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Craving Our Virgin: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 7

by Frankie Love

Except it isn’t a fight all. It’s a misunderstanding. And I have a feeling that Amy’s not going to understand it

  “Mason, I hate to tell you this,” Amy says. “But Noah and Chloe are messing around behind your back. I’m so sorry to be the one to tell you this...” Amy’s face is red and I can tell she genuinely feels horrible for having to break the news to her brother.

  “Amy,” Mason starts, looking at Noah and me shaking his head apologetically. “It’s not like that.”

  Amy eyes narrow. “It’s not like what? I saw them. Her hand was on his... She’s cheating on you, Mason.”

  I can tell Mason is struggling, not quite knowing what to say, how to make sense of all this to his sister.

  “What’s going on? Coffee ready?” Enzo asks, walking into the kitchen with Ethan.

  Little do they know they are walking into a minefield.

  “What’s the deal?” Ethan asks, looking around and clearly noticing the tension.

  “I caught this little skank messing around with Noah behind my brother’s back, is the deal,” Amy says without mincing her words.

  I pull my hair into a topknot and try to figure out what Mason wants to do. We may be in love but haven’t quite mastered mind reading yet.

  “Amy, Chloe is my girlfriend but we’re not exactly exclusive...”

  “So, you’re okay with the girl you’re sleeping with messing around with your best friend? Mason, that’s bonkers.”

  Mason runs his hands through his hair. “It’s complicated,” he tells her.

  “Complicated?” She looks around the room as if she is expecting a bigger reaction or an apology. When she gets nothing, she waves her hands in the air dramatically. “Whatever. I came here to help take care of you not get involved in your girlfriend, or whatever she is, and her drama. You’re a groupie, or whatever, and I think it’s gross,” Amy says dismissing me. “But that’s your business. I personally think it’s kind of twisted, but whatever. I’m just here to help my brother out. I can do that without your help,” she says nastily to me.

  “Hey,” Noah says. “Don’t talk to Chloe like that.”

  “Or what?” Amy asks.

  “Amy, don’t be like that,” Mason tries. “I love Chloe and she doesn’t deserve this.”

  “You love a girl who is sleeping with your best friend behind your back? Like I said, this is just way too much. Maybe coming here was a bad idea. You’ve changed Mason. You’ve become more intense as you took this career more seriously, but I didn’t realize your values have changed too.”

  “My values?” Mason asks. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’ve always had relationships that meant something to you. You have never been someone who just sleeps around with whomever––”

  “Chloe is not whoever,” Ethan says, his words icy.

  “Who is she then?” Amy asks. “She’s just some girl you met on vacation and she’s been hanging out with you ever since like she’s in it for a free ticket and some random hookups. I’m just watching you right now, Mason, and I know you’re gonna get heartbroken. You think you love a girl like that? Not possible.”

  Not realizing how upset she’s made everyone in the kitchen, she reaches for coffee and makes herself a cup. Pulling it to her lips she shrugs. “It’s your life. I’m just here to change your bandages. So, Mason, whenever you’re ready I’ll be waiting for you.” With that Amy leaves the room, and Drew gives a low whistle.

  “Look, I’m here for Black Bull, nothing else.” He twirls his fingers a circle at the five of us. “But I’ve got to say, I did not expect this trip to be so entertaining.”

  “It’s not entertaining,” Mason yells. “It’s our lives. Understood?”

  Drew raises his hand, declaring a truce. “Understood. I’ll see you motherfuckers on the beach then.” He leaves the room and the rest of us stand there staring at one another.

  I don’t know how to feel right now, but I certainly know I don’t feel good. Maybe some girls would break down and cry after hearing Amy’s words, but I’m not most girls.

  I grew up in foster care, with my guard up and my fists clenched. I had to. Survival was the only choice. Crying in front of people who were hell-bent on hurting me wouldn’t have gotten me very far.

  Still, Amy asked what we are, and none of us answered plainly. We got scared and hid behind the truth. If that’s what happens when push comes to shove, what is this? What are we so terrified of?

