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Page 23

by Carina Axelsson

  I nodded. “We’re about to cause a scene. I’m going to distract everyone with the fire extinguisher so Sebastian can get away, but it would be great if you could do something as well.”

  “Just tell me what you need.”

  “Do you think you could run out of here once the chaos starts? Wait until Sebastian starts to run, then chase after him. As soon as you both have some cover, take off in a different direction from him. Try to keep as many of the security guards as far away from us as possible.”

  Ellie nodded. She was excited, and more importantly, she was actually wearing sneakers. “I told you I thought something like this might happen today.” She smiled as she wiggled her feet. “So I decided to throw my heels to the wind this morning, Axelle, just for you.”

  “Thank you,” I said. And I meant it.

  I found Sebastian’s bag while Ellie got into position. Then I watched from a distance as Sebastian, his back turned to the chaos of the tent, opened the small can of paint. He turned and walked up to Johnny, holding the open can of paint. As he drew nearer he pretended to stumble, and then I saw him bump into Johnny from the side. He’d taken careful aim, and I watched with relief as the contents of the can landed on Johnny’s gloves. Mind you, I didn’t see it as much as hear it.

  Angry expletives exploded from Johnny’s lips. In a stroke of quick thinking, I saw Sebastian smear the paint all over Johnny’s hands with the paintbrush—presumably pretending to brush it off? Now Johnny was really agitated, and at this point Sebastian dropped his brush and paint can to help remove the gloves.

  I noticed Sebastian taking a good look at the tops of Johnny’s hands—and then the questions started: “Who are you?” “What are you doing here?” and so on. Two burly security guards made their way toward Johnny, Sebastian, and the small crowd that had formed around them.

  “Time to move, and you’d better keep up,” I told Halley as I snapped her leash off her. (I knew she’d stick by my side without it—and besides, I needed to have my hands free). I grabbed the fire extinguisher (which was much heavier than I’d expected) and broke the safety fastening. “Sorry, Jorge,” I muttered to myself as I aimed the nozzle at the curling iron I’d noticed on a hairdressing table behind me. At least, I told myself, I could make it look as if I was really trying to put a fire out.

  The water surged out with force. “Fire!” I yelled. “Fire!” It took a few shouts but then chaos really broke out. People started to scatter and head toward the exit in a panic. I watched as Ellie and Sebastian began to maneuver their way through the backstage mayhem.

  Meanwhile I continued to hold the fire extinguisher. I was now aiming the nozzle in all directions, pivoting on my foot as I twirled. I needed to create as much confusion as possible. Once I knew I’d given Ellie and Sebastian enough of a lead, I thrust the fire extinguisher into the hands of a confused-looking fashion blogger.

  “You’ve ruined my clothes!” she screamed at me.

  All I could think to do was to yank some of Jorge’s dresses from the clothing racks next to me. “Here!” I said. “Try these on for size!” Then, before her look of surprise wore off, I yelled “Fire!” again and pushed myself into the panicking crowd. Slowly I forced my way out of the backstage tent and into the gardens, Halley at my heels. I fell in with a group of models leaving the show, and still carrying both my bag and Sebastian’s, I chatted with them about all the commotion going on in the tent and how nice it was to get out of there.

  I really did feel sorry about unleashing so much chaos at Jorge’s show, but what else could I do?

  I was passing a large, clipped box bush when I heard a loud hiss. I turned and saw Sebastian. I bent down and pretended to tie my shoelaces while I pushed his bag toward him. Then I got up and fell back in with the models. A few seconds later, Sebastian joined me and we kept walking with the models all the way down to the dock. There we got on one of the departing boats and sailed off into the sparkling afternoon light.

  Sebastian and I stood at the railing and caught our breath before I asked him what I was desperate to know.

  “Did you see any distinguishing marks on the top of Johnny’s right hand?” I said as I looked at him and brushed the hair out of my eyes.

  Sebastian shook his head. “Nothing—not a single blemish or scar. Absolutely nothing.”

  I let out a loud breath of air.

