I hesitated a moment not sure, but I knew I could trust her so I opened up my door and followed her inside. I was a little worried for the fact I knew this place had a dress code and Jasper was the jeans and t-shirt type guy. I don’t even think he owned a tie. We walked under the bright blue awning where two men dressed in suits opened up two large, gray, tinted doors. Jasper, Jaxson, and Jacob were already waiting in the seating area when we arrived. I had to hide my giggle. Jasper was wearing a long sleeved, blue dress shirt, black slacks, and a tie. His curls were semi contained and he looked very uncomfortable. Jacob and Jaxson were dressed similar, but managed to pull off the look a lot better than Jasper.

  Declan cleared her throat and the boys looked up. Jaxson stood up and smiled. “Happy Birthday sis.”

  “Happy Birthday Jax.” I returned his hug with a smile. I turned to Jasper next and the warning look he gave me was enough to know he was not happy about having to dress up. “Jas, don’t you look handsome.”

  “I’m only doing this for you, you know.” He tugged at his tie, showing his discomfort.

  I readjusted it for him. “Stop fidgeting and thank you.”

  “Happy Birthday,” he grumbled. “And you look…well, you look older.” I let it go knowing that would be the best compliment I would get from him.

  “So D, who’d you blow to get a table here?” I smacked Jaxson on the shoulder while Jasper laughed. She ignored them both and walked up to the hostess. We were seated at a table near the back. I picked up the menu and cringed at the prices.

  I leaned in close to Declan and whispered, “Declan, I don’t think we’ll be able to afford anything here.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s covered.”

  “Okay seriously, who are you sleeping with?”

  She kicked me under the table. I let out a quiet yelp. “It’s being taken care of.”

  “By who?”

  “I can’t tell you.” I eyed her warily. “I promise it’s all good. Just order whatever you want.”

  We ended up having a lovely dinner and I was pleased. Declan had already told me ahead of time that the party was at work and I was perfectly fine with that.

  We arrived an hour before the band was about to perform. The place was packed, but Declan had it arranged so we had our own private area. There were purple and silver balloons, streamers and beautifully decorated center pieces on the four tables they had reserved just for us. Along with a banner that read happy birthday Alex and Jaxson. There were two buckets; one was filled with champagne while the other had a full bottle of Patron. Declan suggested I drink beer because she warned me ahead of time I would be consuming several shots. I was a little apprehensive but she promised she wouldn’t let me do anything – or anyone – stupid. I took a seat at the table.

  “Happy Birthday Alexis,” Casper said over my shoulder. He said my name. My real name and not some nickname he made up to insult me with.

  The sound of my name from his lips was like a smooth melody. No one called me Alexis, but when he did, I wanted him to say it again. “Thank you and thank you for the flowers that was…nice.”

  “You’re welcome. How was your dinner?” I looked at him suspiciously, but he gave away no tell.

  “It was very nice.”

  “Good, I’m glad. Well, I don’t want to take up too much of your time, enjoy your party.” He turned to walk away, but I stopped him.

  “Stay. I know you have to go on soon, but maybe you can help me with all these shots that are getting thrown at me.”

  “That, I can do.” He smiled and extended an arm to me. I graciously took it and led him to the table of waiting shots. He was acting slightly strange and I was curious to know if it had anything to do with the kiss last weekend. I thought about playing it off like it never happened. To me that was easiest way to go, but every time I looked at Casper the only thing I could think about was his lips on mine and the way he made me feel. I convinced myself it was all the alcohol we drank that night and it was better to not bring it up. I knew the best way to deal with Casper was play with him like I always did.

  He strolled over to the bucket of champagne and gestured for one of the workers to help him. Casper popped the cork and poured everyone a glass. He raised his flute to make a toast.

  “Happy Birthday to Jaxson and Alex,” he paused, meeting my eyes. I suddenly felt self-conscious under his stare. “May all your wishes come true,” he finished, never taking his eyes off mine. I downed my entire glass of champagne making him smile.

  Declan gave me a worried look. “You might want to take it easy. Don’t want you knocked out before the night is over.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I smiled at her.