  The bigger question is, can this kind of love survive in the real world?

  Chapter 16


  With Amy and Drew gone, it’s just the five of us. And while the mere sight of them usually calms me, right now, I feel uneasy.

  I need space.

  “I’m gonna shower then head out for a few hours. I’ll find you on the beach later, okay?”

  “Are you sure, Chloe?” Noah asks, reaching for my hand.

  “I’m sure. Everything feels really complicated right now and I need a chance to clear my head.”

  “It doesn’t have to be complicated, Chloe,” Mason says.

  I shake my head. “Oh yeah, then why are you pretending we aren’t what we are? Why are we all walking on tiptoes?”

  “Maybe because not only are we in a new relationship, but we’re in an entirely new kind of relationship?” Ethan suggests.

  “Maybe,” I tell him. “But I don’t know if I can keep pretending. I spent my life in the shadows, and with you four, for the first time in my life, I feel seen. But then, just as quickly, I feel like I have to hide again.”

  “Let me talk to Amy…” Mason starts.

  “No,” I tell him. “I don’t think any of you should be focusing on this today. It’s ExSports. You’ve waited your whole lives for this.”

  “We’ve waited our lives for you, Bella,” Enzo says.

  “I know. I’ve waited that long for you, too.” Then I shake my head. “But I need some space, okay? I’ll see you on the beach. Will you be all right getting there with Amy?” I ask Mason.

  He nods, his eyes sad as I turn to leave. Before I go, I tell them, “I love you, all of you. You know that right?”

  “We know,” Noah tells me. “I just wish you’d stay and talk this out.”

  I bite my bottom lip, my instincts telling me to run. Fast. This is getting real and hard and I feel over my head in a million different ways.

  “Don’t go upset, Chloe,” Enzo says. “Let’s get through this, together.”

  “I don’t know how, I just...”

  “You can’t retreat when it gets hard though, Chloe.”

  I feel tears surfacing, and I shake my head. “It’s all I know how to do.” Then I rush out of the room, not caring one single lick if my ass is hanging out for Amy to see. I get in the shower, trying to steady myself.

  I know deep in my heart that they do love me.

  But I can’t help but wonder if love is enough.

  I sit on the beach drinking coffee in peace trying to understand what has my emotions so tangled at the moment. Of course, managing all these relationships requires a different sort of dedication than other kinds of commitments, but my connection to each of them is so real, that doesn’t really feel like the issue. My heart feels big enough to love each of them fully.

  What I don’t like about this arrangement is the looks people give me and the way we have to pretend we aren’t what we are. It’s the 21st century. Why should I have to pretend I’m something I’m not? And why is loving four men with all my heart something I should be ashamed of? Most women would be lucky to have experienced even one true love in their lifetime, and I have that times four.

  I’ve never had a family, and I don’t want any of my men to lose theirs because of me. Amy’s words in the kitchen were so cold and harsh, I can just imagine her calling her parents and telling them what a skank I am. I hate that Mason’s parents might not see him as I do. The bravest sort of man who is willing to open his heart to an unconventional love s

  But like I said to them earlier, maybe love isn’t enough.

  As my feet sink in the sand, I try to remember what I wanted before graduating college. I wanted stability more than anything. I assumed that would be in the form of a 9-5 job, but maybe I was limiting myself. Maybe falling in love this way is all about me taking risks, taking chances. Saying farewell to everyone else’s idea of love and everything else and giving into my heart’s desires.

  But it’s scary to go all in like that.

  But it would be even scarier to lose what I have because of other people. It’s no one else’s love story. It’s ours.

  Still, I can’t just sit around all day waiting for them to be done with work so we can mess around. As amazing as that sounds, it isn’t living life to its fullest. And I want to be more than a lover. I want to be a person in my own right.