  “Is that what you expected to hear?”

  “Yes—at least, it’s what I’d hoped to hear.”

  “So what’s next, Holmes?”

  I looked at my watch. It was four o’clock. We’d have just enough time to eat something before meeting Georgie and Agnieszka at Dawson Place.

  “It’s time to uncover the Vane family’s long-buried secrets.”

  Ellie called me to say that, after I’d given her the signal to run, the security guards had indeed followed her out of the backstage tent. She’d led them past the Knot Garden and through a few palace courtyards before slowing down. Once they’d caught up with her, she’d delayed them further by accusing them of harassment. She let them placate her for a while before explaining that she’d actually been running away from the fire. By then, Sebastian and I were long gone.

  Ellie had just gotten on a train to Waterloo. We agreed that Sebastian and I would hop off the boat at Surbiton meet Ellie on the Surbiton station platform. We’d all travel to Waterloo together. From there we’d all take the Tube to Notting Hill.

  Georgie’s message came through just as we pulled in to Waterloo:

  Axelle, everything is in place. Everyone will be there at 7:30 p.m. But I’ll meet you at 6:30. Is that early enough?

  We’d planned to meet at Dawson Place. That morning, in the private garden where we’d spoken, I’d told Georgie about my plans to confront Johnny, Caro, and Jane at the family home. When I’d told her she’d have to be present too, she’d been nervous and hesitant. But I’d insisted that she needed to be there to help start the dialogue—after all, why would they open up to me? She’d finally agreed, and a short while after we’d parted, she’d messaged me to say she’d notified Caro, Jane, and Johnny as per my instructions. She’d told them that someone had been in touch with her about a family secret that concerned Clarissa Vane and Julian and that they were planning to go to the press with their story the following morning.

  Apparently the ruse had worked.

  I wrote back to Georgie to confirm our meeting time.

  Before I walked with Ellie and Sebastian to the Jubilee line platform, I quickly called Agnieszka to confirm the meeting with her too. I needed her to let us into the house before the others showed up. Otherwise, if Georgie was late or backed out at the last second, my plan could fail before it had even started.

  Our brief conversation proved what Mr. Rivera had claimed—that Agnieszka was a tough cookie. She hardly knew me, but as soon as I’d so much as hinted about my plans for the evening, she’d insisted on helping out. And after I’d shared a few more details, she became determined to station herself in the shadows of the second-floor landing, phone in hand, ready to call in support if necessary (and it was highly likely, considering the people I was expecting).

  When I asked again whether she was really sure that she wanted to help me, she’d answered without any hesitation. “Absolutely. I’ll help you, no problem. And don’t worry, I can handle myself.” An image I had of her from our last meeting sprang to mind. She’d been standing in the hall, backlit, her wiry frame and short, spiky hair starkly outlined in the light, the silence of the house punctuated by her gum snapping and knuckle cracking. I believed her when she said she could take care of herself.

  “So what are we going to do once we’re at the house?” Ellie asked as she, Sebastian, Halley, and I walked out of Notting Hill Gate Tube station and headed in the direction of the library. A pizzeria I liked was open just across from the station—and, importantly, they had a f
ew tables set up on the pavement just outside their large shop window so that Halley could join us. They even offered a vegetarian, gluten-free pizza option for Ellie.

  “Well,” I answered, “I don’t mean to sound so theatrical…but I think it’s time the Vane family secrets saw the light of day.”

  “And I don’t suppose you’re ready to share them yet?” Sebastian asked as we sat down.

  “No, not quite, Watson.” I smiled. Ellie and Sebastian rolled their eyes at me as our order was called. As we ate, I outlined my plans for that evening’s meeting at the house. Ellie got up to make a call to the agency, and Sebastian looked at me for a moment before saying, “There’s only one part of your plan that has to change, Holmes.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “My part in the proceedings.” He leaned in to me across the table and said, “There’s no way I’m going to stand outside—away from you. I’m not leaving you on your own in that house.”

  “But Agnieszka will be with me.”


