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The Bad Boys' Reluctant Woman

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  They kept calling her baby. “My name is Zoe,” she said.

  “We know, but we prefer to call you baby.” Brent shut her up with his lips. He pressed his tongue inside her lips. Zoe’s eyes closed of their own accord. The feel of him taking her mouth felt so damn good. She’d never been seduced by a kiss. Other men slammed their lips on hers, thrust their tongue in a few times, and thought that was a good kiss.

  What Jake, Brent, and she knew Connor would, too, was seducing her with one little action. How could she even dream of refusing them after the expertise they were showing with one small kiss?

  Her whole body was on fire with need. None of it made sense to her. What the hell was she supposed to do against such good kissers? Her resolve was crumbling around her.

  She didn’t like it.


  Brent Jackson knew he was rocking her world. Zoe was rubbing her breasts against his chest, and soft purring sounds came from her throat. In those moments, with her eyes closed and her facial expression softened, she looked like a very vulnerable young woman.

  Not for the first time, Brent wondered what she’d been through. Law Castle wasn’t an overly big town, and yet there were enough people to gain more information on people than most anywhere else. But no one knew anything about Zoe Howard. Even Vicki said she was a cold-hearted woman who didn’t let anyone in. For the most part, it was as if Zoe was only passing through.

  In one day and out the next. He knew she lived in a small apartment near the roughest part of town. Yes, Law Castle was a small town, but yet it still had its own fair share of good and bad parts.

  He knew she didn’t drink, and there were no problems with drugs or any of that other crap. None of the other guys who were interested in her had even got a look in. She shot them all down and made most of them feel small. Her attitude reeked of bitter rejection and loneliness. With his sideline career he’d learned to observe people.

  Jake and Connor knew he wrote stories in his spare time. He made quite a bit of money out of it, too. Erotic romance was his speciality. The nights he’d spent lonely and horny he’d begun to write down his fantasies. Soon that had turned into a book.

  He wondered what Zoe would think of his hobby.

  “Are you going to kiss me or what?” she asked.

  Brent took possession of her lips and purposefully held himself back. He wasn’t ready to give up on Zoe, but he knew giving her everything wasn’t the way to get her wanting them permanently.

  He stepped out of the way and made room for Connor.

  There was a darkness inside the younger man. His seduction required submission. Brent stared at Zoe and wondered if she’d ever be able to satisfy the dark need inside his best friend.

  He hoped so. They all had feelings for Zoe ever since the first night they met her while she’d been working behind the bar. She’d been quiet and reserved, totally slamming down any guy who tried to touch her.

  They had all agreed they wanted a shot at Zoe. Their feelings were not love, at least not yet, but Brent hoped they’d finally found the one. His book writing and fantasies were growing every day. He wondered if his publisher would be able to keep up with all the new material he was supplying.


  Connor Andrews stared down at Zoe. Her nipples were poking against the front of her shirt. Did she even know how turned on she looked? Her face was flushed and her lips swollen. She looked fucking hot. Connor wanted to see her lips wrapped around his dick as Brent and Jake fucked her cunt and ass. He was a sick bastard. The only way he could get his rocks off was to watch other men with his woman. They’d all had their own separate relationships growing up, but none of them had been as satisfying as sharing the same woman.

  Zoe was that woman. He felt it and knew it deep in his heart.

  He didn’t know if the other two felt the same way. Zoe was lonely and in her own way broken. He understood and respected it. Connor knew what it was like to be surrounded by people and still be alone.

  Shaking off the memories, he pushed them to the back of his mind and stared down at her swollen lips and lust-filled eyes.

  “You want us, Zoe,” he said. Connor had plenty of other names for her, but for now, he’d use her name.

  “No, I don’t.”

  He reached out and pressed a thumb against her nipple. She gasped. Connor waited for her to push him away. Nothing happened. Her lips grew wet when she licked them. She stared at him.

  Jake and Brent were waiting for him in case he made a mistake. They said not to push Zoe into running away. Connor didn’t see any other alternative than to push Zoe into realising that no matter what she said or did, they were not going anywhere.

  “I bet if I touch your pussy, you’ll be soaking wet.”

  “You need to take your kiss and let me get back to my shift.”

  “Fine.” Connor leaned down and pecked her on the cheek. “Have a good shift.” He turned and walked away. His cock was like stone in his pants. He’d gotten what he wanted, the hurt look in her eyes along with the disappointment. Zoe could pretend all she wanted that she didn’t want them, but he knew differently.

  Her whole body was primed and ready for them.

  Jake and Brent followed him back into The Dugout. None of them said a word. Vicki brought them over a drink then went back to the bar.

  Zoe walked behind the bar. He noted across the distance that her hands were shaking.

  “What was that?” Jake asked.

  “We’ve tried it both of your ways. We’ve tried giving her what she wants, space which was your idea, Jake. Then we went for the whole jealousy routine with you, Brent. Now, we do this my way.”

  He took a swallow of beer and kept his gaze on Zoe at all times. A couple of men reached out to touch her. The hold he had on the beer tightened, Connor was prepared to take the man out, but then Zoe slapped the hand away.

