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The Bad Boys' Reluctant Woman

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  They both shook their heads.

  “What’s up?”

  “I was coming out of Zoe’s apartment over near the trailer parks. A guy was waiting for her. I don’t like him. He stinks of awful shit.”

  “Maybe he just needs a shower?” Jake said.

  Connor didn’t rise to the bait of the joke. “I don’t think so. I didn’t get that vibe from him.”

  Cheryl came out of the shop followed by Noah and Drew. Connor watched as both men embraced her before she walked off to where she worked. He wanted that. He wanted Zoe to visit him with a smile and treats and be happy to be their woman.

  Connor rubbed his chest as an ache began to fill him.

  “Go and ask the sheriff. I’m sure he’ll know something if that’s the case.”

  He nodded then made his way back to work. The sound of the giggling school kids was driving him crazy. Zoe filled his mind, and all he thought about was the frustration of the fact he didn’t have her.

  If he didn’t catch her soon, he was going to lose his mind.


  Several days later

  Brent sat at the bar watching Zoe work. Connor and Jake were at home. Connor had fallen asleep after being awake for nearly forty-eight hours. When he started with the insomnia, Jake and Brent let him sleep whenever he could. Brent was under no illusion that he’d be out watching Zoe during the night.

  Vicki handed him a beer. “Why are you alone?” she asked.

  “The others have left me,” Brent said, never once taking his eyes off the woman at the far end of the bar. Since the moment he’d taken his seat, she’d made sure to stay as far away from him as possible.

  “Are you three still determined to have her?”

  “That’s none of your business, sweetheart.” He handed her some money.

  “I just think you’re wasting your time with her. She clearly doesn’t want anything to do with you.”

  “Shut up, Vicki.”

  “You’re all panting after her like lovesick puppies. Is that why you’re still here?” Vicki asked.

  Brent glared at her. He saw she didn’t mean anything bad by what she was saying. “It’s none of your business.”

  “Zoe intends to leave Law Castle in the next couple of weeks. I heard her talking about it the other day.”

  That was news to Brent. He didn’t like it. “Thanks for the beer.” He remained in his seat.

  She threw her hands in the air in exasperation. The Dugout was busy once again. Tristan Carmichael, the local Sheriff and all around bad-ass, took the seat next to him. The guy had more tattoos than Brent did. Tristan was forty-five years old with a heart made of stone. He’d declined to be part of the Law Castle Bad Boys. Brent had a lot of respect for the Sheriff. He kept the town clean, at least most of it.

  “Connor came to see me the other day,” Tristan said, raising his hand to get the attention of the barmaids. Brent smirked when he saw Vicki purposefully be busy and send Zoe over instead.

  “What can I get you?” Zoe asked. Brent knew she’d never seen the Sheriff. Tristan rarely came into The Dugout. He had more particular tastes.

  “Zoe, I’d like you to meet Law Castle’s finest Sheriff, Tristan Carmichael.”

  The two shook hands. “What can I get you?” she asked again.

  There was no change in her attitude. Zoe didn’t like law enforcement either.

  “A beer would be great.”

  “Coming right up.”

  She disappeared.

  “Is that the girl I’ve heard so much about?”

  “If you mean to ask, is she the girl busting mine, Jake, and Connor’s balls, then the answer is yes.”

  “Here’s your beer.” She handed the beer, took the money then placed the change on the counter without touching Tristan.

  “She doesn’t like you.”

  “Criminals or runaway foster kids don’t,” Tristan said.

  “Zoe’s not a criminal.”

  “I know.”

  “She’s a foster kid?” Brent asked.

  “I’m not at liberty to say.”

  Brent sat down staring at the guy next to him. Tristan was a strange guy. “What are you trying to say?”

  “I’ve looked at her file. Zoe Howard is her name. She’s got some interesting facts about her, and no, she’s not a criminal, but she might be a runaway foster kid.” He watched as Tristan tipped the bottle and took a long swig.

  “I fucking hate you right now.”