  I don’t have all the answers, but I am getting closer to the heart of what I want in terms of a relationship. Looking at my watch, I see it’s almost time for the ExSports to begin. I make my way down to the opening ceremony, and not wanting to draw attention to myself, I buy a ticket and find a seat in the back of a set of bleachers.

  A massive screen shows clips of all the teams and I watch closely waiting for my men’s faces to light up the crowd. When their team name, Rock Hard, complete with the Black Bull logo appear, I find myself grinning. I know my guys were adored and had lots of fans, but the cheering catches me off guard. I look around the beach and see them up front and close to the other fifteen teams competing today. Drew is with them of course, and Mason is in his wheelchair. I know he’d been hoping to be on crutches by today, but he hasn’t been cleared by the doctor yet.

  They play a clip of Noah rock climbing, his shirt off, the muscles in his back taut and fierce, I can’t help but beam. Then there’s footage of Enzo skydiving, giving the camera a thumb’s up and Ethan diving off a massive cliff in what looks like the coast of Thailand, his form so perfect, even I can tell he is world-class.

  Drew’s on a surfboard, catching a massive wave, and my heart constricts. I look down at Mason, seeing his profile. His jaw is clenched, and I know how badly he wishes he were the one in Drew’s place. I feel ridiculous for being up here all alone, for leaving the house the way I did. I should be with Mason right now, holding his hand.

  Being in this with him.

  My guys were willing to sit down and talk it out with me. Hell, Mason was willing to go clear the air with his sister then and there, and I was the one who walked away. I feel like I have a lot of growing up to do still. I may be an adult, but this is my first relationship. And it’s a lot to navigate.

  Regardless, I shouldn’t be up here in the bleachers. I should be next to the men I love.

  Standing, I make my way down to where they sit, Amy has left her seat for a moment, and I take her chair, not caring if she ends up glowering at me when she returns. Right now, I just need Mason’s hand in mine, because I know today is going to suck for him, and the last thing I want is for him to be alone in any of this.

  He laces our fingers together, our eyes meet. “Thank you for being here. For being with me.”

  I lean in and kiss him softly, not caring about anything but the man before me. “Anything for you.”

  And I mean it.

  Chapter 17


  What comes next is three edge-of-our-seats, action-packed days where fifteen teams battle in a fierce competition. There is a surfing event, a hang-gliding portion, bike riding, running, and rowing. I thought my men were drop dead gorgeous, but with their bare chests and ripped arms pushing oars through the ocean waves. Oh Lordy, I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.

  And there is no time to think about fooling around. By the time the guys end each day, they are exhausted. Sports masseuses were at the ready in the house, and when their muscles aren’t getting worked over, they are sleeping. Watching them is a thrill, and it’s nerve-wracking and terrifying all wrapped up into one.

  And if I was nervous about people judging me, I don’t have room to worry anymore. After each guy’s event, they need me for physical and emotional support. I want to be there for them, and not just in mind and spirit. In body, too.

  So I let go of my reservations.

  It is my hand they wanted to hold, my mouth they needed to kiss, I’m the woman they want to pick up off the ground and squeeze so freaking tight.

  Denying them that after they just poured out blood, sweat, and tears on the course, would be selfish.

  “What the actual fuck?” Amy asks, coming up to Enzo and me. He just finished a fifty-mile bike ride. A bike ride he freaking won. And we are celebrating.

  Enzo has me in his arms, my feet were off the ground, and his sweaty body turns me on, these tight bike shorts reveal everything and I know the size of Enzo’s cock. Though, right now, anyone looking would know too. It fills me with pride knowing his cock is mine, and mine alone.

  “What’s the problem, Amy?” Enzo asks. “Mason told you they weren’t exclusive.”

  She just rolls her eyes. But her disgust was more evident after Ethan’s hang-gliding. He was kissing me, my legs were wrapped around his waist, and he was just so freaking happy.

  The sullen parts of him had been wiped away in this moment of exhilaration. His worry and stress about the contract with Black Bull is long gone. And it felt so good to celebrate with him. When he squeezes my ass, laughing, I laugh too. Feeling the tension fall away from him.