  Good girl.

  “What exactly is your way?” Jake asked.

  “Full on seduction. She goes nowhere without one of us present.”

  “That was my suggestion,” Jake said.

  “No, your suggestion was to pester her with company. I suggest we go after what we want. Zoe, naked, with all of us in the room. I say we stop hiding behind kind smiles or sweet words. Let’s show her what it really means to take on a Law Castle bad boy.” Connor took a generous gulp of alcohol.

  The name of the group, The Law Castle Bad Boys, had become like a tourist attraction to women looking to have a good time. It was not a bikers club or anything. Rather, it was a bunch of men who loved to have a good time and get laid.

  Noah and Drew were together with Cheryl and were still part of the Bad Boys. He’d found a family with the whole group of members. Jake and Brent were his family.

  Several women approached the table to try to get them to dance. Each of them shot them down. There had been a time when Connor would take them home and try to sate the appetite within him. Everything he did refused to work. When he was with a woman with Jake and Brent, his needs were satisfied with watching their woman come apart from the pleasure. When it was just him, he needed to tie them up and to have total control.

  He shook his head to try to clear the hazy thoughts. Connor had never let go with any woman. He was the one in control and giving out the orders. That was the way he liked it, and that was the way it was going to stay.

  Chapter Three

  Zoe stayed behind later to help Vicki with the cleaning up. They usually made their way into work early, but just recently both had spent a great deal of time after work doing it instead.

  “I will never forget how messy bars can be,” Zoe said.

  “Have you worked in many bars?” Vicki asked.

  “No, this is my first one.”

  The sound of the brush falling to the floor caught Zoe up short. Vicki was staring at her in shock. “What’s the matter?”

  “You’re talking about yourself. I never expected you to answer.”

  Zoe let ou
t a sigh. The more she tried to close people out, the more it was starting to hurt. “I don’t do this because I dislike you, Vicki. I’ve never talked about myself before. No one has ever cared.”

  She stared at the younger woman and noticed her rubbing her tummy. “Are you all right?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Why has no one cared about you? I saw Jake, Brent, and Connor follow you out when you had your break. They care about you.”

  “No, they want to fuck me.”

  “What’s the problem with that? Fucking can be fun.”

  “Because I don’t intend to stay here forever. I’ll be moving on soon, and fucking brings with it too many complications.”

  “You’re moving on?”

  “I never intended to stay here.” Zoe picked up several loose bottles and a pair of panties. “This is disgusting. To think some woman was being fucked with all those people in the bar gives me the creeps.”

  “This is the one place they’ll get it on. Do you ever think a married man would leave his wife?” Vicki asked.

  “Excuse me? Vicki, what’s going on?”

  “Nothing, forget I mentioned it.”

  Vicki moved away, giving Zoe no time to argue with her. If Vicki was involved with a married man, well, all that was going to do was lead to way too much trouble.

  She wouldn’t worry about it.

  You’re moving on. You don’t care about anyone or anything.

  “I’m moving on.”

  Zoe finished sweeping the floors as Vicki restocked the beer.

  Together they were out of The Dugout by three in the morning. They both worked late as the jobs were scarce and the one place doing well was The Dugout.

  Vicki went to her car as Zoe began the walk to her place. She’d pawned her own car when she’d made it into Law Castle. It made her laugh how many times she moved. She was looking for a place to settle her roots, and instead, she spent most of her time trying to sever those roots.

  Her mind drifted to Jake, Brent, and Connor. Three men who would undoubtedly be a handful. She thought about the kiss each of them had given her. Jake was demanding while Brent was sweet, and Connor, well, Connor was downright disappointing. She knew he’d kiss really well, and he’d left her hanging. A peck on the cheek and he’d turned away as if it meant nothing to him. She didn’t know what hurt more, the fact he’d left her hanging or the fact she’d wanted to call him back.

  “You shouldn’t be walking home alone at night,” Connor said. She turned around to see the man in question leaning up against a truck.

  “There is no one around.”

  “I’m here.”

  “I know you.”

  “Do you really?” he asked. His hands were in the pockets of his jeans. Zoe wasn’t afraid as Connor, Brent, and Jake only made her feel safe. It was those feelings alone that scared the hell out of her.

  He moved closer. Zoe stood her ground. When he was in her personal space, she wished she’d backed down.

  “What exactly do you know about me?” he asked.

  “I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but I don’t like it.”

  “I’m not trying to do anything.” He stroked her hair then down to her cheek. His touch set off millions of warnings inside her body.

  “Will you drive me home?” she asked, exhaustion finally getting the better of her.

  “All you had to do was ask.” He took her hand and led her over to his truck. Connor opened the door and helped her inside before moving ‘round to the other side and climbing in beside her. “You’re not arguing with me. You must be tired.”

  “I’m exhausted. Please, no funny business and drive me home.”

  He nodded his head, turned the key in the ignition and began pulling away from the kerb. She rested her head on her hand while gazing into the darkness.