  “She’s the one that has Connor asking after a Bill?” Tristan asked, moving on as if Brent hadn’t spoken.

  “Yes, he’s hassling the girl.”

  “Walk away from this one, Brent. Bill is not your problem.”

  Brent sat down. He didn’t like taking orders.

  “He’s a problem to Zoe.”

  “She hasn’t reported a problem. Take my advice and back the fuck down. Bill is not a Law Castle problem. If you don’t listen to my advice, you’ll be in a whole shit-load of trouble.”

  Brent’s anger was beginning to rise. He didn’t like being told what to do.

  “You know we can’t accept that, Tristan. Why are you really here?”

  “Out of courtesy to an old friend. The Law Castle Bad Boys are good for business. The women come for a piece of the bad boy pie, and it brings business to a potentially dying town.”

  “What’s this got to do with Bill and Zoe?”

  “All towns have their bad parts, Brent. Bill is simply the bad piece in a puzzle.”

  “You’re not going to give me more?” Brent asked.

  Tristan shook his head.

  “Then I won’t take your advice. If this Bill oversteps his place, he’s going down.”

  The other man smiled and got off his seat. “That’s why I like you, Brent. You’re always prepared to do the right thing.” Tristan patted him on the back and then left.

  Brent was way too confused.

  He left his seat and made his way out to the front of the club. The whole parking lot was packed with cars and trucks. He hoped none of them were drinking.

  Brent dialled his home waiting for one of the other two to pick up.

  “Hello?” Connor answered on the fifth ring.

  “Where’s Jake?”

  “Painting in his studio.”

  “What did you say to Tristan Carmichael?” Brent asked.

  “What? I told him about Bill. Why?”

  Brent stared up and down the road. “Because I think I got a warning and confirmation to go after him if he makes a move.”

  That got Connor’s attention. “Where are you?”

  “Outside The Dugout.”

  “Shit, why didn’t you guys wake me?”

  “Because you’re not a superhero. You still need your sleep.”

  “Whatever. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

  Brent closed his phone and took a deep breath.

  “What’s going on?”

  Brent froze at the question. He turned around to see Zoe with her arms folded underneath her breasts. She looked concerned. “What do you mean?”

  Zoe lifted up a card. “It’s not every day I get a guy’s number or a note on the back.”

  He took the card from her. Tristan’s details were on the front, his personal numbers along with the sheriff’s numbers. “There is no note.”

  “Turn it over,” she said.

  Brent flipped the card over and cursed. “I need more info on Bill. I can help you get out of Law Castle.” He read the words written on the back of the card.

  “What’s going on, Brent? Bill is a sleazy drug-dealing guy who lives near my apartment. Why would a Sheriff think I have any other information?”

  “Were you in the system?” Brent asked.

  “What? How do you know that?”

  He got his answer. “Tristan said only two types of people were afraid of the law. Criminals or runaway foster kids.” He saw her take a deep breath.

  “I’m not afraid of t
he law. I just don’t trust it.”


  “None of your business.”

  Brent had had enough. He pushed Zoe up against the wall. “How far are you going to test us, Zoe? We want you. All three of us. Let the fuck go and give us what we want.”

  “Are you kidding me? You think because you want to fuck me, I should just give in and let you have what you want? Screw you, Brent, and screw the rest of you.” She pushed at his arms.

  He didn’t move. Brent stared down at her lush mouth and knew the temptation before him was too hard to resist. Fucking his fist every night was starting to wear thin. His stories were becoming too erotic in content. He needed to feed the hunger inside him.

  Brent cupped her cheek and slammed his lips down on hers. Zoe gasped. He felt one of her hands rise as if to hit him. The blow never came. Instead, her fingers tugged at the hair at the base of his neck.

  He let up to gaze into her eyes. She looked dazed. Noise alerted him to company. Taking hold of her hand, Brent took the lead and escorted her round the back of the bar to where they wouldn’t be disturbed. He needed her lips once again.

