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Beginning of the Inevitable (Feral Steel MC Series Book 1)

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by Vera Quinn

  Beginning of the Inevitable


  Vera Quinn

  Copyright ©2017 by Vera Quinn

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Only small excerpts may be used for review purposes of this material. All other use must have written permission from Vera Quinn. Address below:

  Cover by: Tracie Douglas Rabas @ Dark Water Covers

  Edited by: Avril Stepowski


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the authors imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is intended for adults 18+. This book contains adult situations and language, violence, drug use and sexual activity. Mature readers only. If any of this is offenses to you this may not be the book for you.

  Thank you;

  To my husband, Charles, who never tries to change me. He just loves me the way I am and he is my rock. Twenty-two years and going strong.

  To my family that supports me every day. I know over the last year I haven’t been there as much but I am chasing this crazy dream.

  I have made some friends along the way. Some have stuck it out and some I am just glad to have gotten to know for a little while. Maybe our paths will cross again, if not, may all your journeys be safe. You have all touched my life in a positive way and I hope I have yours.

  Vera’s Teasers, you ladies rock. I can come to my group and get positive input and I trust you ladies to give it to me like it is and keep me grounded and not a one of you have let me down. You have all trusted me with parts of your lives and I trust you with mine. We have no conflict going on and I am proud to call you everyone friends. Some I know better than others but I try to interact with each of you.

  Vicky, Nicole, Tracy, Joanne, Elaine, Heather, Julie, Shanna, and Jessica you each help me and I appreciate you all. If it wasn’t for each of you my writing would be much more difficult.

  Johnna Seibert, who was my PA for most of my books, thank you for your help and friendship. Even though you aren’t my PA anymore I still consider you as a good friend. Only the best wishes for you my friend.

  Avril Stepowski you make my work look good. You have given me guidance and you are a very special person lady.

  Tracie Douglas Rabas @ Dark Water Covers thank for such a great cover. You took the few thoughts I had and made them beautiful.

  Nathan Hainline thank you for such a great cover photo and being the amazing person in it. You are so easy to work with.

  To my readers, thank you for taking a chance on me. I hope I never let you down. I’ll keep the books coming as long as you keep reading them.


  I am dedicating Beginning of the Inevitable to all the authors out there that just want to get the stories out of their heads and onto the paper. If it was only that easy. There’s so much more you must learn. Some of it about producing a story people will want to read. Some of it the technical issues and legal issues. Some of it is just learning to deal with people. In most careers, you deal with people face to face, in self- publishing a lot of it is done through social media. How can you take someone at face value when there is no face? Not one you see in person anyway. It’s all balance. Anyone that can balance like that. Then my hat is off to them. I wish you all luck in your process and this one is for you.

  A special dedication to Cree Nations. She chose Devil as her character. I hope I did him justice because he is a special character.Cree Nations you are a special lady. Your ear is always open and your heart is as huge as Texas. Enjoy sweet lady.

  Table of Contents


  Cast of Characters


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31


  Epilogue two…

  Cast of Characters

  Feral Steel MC

  Devil/Kylar Steel-President Crockett-Enforcer

  Hacksaw-VP Cowboy- Road Captain

  Tito-treasurer/tech guy Oz-tech guy











  Club girls:





  Ol’ Ladies:



  Devil’s blood brother- Stone

  Devil’s dad- William Steel- road name Steel- deceased

  Devil’s sister-Kim- deceased

  Devil’s Ma-Kat

  Kylar & Callie’s sons- Kellan and Killian

  Callie’s best friend- Felix (Fe) Orneleas

  Female friends of Callie- Hanna & Sarah

  Callie’s half-sisters- Micah and Maddie Bass- Daughters of Sylvia Bass and DeWayne “Diamondback” Mahan.

  BlackPath MC:

  Chief/ Cameron Black-President- Callie’s adopted dad- The man who raised her and legally adopted her.

  Tazer/ Ty Black- Callie’s brother by adoption.

  Ol’ Ladies:

  Em- wife and ol’ lady of Chief

  Maizy-Ol’ lady of Tazer

  BlackPath MC- Oklahoma- Bourbon Black and Rye Black- Blood brothers to Whiskey Black. Uncles to Cameron “Chief” Black.

  Troubled Fathoms MC- Located in Colorado. Andrew “Dra” Draven- VP- ex-husband to Callie.

  His brother, River “Krill” Draven- President to the Troubled Fathoms MC

  Rebellions 4 Blood MC- Located in Texas. Mason “Sarge” Brumley was made President after Callie’s birth dad, DeWayne “Diamondback” Mahan, was killed in a shootout. He had already had Sarge in place because he had terminal cancer and knew his days were numbered. Him and Steel, Devil’s dad, was killed in the same shootout. Story in Making My Forever.


