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Page 4

by Annalise Alexis

  “I need a moment.” Leandra jumps up and rushes around the corner into her room as I laugh. I can’t wait to see how the whole Ragar and Leandra thing plays out, but first, I need to worry about my own relationship. Not wanting to cause any more problems or embarrass myself again, I slide off the stool and drag my feet down the hall. A door slams from somewhere to my right, and I peek around the corner. Naya. Coming out of Illaria’s room. The Keeper stands taller as I come into view.

  “Ajayla,” she says, giving me a quick nod.

  A wave of gratitude fills me, and for the first time tonight, I don’t feel like my anxiety’s going to swallow me whole. “You going to go rest some more?”

  “I have slept long enough. It seems my unmated have gone feral in my absence.”

  I give her a sheepish grin. “Thanks for that, by the way. The whole Illaria thing...”

  “Like many others, I owe you my life, Ajayla. Her behavior and disrespect was unfounded. You are our Aciana and you will be treated as such.”

  I feel him the moment he enters the room. The air shifts, and the temperature seems to rise a full ten degrees. The richness of his scent wafts toward me, and I hear something soft hit the ground—his clothes, most likely. The firm muscles of his chest press into my back as he squeezes into the small space behind me. I’m such a coward. Only cracking my eye open to glimpse him a second, I pretend to be asleep. A heavy sigh rustles my hair, and Ren tucks the wayward strands behind my ear.

  “You openly challenged me.” His words are soft, but there’s no mistaking the disappointment in his voice. “You cannot do that again, especially now that the extent of human involvement has been revealed.”

  Abandoning the charade, I turn and face him. Ren presses a kiss to my cheek and twists my midnight hair between his fingers.

  “The way we do things has remained the same for thousands birth cycles. Openly voicing your dissent as my mate violates the unspoken assumption that we are a cohesive pair. If you had not been my mate, and had been male, I would have been expected to answer your challenge with violence.”

  “So, what? I’m not supposed to talk about my opinions at all? It isn’t fair to leave them vulnerable. To leave me vulnerable. What happened to me was really scary, Ren. I don’t ever plan on feeling like that again. I know our disagreement over my being trained got upstaged by my inability to shut my mouth, but I meant what I said. It’s important to me that I participate in my own safety. Not just leave it up to you and the others.”

  Ren runs a knuckle down the curve of my cheek. “You challenge me in ways I never could have imagined. Illusian females do not speak to their males as you speak to me.” I start to argue, but he silences me with a finger across my lips. Annoyed, I bite it, and he jerks his hand back with a hiss. “I like it. I do not find it appropriate in view of the others, but I would be dishonest if I denied that it increases my desire for you.” He dips his head under my chin to kiss the swell of my cleavage. “I yearn for you, my Aciana. Always biding my time until I can fit myself between your thighs and lose myself inside you.”

  Well, shit. I was tired, but now I’m tired and horny.

  Wait, weren’t we talking about something?

  “You held firm in there. I have seen stronger males cower under less pressure. They will come around, or I will cast them out and reassign them. It is a privilege to be directly under my command, and it is not for those who would doubt my authority.”

  I yawn and snuggle into him with heavy eyes. I’m worn out emotionally, and despite the raging boner lying heavy on my leg, I can’t muster up the energy to have sex. The warmth of his breath tickles my ear as he leans in to whisper, “My existence begins and ends with you. And I will tear the universe apart to keep you by my side.”

  Chapter Six


  Jayla watches as the blanket of darkness outside is broken by the purple haze surrounding the planet Magera. The lines of her face relax when she stares like this. Unworried and unconcerned with the turmoil surrounding her. I will find a way to give her a life that mirrors this peace, and I do not care how many people have to bleed for it.

  After traveling for two of my mate’s Earth days, we have finally arrived in the Vranic star system, and our window of time to detain the smuggler narrows. For a male described as elusive and dangerous, he was easy to locate. One should never use government-issued lines of credit to pay for sex workers when attempting to stay hidden.