  Zoe didn’t form any protest when he pushed her up against the wall. Her arms circled him without argument. She gave in to him. No words spoken, only action.

  “I want you so damn much, Zoe,” he said, trailing kisses along her neck and down to her collarbone.

  His cock thickened in his pants, the desperate need too much for him to bear. He growled against her neck and nibbled on the delicate bone. She shivered. Her fingers pulled on his hair forcing him to look at her.

  “If you want it, then take it,” she said.

  Her words didn’t penetrate his lust-filled mind. For several moments he simply gazed at her swollen lips.

  “Let’s go somewhere,” he said, thinking of taking her back to his place and sharing her with Connor and Jake.

  “No. Right here.” Her hand moved down to the front of his crotch.

  Brent moaned then placed a hand beside her head as she worked his length through the fabric of his clothing. Her touch burned him from the inside out. Zoe’s eyes were wide as they stared at him.

  “You’re big.” The statement made him chuckle.

  He, Jake, and Connor had a reputation with the ladies for being insatiable. The last rumour he’d head was they left a woman struggling to walk for days. He’d never seen a problem with what he and his friends did. They loved sex, but once Zoe had walked into their lives, they hadn’t slept with a woman since.

  In the next instant, her hand was inside his pants and her naked fingers were wrapped around his cock.

  Any reasonable thought left his head. All of his words eluded him. “Fuck.” The curse shot out into the night. He expected some people to hear him. No one came running. He was losing the fight with Zoe. Her ministrations would leave him blushing like a little school boy if he didn’t stop her now.

  Her finger slid along his slit. “Do you want me, Brent? How much do you want my pussy?” she asked.

  When she grabbed his hand and placed it over her pussy, Brent knew he was a goner. Through the jeans she wore, he felt the heat of her arousal. Shit, he was sure she could sense it.

  He wasn’t waiting any more. Zoe was his for the taking.

  Chapter Six

  What the hell am I doing?

  Zoe felt his palm rubbing her pussy. The heat of her cum was leaking into her panties. Since the moment she saw him, she’d been horny. If she gave in maybe she’d have a chance to get over them. She closed her eyes trying to force out all the negativity. They wouldn’t be disturbed here, and she was tired of saying no.

  In a few days she’d be gone, and in years to come she didn’t want to be the type of woman who regretted her decisions in the future. She wanted Brent, Jake, and Connor. At least she’d have the opportunity to explore at least one of them.

  She unbuttoned her jeans, thankful the shirt she wore covered her round stomach. His hand moved out of the way. Zoe grabbed his hand and placed it inside her open jeans. The panties she wore were soaking wet.

  Closing her eyes, she waited for his repulsion or a sign to say she’d overstepped the mark.

  His fingers moved past the elastic of her panties and then dipped down into her slit. She felt him graze her clit and then slide down to her cunt. Zoe kept her eyes on his at all times. He didn’t look away either. She felt caught in his gaze, unable to look away.

  “You look so damn beautiful.” Two fingers penetrated her pussy. Zoe whimpered, pressing down to meet his thrusts. “That’s it, baby. Ride my fingers. Take me deep.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want your fingers. I want you.” Zoe pulled his hand out of her jeans. For once she saw the hindrance of her clothing. There was no way Brent would be able to touch her unless she removed her jeans.

  Her whole body shook with the effort.

  Unless he fucked her from behind. Could she drive him to take her hard?

  “Fuck me, Brent. I’m yours for the taking.”

  He cupped her cheek and kissed her lips. “Not without the other two.”

  The scent of her pussy wafted from his fingers. He stroked her cheek and hair. The way he lovingly stroked her hair brought tears to her eyes. She couldn’t handle this part of him. A quick fuck was what she was asking for.

  Buttoning up her jeans she shoved him hard in order to get away. Zoe had caught him off guard. She heard the splash as he landed in a pool of water. There was no satisfaction to be had. She needed to get out of there.