  Life has not been easy for the Feral Steel MC for the last few years. Life has been hard on me for the last year, but there’s very little I would change because if I did, I’m afraid the things I hold closest would disappear, and that I just would not allow.

  I have f
ound the woman, Callie, that would change my life forever in only the best ways and then I lost her. She gave me our son, Kellan, and he is my heart and soul. Then I got my woman back, and no one will ever come between us again. She’s going to be giving me our next son soon, and I will go to the ends of this Earth to protect my family.

  Feral Steel MC was hit from the inside. We were nearly torn apart by my own family. My sister, Kim, and brother, Stone, betrayed us. Kim paid with her life. Now I am hunting my own flesh and blood brother to protect my family. Stone will pay for ripping the Feral Steel MC apart and for trying to kill my woman.

  Steel, former President of the Feral Steel MC and my dad, ruled Feral Steel with an iron fist for years. When it came time to pick between right and wrong, he chose wrong. Now he’s six feet under, and his memory haunts me. He tried to do the right thing in the end, but it was too late.

  Feral Steel MC is my legacy. I was destined to be President one day and now that day is here. I may not always be right. I may not always have the patience to be fair. I will give the Feral Steel my sweat, blood, and strength to become great one more time while keeping the ones I love close. I will rain down hell on anyone who dares to try and stand in my way. I will hand down the vengeance for the wronged. This is my oath. I am Devil, the President of the Feral Steel MC. One day my sons will rule the Feral Steel MC the same way our family has from the time the club was formed. Steel blood runs through this club, and Feral Steel blood runs through us.

  Chapter 1


  I wake up in my bed next to the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. Callie is my life. Her, Kellan, and our next son growing in her now. My world rotates around our little family. I strive to be the man that Callie deserves, but these days it is becoming more difficult to get time for this happiness right here. Waking up next to her in our bed and our home.

  Being the President of the Feral Steel MC is a time-consuming job these days. I never knew dad worked so damn hard. Maybe he should have worked harder or just kept a better eye on the people he left in charge. Maybe then my blood brother, Stone, wouldn’t have taken the Feral Steel for such a ride. He wouldn’t have been able to steal so much money. It’s hard to believe we lost not only my dad, Steel, but Callie’s DNA dad Diamondback, in the same night. They went out fighting though just like they lived, guns blazing. Trying to right their wrongs.

  I rub Callie’s growing belly, and Killian kicks me. Another strong son is what she is giving me. Callie and I have been through hell and back, but we always come out stronger on the other side. She is one amazing woman and one hell of an ol’ lady. No one fucks with my woman, and she is a protective mama bear. I never thought I would be with just one woman for the rest of my life, but I can’t imagine not having Callie by my side. That is exactly where she is too, by my side, not behind or in front, but always by my side. Now, if I could just get our club where we once were or even better. Killian will be here in the next couple of weeks, and I want things settled by that time.

  I know I need to roll out of this bed, but it’s hard to leave this peace. I won’t get to be back here for a while. Today I go back on the hunt. We have a lead on Stone, and I need to find him. He is the last piece of putting this club back on the right track. He was the poison that started the demise of what was once a club to be respected and feared. We will get back there and better. Stone tried to tear us apart from the inside, and then when he was almost caught, he ran like the coward he is. He’s hurt the woman I love and destroyed our sister. He’s fought with Chief’s club, the BlackPath MC. Now he is a hunted man. Sarge, one of the most cold-blooded killers I have ever met is on his trail. He’s the President of the Rebellions 4 Blood MC and the man that sent my sister to ground. He is also a man in love with my woman. One of the men.

  When we finally made it back to Hobart, first thing I did was search and then burned down the house I grew up in. Ma agreed. The new house coming up is going to have plenty of room for my growing family and it will be a fortress to protect them. We should be able to move in right after Killian arrives. New baby, new home, and a new beginning for the Feral Steel MC.

  Callie’s best friend, Felix Orneleas, will be taking this house over. He’s going to help Callie with the boys when I am away on club business. He’s the only one Callie wants with the boys. At least until we are sure we have smoked everyone friendly with Stone out. Ma will come for a short visit, but this place holds too many memories for her and she does not want to know anything about Stone. Ma has come to her limit on family death. I am worried about her, but Bourbon, Callie’s uncle, seems to help her. I don’t even want to go there. I haven’t let myself dwell on the circumstances with Bourbon and Ma.

  I try to work my body out of the bed as quietly as possible but Callie catches my hand and pulls me back to her. “You are not sneaking out on me again. It’s been too long. I need to feel my man inside of me.” Damn, I love this woman. I let her pull me back into bed beside her.

