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Beginning of the Inevitable (Feral Steel MC Series Book 1)

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by Vera Quinn

  Chapter 11


  Every damn place I turn someone is screwing shit up for me. Croup wouldn’t help me out. His MC isn’t anything but a bunch of screw ups and he acts like I am doing wrong. He will get his. No, he won’t get his. His sixty big ones. I consider us even but my friend’s list is getting smaller. That can be good. Less people to share my shit with when I get Feral Steel MC back. It is just a matter of time.

  Charisma and Starla fucked up. Charisma is caught. I thought she would be my ol’ lady when I got the club back. My plan had changed but I didn’t let her know. She thinks I didn’t know she was trying to get Devil. Sarge will have her at the end of his scope soon. I am not all busted up over it. Starla got out but she slipped away from Stacks. We will find her. She has some of the same habits I do and she can’t hide for long. She’ll have to come out and score. If I hadn’t had my wild cards helping me for the last six months I would have had problems. Stacks and Kane are my wild cards. Devil doesn’t know it but they are our cousins. We all heard the stories growing up. The rumors. We ignored them and no one would say much in front of Steel but Steel had a brother. Steel killed him when he betrayed the club. What do they say about history repeating itself? I will repeat that history. I have every intention of sending Devil to ground. Kane and Abel. I will take it all. Stacks and Kane will help me until I am finished using them and then they will go to ground too. I will share control with no one.

  Devil has it all wrong. He thinks I want the club first. That’s not right. I want Callie first. My plan changed when everyone decided to pick Devil. Who the hell is he? He owes me. Callie will be mine. She is the repayment. I have some fire to put in her veins and then she will be hooked and I can control her. She will do whatever I want her to. If I say dance, she will dance. If I say fuck, she will fuck. Just to get that needle again. It’s a great plan. The needle never lets me down. I almost wished I could keep Devil alive long enough for him to see it. Almost. No, he must go to ground so I can make the Feral Steel MC mine. With their territory, I can complete my plan. All the players will be in place as soon as Dra makes it to Oklahoma. No one has a clue who all is involved and how much planning has gone into this. They think I am a burned-out druggie who can’t use his brain. I may have my vices but I am no dumbass. Just a little while longer and it will all be in place. I walk to my room in this run down dump. It is the worst place I have been while I have been on the run but it will do for now. I open my backpack and there is my best friend. I take the needle out and take my belt off. I take the vial out with my liquid friend in it and fill the syringe. I sit back on the bed and wrap my belt around my arm and tighten it. My veins don’t pop like they used to but I see a good possibility. I slide the needle in and push the plunger down. When I am sure it is all in I loosen the belt and I feel the warming. I have just enough time to take my friend out and put it on the table and I no longer care about anything. I just ride the high.

  Chapter 12


  I am sitting in a chair beside Callie’s bed just watching her. She looks so peaceful sleeping. Chief is walking the floor. I know I need to sleep for a while but I don’t want Callie or Killian out of my sight. I could have lost them both. Callie is covered in bruises down her side. Her and Killian have another twenty-four hours in here at least. Dr. White and Dr. Lyles said they won’t sign them out for at least that long. They are being cautious which I am good with. Tazer is bringing Callie’s doctor from Texas with him and Maizy. He is retired and is taking the job to care for Callie and the baby at home. We are going to have a full house. Bourbon and Rye’s chapter of the BlackPath MC have the motel in town. No one is coming into town or leaving without us knowing. I am brought out of my thoughts by Chief.

  “You know you have to move now. Stone is close but if you don’t move soon he could be in the wind again. We will protect your family. Do it Devil.” I look at Chief and he has a challenge in his eyes.

  “I’m waiting for Callie to wake up. Quit pushing me old man.” I look Chief in the eye. Chief knows I know what I need to do. What must be done. Tito and Oz got a lead on the rider of the bike that picked Starla up. Hacksaw nabbed Starla. Charisma is two floors up from us. She has a concussion but when she is released she will be going into police custody. Sarge is on his way to the hospital with Callie’s twin sisters. Dra is working with Oz at the clubhouse. “I’ll do it as soon as I hear Callie talk to me. I don’t butt into your business with your ol’ lady so stay out of mine. I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks about it, including you. It works for us and that’s all that matters. I’m not some egotistical man that thinks Callie will keep putting up with this shit. She’s walked away from me before and I will do everything I can to make sure that doesn’t happen again. I’m not a damn pussy but I love my ol’ lady. So back off.” Chief smiles at that. I start to say something smart ass to him but I hear the voice I have been waiting to hear for the last few hours.