  “Well, he’ll certainly stand out in a crowd.” Jayla stares at the incarceration photo of Tren Vakoro we obtained from the Universal Community’s archives.

  “That’s some hair,” the human mechanic says as she and my mate continue to study the image. “And his skin, I’ve never seen anything like it.” She passes the tablet back to Jayla, and the two of them continue their banter over the smuggler’s appearance. I do not like my mate staring so long at the image of another male.

  “Bandurian males all have red hair and metallic skin. There is nothing unique about his features.” Both females quiet at Ragar’s bitter tone. Even my attention wavers slightly. He has spoken more in the few moons since meeting the human mechanic than he has in the twenty-three birth cycles he has spent as my second-in-command.

  Jayla sets the tablet down and swivels in her chair. “So, where are we going?”

  Avoiding her gaze, I examine the star map while Rivan continues to calculate the angle necessary to safely navigate into Magera’s gravitational pull. “You are not going anywhere. Ragar and I will find him. You and the other females will remain here.”

  “No way. We’re going.” My mate wiggles in her chair freely. Her straps are too loose. Unable to control the urge, I yank on the black corded belts that secure her in place.

  She rolls her eyes. “Still snug, Ren. Just like they were the last two times you checked.”

  I ignore her sarcasm. An Illusian male’s instinct to protect their mate cannot be ignored. Rivan raises his head to signal me. He has finished adjusting the thrusters and is prepared to lower the shields for our descent. Jayla’s gaze follows the heat resistant film as it drops over the navigation window, almost as if she is trying to absorb every second of the view before the shield blurs the vibrant gas swirling around us. I forget that she has not seen the universe as we have.

  “Acia, I need to gather supplies, remember?” Sol grabs the silver digital board that holds the list of things he’s deemed necessary.

  “Aye, Sol. You may leave at your own risk. All other males are expected to remain with the group as protection. Naya will guard from the ship’s exterior.”

  “You really think you and Ragar can just walk in there looking like you do and convince them to talk to you? Sol, you said this is a sin den, right?”

  “Yes, Aciana. It is a rough place by reputation. Most of the patrons go there for virtual pleasure, and many indulge in illegal sensory manipulation as well.”

  My mate’s eyes cloud with lust as I lean down to whisper in her ear, “You forget me, Skara. I require nothing to get the information I want.”

  “That does take more energy than conversing, Acia.”

  I clench my fists, fighting the urge to maim Sol for his constant counter-productive comments.

  “See, you need me! Boobs are universal. You can find him much faster using me than you can by intimidation alone. I bet most of those rogues haven’t seen a living female for ages, not to mention a human this far away from Earth.”

  Outrage burns my throat. “You expect me to tolerate another male’s eyes on you? To objectify you to further our mission?”


  Rage boils my blood at the thought of another male lusting after her. Any male who values his life will keep his eyes off what is mine.

  “Uh, Jay. I don’t think that is such a good idea,” the human mechanic reasons. Her presence among our ranks has proven useful.

  “Of course, it is. I promise not to interfere if you want to rough someone up, but let me at l
east try to help.”

  Sol rubs his temples. “Aciana, I fear it would not be practical. The Acia is likely to spend the majority of his time killing those who dare to look at you.”

  “Nonsense.” My mate’s gaze holds mine. “You can control yourself, right?”

  Still unable to speak in a respectful manner, I hold my tongue and stare at the bare metal interior of the room.

  “I’m going. Look, Ragar can stay here and help protect the crew. Ren, you and I can go. After what happened last night, I need to prove how dedicated I am to fighting with you. Don’t steal my chance at earning their respect.”

  The human mechanic jerks up in her chair. “If you’re going, I’m going. I don’t want to miss out on all the fun, Jay. I’ve never been anywhere but Earth.”

  The scent of anger permeates the room. “You will not,” Ragar commands from his seat behind me.