  Gus came over to wish us a Happy Birthday and told me drinks were on him. I thanked him and ordered my first beer. There was a DJ playing until the band started so the music was loud and pumping. The perfect kind of music you could shake your butt to. As the night progressed we were joined by several more people. Most of which turned out to be friends of Casper and Colton. I only had a handful of friends that came back early for the school year. I can’t say I minded being surrounded by men. A few of the girls from work who had tonight off came to hang out as well and made sure I celebrated my twenty first right.

  After my third beer and fourth shot I decided to take a break. Casper had a pitcher of water sent over. I was surprised at how he just jumped in and took care of everything while still having a good time. He made sure everyone had a drink in their hand and that everyone was getting along and happy. I was starting to believe that maybe there was a different side to him after all, but then I quickly convinced myself it was the booze talking.

  “Hey, having fun?” Declan asked, falling into the seat next to me.

  “Yes, thank you for all of this.”

  “Don’t thank me, thank Casper. He did most of it.”

  I pulled back in surprise. “Wait, Casper did all this? Are you serious?”

  “How the hell do you think I got us a table at Echo?” I looked at Declan and then over at Casper who was talking to one of his friends. He looked up, his eyes met mine and he smiled.

  “Why would he do all this?”

  Declan shrugged. “Maybe he was making up for the black eye or maybe he just likes you,” she said, hiding her knowing smile behind her mug.

  I narrowed my eyes at her. “Casper doesn’t like me.”

  “Oh no? Then how would you explain all this?”

  I couldn’t.

  He did an awesome job of setting everything up and making sure everyone was having a great time, but I just couldn’t get past thinking what was in it for him. I had a hard time believing he did all this out of the kindness out of his heart. I looked over at him and saw he was about to make his way over to us. I grabbed Declan and yanked her out of the chair. “Let’s dance.”

  I panicked for some reason. I couldn’t handle the reality of the real reason Casper did all this. My mind flashed back to the kiss. My temperature started to rise and I could feel my body over heat. I closed my eyes trying to rid my mind of the image that was p
ermanently planted in my head. I needed a distraction. I found one not too far off on the dance floor. I tugged one of the guys over to dance with me.

  He put his hands on my hips as we danced. Not caring and wanting to have a good time I leaned back. Declan smiled at me, letting me know the guy was cute. I was about to check out the guy I was dancing with, but when I turned around he was gone. I shrugged it off. There was a cute guy to my right who was checking me out. I pulled him closer and wrapped my arms around him. I was getting parched so I told the guy I was dancing with I would be right back. I grabbed Declan and headed to the bar. We got two beers and another shot then headed our way back to the dance floor. Unfortunately by the time I returned, the guy I was dancing with disappeared. I shrugged. I knew he was one of many.

  Soon Declan and I were swarmed by guys. I was sweating from all the dancing and hot bodies surrounding me. I was dancing with two guys. I turned around and the one behind me was gone. I looked at Declan who had a frown on her face. I turned back around and the other guy I was dancing with was gone too and so were half the other guys who were dancing with us. Okay, did I smell or something? I turned back to Declan. Her eyes were narrowed in the direction of the table. I looked to see Jaxson was keeled over laughing hysterically. When he saw that I had caught him, he stopped and looked behind me. “Where are Jacob and Jasper?” Declan jerked a thumb over her shoulder.

  I stomped over to the far wall on my left. I found Jasper and Jacob hiding in the darkest corners of the club smiling and laughing. Jacob cleared his throat when he saw me. “Having fun?” Jasper asked.

  “What the hell are you two doing?”

  “We were just having some fun,” Jasper said.

  “Having fun by scaring away every single guy that decided to dance with me?”

  “Jake and I just made it clear they needed to keep their hands to themselves.” I pressed my palm to my head feeling a headache coming on. “Alex they were all douchebags and just looking to get in your pants.”

  “So what! I hate to break it to you two, but I haven’t been a virgin for a while.” Jacob looked absolutely disgusted, like he was going to throw up and Jasper looked ready to kill everyone. I knew they did not want to hear this about their sister but I didn’t know how else to get through to them. “And if I decide to take someone home tonight that’s my business and not your choice.”


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