  “Dad, leave Kylar alone. I love this man.” I look at Callie and she gives me that smile. “I’m okay Kylar. Go do what you need to.”

  “Sarge is on his way with Micah and Maddie. I’ll be leaving with him. Your sisters are staying with your dad here. They put the bracelet on your dad so he can go with Killian if he needs anymore tests. Micah and Maddie can stay with you. We have men in the hospital and outside. Oz has tapped into the hospital security cameras so we can see everything. You need to know Charisma is still two floors up with a concussion. As soon as they can they will be moving her to the jail. We have eyes on her too.” Callie is taking it all in. “How do you feel?”

  “Like I have been run over by a truck and weak. I don’t think I can do that again so you need to keep someone close.” Callie sounds tired. “How’s Killian and Kellan?”

  “Killian is great. Right over there in his little bed.” I point over by Chief. Callie sits up a little so she can see. “You want me to bring him to you?”

  “Not right now. Let him sleep. I may nod back off. Come here, Kylar.” I move over on the side of the bed and she pulls me down to her. I think she is going to kiss my cheek but she whispers in my ear.

  “You go find Stone and anyone else that wants to hurt our family and take care of them. I will be fine and as soon as I get some rest I will take care of our sons with some help. I love you and will be fine until you get back. Just come home safe.” Then she kisses my cheek. I turn my head and catch her lips. I put everything I have in that kiss until I hear the door open. I look and part of our company has arrived.

  “Are you trying to knock Callie up again in the hospital? Let her breathe, Devil. Damn.” That’s Micah’s hello. Micah doesn’t look as much like Callie as Maddie but her attitude damn sure matches hers. I am not her favorite person and truth be told if it wasn’t for Callie, Micah and I would probably butt heads. Where I think Callie’s attitude is cute, on Micah it is annoying as hell. Micah and Callie bonded quickly where Maddie and Callie took a little longer. Maddie looks more like Callie but their attitudes are a little different. Maddie is quiet but I have seen her fiery side come out. She’s just slower to get that attitude. Maddie likes to blend into the crowd where Micah wants to be the center of attention. Callie is somewhere in the middle.

  “Fuck off to you too, Micah. Not even a hello before you start in with attitude?” I say in a total smartass way. Maddie goes straight to Killian and doesn’t say a word.

  “I’m going to get some coffee.” Chief says. The door opens again and Sarge walks in with two coffees and a big bag in his hand.

  “I brought coffee and some burgers. Didn’t know what you would want so we just did burgers. Figured it would be better than hospital food.” Sarge walks over to Chief and hands him the food and a coffee. He walks over to me and gives me the coffee as I sit on the side of the bed. He walks to the other side of the bed without a word to me and bends down and kisses Callie on the forehead. “How you doing, darlin’?” I clear my throat and he only smiles at me. “Devil,
get over it. Callie and I are friends and you just need to deal with it because I’m going nowhere. But friends are all we are because that’s the way she wants it to be.”

  “Okay you two. Mason don’t poke the bear. Kylar has had a long day. He knows that you are my friend. Let it go.” Callie is trying to smooth it over. Sarge is the only boyfriend Callie had before me. They were engaged at one time but he screwed that up. Still, he rubs it in my face every chance he gets. Micah is standing there with her hand on her hip and she has her eyebrow lifted. There is something going on there. “I’m okay, Mason.”

  “So, Devil has had a hard day? Looks like you’re the one all banged up, darlin’.” Sarge is laying it on thick with concern.