  “I’ll be okay, Sebastian. Honestly—”

  “Forget it, Axelle. Nothing you say will change my mind. I’m not leaving you on your own, so you’d better just find me a good place to hide—inside and near you.”

  He looked totally kissable, sitting there in his leather jacket (the paint-splattered duds long gone), insisting he knew what was best.

  “I like it when you play tough, Watson,” I said as I reached for a last small piece of the pizza.

  He grabbed my wrist, his warm hand encircling it tightly. “I’m not playing, Holmes. I don’t want you to get hurt. And if you keep looking at me the way you are now, it’s not just tonight that I won’t want to leave you on your own. It’ll be always.”

  Sebastian still hadn’t let go of my wrist when Ellie came back to the table.

  “Am I interrupting something?” she asked, a small smile turning up the corners of her lips.

  “No,” I answered. “We’re just discussing the positions we’ll be taking up at Dawson Place. Sebastian thinks he should be inside.”

  “Me too,” Ellie said. “In fact, I think I should be upstairs somewhere—not that I’ve seen the house. But if you two plan on being downstairs, why don’t I stay at some kind of vantage point upstairs with Agnieszka? I can act as a lookout.”

  I was outnumbered and I didn’t like it.

  “You know, since meeting you, Axelle, I’ve changed my gym routine to include some martial arts,” Ellie continued, “and I really like it. So, okay, maybe I’m way smoother on the runway than I’ll ever be at landing a karate chop, but still…I can actually do a bit of martial-arts-movie stuff. So, don’t worry about me. I’ll be watching, and if you need help, I’ll be downstairs in a flash.” She took a mask out of her shoulder bag, the kind that has holes for the mouth and eyes. “I’ll have to use this of course. And I’ll have to hide my hair under this,” she added as she pulled out a black beanie. “I’m happy to help, but I can’t risk being recognized! If word gets out that I’m helping to put fashion designers in jail, my modeling career will be finished faster than new trends are made. Anyway, so upstairs, right?”

  I bit into my piece.

  Sebastian laughed. “Give in, Axelle. Sometimes your friends do know what’s best for you.”


  Just as we got up to leave my phone pinged. It was a message from Tallulah:

  I’m at the hospital—they’re going to try bringing Gavin round in the next few hours. Good luck with the plan!

  I texted back:

  Thanks—I’ll need it!


  The Past Finally Speaks

  The house was so silent. Even though I’d been inside just the other day, the silence still hit me like a wall as I stepped into the hall. Even the grandfather clock standing in the corner didn’t tick anymore. Time had stood still at the Dawson Place mansion for a very, very long time.

  If all went according to plan, however, that was about to change.

  Georgie was just inside the hall, setting her handbag down when we walked in. She was nervous. I could see that just from the way she stood. Her shoulders were hunched, and her hair was pushed absentmindedly behind her ears. She looked preoccupied—which, considering the task ahead of her, was hardly surprising.

  I gently shut the door behind us and then quickly introduced her to Sebastian and Ellie, and Halley too. (I registered Georgie’s slight look of surprise at seeing Halley—but I knew my dog would be able to stick to whatever plans I asked of her.) Of course, Georgie already knew Agnieszka from her visits to the house, and though Georgie was surprised to see her arrive with us, Agnieszka simply waved and said, “Never mind me. I’ll be quiet as a mouse.” Then she disappeared upstairs before Georgie collected herself enough to start asking questions.

  “Are you ready, Georgie?” I asked as I faced her. The early evening sun on the stained-glass windows in the stairwell threw patches of candy-colored light across the hall. Circles of red, orange, blues, and greens danced around the room. It was like standing in a kaleidoscope. With a discreet wave of my hand I motioned to Sebastian and Ellie. Sebastian understood what I meant: start searching for places to hide. Behind me I heard them both move quietly off.

  “I hope so. I think so…but I am nervous,” Georgie continued. “What if I’m wrong?”