  “It was fucking terrifying. I didn’t think I was going to win.”

  “You did so well, baby,” I tell him, kissing him.

  “You are too much, Chloe,” Amy throws at me. “I mean do you have any dignity?”

  I close my eyes, not wanting her judgment to ruin such a perfect moment for Ethan.

  “Enough,” Mason, says, coming up behind her. “I told you, Chloe doesn’t belong to any one of us. Okay?”

  “I don’t get it.” She throws her hands up in disgust. “So, are you also fucking around with Drew?”

  The rest of the team had gathered around us, Enzo and Noah and Drew, too.

  We were on the beach, ExSports tents, sound speakers, and stages set everywhere for spectators and competitors. People are all around, the sun shone brightly, the water sparkled, and this moment didn’t belong to Amy.

  It belonged to us.

  And I hate that she is stealing it.

  Drew though, is the one who steps forward. “I’m not sleeping with Chloe. She isn’t the woman I want. “ He looks at Amy with a devilish grin. “Now, Amy, I think it’s time I help soften your edges a bit.”

  Her jaw drops. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “It means you may be in bitch-mode 24/7 but I’d like to see you without your claws.”

  She scowls. “How exactly would you like to see me?”

  He raises his eyebrows. “On your back for starters.”

  That forces her eyes to widen … but when she steps toward Drew I realize she likes his attitude.

  I roll my eyes in disgust. He’s a cheater and isn’t even sorry for it. These two seriously deserve one another.

  Drew takes Amy’s hand and kisses it. “But I gotta know, baby, do you always get so pissy when you see PDA?” Drew steps closer to her, and my eyes narrow not understanding what the hell I am seeing. Drew-the-player has the hots for uptight Amy?

  “I only get this pissy when I watch women like Chloe throw themselves all over a group of men. It’s trashy.”

  Her words don’t make my blood boil though. Truth is, I feel sorry for her. I know from Mason she hasn’t dated anyone in ages, and I’d guess she’d like to have one of these guys for herself. The fact that I have all of them is probably a major disappointment.

  “Amy,” Mason says. “That’s enough. You can’t talk that way about Chloe, ever again.”

  “Why? You still think you love this girl after she makes out with three other guys?”

  “I love her, plai
n and simple. And she can love whoever she wants.” He is still tiptoeing around the truth and in a flash, I realize why.

  I’m the one who asked him to keep our relationship on the down low, I’m the one who told the guys I wasn’t ready to broadcast this to the world.

  They have been beating around the bush in an effort to respect me.

  I wonder how much I have hurt them by not wanting to share our love with the world?

  I blink back tears, not wanting to know.

  “I’m so sorry,” I say, covering my face. “Tell Amy the truth, tell everyone truth. I’m so sorry for wanting to hide what we have.”

  A flurry of tears covers my face, and I’m feeling so freaking stupid. Why do I care about everyone else when the only people that matter right now are the men reaching for me, the men wrapping me in their arms, kissing my head, squeezing my shoulders, whispering words of love to me?

  “What the actual fuck is this?” Amy asks, backing up, her eyes wide in shock.

  “It’s love,” Mason says, matter of fact.

  I close my eyes, believing deep down inside of me, that he is right.

  This is love.

  And I don’t need to hide that from anyone.

  Chapter 18


  The closing ceremonies should be a joyous time, but after everything that has gone on since we arrived in LA, the last thing any of us want to do is sit through several hours of awards. What we really want is to get into a California King sized bed and snuggle like our lives depend on it.

  I sit next to Mason, squeezing his hand. “Your sister gonna be okay?”

  Mason exhales. “I don’t know, but I don’t know if it matters. At the end of the day, this is our life, Chloe.”

  I pull his hand to my lips, kissing him. “I miss you so much, Mason,” I tell him.

  He turns toward me, pushing back my hair from my eyes. “I miss you too, baby.”

  “You guys aren’t mad at me for not wanting to be open about our relationship?”


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