  “Mason, we both have had an eventful twenty-four hours but I am happy to say we have another healthy son.” Callie looks toward Killian who Maddie is kissing and cuddling now. “The rest is just life. We’ll deal. I’m glad that you all made it safe. I have missed all of you. In fact, Kylar and I have something to ask you Micah and Maddie.” Callie looks at me for reassurance. I didn’t like it but we finally agreed that since Felix and Dra are Kellan’s godparents that we would ask Micah and Maddie to be Killian’s. Not something I am over joyed about but I know these two would do anything for our children just like Felix and Dra. I just feel like if anything happens to us that Killian will need a strong male influence. The next thing out of my mouth shocks even me.

  “We need to include Sarge in this, too. I have thought about it and Killian will need a strong male figure and if anything happens to us and I think Sarge is up for the job if he quits being such an ass.” I have shocked them all into silence. Callie’s mouth is hanging open and Sarge looks like he is about to laugh.

  “Well damn! That had to have hurt. The Devil himself is asking me to look after his son if anything happens to him.” Sarge looks at Callie and then over to Killian. “I would be honored. Thank you.”

  “Well, if that didn’t have to have hurt you, too.” I give it right back to Sarge.

  “Thank you, Kylar. That is very thoughtful. I love you. You amaze me more every day.” I go over by Micah and grab Callie’s hand. She pulls me over to her and kisses me.

  “Can you two please restrain yourself with the PDA? My stomach can’t take too much more of this sweet. It’s like too much candy at one time, makes me want to puke.” Micah says while laughing.

  “Well, I think they are heartwarming. Like something out of my romance novels. They work together to overcome everything and no matter what the world throws at them they just love each other and their family through it. I would be happy to be a godmother.” That’s Maddie, the sweet one.

  “You know that shit in those books is turning your brain to mush. You’ve become a bleeding heart and you bleed all over everyone else.” Micah is poking fun at Maddie as usual.

  “Leave your sister alone. Nothing wrong with her attitude. At least she’s not all piss and vinegar like you.” Sarge takes up for Maddie.

  “No. I live in the real world, men are assholes, shit happens, and life goes on. I wasn’t looking for a man when I found the last one and I won’t be looking when I find the next one. I keep my sanity that way.” Micah walks over to Maddie and Killian and looks at him. Her face softens. She talks big but her heart just thawed at the sight of our son.

  “You are such a cynic. One day, Micah, you are going to really fall in love and then your attitude will change. You will find the one and then I will get to laugh at you.” Maddie tells her.

  “Did you read that in one of your books? Because I am not losing my god given good senses to no man. The last man I was with cared more about appearances than me. I have decided to get mine and walk away. Less heartache.” Micah sounds worse than usual. “Maddie, you should have taken my advice.” Maddie gives Micah a go to hell look and Micah shuts up.

  “So, you’re telling me that we will not be fucking again? Just say what you mean, Micah. I don’t have a problem with it.” Sarge says with a sarcastic tone. “Or were you trying to keep the us fucking thing a secret from Callie?”

  “Ok. That’s about enough. Kylar, why don’t you and Mason go for a walk while my sisters and I kiss all over our son. You probably want to get out of this room for a while. I’m going to eat one of those burgers and then Killian will need to be fed again.” Callie is always trying to be a peacemaker. I take her burger out of the bag and hand to her and keep the other one with me.

  “Sarge, let’s take a walk and talk.” I say to Sarge.

  “Ok. I have some updates.” Sarge bends down and kisses Callie’s forehead. “You did another great job Callie. Your son is beautiful.” I hate the way his voice goes all soft when he talks to my woman but I know if he had to, he would protect Callie and our boys with his life. For that reason, I can’t hate him the way I used to. I go over and kiss Killian’s forehead and go out of the door with Sarge right behind me. I take a few steps out in the hall. I make sure no one can hear me and I whisper so only Sarge can hear me.

  “So, now you’re fucking Micah? What the hell? Why of all people Callie’s sister?” I ask half laughing. “She’s not even the sweet one.”

  “I don’t do sweet. Micah and I understand each other and it’s none of your business. You just take care of your own.” Sore subject apparently. I turn so I can look at him completely. I see he is serious.

  “I can respect that. Let’s go downstairs to the lobby and I will have Tito come in so he can relay anything that needs to go to Oz.” We make it to the elevator and I hit the button.