  “You’re not. Don’t forget that I’d uncovered enough clues to unlock the past before you spoke to me this morning. I can prove what I know, and I’ll do whatever it takes to bring the truth to light. I promise. The events of the past will be cleared up, and your family history will be rewritten—correctly this time. And you’ll finally be able to move forward with a clear conscience. Life will begin again for you.”

  “But why does it have to be like this? Someone here is going to suffer tonight, and it’s my fault.”

  “No, it’s not your fault, Georgie—not at all. But sometimes the past needs to have its say too. Besides, if the truth isn’t revealed now, it’ll come out eventually—next week, next month, or whenever. You can’t bury the past forever, you know.”

  Georgie nodded.

  “All I need you to do is to start the conversation, just like I explained earlier. And I’ll take over as soon as I can. Remember, Caro, Jane, and Johnny would never have come here tonight if I’d tried inviting them on their own. They’d have thought I was completely mad. So I need you, Georgie. If I’m to clear this up and put an end to your nightmares, I need your help. Okay?”

  “Yes,” she said finally.

  “Thank you,” I said. “We don’t have much time, so let me show you where I’d like this to happen.” I led her to the library. From the far end of the large room, an elegant mahogany writing desk faced the arched doorway into the hall. Behind me was a curtained window that I knew looked onto the garden at the back of the house, and opposite, across the room, was a huge fireplace. Apart from another large window to the left of the desk, the rest of the wall space was covered with bookshelves. On an easel in the left-hand corner behind me was a portrait of Clarissa.

  The portrait showed her face. Her blond hair was lit like a halo, her elegant head turned three-quarters toward us. Even in this musty, faded room the portrait was radiant, the many tones of orange and red glowing in the dim light.

  “We’ll wait for them in here,” I said as I stood with Georgie in the middle of the room. “We’ll leave the front door unlocked and you can call them in. If you can get everyone to sit on the sofas here, that would be good. I’ll be hiding—here, perhaps,” I said as I drew open the curtains of the large window behind the desk and watched the room come alive. With the soft evening sunlight that suddenly filled the library, the musty yellow walls and fabrics began to shimmer.

  Sebastian quietly walked in and told me that he was going to hide in the folds of the faded, green velvet bro
cade curtains that hung in the doorway between the library and the hall. Then he drew open the curtains of the other large window in the room and helped me to arrange the heavy folds. “Is this where you’ll hide?” he asked as I slipped behind the golden-yellow damask fabric. Once I was well concealed, I leaned my head out a bit, hoping the shadows of the heavy fabric would hide my face.

  “I think so. Do you see me?”

  He stepped back a few paces. “No, not at all.”

  “Perfect.” I nodded as I slipped back out and asked Halley to sit behind the curtains. (She promptly rolled into a ball and rested her head on her front paws.) “Then that’ll be my spot. I should be able to hear everything and see enough from there, and they’ll all see me when I step out. Are Ellie and Agnieszka in position?”

  Sebastian smiled and nodded. “All set for action, Holmes.”

  “Good, because I think we’ll get some.”

  Before either one of us could say anything else, a loud creaking sound made us both jump. But it was only Ellie, stepping into the room. “Get to your places—they’re coming! Johnny’s black Range Rover is at the top of the street.” Then she ran back upstairs.

  Sebastian slipped into position while I quickly reassured Georgie one last time before I also took up my position.

  Everything was set to go.

  They walked into the house more or less all at the same time. Georgie called out to them, and I watched as Johnny, Caro, and Jane filed into the library, Jane leaning on a cane. Georgie stood in the middle of the room. She looked pale and fearful as they settled themselves on the sofas. I hoped she’d be able to go through with our plan.

  “So what’s going on, Georgie?” Johnny asked. I couldn’t help but notice that he’d changed his outfit since I’d last seen him backstage a few hours ago—his gloves were now splatter free.

  “And how long is this going to last?” Caro asked. “My flight to New York leaves tonight.”

  “Anyway, why would you possibly want to discuss Clarissa and Julian now? Tonight?” Jane said. “Simply because some random person has told you they know something about us?”


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