  Connor didn’t speak as he dropped her off near her apartment. It was in a part of town that was considered the roughest part. She liked it. Some of the people were not there because they wanted to be. Zoe loved spending her afternoons before work sitting on one of the swings at the park and watching the kids. Their parents were always busy, and she’d never forgive herself if something happened to them.

  “You could move into our place with us,” Connor said as he pulled up. Several lights were on throughout the apartment duplex. The fading paint work and chipped bricks did nothing to make her feel comfortable.

  “No, thanks. This place is more than fine for me. Thank you for the ride.” She pulled on the truck’s handle only to be stuck as the door wouldn’t budge. Zoe glanced over to see Connor smiling at her.

  “I put the child lock on.”

  “I didn’t think trucks had child locks.”

  “This is still a truck that can carry children. Most vehicles have it.”

  “Why did you put the lock on?” she asked. Zoe was tired and impatient. She wasn’t ready to deal with the actions of a child.

  “I wanted to talk to you without Jake and Brent.”

  “Are you kidding me? I thought you guys did everything together.”

  “We do. But neither of them suffer with insomnia, while I do.”

  Zoe growled in frustration. “What do you want to talk to me about?”

  “You’re always straight to the point.”

  “I have to be. It’s almost four in the morning. I’m tired, Connor. I want to get some sleep.”

  “Pushing us away won’t work,” he said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “We’re in this for the long haul. I know I’m not going to back off, and I think it is time you let yourself care about someone, Zoe.”

  She laughed. The sound was hysterical to her own ears.

  “I guess you’d be the guy I should be letting myself feel?” she asked.

  Connor turned all of his attention on her. She felt the penetration of his gaze straight to her pussy. The guy had amazing eyes. They were the brightest blue she’d ever seen. Jake had green eyes, and Connor had blue. She felt ashamed of the fact she didn’t know what colour Brent’s eyes were.

  She’d make sure to look at them the next time she saw him.

  “I’m not the only guy you care about. You also care about Jake and Brent.”

  “Don’t you feel a shred of jealousy? I mean, two of your friends want to fuck me. They want to have their way with me. Don’t you think you should be feeling a little possessive?” she asked.

  “The thought of Brent and Jake being with you, makes my dick hard, Zoe. I can’t wait to see you butt naked and taking our cocks. Have you ever had three men inside you all at once?” he asked.

  Her pulse pounded inside her neck. She thought of all three men surrounding her, her pleasure the only thing they cared about. Zoe swallowed past the lump in her throat. The desire beat through her veins making her aware of so much more.

  “You know that you’re not right,” she said.

  “Welcome to Law Castle, Zoe. We’re not ashamed of what we like.” He got out of the truck. She watched him move to her side to open the door. His hand was between them offering her help. She so wanted to take his hand. Her walls were crumbling. She needed to put some much needed distance between them.

  Zoe got out of the truck without touching him. A point in her favour.

  “Thank you for the ride.”

  She walked past him going to her apartment.

  “I’ll be there every night to pick you up,” he said. She turned to see him watching her.

  “You don’t need to do that.”

  “I’m doing that. Don’t try to argue. You’ll lose.”

  She folded her arms underneath her breasts. Zoe wanted to argue, to spit and throw curses at him. Throwing her hands in the air in exasperation, she turned and moved toward her apartment building. The elevator was busted, and she took the stairs. She lived on the sixth floor. By the time she was at the door, her body was covered in a small amount of sweat. She needed to start losing weight again. Six months of walking up and down t
he stairs and she still wasn’t fit enough.

  At her door, she unlocked the bolt and then walked towards the railing to look down into the parking lot. A thrill shot through her body. Connor was still there staring up at her. He lifted a hand to wave at her.

  Unable to stop herself, she waved back then made her way into her apartment. What the hell was she thinking? She felt the spark of hope inside her chest at seeing him still waiting for her.

  The moment she got inside her small apartment, she pushed the lock into place and then rested against the door. She took several deep breaths to compose herself. Her heart was threatening to drive out of her chest. Zoe pressed a hand to her chest in the hope of calming the rush.

  “Stop,” she said to herself.

  After several minutes passed she felt better. Zoe ran her fingers through her hair and moved through to her bedroom. She needed a shower and some sleep. Everything would make sense to her after those few things were taken care of.


  Connor locked the doors to his truck and stared up at her floor. He didn’t like where she lived. Nothing bad ever happened in Law Castle, and yet, this place was the worst neighbourhood. He saw the trailers around the back where people lived who couldn’t afford to live in housing.

  He shook his head. The recent downturn in the markets had hit everyone hard. This was his town, and he loved it, but there were parts he wished he could change. Law Castle still had an array of people he didn’t agree with from drunks to drug users.

  Between the Bad Boys and the Sheriff’s department, they tried to keep the town clean. Some things were harder to do than others. He loved a drink, but he never craved the consequences. The number of times he’d seen his old man off his face and then not remember what he’d done in the morning was too often for his own peace of mind. Connor drank in small doses, a couple of beers here or there. Never enough that he wasn’t in control. Control was what he craved the most.

  When the sun began to rise he started his truck and made his way back to his own house. The truck sounded in need of repair. He enjoyed working on his truck when he wasn’t in the kitchen baking.


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