  “I was trying to be considerate. I know you’re tired and you have a doctor’s appointment today, but if you are missing me babe, then I have no problem with satisfying my woman.” I pull her body close to me and take her lips in a long, lingering kiss. Our tongues entwining and fighting for dominance. When we finally need to come up for air I move down to the nape of her neck. Kissing and licking along the way. Biting and then licking. Callie has become insatiable in the final trimester of this pregnancy, or maybe it’s just because we are so good together. I hear a moan escape her and I know that my woman will be slick when I make my way down her luscious body. I move my mouth down to one of her hardened nipples. I slowly run my tongue over the tip through her gown. Teasing her. I pull her gown up. Her hand goes to the back of my head trying to get me closer. I reach over to the other nipple and take the tip between my fingers and roll it to a harder tip. I trail my tongue slowly between her breasts to the nipple in my fingers. I run my tongue over it and then nip it with my teeth lightly and Callie’s back comes off the bed and she is moaning. Callie’s nipples have become so sensitive in the last few weeks. I know if I keep this up I can make her cum just from the stimulation to her nipples, but I want to make it last until I am buried deep inside her hot pussy. I slowly kiss my way down her ripe belly and kiss it softly.

  “Kylar, I need you. Please.” My cock is so damn hard. I want to be pounding inside my woman.

  “Please what, Callie? I need you to say what you want.” I know she is on the edge but I love to hear Callie tell me she needs my cock.

  “I need you to make love to me, Kylar.” I move lower and run my tongue on the inside of my woman’s thigh. Kissing, nipping, and licking slowly. I let my hand swipe her clit and then move to her sweet pussy to find she is so wet. I insert one finger and my cock jumps at how hot and ready she is for me. I feel her cunt trying to suck me in. Callie is on the edge and it is not going to take much to make her fall over that edge. “Fuck me, Kylar! Fuck me now.” I let out a growl that is all I needed to hear.

  “Hands and knees, Callie. Now, sweetheart. I want to be buried inside that hot cunt of yours. I’m going to give you what you are begging for and what the fuck I need. Damn, you drive me crazy.” I help Callie up onto her knees. Callie has taken her gown off and she knows that she is never to come to bed in panties. I want nothing between my cock and her pussy at night. I position myself behind her and she turns her head to look at me. My little minx is impatient. I bend down to her and put small kisses up her back and swipe my hand between her legs. I feel the dampness but bring my fingers back to her clit and massage it slowly, pressing down firmly just like she likes. My cock slides between her ass cheeks. I bring my mouth to her ear and nibble on her earlobe and then run my tongue around. I whisper in her ear. “Are you ready?”

  “God, yes. Please, Kylar, now.” Callie is breathless and I barely understand her. I sit back up and line my cock up with her slick hole and bury myself balls deep in one stroke. Holy shit! Callie feels so damn go
od. I pull back out all the way until the head of my cock is all that is left in and I sink back in slowly. Callie is pushing back into me. Her ass grinding against me. She wants me to go faster but Callie is not in control here, I am. I slap her ass and I see the pink hand print but it only spurs her on more. I pull all the way back again only leaving the head in.

  “I’m in control here, Callie. I will give you my cock the way I want you to have it.” Callie balances herself on one hand and she puts the other one between her legs. Damn. The thought of Callie getting herself off with me buried deep inside her makes a tingle start up my spine. “That’s it baby, make yourself cum.” I grab a hold of Callie’s hip and I slam back into to her and start a slamming pace. I feel Callie’s cunt sucking me in. She’s trying to milk my cock and I’ll be damned if it isn’t working. I pull back and slam back into her over and over. My heart is racing. I feel the spasms of her climax beginning. I elevate myself up and come down and grind myself into her. I reach around with one hand and pinch her nipple and she goes crazy. Slamming back against me as fast as I am into her and then she goes still, but I keep up the pace and I feel my seed filling Callie. I pull out and come all over my woman’s beautiful ass. Damn that is hot. I feel the tension leave my body and I roll me and Callie to our sides and bring her into my chest.

  “I love you, Kylar. I needed that.” I let out a laugh.

  “I think we both needed that. Love you, babe.” I kiss the top of her head.

  “We are making a mess.” Like she cares.

  “Don’t worry, babe. I’ll clean us up. The sheets you’ll have to take care of.” Callie moves back a little so she can see my face. She has a mad look on her face.

  “I was going to wash them anyway. Why did you come in smelling like Charisma’s cheap perfume last night?” I should have taken a shower before I came home early this morning.

  “Club business. I’ll get you a warm rag and then you can go back to sleep for a little while. It’s still early. You’re going to have a long day today so try to get some rest.” I roll out of the bed before she can ask any more questions or we have the same argument we have had the last few days. I make my way into the bathroom and get a rag and run warm water over it. I go back to the bed and remove the cover and gently clean my woman. Hopefully she wants some more sleep and will let this drop but I am not that lucky.


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