  The human mechanic grips the straps of her chair, scowling. “Oh, get off it. You don’t get to control me, Ragar.”

  My mate holds up a hand. “Fine, all four of us will go. Leandra is smoking hot, and Ragar will cause a scene all on his own.”

  I have heard the unmated females speak of Ragar’s appeal, but as a male, I fail to understand the need to utilize his physical appearance. His rage and fondness of killing are what makes him a superior warrior; why would anyone care about his package?

  Jayla’s laughter skitters through my mind.

  What is so funny?

  She continues to stare at me, waiting for an answer. I understand her desire to earn her place. My frustration simmers. She owes nothing to anyone.

  “You will not yield?” I ask, already aware of the answer. We may be in the early stages of our mate bond, but I am smart enough to know if my Jayla has made a decision, there is little I can do to deter her. It is her ferocity and courage that drew me in, and I will not stifle her instincts.

  “Nope. Now, what should I wear?”

  Chapter Seven


  Leandra hobbles out of the ship’s exit, stumbling every few steps under the weight of the ankle length monstrosity of a trench coat Ragar insisted she wear. What I’ve got on is even worse. I can’t decide if the massive shirt Ren shoved over my head fits me like a dress or just an oversized bag. The bulky fabric underneath covers every inch of exposed skin all the way to my toes. It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever worn, but it was the only way he’d agree to let me come. How the hell am I supposed to convince a strange male to talk to me when I look like a twelve-year old boy?

  Adding to our disappointment, Magera is a total shit hole. Not at all what we were hoping to find. It’s bleak and dirty. Beings rushing back and forth, carrying loads of rock, dressed in little more than rags. Fighting and arguing over scraps, like something you’d see in a dive bar back on Earth.

  The people on this planet are poor. Starving, even.

  The air is cold, and I have to work twice as hard for each breath. Ren notices my discomfort and hands both Leandra and me a tiny open circle that resembles a nose ring.

  He sighs as I stare at it blankly. “This is an oxygen converter. Magera’s atmosphere has significantly less oxygen than you are accustomed to breathing.”

  Once he clamps it to my right nostril, I take a deep breath. The difference is immediate.

  “How long will it last?” I ask, knowing I probably won’t get very far without it.

  “Long enough, my Aciana. I would not have allowed you to come otherwise.”

  Squeezing his bear-like hand in mine, I search for Leandra to help her, but Ragar is already clipping the device to her nose. I don’t miss the way she meets his gaze as he leans in closely. Falling in beside her as we walk, I nudge her shoulder. “I saw that,” I tease, hoping she’ll finally admit there’s something between them.

  “Saw what?”

  “Those cheesy ass googly eyes you just gave Ragar.” I have a sneaking suspicion it isn’t the cool chill in the air that turns her cheeks red.

  “No way. He’s a total Neanderthal. All the grunting and demanding. I don’t know how you deal with it.

  “Well, the sex helps. Lots and lots of sweaty, grunty, Neanderthal sex.” I laugh, and she steals a brief glance at Ragar.

  “I knew there had to be some serious perks.”

  “Oh, there are perks all right. You should see this thing Ren does with his dick when he—”

  “Skara,” Ren scolds, then pulls me back to his side, leaving Ragar to shift closer to Leandra. “You should not speak so intimately with your friend. Our mating is sacred and only for us.”

  “I know. It’s just…” I lower my voice, “I know she wants him, but it’s scary, you know? You guys aren’t anything like the human men we’re used to.”

  Ren’s grip on my hand tightens, and a possessive need pulses through our bond. “I am going to choose to ignore that comment. Unless, of course, you want me to bend you over right here?”

  “What? You wouldn’t! You just gave me a whole spiel about keeping our sex life private and you’re threatening to screw me in full view of all these people?”

  He grins slowly, eyes full of mischief. “I have my limits, my Aciana. Keep testing them and you will find out just what I am capable of. I could steal the sight and hearing from all thirty-six souls that surround us and stretch you wide. Only the stars above would hear you scream.”