  Zoe ran into the bar, talked to Vicki, and then charged out. No one was waiting for her. She ran up the dirty road waiting for the tears to dry up. Three men and she couldn’t handle one of them. She thought being with Brent would give her a chance to get away. The three men who wanted her, fucked together and then left. She wasn’t going to be someone’s sex toy.

  Tomorrow, she’d buy an old car and be on the road by the end of the week. Law Castle was not the place for her.

  Her arms were folded under her breasts as she moved along the road towards her apartment. She was not paying attention to her surroundings. The truck pulled up by her side. “Get in the truck, Zoe,” Connor said.

  She shook her head. “No, I’m going home.”

  “To a shit-hole. Bill is bad news, sweetheart.”

  “I’m not going home with you.”

  Zoe turned to look in the truck. She was shocked to see only Connor sitting in the truck. “Where are Brent and Jake?” she asked.

  “Waiting for you back at the house.”

  “I’m not that easy.” She folded her arms over her chest and began walking. The truck braked, and then he was by her side, his hands on her arms stopping her from walking further. “What do you think is going to happen, Zoe?”

  “Nothing, I’m leaving by the end of the week,” she said.

  “Brent wasn’t going to let you get naked around the back of The Dugout. One, it’s tacky, and two, you deserve a hell of a lot more than being banged outside where anyone could see you.”

  “I don’t care, Connor. You’re not going to change my mind.”

  She began walking away.

  “I’d have taken you against the wall and not thought once about anything else,” he said after a few seconds had passed.

  Zoe frowned and turned towards him. “What?”

  “I wouldn’t have given a fuck who saw you or us together. If I’d got a chance to have my hand inside your jeans I’d have taken it a whole lot further.”

  She froze in the spot where she stood. His words shocked her. Zoe was under no illusion about the way she looked. Throughout her life she’d been told she was fat and ugly. She’d taken Brent up on his offer because she knew he’d never have gone through with it. Who would want to fuck a fat chick when they could screw a whole army of gorgeous women?

  Even to this day, the hateful thoughts of her past still made her think awful things.

  In the time it had taken her to thin
k about his words he had come to stand right in front of her.

  “What do you mean you wouldn’t have waited?” she asked.

  Connor took her hand and pressed it against his crotch. The thick length of him filled her palm. What did the men drink in Law Castle? Brent felt huge, and Connor did as well. Were they always hard and ready to go for it?

  “The moment I get my hands on you, Zoe, you’re mine, and I’m not giving that up for anyone.”

  “I’m not staying,” she said.

  “Give us a chance to prove to you that we mean what we say.”

  “No. I’ve heard the rumours about you three. Women at the bar talk. You find a woman, seduce her, and then move on.”

  Connor nodded his head. “That’s right. If you want to hear every sordid detail then I’ll tell you. Jake, Brent, and I have a need to share a woman. We find a woman we want, seduce her, and then take her to her own house to fuck. We rarely take a woman back to our own place. There is not a part of her left untouched.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. His lips took hers in a punishing kiss. Connor ran a finger over her lips, pressing the thumb inside. She sucked the thumb between her lips. He groaned then ran the wet tip along her bottom lip. “We fuck their mouths. I love getting a woman to take me deep.”

  His finger slid down to her neck. His whole hand went around her neck. She didn’t feel threatened by him. The action made her pulse speed up in awareness.

  “I love putting my fingers here and feeling her swallow my cum. I love it when a woman deep-throats my cock.”

  Her breathing was coming in short pants. Zoe knew she shouldn’t be turned on by his description, but putting an image of herself in front of him, naked and on her knees taking him deep in her mouth, turned her on.

  His other hand moved down her back. “Brent and Jake like their cocks being sucked differently. When we change positions I always make sure I take her ass last.” Zoe felt his hand run over her ass and where her ass was.

  “That’s right, Zoe. I love fucking a woman’s ass. I’d lube you up and make sure you were well protected, and then I’d watch my cock sink inside your tight little asshole. I bet you’ve never had a man there.”


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