  “Sounds like a plan. I have a lot of new information and I think I know who is helping Stone. If I’m right, then we will have Stone by his balls before the week is out. I know you want him but if I get my sights on him, he’s dead. I won’t give him another chance to hurt anyone else.” Sarge tells me calmly like he is telling me the damn weather.

  “I can live with that, but I want proof.” I think about it and add. “I have to see his dead body with my own eyes to have peace of mind.”

  Chapter 13


  I look at my sisters fawning over Killian and I hope they can find the kind of happiness I have found. “Ok, Micah, spill it. What’s going on with you and Mason?” I know we will only have so long before the guys are back or someone else barges in the door. I unwrap my burger and it smells delicious. I take the first bite waiting on Micah to spill the information.

  “Same old thing as every other man has given me. He either wants to control me or he ignores me.” I can hear the hurt under the anger. I eye Micah closely. She has circles under her eyes and she looks tired. Her and I will be having a talk when I get home.

  “He tried to apologize but you wouldn’t listen to him Micah. You can only push a guy away so many times before he is going to run in the other direction. You’re not very nice to Sarge.” Maddie chastises Micah. Micah is pouting but comes back with something that shocks me and I don’t shock easily.

  “He left me in a motel room without a word for over a week. Then the next time I see him he has some slut on the back of his bike. I’m not the one that was chasing after him. Calling every day doesn’t make up for that. At least I didn’t give it up and get knocked up the first time like you. Damn, Maddie, I’m not perfect.” Micah realize what she has said and slaps her hand over her mouth. She looks at me and then back to Maddie. Maddie’s face is bright red and she looks on the verge of tears.

  “Ok. You two both calm down and take a deep breath.” I sound way calmer than I am. I look at Maddie and she has Killian cuddled up. “Maddie, are you pregnant? The last time we talked you didn’t even have a boyfriend.” Micah butts in.

  “She doesn’t have a boyfriend. She had a one night stand with Dra.” Micah goes over and sits beside Maddie and takes Killian and lays him back in his bed. “I’m sorry Maddie but it is better if you are honest with Callie. We’re sisters and it’s not like she is still carrying a torch for him. She’s in love with Devil and anyone can
see that if you spend five minutes with them.” Micah sits back and puts her arm around Maddie. I don’t know if she is trying to give her strength or courage. Nothing could be that bad.

  “Maddie, you can tell me anything. I don’t know what it is but it can’t be that bad. Just let her do it when she is ready, Micah.” I look at them both and when Maddie starts to speak I can barely hear her voice.

  “I am pregnant.” She won’t look me in the eye. She’s looking at the floor. “I went to Colorado on some business for Aunt Deb. I remembered that Dra lived there so I called him and we met up. We were drinking and one thing lead to another. It was my own fault to tell you the truth. I volunteered to go on the business trip. I wanted to see Dra again. We used protection but the condom broke. Dra was really drunk and I am so inexperienced. I just found out for sure right before we left home. I haven’t even had a chance to tell Dra yet.” She looks at me and then back down. “He apologized the next morning. He said he was sorry things got out of hand. I didn’t tell him I was still a virgin but he said he knew and he was sorry. Who says they are sorry for having sex with you? I guess I am not very good at it. Dra said he wasn’t good enough for me and he would never want to hurt you because of what we did.” She looks at me in a questioning way.

  “Maddie, come here.” She gets up and walk over to me. I put the rest of my burger on the tray by me. I put out my hand to her and pull her to me. “Dra was a butthead. He hurt you, not me. I love Kylar and I don’t want to see Dra physically hurt, but I do not still have feelings for him like that. If he treats you like this after you were together, then he is right. He’s not good enough for you. You deserve much better. You have the biggest heart and you go out of your way to help everyone. You are a glass is half full kind of person and this world can use a heck of a lot more people just like you. We’ll be here for you. All of us. If you want, you can even move to Oklahoma so you can be closer so we can raise our children together. It’ll be okay. You have plenty of time to think this out and decide.” Maddie is softly crying as I hold her close to me. She finally climbs up in the bed beside me.


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