  Oh, shit. I don’t know whether to shut up or beg for punishment.

  Jolted out of my lust haze by Ren smacking me hard on the ass, I follow him toward the glorified whore house where the mystery smuggler is supposed to be staying. This place really is depressing. Earth might lack the green trees and lush blue oceans it once had, but it’s nothing like this. Everything here is gray. Empty. Where Earth has sleek black lines and AI-driven hovercrafts directing traffic, this place has bulky machinery spitting massive smoke plums that cloud the sky.

  Leandra shifts closer to Ragar the further away we get from the more populated landing zone. I get the feeling the interior of this particular city isn’t for the faint of heart. Especially for females, baggy clothes or not. Good thing Leandra and I came packing two massive ass kicking machines.

  “You are correct.”

  I startle, not expecting Ren to answer my thoughts. His presence in my mind feels so second nature now, I barely notice it. I watch as he scans for threats before he continues. “This area is not sanctioned by the Universal Community. It was declared unenforceable and has been left resourceless as a result. Those that choose to come here do so knowing there is no military or law presence. These beings are free to be as violent or passive as they choose. The only form of justice here is vigilantism.”

  “If you’ve never been here, how do you know so much about it?”

  “Sol is very skilled at digital navigation and information retrieval. We always research extensively before choosing a course of action.” Ren’s fingers drag across my lower back and he fidgets with the material, almost as if he’s pissed he can’t feel my skin.

  I smirk. “Your fault, you know. I wanted to wear the leather get up.”

  “You will get your chance. But only when I can have you all to myself.” Ren steps back and closes his eyes, most likely checking in with Sol. “We are close…”

  Ragar nods and disappears to scout ahead while Ren bends down and rolls the sand between his fingers. “This place,” he nods to the mismatched two-story building in the distance, “is not safe. Especially for a female. Stay close and tolerate nothing. If you feel uncomfortable, tell me.”

  “I don’t think you’ll have anything to worry about with what you guys made us wear.” Leandra kicks a rock in her path, pouting.

  Ren squeezes my side and lets his gaze fall to my lips. “We shall see.”

  Giant compared to the small shanty-like structures beside it, Kraven’s Haven looks like it might collapse at any moment—aged, flaking paint and a door that’s halfway off its hinges. The patchwork roof and boarded windo
ws vibrate with the sounds of loud music and raucous laughter.

  Ragar returns, giving us the go ahead to approach. Leandra takes down her hair, shaking out the wavy blond curls, and I snort.

  “What?” she asks as Ragar’s lips press into a flat line. Not waiting for an answer, she scurries up behind Ren and me.

  The scent of sex and sweat hit me hard as we enter.

  “What the hell are they wearing?” Leandra mouths at me, nodding to the group of four unfamiliar females leaning up against the bar to our left. Some sort of translucent skin suit, maybe? They certainly aren’t hiding anything. Lime green nipples, and wait…why are their pubes purple?

  So many questions…

  “Duros females are bred to be this way. Display bright colors, and,” Ren’s lip curls up in disgust, “their ability to service, and breed with, two males at once.”

  Two at once? Shit, I can barely handle the one I’ve got.

  Their eyelids blink sideways in a reptilian way, and they’re covered in a light layer of green scales. I’ve seen several scaled species, but these females… they appear very young. Uncomfortably young, really. Sol said this was a virtual reality whore house, but I guess they offer in-person services too? There’re a lot of titties on display, and I’m suddenly feeling very thankful for my outfit.

  Leandra wraps her arm around mine and pulls me to her side. “So, who are all these rough-looking dudes licking all over the half-dressed tweens?”

  I cringe as my shoes stick with every step. “I don’t know, but it looks like this floor might be used for ’making friends,’ if you know what I mean.”

  “This place really serves actual females up on a platter? I thought most places like this only did VR because the stimulation was so much better.”

  “And requires no work on the male’s part,” I add with a smirk. Lazy dicks.


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